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RMVX Script Index

Started by modern algebra, January 17, 2009, 09:22:04 PM

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Quest Journal, by modern algebra
Version: 2.1 (1.1 is also still up)
Category: Custom Scenes
This script provides a graphical interface for viewing quest progress. It is an objective based quest log, meaning you can choose to reveal, conceal, complete, or fair any objective at any time. You can also specify which objectives need to be completed for the quest to be complete. It requires a fair amount of customization and designing the quests is entirely left up to you.

Quest Journal - Add-on, by Mitsarugi
Version: 2.1b+
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a little add-on i needed for my game and since i'm an amateur scriptwriter i made it myself with the help of
  • cozziekuns
  • JonFawkes
  • Pacman
it adds the possibility to see the number of items in possession for a quest in the Quest Journal.

+[Quick Face Border]+, by woratana
Version: 1.5
Category: Message Systems
This script will add the border on Face,

The border will create from window skin you choose

Quick Save / Load / Delete, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Save/Load/Delete save file you want with call script

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

modern algebra


Rafidelis Title X, by rafidelis
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Pictures Title with effects of movements and fade in/fadeout. A different layout for the title scene.

Random Battle Transition, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This snippet makes the battle transition random. The name is self-explanatory. All the transitions MUST be in the Graphics/System folder.

Random Dungeon Creator, by Racanhack; translated by LilTerra
Version: 3.0
Category: Map Utility
Creates A dungeon Which Changes Every Time You Use It

Random Encounters By Level, by modern algebra
Version: 1.5
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows the game maker to give monsters levels, and then based on those levels, it determines what enemy troops can be attacked by the player at his current level. That is kind of confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by example. The maker can set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims, and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99, because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the enemies are and an average among each troop is calculated, and with this script you will only be able to fight monster troops that are within level range of your heroes. You can set the level range as well, thus making some maps harder and others easier

Random Fadein, by Deity
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to use transition files for regular teleports instead of default fade, similar to the battle transitions. it selects from them randomly 

Random Name Generator, by Logan Forrests
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Generates random names for actors (through the Name Input Processing scene) using an algorithm which interprets a data set of given names in a particular language to provide fairly good accuracy in actual names used.

Random Stat Variance for Items, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows weapons or armors to have randomly varying stats. So, one long sword could have 5 ATK while another could have 7 ATK.

+Random Title Script+, by woratana
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script will random your tile screen.
To make player not get bored every time they start game.

Recharge Skills, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This allows you to make it so that skills can be set to need to recharge after use. In other words, you can make it so that once an actor uses Heal, he or she cannot use Heal again for x number of turns. This script will also allow you to make items, weapons, and states that can increase or reduce the amount of time it takes to recharge a skill, as well as create items and skills that can immediately recharge any skills that are charging.

Record Target Variable, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to save the ID of an actor or enemy targetted by a skill or item to a designated variable. It is perfect for use in Common Events that are called by using items or weapons, as you can add additional effects that effect the specific target through the common event.

Note that it only works for targetted items and skills - if the scope has multiple targets, than it will not update the value.

Records Window, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Graphical Utility
This snippet will allow you to show some variables in a window at the bottom-left corner of the screen in a window.

Recover HP/MP/States when Level Up, by woratana
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Here is a little snippet I scripted after lost one VX game.
I just think that it should be easier (for player) if actors' status are recover when they level up.

Regenerate HP/MP on Defense, by Synthesize
Version: 1.2.0A
Category: Battle Systems
With this script, the developer has the ability to allow players to regenerate HP and/or SP (Now MP) when they defend. The customization is at the top of the script. This script was made by analyzing the Scene_Battle script in the Trial version and then remaking it in XP, so there may/may not be bugs.

ReinoRPG HUD, by LB
Version: 0.6
Category: Map Utility
This is an on screen HUD that shows the name, character, HP, MP, Level, and money. This HUD is highly customizable you can make it look any way you want. The configuration part is at the beginning of the script. You may need to play around with the script at first to figure out the configuration. Whatever the name your money is in the game you will also have to go to the script and set the name there also if you want the money to appear on the HUD. I love this script because it looks good and it is highly customizable.

Relatively Simple Fogs, by miget man12
Version: 1.5
Category: Map Utility
This script takes a different approach to fogs. Instead of having you enter a script call to make a fog appear, it will draw a different fog every time you transfer. In other words, each map has it's own fog that is automatically drawn. I originally made it for use in Twilight1300's Legend of Zelda: Realm of the Gods, then I decided to use it in my own project. I eventually edited it quite a bit, and I did some research, and I found that Woratana's is one of the few working fog scripts. I don't know about every one else, but that script creates a ton of lag for me Cheesy. Anyway, I decided to post this for others. Version 1.5 gives you the ability to use multiple fogs!

Remove Dead Actors, by Piejamas & jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
This snippet will allow you to remove actors from the party all together when they are inflicted with "incapacitated" state. I re-made this from Piejamas' code to make it compatable with a couple of my snippets and to improve checking.

Replace Skill, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script is very simple. It allows you to specify skills to forget when a certain skill is learned. As a corollary, you also will not learn a new skill if you already have a skill that would have replaced it.

Sounds useless? Kind of. But it can be helpful if, say, you want to give the impression of a skill levelling up. Say you have a series of skills: Heal I is learned at level 2, Heal II is learned at level 14, and Heal III is learned at level 32. With this script, you can set it so that Heal I is forgotten when you learn Heal II, and Heal II is forgotten when you learn Heal III.

Revive State, by modern algebra
Version: 1.1
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to make states that will revive the actor who has it immediately upon KO. You can set to what health it revives them to, either directly or by percentage, and you can set the SE and message that plays when it works.

RM Data Checker, by Yeyinde
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This program scans through your RMXP or RMVX project for unused or missing graphics and audio, and tells you what database elements are used.  Future versions will of program will provide a more in-depth analysis of your game data, and even make an attempt to fix certain things, like corrupt data files.
I'm sure that this program will be of great assistance to those developing your games, and I hope you will use it to check all of your games.

Roguelike Random Dungeon Generator, by cozzikuns
Version: 1.0a
Category: Map Utility
Randomly generates a different map each time the player enters the area; randomly relocates events and the player; is always solvable (so long as you make an exit).

Run/Guard Hotkey (+ ATB version), by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This snippet allows you to add a hotkey type system to let players have a handy button to automaticly run or guard. Cannot use with ATB. This script has: 2 customization options.

modern algebra

S (A-M)

For more scripts beginning with the letter S, see: S (N-Z)

Savepoint System, by Rubymatt
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This system is basically a Savepoint System, which allows the user to choose to Save, use a Tent or cancel.  Tents recover the entire party, and are items from the database, so they're easy to manage.

Saving Events, by miget man12
Version: 1.1
Category: Event Utility
Useful for: saving event locations, saving event graphics, and makes lack of self switch amount issues go away

Scene_Base, by Nathmatt
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This script is an updated version of the original Scene_Base

Scene Menu Customization, by heisenman
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
The scope of this script is to edit simple values in the Scene_Menu, such as windows coordinates and opacity. It also provides the option to have a picture as background.

Scene Menu Redux, by Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This is more or less a revision of the menu scene. Included in the script are a couple of features. Note that I will NOT take credit for KGC's custom menu command script as all I did was merely import it into this script and finished up the excluded functions that he's left behind. Everything else I did add to the script.

Add, remove, and re-order commands akin to KGC's CustomMenuCommands. Akin to this feature will include what KGC's original script was missing and that was easy functionality to include custom menu commands without hassling the core script itself. Also added is the ability to launch common events from the main menu itself for those who wish to event unique commands.

The redux menus are completely optional and are mostly nothing other than visual changes to the menu scene. You can add icons to the command window, display more than just gold on the main menu screen, and added experience bars to the party window.

Scene Shop Redux, by Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
The shop scene was more or less fine by itself aside from a few efficiency issues. This script patches up those efficiency problems in and displays more data given for buyable items. Before, we received nothing but a blank number input window only to show us how much of the item is being bought. The script makes use of that empty space to give a little more detail on what is being purchased. The status window also more or less compares only one stat. This script will increase that to the four ADSA stats. For games with more than 4 party members, you may have experienced that the status window didn't have enough room to show. Imported from KGC is the ability to scroll that window to allow for a more comfortable and informative shop scene.

