Character Hover Graphics
Version: 1.3
Author: modern algebra
Date: March 10, 2009
Version History
- <Version 1.3> 03.10.2009 - You can now use animated pictures and set them above the characters
- <Version 1.2> 03.10.2009 - Allowed the option to set font colour and size when setting text to float
- <Version 1.1> 01.27.2009 - Fixed Bug with map scrolling
- <Version 1.0b> 01.26.2009 - Fixed Bounce
- <Version 1.0> 01.25.2009 - Original Release
This script allows you to place a graphic to hover over any characters in the map. Like in Diablo, when an NPC has something important to say, you can place an exclamation mark or any other thing else over his/her head.
- Can show either a picture or text over any event or the player
- Allows for showing animated pictures
- Can set colour and size of text if drawing it
- Option to have the graphic bounce up and down or not.
- easy call script functionality
ScreenshotsInstructions Please see the header of the script.
# Character Hover Graphics
# Version: 1.3
# Author: modern algebra
# Date: March 10, 2009
# Instructions:
# Place this script above Main and below Materials.
# To have a graphic hover, first you need to import the picture that you want
# to have hovering in the Pictures folder. Then, you can place it over any
# event with this in a call script:
# set_hover_graphic (char_index, picture, bouncing_boolean, colour, size)
# Where:
# *char_index is the index of the event that you want it to hover over. If
# this is set to -1, it will be over the player. If it is set to 0, it
# will be over the current event. If it is set to any other ID, then it
# will be over the event with that ID. If this is not set, it is
# assumed to be 0
# *picture is the name of the picture that you want to have hovering in
# quotation marks. So, if your picture is named Exclamation! then
# you would put: "Exclamation!" here. Remember, these graphics must be
# in your Pictures folder. If the picture you denote is not in the
# Picture file, then it will instead draw the actual word you send
# through. If you set this to nil, then it will turn off any graphic
# currently hovering over the specified event. If you leave this space
# blank, it will default to nil.
# If the name of the picture is prefaced by %[x], then the picture
# will animate, with x being the number of frames. SO, a picture that
# is named %[6]Teardrop and is 192 x 32, will consist of 6 frames, each
# 32 x 32 cutouts of the file. If you do not specify a number of frames
# and merely preface the file with %, then it will default to 4 frames.
# *bouncing boolean is either true or false, where true means that the
# graphic will bounce up and down and false meaning it will be
# stationary. If it is not set, then it defaults to false
# *colour is the color you want the text drawn in, and this will only work
# if it is writing text, not using a picture. If you set this as an
# integer, it will take the colour of the corresponding index from the
# windowskin palette. If you put an array, it will take that as the
# RGB values. So, [255, 0, 0] would be RED, etc... If you leave this
# blank, it defaults to 0, so the normal color on the windowskin palette.
# *size is the size of the text. Again, this matters only if it is text
# being drawn and not a picture. This determines the size of the text
# drawn. If left blank, it will default to 20.
# set_hover_graphic (0, "Exclamation!")
# - Assuming there is a picture in your Pictures folder named
# "Exclamation!", it will set that picture to hover over the event that
# calls it. If no such picture exists, it will print the text:
# "Exclamation!" over the character
# set_hover_graphic (5, "?", true)
# - Assuming there is a picture in your Pictures folder named "?", it
# will set that picture to hover over the event with ID 5. If
# no such picture exists, it will print a question mark over Event 5. It
# will be bouncing.
# set_hover_graphic (-1, "Player Name", false, 8, 28)
# - This will print "Player Name" over the player. It will not be
# bouncing. It will be drawn in the colour with index 8 on the windowskin
# pallette. It will be size 28.
# set_hover_graphic (-1)
# - Will delete any hover graphic that is over the player.
# ** Game_Character
# Summary of Changes:
# new instance variable - ma_hover_graphic, ma_hgfloat
class Game_Character
# * Public Instance Variable
attr_accessor :ma_hover_graphic # The picture name of hover graphic
attr_accessor :ma_hgfloat # Boolean on bouncing
attr_accessor :ma_hgcolour # Colour of text
attr_accessor :ma_hgsize # Size of text
# ** Game Interpreter
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - set_hover_graphic
class Game_Interpreter
