allow you to put your new data in note area, and you can pick them up via script.
it will make your data in each item unlimitable.
# A3D's Get Note Data
# << Version >>
# : 1.2
# << Useful >>
# allow you to set-up your new data in note area
# it will make your data in each item unlimitable
# << General Command >>
# : A3D.gnd( [/type, /id], /code, /string )
# : A3D.gnd( /item , /code, /string )
# /type = type of your item
# (1 = skill, 2 = item , 3 = weapon,
# (4 = armor, 5 = enemy, 6 = state)
# /id = id of your item
# /code = code to call your data
# /string = if you're expect an alphabet data (not number), set it true
# /item = $data object of your item (not $game)
# << How to Use >>
# in "note" area in each "item", write your code & data in this format
# : your_code>your_data
# example, second enemy in enemy's database, you have
# : AP>10
# you can pick-up each data by the following command
# : A3D.gnd([5,2], "AP")
# : A3D.gnd([5,2], "WD", true)
# or : enemy = $data_enemies[2]
# : A3D.gnd(enemy, "AP")
# : A3D.gnd(enemy, "WD", true)
# << Note >>
# this script is for non-commercial use only, give credit if use
# << Contact >>
# A3D (
module A3D
# * Get Note Data
def A3D.gnd(item, code, string = false)
if item.is_a?(Array)
case item[0]
when 1 then item = $data_skills[item[1]]
when 2 then item = $data_items[item[1]]
when 3 then item = $data_weapons[item[1]]
when 4 then item = $data_armors[item[1]]
when 5 then item = $data_enemies[item[1]]
when 6 then item = $data_states[item[1]]
item.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each do |line|
if line.split(/[>]/)[0] == code
data = line.split(/[>]/)[1]
return string ? data : data.to_i
return string ? "" : 0
General Command ::
A3D.gnd( [/type, /id], /code, /string)
A3D.gnd( /item , /code, /string )
/type = type of your item
(1 = skill, 2 = item , 3 = weapon,
(4 = armor, 5 = enemy, 6 = state)
/id = id of your item
/code = code to call your data
/string = if you're expect an alphabet data (not number), set it true
/item = $data object of your item (not $game)
in "note" area of each "item", write your code & data in this format ::
example, second enemy in enemy's database, you have ::
you can pick-up each data by the following command ::
: A3D.gnd( [5, 2], "AP" )
: A3D.gnd( [5, 2], "PE" )