Scene Status Redux, by Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
There's not a whole lot of reason for the player to visit the status menu. Not too much to see aside from things you can already view in other menus such as the equipment menu for stats. This script will provide additional functionality to the scene in addition to allowing the game maker to free up additional space in the main menu for the not actor-oriented stuff. For those that have used KGC's Custom Menu Command, this script works akin to that in the way that it's there for the status menu rather than the command menu.

Scene Tutorial, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows you to create tutorials for the scenes in your game, such as for the menu or for the battle system, by freezing user input and allowing you to control the movement of the scene through a special tutorial common event.

Scene Window Opacity, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a simple and perhaps a little useless script that allows you to easily alter the transparency of all the windows in any given scene. It's only really useful if you want, for instance, all of the menu scenes to be a little more transparent so you can see more of the map.

Scheduler, by Zeriab
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
How many of you tried creating a parallel process where you put in an amount of frames and then a script call or something else afterwards?
Basically a simply way of doing something after an amount of frames. This is the principle behind the script. To schedule pieces of code to be executed after an arbitrary amount of frames. No making decrementing counters. The scheduler takes care of all that or well most of it. It is still not as simple as using the wait event command.

Screensaver, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This snippet will allow you to set a screen dim to occur if the program has been left idle for a certain amount of time.

Screenshot, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows the player to take a screenshot of any area in the game that he/she wants. Useful for sharing achievements I suppose. I made it for my own nefarious purposes and without thinking whether it would have any real purpose in an actual RM game.

Script Inputter, by miget man12
Version: 1.1
Category: Scripting Utility
Allows you to type in and evaluate script expressions while playing. Requires Vlad's Input script.

Scrolling Window_Help, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to auto scroll the text in Window_Help if it becomes too long for the window to hold. Originally, RPG Maker would auto resize the text to make it thin and aesthetically displeasing to the eye.

Sell-Only Shop, by Enelvon, with assistance from Seiryuki
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows for sell-only shops by disabling the "buy" option. My intention was to combine that feature with Mithran's LimitShopBuy script to create a shop that would only buy certain items from your party's inventory whilst hiding all other items. E.g. Using both scripts, a Loot shop would have the ability to buy Loot, and only Loot, from your party's inventory and would be unable to sell Loot back to you.

Set Actor Max Level, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
This snippet will allow you to set each actor to have an individual maximum level that they can reach in-game.

Shake Window, by Exhydra
Version: 1.4
Category: Miscellaneous
Shaking the screen not enough to emphasize something that happened in game? Want the metor you just dropped on the players to rock more than the pixels inside of the game? Shake Window will allow you to kindly jiggle or ruthlessly rattle the game window in custom directions as well as allow you to shake the screen while you're at it.

Shatter Transitions, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to have more dynamic battle transitions that directly change the on-screen image, rather than simply blend it as normal transition graphics do. It also includes a feature to use RMXP style transitions, meaning that the next scene will show up behind the transition instead of simply being black.

For a full list of the types, please visit the full topic.

Shop Input Expansion, by Ahnez67
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This Script adds 4 new features to the Shop's Number Input. By default, you can buy up to 99 itens at the same time (100+ if you're using my Inventory: Breaking Limits Script).
You can select how many items you want to buy, adding ou subtracting 1/10 units per time. But, if your limit is 9,999, then it will take forever, knowing that you can only add 10 units at the same time.
With this script, you can Add/ Subtract 100 units at same time. Or even skiping all this work, pressing Left when the number of items is 1.

Shortcuts To Scenes, by rafidelis
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to access the menu items, without having to enter the menu, it occurs through keyboard shortcuts

Shovel, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allow you dig on fertile ground if you have a shovel equiped


- You can dig only on fertile ground fertilized by the script
- You can choose between 3 different types of treasures, Items, Weapons and armor or all of them at the same time
- Dig if you have a Shovel

Show Animated Pictures, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to show animated pictures through the regular event commands.

Show Enemy States, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script shows enemy states when targetting them in the DBS. It is recommended that it be used with Ziifee's State Icon Animation script or any other State cycling script, as it looks best when displaying only one icon at a time.

Show Slip Damage, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.2
Category: Graphical Utility
A system designed to show the amount of slip damage dealt to both actors and enemies. Originally found in my Tales of Icarus Script Package.

Show Variable-Based Stats in Status Scene, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to display the values of variable-based stats in the status menu of an actor. Thus, if you assign, say, a luck stat to each actor that determines how often they win the lotto, and you save this stat in a variable, then this script allows you to show that stat right below the other parameters the actor has, such as ATK, DEF, AGI, and SPI.

Sidhenidon's Crafting System, by sidhenidon
Version: 1.1
Category: Custom Scenes
I had been playing Minecraft. I love how the crafting table works, being totally dynamic and based on the position of items on it, so I decided to replicate this functionality in RMVX, and it sorted out being better than I expected.

Simple Area Extender [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This adds options to areas.

Simple Battle HUD, by Dark Gaia
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Sick of seeing the same old boring battle status window in your game? Want something a bit different to the same old list with just your party's names and HP bars? That looks a bit dry, doesn't it?
This simple plug and play script will change that for you, by swapping over your battle status window for a nice looking HUD complete with facesets!
Plus, there's no need to make your own HUD image!

The reason I made this script is simple; I wanted to use EvenAngel's HUD script in my game but lacked the graphical skills to make a HUD image for it, so I decided to make my own HUD script which uses the normal battle window instead of a custom image.

Simple Debugger, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Can speed up the frame rate of the game by pressing F5

Simple Gold HUD, by XaiL, with IceDragon & Jet [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.1a
Category: Map Utility
Creates an HUD which shows Gold.

Simple Footsteps Script, by miget man12
Version: 2.0
Category: Map Utility
I made this because I wanted to be able to use footsteps without having to use the confusing (in my opinion) configurations of DeadlyDan's Footstep's script. I also made this to have the ability to have events have footsteps, which DeadlyDan's lacks.

Simple Journal, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0b
Category: Custom Scenes
A scene which can show quest progress.

Simple Mail System, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
A simple mail system akin to the one in Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and Final Fantasy III DS.

Simple Map HUD, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.1a
Category: Map Utility
Creates an HUD which shows the name of the map.

Simple Map Screenshot, by cozziekuns & Zeus91
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows you to take a screenshot of a whole map, depending on the map id. The screenshot will not include the characters.

Simple Mouse System, by woratana [Also included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.5
Category: System Utility
- Support to use mouse in many scenes / windows
e.g. Battle Scene, Shop, Name Input Screen
- Click on map to move player using Path Finding
- Click on NPC when player is close to that NPC to talk.

Simple Pedometer HUD, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.1a
Category: Map Utility
A simple pedometer HUD. The only reason I can see that this could be useful is if you have an item akin to an egg in pokemon, where the item will hatch, break, etc on a specific step count, and you want your player to be able to see how many steps his walked.

Simple Quit, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
A simple end scene with a few features. No need for explaining how it works.

Simple Scripts Pack, by XaiL
Category: Miscellaneous
Simple Scripts Pack is a package filled with a few scripts that I wrote. It has been exclusively for another forum until now. Hope you enjoy them.
It includes the following scripts:

  • Simple Quit
  • Simple Title
  • Simple Teleport
  • Simple Area Extender
  • Simple Transfers
  • Simple Journal
  • Simple Gold HUD
  • Simple Self Switches
  • Simple Map HUD

Simple Self Switches, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This gives you options to control switches from outside of the event.

Simple Shadows, by Marc of Fall From Eden
Version: 1.1b
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a cosmetic script originally intended to work in tandem with Marc's Dynamic Lighting script in order to create shadows that are cast from the player and other events based on how close they are to a light source.

Simple Sort Inventory, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
Like in Tales of Phantasia, this inventory allows you to sort your items in the categories: All, Items, Weapons and Armours.

Simple Sort Skill Inventory, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This skill inventory allows you to sort your items in the categories: All, Damage, Healing and Status. You can even make your own categories, if that's how you roll.