# * Set Hover Graphic
# char_index : the index of the character
# picture_name : the picture to show over the character
# float : boolean with whether or not you want graphic to bounce
# colour : integer -> windowskin palette; array -> RGB
# size : the size of the text
def set_hover_graphic (char_index = 0, picture_name = nil, float = false, colour = 0, size = 20)
# Get Character
char_index = @event_id if char_index == 0
target = char_index == -1 ? $game_player : $[char_index]
return if target == nil
target.ma_hover_graphic = picture_name
target.ma_hgfloat = picture_name == nil ? nil : float
if colour.is_a? (Array)
colour.push (255) while colour.size < 4
windowskin = Cache.system ("Window")
clr = windowskin.get_pixel(64 + (size % 8) * 8, 96 + (size / 8) * 8)
colour = clr.alpha == 0 ? [255, 255, 255, 255] : [,,, clr.alpha]
target.ma_hgcolour = colour
target.ma_hgsize = size.is_a? (Integer) ? size : 20
# ** Sprite Character
# Summary of Chages:
# aliased methods - dispose, update
# new method - ma_start_hover_graphic, ma_update_hover_graphic,
# ma_dispose_hover_graphic
class Sprite_Character
# * Dispose
alias modlg_hvr_graphc_dispse_94nb5 dispose
def dispose
# Dispose hover graphic
# Run Original Method
# * Frame Update
alias malg_hover_grfx_upd_char_954bn update
def update
# Run Original Method
# Update Hover Graphic
if @hover_sprite == nil && @character.ma_hover_graphic != nil
ma_start_hover_graphic (@character.ma_hover_graphic, @character.ma_hgfloat,
@character.ma_hgcolour, @character.ma_hgsize)
# * Start Hover Graphic
# picture_name : the name of the picture to float
# float : boolean on whether picture should float
# colour : the colour of the text
# size : the size of the text
def ma_start_hover_graphic (picture_name, float, colour, size)
@hover_sprite =
# Use picture if it exists
bmp = Cache.picture (picture_name)
if picture_name[/^%(\[(\d+)\])?/] != nil # If animated graphic
# Split into an array of bitmaps
@frame_bmp_array = []
frames_n = $2 == nil ? 4 : $2.to_i
width = bmp.width / frames_n
for i in 0...frames_n
frame_bmp = (width, bmp.height)
frame_bmp.blt (0, 0, bmp, (i*width, 0, width, bmp.height))
@frame_bmp_array.push (frame_bmp)
@hover_sprite.bitmap = @frame_bmp_array[0]
@gframe_count = 0
@frame_index = 0
@hover_sprite.bitmap = bmp
# Else draw the word
@hover_sprite.bitmap = (32, 32)
# Retrieve actual string
ts = @hover_sprite.bitmap.text_size (picture_name)
# Resize bitmap if too long
if ts.width + 4 > @hover_sprite.bitmap.width
@hover_sprite.bitmap = (ts.width + 4, [ts.height + 4, 32].max)
# Draw text
@hover_sprite.bitmap.font.color = (colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3])
@hover_sprite.bitmap.font.size = size
@hover_sprite.bitmap.draw_text (0, 0, @hover_sprite.bitmap.width, 32, picture_name, 1)
@gframe_count = -1 if @gframe_count != 0
@hover_sprite.x = self.x - (@hover_sprite.bitmap.width / 2)
@hover_sprite.y = self.y - self.height - @hover_sprite.bitmap.height
@hover_sprite.z = z + 200
@float_count = float ? 0 : -1
@float_y = 0
@ma_last_xy = [self.x, self.y]
# * Update Hover Graphic
def ma_update_hover_graphic
ma_dispose_hover_graphic if @character.ma_hover_graphic == nil
return if @hover_sprite == nil
# Reset x, y if map has scrolled
if @ma_last_xy != [self.x, self.y]
@hover_sprite.x = self.x - (@hover_sprite.bitmap.width / 2)
@hover_sprite.y = self.y - self.height - @hover_sprite.bitmap.height + @float_y
@ma_last_xy = [self.x, self.y]
# If the bitmap is animated
if @gframe_count != -1
# Count up
@gframe_count += 1
# Change graphics ever 8 frames
if @gframe_count == 12
@gframe_count = 0
@frame_index = (@frame_index + 1) % @frame_bmp_array.size
@hover_sprite.bitmap = @frame_bmp_array[@frame_index]
# If bouncing
if @float_count != -1
@float_count += 1
# Modify y every 2 frames
return if @float_count % 2 == 0
# If not yet asceneded 8 pixels
if @float_count <= 16
@hover_sprite.y -= 1
@float_y -= 1
else # Return to original position
@hover_sprite.y += 1
@float_y += 1
@float_count %= 28
# * Dispose Hover Graphic
def ma_dispose_hover_graphic
if @hover_sprite != nil
@frame_bmp_array.each { |bmp| bmp.dispose unless bmp.disposed? } if @frame_bmp_array != nil
@hover_sprite = nil
@ma_last_xy = nil
@gframe_count = nil
@frame_index = nil
@float_count = nil
@float_y = nil
- lomastul, for requesting the script
- sasofrass, for suggesting ading option to set colour and size
- grafikal009, for suggesting animated icons
Please post in this topic at RMRK for the swiftest support.
Known Compatibility Issues
No known compatibility issues. If you do encounter something, try placing this script below all of your other custom scripts and see if the problem persists.
Author's Notes
If you post this script elsewhere, please link to this topic at RMRK so that people know where to go for updates and support.
This script by
modern algebra is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.