Simple Teleport, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.1
Category: Custom Scenes
A scene which allows the player to choose destinations to which to teleport.

Simple Title, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Just a simple title scene with a few settings.

Simple Transfers, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script basically just changes the method when a player is transferring. You can set up a random transition to use when they are changing the map.

Simple Word Processing, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
A simple word processer which lets the player create, store and open various pieces of text. Not really practical, as I did this more as a challenge than as a utility, but it could be useful for things like player journals, organizers and the like.

Singular EXP, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This snippet will allow you to use a singular actor as a lead actor. This means, only that actor gains exp and the others level up with the leader.

Skill Teaching Equipment & Items, by modern algebra
Version: 2.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to assign skills to items, weapons and armors. When assigned to an item, it is possible to permanently learn the skill assigned when the item is used. For weapons and armors, you are able to learn the skill while the weapon or armor is equipped. Once the weapon or armor is unequipped, you will no longer have access to that skill.

Skills from Equipment, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Allows the player to learn skills from equipment

Skills that Cost HP, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to assign hp cost to skills. This means that you can make it so that a skill can hurt (or heal) the user when he casts it.

Skill Tree, by Deity
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This Script allow you tu use your own individual SkillTree for your Game.

  • Up to 99 Skills possible
  • Individual SkillTree for everyone
  • Simple using

Skip Title, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 2.0
Category: System Utility
Allows you to skip the title screen

Sliding Graphics, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This is a scripter's tool that allows you to slide any graphics in the scene of your choice. It is a very simple function which any scripter could do on their own, of course, but this should make it slightly easier.

modern algebra


TDS Control Self-Switch, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Just a simple script that allows you to control self switches of events even if they are on other maps.

Teleport Fade Options, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to use different fades from the default fade to black of teleports. You can now choose up to 32 different colours to fade to, as well as an option for no fade at all upon teleport, which allows you to custom fade and transition.

Terrain Types, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script restores the Terrain Types of RM2k3. Not only does this include a restoration of terrain tags (from XP), but it gives special settings that apply to tiles with those IDs.

  • Restores many of the features of 2k3 Terrain Types
  • Scrolling Background (and Foreground) images for battle, depending on the terrain type you are standing on.
  • Encounter Multiplier for certain terrain types, so that encounters can be more or less frequent depending on the terrain
  • Footstep Sound Effects that apply not only to players, but to events as well (if you specify that they should). Further, the footsteps of events increase in volume as they approach the player and decrease in volume as they move away from the player
  • Terrain types that can hurt (or heal) the player when they step on
  • Walking Speed can be influenced by the type of terrain
  • You can set some terrains to disable dashing
  • You can set some terrains to prevent airship landing and others to allow it. Perfect for Airports!
  • And much more! Read Editable Region B at line 131 for more details

Thomas Edison VX, by bulletxt
Version: 0.1
Category: Map Utility
This script is an enhanced version of the well known Light Effects written from Kylock. I decided to pick it up, fix some things and add some new important features. The most important one is that you can enable/disable a light through a switch call based on its type. For example you can make all FIRE lights go on/off with a switch, and with another switch make all GROUND lights go on/off. There are also new lights, for a total of 12. The script is also smart when using KGC Day Night system! When it's day, the lights keep off and when it's night they automatically go on! Instructions are inside the script.

Three Actor Menu, by DoctorTodd
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Menu Systems
A menu that is modified to work as if you are only using three actors.

Throw and Hit Events, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
  • Allow you to throw events on map
  • When you throw an event you can hit other event target then START
  • Allow you create wepons like bow, boomerang or any tool you want
  • Eeasy to use

    Tile ID, by Dils & sojabird
    Version: 1.0
    Category: Event Utility
    Actually, this is based on SojaBird's Tile-HUD, so ALL credit goes to him. Well, my dad helped a lot as well, so if you find a gamer on Halo that shoots himself, credit him too.

    This Script changes the A Tile you're standing on to 3 Variables which can be used for eventing and/or Scripting. I wanted to make this since I was inspired by the Camo Index from MGS 3.

    Tilemap to Bitmap, by cozziekuns
    Version: 1.0
    Category: Scripting Utility
    A scripting tool which converts the RGSS2 Tilemap class into a usable Bitmap

    Time-Based Encounter Rates, by modern algebra
    Version: 1.0
    Category: System Utility
    This script allows it so that encounters are not necessarily based on step count, but rather on seconds.

    Tone Tester, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
    Version: 1.0
    Category: Miscellaneous
    Allows a developer to test screen tones to choose the perfect one for the mood.

    Transitions in the Menu and Map, by rafidelis
    Version: 1.0
    Category: Graphical Utility
    This script creates transitions in each Scene of the game, and he fully customized, you can define scene in which they act transition, which will be used to image, which will be its duration and opacity.

modern algebra


Update Action Order per Action, by LoganForrests
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Forces the turn order to be redetermined each time a battler makes an action. Thus, speed changes (such as via Haste/Slow like skills) will affect the order a battler makes their action during the action order execution process, not when the action orders are recalculated at the next turn.

Please do note that this is designed primarily for the Default Battle System as it changes the way that make_action_orders works. It will probably conflict with Custom Battle Systems. If you do make use of a CBS, then please direct yourself to the Support section of this post.

Update Encounter Percentage, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to dynamically alter the rate at which encounters happen. It is useful particularly for making items or skills that can reduce or increase the rate of encounters. What this script does is allow you to specify a variable to control encounter rate, so you can use events and common events to change the percentage of the map default at which encounters occur.

modern algebra


Vampyr Net Gaming, by Vlad
Version: 1.0.5
Category: Miscellaneous
Allows for the creation of a server so that your VX game can become playable by multiple players over the internet!

Vampyr SBABS, by Vlad
Version: 9
Category: Battle Systems
A great Action Battle System for VX. It includes party battling.

Variable & Switch Debug HUD, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script is an extra feature that only works in Test Play. Basically, whenever a switch, self switch, or variable are modified, this script will display the modification just made and the result in the bottom left corner of the screen. This is useful for debugging complicated event systems as it allows you to track what is happening to the variable, switch, or self-switch every time you modify them.

Variable Controlled Backdrops, by Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
One of the greatest things to come out of RPG Maker 2003 that didn't appear in any of its successors was moving backdrops during battle. There was a front layer and then a back layer and it broke the monotony of a static background. This script lets you recreate all of that with ease and control it with ease. Just change a variable value inside the event editor and you'll receive the listed backdrop found in the hash within this script.

Variable Stat Booster for Enemies, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows you to boost the stats of enemies in-game by modifying the value of a variable. It will affect only the stats that you specify and you can specify different variables for different enemies. One of the most obvious uses for this is to modify the difficulty of a game, but it may also be used to make certain enemies stronger at night, etc...

Variable Value, by Crisis Core Master Core
Version: 2.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script is creating a new variable value that shows up in the Shop Scene, but you can't buy items with it. You msut still buy items by normal gold.

Vehicle Landing Restrictions, by ahref
Version: 1.00
Category: Map Utility
This script restricts where a player can exit their boats an ships. they can only exit their vehicles at specified events whose names contain "port". THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH AIRSHIPS.

Vehicle Maps, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
When you are in a vehicle, This script gives you the option to enter a specified map by pressing SHIFT. The idea is that you can make that map to be the inside of the ship or aircraft or what have you, and thus you can enter your vehicle and talk to the people on board.

Versus Popup, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows you to show a brief versus screen at the beginning of the battle that takes the face of the first actor and the battler of the first enemy of the troop and shows them before the battle begins, with an image of your choosing between them.

modern algebra


Weapon Unleash, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
A Script that replicates the "Weapon Unleash" system from the game series "Golden sun". It allows a weapon to randomly use a skill instead of an attack.

Website Launch from Title, by modern algebra
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to launch a website from the title screen.

Window ImageList, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
A command window that uses images instead of text

Window Pause Sprite Hijacked, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This script has no effect on its own. It is meant for scripters who wish to vary aspects about the pause graphic.

The pause graphic for windows is extraordinarily boring and, worse still, the sprite that shows pause graphics on instances of the Window class is, by default, unaccessible. This means that you have no control over its opacity, its position, its speed, etc... the only thing a scripter has control over, with regard to the pause graphic, is whether or not it is visible. The purpose of this script is to change that by hiding the original pause graphic and replacing it with a normal sprite over which the scripter has total control. So, if a scripter wants to make the pause graphic bigger, play an animation on it, change its position or speed with which it animates, this script allows him/her to do so. Moreover, the scripter can do this only for certain windows and leave other windows as default. However, the script is engineered so that the default behaviour of the pause sprite is the exact same, so non-scripters will not notice a difference by including this script in their game.

Window Status Profile, by ehime
Version: 1.01
Category: Menu Systems
It a simple script that draws a image on your status screen

WindowSkin, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This snippet allows you to change the windowskin of every default window in the program.

Wora's Christmas Giftbox, by woratana
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
A compilation of a number of wora's best known scripts.

Wordlocks, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to create chests or doors that are locked by riddles, and that will only open if the player gets the correct answer to it. You can put it in an event - the correct answer will turn on a self-switch in the event, and thus you can have any number of goodies hidden inside, controlled entirely by eventing. It is based on the Moredhel Wordlocks from Betrayal at Krondor and is very similar.

modern algebra


modern algebra


Yanfly Engine Melody, by Yanfly [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
This is the fourth generation of Yanfly scripts, again revamping many of the default systems and adding new features with a focus on efficiency. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

Yanfly Engine ReDux, by Yanfly [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
This is the second generation of Yanfly scripts, revamping many of the default systems and adding loads of new features. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

Yanfly Engine Zealous, by Yanfly [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Miscellaneous
This is the third generation of Yanfly scripts, sharing the goal of revamping RMVX but focussed on greater customizability. It is a collection of a number of wonderful scripts, designed to work with one another.

YEZ to YEM Status Biography, by Yanfly & heisenman
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This is a patch that brings back the YEZ Biography command in YEM Status Menu Melody. The Biography window displays actors biographies or classes descriptions.



Zoom Character, by Dark_falcao
Version: 0.5
Category: Graphical Utility
a script that allow you to increase or reduce the characters size



1-Dir Movement Style, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Movement is like resident evil. Left and Right turn the character, Up moves the character forward and Down moves the character backward

3 Character Menu, by Dark Gaia
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This is a simple menu rewrite that makes it so your menu only shows three characters, instead of the usual four. This is designed for games that use three character parties, like Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Trigger. It also adds a window displaying the player's current location along the bottom of the screen, just in case you don't already have one.

5 Line Messages, by miget man12
Version: 1.1
Category: Message Systems
Allows you to have messages that changes the maximum number of lines shown in the message window from 4 to 5.



Get Note's Data
Version: 1.2
Category: Scripting Utility
allow you to put your new data in note area, and you can pick them up via script.
it will make your data in each item unlimitable.



Abt Plouton

Kill Autoshadows, with modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script gives you the option to remove the autoshadows from appearing in your game.



Earthbound Battle Backgrounds
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script takes the core from Battle Backgrounds and modifies a few things. The picture is determined by the group/troop id and the abstract wavey pattern can be controlled. This is intended to recreate the backgrounds found in earthbound.

Vehicle Landing Restrictions
Version: 1.00
Category: Map Utility
This script restricts where a player can exit their boats an ships. they can only exit their vehicles at specified events whose names contain "port". THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH AIRSHIPS.

modern algebra


Event Scripter
Version: 0.8
Category: Scripting Utility
   With this script, you can easily spawn events through scripting.
   In this script, I have done the research and documentation, and you only have to call the simplified methods in your own class!
   Try it, it's pretty easy! (Well, still pretty advanced, but easier than handcoding everything!)

   Please note that this script is far from complete (50+ EventCommands to go!)

   Common users probably won't have any use of this, but for those who want to add that 'extra touch' (guns, etc.), this script is superb.

Expansion Suite
Version: 2.1
Category: Miscellaneous
   Expansion_Suite (ES) is, mainly, someting I've loved making... but I thought it was good enough uploading..
   It's supposed to be a warm, cuddly fur, to wrap around your game. How it turned out, is for you to decide.
   To understand Expansion_Suite, take a look a the feature list.

Version: 1.1
Category: Miscellaneous
   It's finally here.. a portalgun for RPG Maker VX!

This allows you to use portalgun functionality as seen in the popular Valve game Portal



Arclight's Enhanced Battle Messages
Version: 1.00B
Category: Message Systems
Allows for extra combat messages to be defined. You can make many messages for the same event and then each time the event happens script will pick one of them at random to use. Example: if you define "%s Emerged!" and "%s Got Angry!" as type 'emr', each time a enemy emerges the script will pick one of the two messages to display at the beginning of the battle.



Mother-Style CMS, with Woratana
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This script, edited from Worale's "Lite Menu" script, is meant to be a replicate of the CMS in the Mother series. I'm using this to sort of learn the ins and outs of RGSS2.

modern algebra

Dark Dragon X

Magica Scroll System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to equip your party with scrolls before entering a battle, which allows them to use certain skills. This will make a player think of a strategy before entring a battle and then applying it in the battle ground..

modern algebra


Animated Battlers
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Are you tire about that ESTATIC Battlers? here i bring you the best solution in  an easy way.
This script allow you animate the battlers graphicts


Breath effect in battlers

Dinamic Monsters Bestiary
Version: 1.5
Category: Custom Scenes
- Disaplay mosters parameter like HP,MP,DEF AGI etc.
- when you deafeat a monsters is added to bestiary by itself
- Script sort 5 diferent enemy classes like amateaur, noob, boss etc. based on parameters
- Beatyful breath effects was added to enemy battler
- Display enemy power based on parameters
- easy to use

Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Here a script that allow you to display the map name on map with a  handsome fade effect

Intructions: Just copy and paste to your project. yeah! easy like eat a peace of cake, but if you want to configure some thing like the display position you can do it in the module Fal_map_name of the script.

if you want to disable de display window you can activate the switch 50 (by deafault) you can change it.

Fog Effects
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Are you tire of those monotone maps? here i bring you the solution!!
This script allow you show Fog Effects on map,


- Fog effects graphics on map
- Fog zoom
- Fog Scrool X or Y
- Others features

Gold on Map
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
A script to show the amount of gold in the map. The script draws in the map an Icon of a little bag of money also.

Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allow you dig on fertile ground if you have a shovel equiped


- You can dig only on fertile ground fertilized by the script
- You can choose between 3 different types of treasures, Items, Weapons and armor or all of them at the same time
- Dig if you have a Shovel

Throw and Hit Events
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
  • Allow you to throw events on map
  • When you throw an event you can hit other event target then START
  • Allow you create wepons like bow, boomerang or any tool you want
  • Eeasy to use

    Zoom Character
    Version: 0.5
    Category: Graphical Utility
    a script that allow you to increase or reduce the characters size

modern algebra


Dragon-Quest Style Customizable Menu
Version: 1.20
Category: Menu Systems
Makes the menu mimic the popular Dragon-Quest series.

modern algebra


Custom Skill Damage Calculation
Version: 1.0ß
Category: Battle Systems
Lets you fully customize how skill damages are calculated. Some scripting knowledge required.

Stat Distribution System
Version: 1.71
Category: Custom Scenes
If you have played online game before, you will notice that some of them give you points upon level up and let you increase your stat as you like instead of having a pre-determined stats. This script mimics that system.

This script have 2 modes, regular mode where you get a fixed number of stats upon leveling up and 1 point will give you 1 stat increase.
Then there's RO (Ragnarok online) mode, where you gain a few points upon level up at lower level, but at higher level, you get more points per level up (calculated by formula)
and each stat will require more points for 1 increase at higher value. For example, you need 10 points to increase from 90 SPI to 91 SPI, but only 2 points to increase ATK from 2 to 3 (meaning, you can sacrify the points needed for the high stat and get several lower stats with the same amount of points Cheesy)

modern algebra

modern algebra (A-M)

For more scripts by modern algebra, see: modern algebra (N-Z)

Actor Prefixes
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This allows you to set prefixes to your classes that are based on actor level. Perfect if you want your classes to be rank based. For instance, with this script, your warrior can be Squire Philip between levels 1 and 10, Sir Philip between levels 11 and 30, Lord Philip between levels 31 and 60, and King Philip after level 60.

Actor Specific Item Effects
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to set items that have different effects based on who the item is used on. Thus, if you want to make apples give 50 HP generally but 100 HP to a particular actor who loves apples, you can do it. Similarly, if you want it to give only 25 HP to an actor who hates apples, you may do so. (Note that if you are using a script which predicts the effect of an item before using, it will not predict special effects correctly unless you ask me to write a patch). To add a graphical component to this script, please see the Graphical Favourite Items complementary script.

Advanced Areas
Version: 1.5
Category: Map Utility
Adds the ability to turn areas on and off with a swtich, as well set an encounter_step for the area that is independent of the map.

Advanced Text System
Version: 3.0c
Category: Message Systems
This script allows for various complex message commands. Among the features are some that will be familiar from previous message scripts, such as Seasons in the Abyss' SMS and AMS. Others, such as the formatted text and the animated facesets, are completely new (as far as I know). See below for the features and command codes

Ambush BGMs
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script will allow you to set different BGMs to play depending on the ambush conditions of the battle. Thus, if it is a pre-emptive attack (heroes have the upper hand), you can set it to play a different BGM from the regular, or if it is an enemy surprise attack, then you can set it to play still another BGM.

Animated Parallax
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed.

Animated Sprites in Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to draw an actor's sprite in any scene that already draws the actor's face. You can either use it to supplement the face graphic or replace the face graphic altogether. For each scene where you choose to use this feature, you can configure a number of options, such as where the sprite will show up (in relation to the face graphic), whether or not the face will also be drawn, what pose the sprite will start in, whether it will be animated, whether it will change directions (and if so, over what time interval), and if subsequently drawn sprites should be drawn in a different pose.

Apply State Equipment
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to assign states to equipment that will be applied to an actor for as long as he/she has that weapon or armor equipped.

Autotile Animation Speed Control
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
Tired of your waterfall (or any other autotile) animating too slowly (or too quickly)? This script allows you to set the speed that your A1 autotiles animate at.

Baldur's Gate Travel System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script is an alternative to World Map Travel and calls a menu so that the player may choose their next destination. It also allows for ambushes in the course of this journey.

Battle Scapes
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows you to create dynamic battle backgrounds consisting of as many layers of pictures as you want that can be zoomed in on, scrolled, blended, or a number of other effects to make your battle scenes look beautiful. Further, unlike other battleback scripts, you can make battlebacks for areas and not just by maps. You need to supply your own pictures and import them into the Parallaxes folder of your game.

Bitmap Addons
Version: 1.5
Category: Scripting Utility
This adds a few graphical methods to the Bitmap class, namely:

Boat/Ship Passability for Events
Version: 1.1
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to set events as boats or ships, and thus forces them to adhere to the passability of boats or ships. The most obvious use for it is for making a boat or ship event with random movement. Or really, any boat or ship events

Call Common Event By Variable
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to call a common event by setting a variable to its ID.

Catalogue Base
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This script acts as a base script for my catalogue scripts, and it is required for each of those scripts. It has a number of shared classes and methods that thereby reduce unnecessary coding for those scripts.

It is, however, strictly a support script. It has no useful purpose on its own.

Change Battle Transition
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to change the transition graphic in-game, so you can have multiple different transitions and can even randomize between them.

Change Party Order
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows the player to change party order on map through the use of the L and R buttons

Character Hover Graphics
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to place a graphic to hover over any characters in the map. Like in Diablo, when an NPC has something important to say, you can place an exclamation mark or any other thing over his/her head.

Chigoo's Sliding Default Menu System
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This is a menu, requested by chigoo, which is the same as the default menu except instead of the status window always being present, the command window shows up in the middle of the screen and the status window is off-screen. Once you select an option, however, the windows slide back into the places they belong.

Colour Coded Items/Weapons/Armors
Version: 2.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to set a special colour to any item, weapon or armor in the party's possession. SO, in scenes like Item or Equip, these items/weapons/armors would be drawn in whatever colour you specify.

Composite Character Sets / Visual Equipment
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to create character sets from multiple character sheets, layering them on top of each other. It also allows you to set character graphics to armors and weapons, and these character sets will be layered on top of the character, thus making it a Visual Equipment script as well.

Cursed Equipment
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to make cursed equipment; equipment that, once equipped, cannot be unequipped from the Equip scene. The only way it can be removed is manually, by an event command or a script call, or through items and skills that are specifically noted to remove curses.

Essentially, it operates like the Fix Equipment Actor Option, but it applies to weapons and armors, rather than by actor, and an actor will not be prevented from unequipping other equipment, only the cursed ones.

Damage Popup
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows damage to popup on top of the battler, rather than being shown in the message box.

Dash Animation
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to set a dash sprite to your player character, so that when the player is dashing, the graphic changes to that new sprite.

Dashing Ethereality
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script makes it so that you all events are set to through when the player is dashing. It is a feature in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

Description Codes
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script is essentially for the lazy person inside all of us. It basically allows you to use replacement codes inside a description for an item, weapon, armor, or skill. So, \n[1] would print the name of the Actor with ID 1, and \vocab[hp] would print the Vocab you set for HP in the Terms tab, etc...

Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to add entries into a diary, much like the system in Baldur's Gate. It allows you to make any number of entries and add them into the journal at any time, and they will be ordered by the playtime you encountered them in. Unlike Baldur's Gate, you can also set pictures in the entries, to appear to the left, right, or center at the top of the entry. Further, you can use a number of special codes in the script to make the entries more interesting.

This script also has built-in capabilities to add itself to the menu, though it may not be compatible with some custom menu systems.

Disable Dash States
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to set states that, if possessed by any actor in the party, will disable dashing until the state is removed.

Disable Skipping in Messages
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Systems
This script is a feature extracted from my ATS. But, since it is a useful feature and not all people want an entire message system for one little feature, I decided to make it its own little script. Basically, it allows you to set a code in a message that will make it so that the player cannot skip the message but has to wait for it to draw completely before going forward with the message.

Drop Options
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
This script is very simple. All it does is allow you to make item drops a little less static in two very simple ways: (a) you can make more than two drops for each enemy, so enemies can drop a greater variety of loot; and (b) you can randomize the amount of gold dropped by setting a range within which it can fall.

Editable Actor Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to change the actor options of Two Swords Style, Fix Equipment, Auto Battle, Super Guard, Pharmacology, and Critical Bonus in game, so that actors can learn these special feats in-game instead of either having them at the start of the game or not at all

Element Efficiency States
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
By default, a state can only be setup to halve the damage done by an elemental attack of any nature. This script allows you to create states which can modify the damage done by any percentage you choose. Want to create a state which completely nullifies all damage from a fire attack? This script can do that. Want to create a state which makes attacks from a particular element heal instead of damage? That can be done too.

Element Immunities
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to make it so that only weapons, skills, or items with a certain element can target an enemy, as denoted by you. So, if you want to make a flying enemy that can only be hit by ranged weapons, then you can set it so that only weapons with the element 'Ranged' can hit that enemy.

Enemy Stat Variance
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to attach a variance to each enemy stat, so that enemy instances aren't all just clones of each other but can have stat differences.

Enemy Summon Skill
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to make skills for enemies where they can summon or call additional enemies to the battlefield. This is NOT a summon skill that can be used by actors - it can ONLY be used by enemies.

Equipment Constraints, with Tsunokiette
Version: 2.5b
Category: System Utility
This script allows the user to set prerequisites for equipping weapons and armors.

Equipment Licenses
Version: 1.0
Category: Items and Equipment
This script allows you to set it up so that an actor will be able to equip weapons and armors not normally assigned to his or her class. It can be useful if you want to create a licensing system, if you want the actor to have to purchase training before being able to use a certain type of weapon, etc...

However, it has no graphical or system component. It is meant to be used only through events within some system that you create yourself. If you'd like a full system, I'm open to suggestions.

Equipment Set Bonuses
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to set bonuses to stats if an actor is wearing equipment of the same set, such as in Diablo II or Dragon Age: Origins. With this script, for instance, you could make a sword with ATK 10 and a Shield with DEF 10, but if you have both that sword and shield equipped you would get an additional 5 ATK and DEF, so that you would get 15 ATK and 15 DEF. By default, you can make sets that can give bonuses to maxhp, maxmp, atk, def, spi, and agi, as well as apply states.

Evidence Locker
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows the player to choose an evidence item from his or her inventory and set conditions depending on which item is chosen. This allows for an interactive exchange, particularly in games where the presentation of evidence is necessary, such as detective games or minigames.

Extended Colour Palette
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to have more colours beyond the 32 in the windowskin. It's primary use will be in messages, as you can now put in codes higher than \c[31]. Any numbers below 32 will take the colours from the windowskin.

Extra Event Pictures
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
For complicated Picture eventing, it is quite clear that 20 pictures is not enough. This script allows you to use more, albeit in a slightly non-intuitive way

Extra Movement Frames
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to import characters with more than 3 movement frames. In other words, It allows you to make movement animation a little bit smoother, if that is what is desired. One use for it is it allows RMXP format characters to be imported into a VX game without editing (you'll need to rename the file though)

Extra Self Switches
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This is just a wrapper to make it easy to create and control more than four self switches for each event.

Fix Pictures to Map
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you when the screen scrolls. It also has a couple other features, such as allowing you to set the Z value to show below characters, or below the tiles to add another parallax (kind of).

Flash Selected Enemy
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script blinks the battler of the enemy when it is hovered over in the targetting window of the battle scene, so you know exactly which battler is being targetted.

Fog of War
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to create "fog of war" on specified maps. This is a concept familiar to RTS games as it is used to hide the movement of enemy units when they are not in range of your own units. This script brings that concept to RMVX, and allows for two layers: a permanent one that is cleared forever once a unit explores the area, and a temporary one that is clear only for as long as it is within range of a unit. You can use either layer or both for any given map.

This script also allows for other events (not just the player) to have vision, and will hide other events not within direct vision of a unit unless you specify that event to show anyway.

Full Status CMS
Version: 1.0d
Category: Menu Systems
This screen shows a full status window in the menu itself. It also allows for command list customization and design customization by giving you the options of which commands and scenes you can call from the menu, and also allows you to call common events from any of these commands. It further allows you to choose which other windows show up in the menu, such as location, gold, steps, etc...

Gameover -> Common Event
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Requested by zzzdude, I figured I would post it in case anyone else wanted it. Instead of calling up the GameOver scene when you die in battle, it calls a common event you specify. This can be used for an epilogue, or any kind of evented Game Over cutscene. Bear in mind that you do have to call the Game Over screen at the end, or else arrange an alternate game over. You will need to set everything in the common event. The script does not do anything a regular Game Over scene does.

Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script, used in conjunction with a terrain tags script, allows you to set it so that specified skills can only be used on particular types of terrain.

Global Text Codes
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to use some of the special message codes in any window or scene. Want to bold the name of the lead actor or colour the name of special skills? You can do that with this script. For a full list of the codes you can use and what they do, look at the instructions. You can also create your own replacement codes with a minimum of scripting knowledge through a simple interface.

Global Timer
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to have the timer update in any scenes you want, not just Scene_Map and Scene_Battle

Gold Drop Variance
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Gold drops in RMVX are static by default, with every creature always dropping the exact same amount every time you kill them. This script allows you to change that by making them drop a random amount between values that you choose.

Graphical Favourite Items
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script gives a graphic representation to an actor's favourite item by showing a message when it is first discovered and afterwards showing it in the Status window for that actor. It will also give exp to the party and individual, as much as you specify. It was originally designed to be an addon to the Actor Specific Item Effects script, but I decided to release them separately since I realized it could be used on its own to add a small biographical element to the game's actors or as a minigame to discover actor's favourite foods, with or without any special effects those items give.

Grid Inventory
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
  This script does multiple things. First: it gives each actor their own inventory. Second: that inventory is displayed through a grid, with each item taking up a specific amount of squares. How many squares is completely customizable for each and every item.

  You are also able to set a maximum number of instances of that item each slot can hold. This means that for each item, say for instance, arrows, you can define how many arrows could fit into one displayed slot of arrows. See the demo for clarification.

  You can also set a picture graphic for each item, though if you do not it will default to using the item's icon. Beyond that, you can easily set up permanent storage events, each of which are easy to set up and save what items are stored in them at any given time. When received, items will be automatically distributed amongst the party in order, meaning that they will be given to the first party member, then the second once the first party member's inventory is full, and so on. If, upon gaining an item, you cannot fit that item or items into the party member's inventories, it will call up a loot inventory and the player can decide which items to discard and which to keep. As well, you can customize the size of each actor's inventory and you can modify that at any time with a simple script call.

  A good system to compare this to is the system from Betrayal at Krondor, as that is what it was based on, but as that is not very well known, this system is similar to the item system of the Diablo series.

HP/MP Equipment Bonuses
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to set Equipment that give bonuses to your Max HP and Max MP

Individual Collapse Sounds
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to set individual collapse sounds for your enemies and actors. Want humans to scream when they die but robots to break down? This is what this script does.

In-game System Audio Definition
Version: 2.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to change what sound effect files are associated with the system at any time during the game. That's a bit abstract, so an easier way to explain it would be that if, for whatever reason, you want to be able to change the sound effect that is played when you press enter on something, then this script allows you to change that in-game. In other words, you don't have to have only one decision SE for the entire game.

Integrated Reserve Party
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems

    This script allows you to have a reserve party. Basically, this means that it allows you to have a larger number of actors in the party than are active at any given time, and it allows the player to choose which actors are active. This is a system implemented in a number of games in the Final Fantasy series, as well as the Tales series and numerous other RPGs. What makes this different from other reserve party scripts is that it is integrated in the DMS, thus allowing you to access menus such as the status menu on party members in reserve, rather than only in the active party. Characters in reserve can be swapped into the active party by the player at any time and vice versa.

    As the game maker, you have a number of options to limit this. You can set a minimum size for the active party, so if you wish the player cannot have fewer than whatever number you set, and as well you can set a maximum size for the reserve party. Further, you can set the percentage of exp received by characters in the reserve party, thus allowing you to limit how much exp is received by characters not in the active party. You can also lock individual actors to either the active party or the reserve.

Item Drop Ranks
Version: 1.0b
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to set up a dummy item that, when added to the inventory, randomly dispenses one item of a specified rank instead. This can have many uses, from increasing the number of items a monster can drop to changing potential drops based on the difficulty level the player is at.

Basically, you can give any item, weapon or armor an integer rank, and you can also setup items that dispense a random item by rank rather than just itself. For instance, you can set Potion, Magic Water, and Antidote to be rank 1, and you can then make a dummy item that dispenses items of rank 1. Whenever the party gets that dummy item, whether through a monster drop or an event, it will instead randomly pick either a Potion, Magic Water, or Antidote and give that instead.

Item Icon Hue
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to specify a hue for the icons of individual items, weapons, armors, skills, and states. This way you can use the same icon for various items, only changing the hue.

Item Instances Base
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This is a scripting tool that changes the way items are handled in the game to allow for item instances. This means that items specially marked will be uniquely saved every time you collect them.

This script was designed since scripts which require items to be saved as instances, even if they were conceptually simple (like durability), were impractical to make since they required a heavy overhaul of the entire item system. Other scripts that have tried tend to be very bulky and usually incompatible with every other item-based script out there. This script was therefore designed to (a) change the way marked items were saved so as to be more dynamic and saved as instances; (b) be compatible or easily made compatible with most other scripts that deal with items; and (c) be easy to create addons which make use of the framework to create functional changes to items, weapons, and armors.

Item & Skills Catalogue
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
     This script allows you to create custom catalogues containing any of the items, weapons, armors, or skills that you have encountered. Wish to make a catalogue that will show every item you've ever encountered? That can be done. Want to make a catalogue that contains all paladin equipment and/or skills, whether encountered or not? That can be done too!

     Unlike other Item Logs, this script gives you the customizability to make different item logs that can show different things. Items, weapons, armors, and skills are auto-encountered (or not, if you wish), but you can also manually encounter items with a code. All of this means that there is a lot you can do with this script if you want to, but if all of that configuration seems a bit too complicated for you than that's OK too - the script will work plug & play too.

Kill Autoshadows, with Abt Plouton
Version: 2.0
Category: Map Utility
This script gives you the option to remove the autoshadows from appearing in your game.

Learn Skills By Use
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to have actors learn skills by using other skills. For instance, you could set it so that an actor will learn Fire II only after he has used Fire 50 times. You can also set it so that there can be multiple paths to learning a skill and multiple skill requirements. For instance, that same actor could also learn Fire II if he has used Flame 60 times and Flame II 25 times. However, you can also set class prohibitions and level requirements, so if you never want a Paladin to learn Fire II no matter how many times he uses its root skills, then it is easy to set that up, and if you don't want Fire II to be learned by any actor until they are at least level 7, then that can be setup too. You may also set it up so that it is like an upgrade - Fire becomes obsolete once Fire II is learned, and so you can simply forget Fire once you have Fire II

Learn Skill Sound Effect
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script will play an SE when levelling if the actor has learned any new skills.

Limited Inventory
Version: 1.1
Category: Menu Systems
Essentially, this allows you to limit the number of items a party can carry. Rather than being able to hold 99 of all items, this script divides inventory space into a limited number of slots, each of which can hold a single item type, and for which you can set a maximum stack size. So, for instance, if you have 6 potions, and the maximum stack size for potions is 5, then potions will take up two slots in the inventory, one with 5 in it and the other with only 1. This script allows you to change the number of slots in the inventory in-game with ease, as well. It allows you to discard items easily (and set items as non-discardable), and if there is ever a time in which you get more items than you have space for, it will call a loot screen so you can choose which items to discard.

Luck Stat
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Lots of things in RMVX are determined randomly - whether you hit or critical or they evade, whether a state attaches, when a state lets go, etc... This script introduces a luck stat which makes good things more likely to happen dependent on this stat's value and bad things less likely.

Manual Leader Control
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to override the default fact that the lead actor in the party is the one shown on the map and instead control it by setting an in-game variable to the ID of the actor you want. This makes it useful for games where you either don't want the main character to be in battles or where you have a party organization screen and always want the main character showing.

Max Members Fix
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
There has always been the option to alter the MAX_MEMBERS in Game_Party and add more than four members to the party. However, there was no graphical support in either the default menu or battle scenes to show more than four members. This little script fixes that.

Menu Use SEs
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script restores the lost RMXP ability to set individual sound effects when using items and skills in the menu.

Mime Skill
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to make mime skills, meaning that the person using such a skill will perform the same action as the ally who went before him/her.

Monster Catalogue
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to create multiple monster catalogues that shows a small information window on any monsters you have encountered (and have included in the particular catalogue). As with all my Catalogue scripts, you can make many different catalogues. Want a catalogue that shows all monsters? That can be done. Want a catalogue that only shows Undead monsters? That can be done too. You can also turn auto encounter to off and manually set when monsters should show up, or you could turn the show all option on for a catalogue and have it reveal all monsters included in the catalogue. The choice is yours to make

Monster Collapse VX, with Minto
Version: 1.2
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a complete rewrite of Minto's Monster Collapse script in order for it to function optimally in RMVX. While the implementation was entirely rewritten, the basic algorithms are Minto's and so he deserves much of the credit for this script.

The script is very simple and allows for two basic functions:
  1) Can play a specified animation upon the death of a monster
  2) Can specify a special collapse effect, rather than the default fade.

Multiple Parties
Version: 1.0b
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to maintain multiple parties (separate item lists, step count, everything) and allows you to merge them at will. Primarily useful for a game where parties split up or a game where you can have separate parties

modern algebra

modern algebra (N-Z)

For more scripts by modern algebra, see: modern algebra (A-M)

No Zombie Leaders!
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
By default, if the lead actor of the party is killed, it will still be his/her graphic being used on the map. This script changes it so that if the leader of the party dies, replaces his/her sprite with that of the next living actor.

Note Editor
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows you to edit the note field of an item with script calls in-game. This is useful for editing features of other scripts that use the note field for adding features; this will allow you to add those features as part of the gameplay. The edits will only apply within the same game file, so the note field will be clean whenever the player starts a new game. It does not overwrite the regular note field - anything written in note field in the database will be permanent in every save file.

Override Change BGM/ME
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script will override the BGM or ME changes when you activate chosen switches. This is useful, for instance, if for a boss battle you want to start the battle music early and have it directly continue into the battle or if, for a certain battle where the enemy escapes after the battle, you don't want the Victory ME played.

Paragraph Formatter
Version: 1.1
Category: Scripting Utility
This is a scripting tool. It's purpose is to allow the user to input an unbroken string and have returned a paragraph which has the ends of each line in line with each other. It serves roughly the same function as does the justifying option in Microsoft Word. See the screenshots if you are still confused.

Parallax Horizon
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to set a speed for a parallax to scroll extra when the player is moving. It will scroll in the opposite direction, to give the illusion of a horizon to which the player is moving.

Path Finding
Version: 2.0
Category: Event Utility
This script finds the shortest path from an event's current position to a target position specified by the user. It then sets that path into action. Be careful when using it though. Depending on the layout of the map, it can take a fair amount of time to calculate. So, don't use it for any huge, funky mazes or anything.

Perishable Items
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to make items (and weapons or armors) that have a lifespan and will turn into another item eventually. Ie, a player could get a warm milk that has special properties if drunk within 60 seconds. Otherwise, it would become a cold milk and be worse. You can also make it so that the item will be destroyed when it perishes.

Phantasia-esque CMS
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This script gives you a menu design that is inspired by a mix between the Tales of Phantasia Menu and my own Full Status CMS. Like Tales of Phantasia, each actor gets their own window and their sprite is shown walking in the top right corner. Like FSCMS, the command window and optional windows are hugely customizable, allowing you to relatively easily add new scripts to be accessible from the menu (with an automatic index finder so that you don't need to modify the return_scene methods of the respective scripts that you add to the menu), call common events from the menu (including the ability to select an actor and have your common event operate only on the actor chosen) and you can use any of the five optional windows that are in the FSCMS - Location, Playtime, Gold, Steps, and Variable.

Player-Named Maps
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This was a bizarre request and very close to useless, but basically this script allows you to call a scene that lets the player change the name of the maps. It only really makes sense if you have another script that actually shows the names of the maps in-game. It might be useful for a stronghold or something.

Quest Journal
Version: 2.1 (1.1 is also still up)
Category: Custom Scenes
This script provides a graphical interface for viewing quest progress. It is an objective based quest log, meaning you can choose to reveal, conceal, complete, or fair any objective at any time. You can also specify which objectives need to be completed for the quest to be complete. It requires a fair amount of customization and designing the quests is entirely left up to you.

Random Encounters By Level
Version: 1.5
Category: System Utility
This script allows the game maker to give monsters levels, and then based on those levels, it determines what enemy troops can be attacked by the player at his current level. That is kind of confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by example. The maker can set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims, and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99, because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the enemies are and an average among each troop is calculated, and with this script you will only be able to fight monster troops that are within level range of your heroes. You can set the level range as well, thus making some maps harder and others easier

Random Stat Variance for Items
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows weapons or armors to have randomly varying stats. So, one long sword could have 5 ATK while another could have 7 ATK.

Recharge Skills
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This allows you to make it so that skills can be set to need to recharge after use. In other words, you can make it so that once an actor uses Heal, he or she cannot use Heal again for x number of turns. This script will also allow you to make items, weapons, and states that can increase or reduce the amount of time it takes to recharge a skill, as well as create items and skills that can immediately recharge any skills that are charging.

Record Target Variable
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to save the ID of an actor or enemy targetted by a skill or item to a designated variable. It is perfect for use in Common Events that are called by using items or weapons, as you can add additional effects that effect the specific target through the common event.

Note that it only works for targetted items and skills - if the scope has multiple targets, than it will not update the value.

Replace Skill
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script is very simple. It allows you to specify skills to forget when a certain skill is learned. As a corollary, you also will not learn a new skill if you already have a skill that would have replaced it.

Sounds useless? Kind of. But it can be helpful if, say, you want to give the impression of a skill levelling up. Say you have a series of skills: Heal I is learned at level 2, Heal II is learned at level 14, and Heal III is learned at level 32. With this script, you can set it so that Heal I is forgotten when you learn Heal II, and Heal II is forgotten when you learn Heal III.

Revive State
Version: 1.1
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to make states that will revive the actor who has it immediately upon KO. You can set to what health it revives them to, either directly or by percentage, and you can set the SE and message that plays when it works.

Scene Tutorial
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows you to create tutorials for the scenes in your game, such as for the menu or for the battle system, by freezing user input and allowing you to control the movement of the scene through a special tutorial common event.

Scene Window Opacity
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a simple and perhaps a little useless script that allows you to easily alter the transparency of all the windows in any given scene. It's only really useful if you want, for instance, all of the menu scenes to be a little more transparent so you can see more of the map.

Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows the player to take a screenshot of any area in the game that he/she wants. Useful for sharing achievements I suppose. I made it for my own nefarious purposes and without thinking whether it would have any real purpose in an actual RM game.

Shatter Transitions
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to have more dynamic battle transitions that directly change the on-screen image, rather than simply blend it as normal transition graphics do. It also includes a feature to use RMXP style transitions, meaning that the next scene will show up behind the transition instead of simply being black.

For a full list of the types, please visit the full topic.

Show Animated Pictures
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to show animated pictures through the regular event commands.

Show Enemy States
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script shows enemy states when targetting them in the DBS. It is recommended that it be used with Ziifee's State Icon Animation script or any other State cycling script, as it looks best when displaying only one icon at a time.

Show Variable-Based Stats in Status Scene
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to display the values of variable-based stats in the status menu of an actor. Thus, if you assign, say, a luck stat to each actor that determines how often they win the lotto, and you save this stat in a variable, then this script allows you to show that stat right below the other parameters the actor has, such as ATK, DEF, AGI, and SPI.

Skill Teaching Equipment & Items
Version: 2.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to assign skills to items, weapons and armors. When assigned to an item, it is possible to permanently learn the skill assigned when the item is used. For weapons and armors, you are able to learn the skill while the weapon or armor is equipped. Once the weapon or armor is unequipped, you will no longer have access to that skill.

Skills that Cost HP
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to assign hp cost to skills. This means that you can make it so that a skill can hurt (or heal) the user when he casts it.

Sliding Graphics
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This is a scripter's tool that allows you to slide any graphics in the scene of your choice. It is a very simple function which any scripter could do on their own, of course, but this should make it slightly easier.

Sound Emitting Areas/Events
Version: 2.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to set a bgm, bgs, se, or me to areas or events and it dynamically calculates the volume depending on how far the player is from the area or event, creating the impression that the sound is emitting from that area or event.

State Viewer
Version: 1.1
Category: Custom Scenes
The script is very simple - it is just a list of all the states in the game with descriptions. It can be accessed either by call script, by pressing a button in the Status screen, or through a command on the menu. The choice is, of course, up to you.

Stop Animation Actors
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Requested by Forcystus, this script allows you to set certain actors to have stop animation when they are the leader (thus on the map screen). Stop animation can be useful for flying units for instance, as it doesn't make any sense for them not to be flapping their wings at any time. It only effects the party member who is the leader. It has no influence on Caterpillar scripts.

Switch Operations
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
This script allows you to very easily set the value of an ingame switch to check a number of particular values that would normally be accessible only through knowledge of Ruby syntax and RGSS2 methods. It is also easy to add new checks to this interface and requires very little scripting knowledge.
By default, you can set a switch to check if:

  • the current playthrough is a Play Test
  • the player is in a given area
  • the player is in a vehicle
  • the player is on a given square
  • any map event is on a given square
  • the self-switch of another event on the same map is ON
  • any type of weather is currently active
  • the message window is open

Teleport Fade Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script allows you to use different fades from the default fade to black of teleports. You can now choose up to 32 different colours to fade to, as well as an option for no fade at all upon teleport, which allows you to custom fade and transition.

Terrain Types
Version: 1.0
Category: Map Utility
This script restores the Terrain Types of RM2k3. Not only does this include a restoration of terrain tags (from XP), but it gives special settings that apply to tiles with those IDs.

  • Restores many of the features of 2k3 Terrain Types
  • Scrolling Background (and Foreground) images for battle, depending on the terrain type you are standing on.
  • Encounter Multiplier for certain terrain types, so that encounters can be more or less frequent depending on the terrain
  • Footstep Sound Effects that apply not only to players, but to events as well (if you specify that they should). Further, the footsteps of events increase in volume as they approach the player and decrease in volume as they move away from the player
  • Terrain types that can hurt (or heal) the player when they step on
  • Walking Speed can be influenced by the type of terrain
  • You can set some terrains to disable dashing
  • You can set some terrains to prevent airship landing and others to allow it. Perfect for Airports!
  • And much more! Read Editable Region B at line 131 for more details

Time-Based Encounter Rates
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows it so that encounters are not necessarily based on step count, but rather on seconds.

Update Encounter Percentage
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to dynamically alter the rate at which encounters happen. It is useful particularly for making items or skills that can reduce or increase the rate of encounters. What this script does is allow you to specify a variable to control encounter rate, so you can use events and common events to change the percentage of the map default at which encounters occur.

Variable Stat Booster for Enemies
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows you to boost the stats of enemies in-game by modifying the value of a variable. It will affect only the stats that you specify and you can specify different variables for different enemies. One of the most obvious uses for this is to modify the difficulty of a game, but it may also be used to make certain enemies stronger at night, etc...

Variable & Switch Debug HUD
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script is an extra feature that only works in Test Play. Basically, whenever a switch, self switch, or variable are modified, this script will display the modification just made and the result in the bottom left corner of the screen. This is useful for debugging complicated event systems as it allows you to track what is happening to the variable, switch, or self-switch every time you modify them.

Versus Popup
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
This script allows you to show a brief versus screen at the beginning of the battle that takes the face of the first actor and the battler of the first enemy of the troop and shows them before the battle begins, with an image of your choosing between them.

Website Launch from Title
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to launch a website from the title screen.

Window Pause Sprite Hijacked
Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This script has no effect on its own. It is meant for scripters who wish to vary aspects about the pause graphic.

The pause graphic for windows is extraordinarily boring and, worse still, the sprite that shows pause graphics on instances of the Window class is, by default, unaccessible. This means that you have no control over its opacity, its position, its speed, etc... the only thing a scripter has control over, with regard to the pause graphic, is whether or not it is visible. The purpose of this script is to change that by hiding the original pause graphic and replacing it with a normal sprite over which the scripter has total control. So, if a scripter wants to make the pause graphic bigger, play an animation on it, change its position or speed with which it animates, this script allows him/her to do so. Moreover, the scripter can do this only for certain windows and leave other windows as default. However, the script is engineered so that the default behaviour of the pause sprite is the exact same, so non-scripters will not notice a difference by including this script in their game.

Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to create chests or doors that are locked by riddles, and that will only open if the player gets the correct answer to it. You can put it in an event - the correct answer will turn on a self-switch in the event, and thus you can have any number of goodies hidden inside, controlled entirely by eventing. It is based on the Moredhel Wordlocks from Betrayal at Krondor and is very similar.

modern algebra


Equipment On Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script shows their equipment on the screen, you can choose between using and not using an image of substance.

Fire Emblem Title
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Custom Picture Menu from the game Fire Emblem

Rafidelis Title X
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Pictures Title with effects of movements and fade in/fadeout. A different layout for the title scene.

Shortcuts To Scenes
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to access the menu items, without having to enter the menu, it occurs through keyboard shortcuts

Styled Chrono Trigger Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This script makes the menu looking like of the classic snes game Chorno Trigger
With it you can customize the pictures that will be used as options.

Transitions in the Menu and Map
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script creates transitions in each Scene of the game, and he fully customized, you can define scene in which they act transition, which will be used to image, which will be its duration and opacity.

modern algebra


Compact Menu System
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script is a very compact CMS, similar to the one I used in castorvian legends - but for VX!  The script was basically to get me into RGSS2 more than anything so I can start makin' some VX scripts.

Savepoint System
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This system is basically a Savepoint System, which allows the user to choose to Save, use a Tent or cancel.  Tents recover the entire party, and are items from the database, so they're easy to manage.