Item Drop Ranks
Version: 1.0b
Author: modern algebra
Date: October 8, 2009
Version History
- <Version 1.0b> 10.08.2009 - Fixed a bug that occured when unequipping
- <Version 1.0> 08.31.2009 - Original Release
This script allows you to set up a dummy item that, when added to the inventory, randomly dispenses one item of a specified rank instead. This can have many uses, from increasing the number of items a monster can drop to changing potential drops based on the difficulty level the player is at.
Basically, you can give any item, weapon or armor an integer rank, and you can also setup items that dispense a random item by rank rather than just itself. For instance, you can set Potion, Magic Water, and Antidote to be rank 1, and you can then make a dummy item that dispenses items of rank 1. Whenever the party gets that dummy item, whether through a monster drop or an event, it will instead randomly pick either a Potion, Magic Water, or Antidote and give that instead.
- Allows you to easily dispense a random item
- Allows you to change item drops based on difficulty level, if you are using a difficulty level script
- Allows you to set more than two posisble item drops for enemies
- Allows you to show item and weapon names in message boxes; even the dummy items will show the name of the item most recently dispensed
Please see the header of the script for detailed instructions.
# Item Drop Ranks
# Version: 1.0b
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: October 8, 2009
# Description:
# This script allows you to set up a dummy item that, when added to the
# inventory, randomly dispenses one item of a specified rank instead. This
# can have many uses, from increasing the number of items a monster can drop
# to changing potential drops based on the difficulty level the player is at.
# Basically, you can give any item, weapon or armor an integer rank, and you
# can also setup items that dispense a random item by rank rather than just
# itself. For instance, you can set Potion, Magic Water, and Antidote to be
# rank 1, and you can then make a dummy item that dispenses items of rank 1.
# Whenever the party gets that dummy item, whether through a monster drop or
# an event, it will instead randomly pick either a Potion, Magic Water, or
# Antidote and give that instead.
# Instructions:
# Place script above Main and below Materials in the Script Editor (F11).
# To use this script, you must:
# a) give ranks to items, weapons, and armors
# b) specify dummy items that dispense other items based on rank.
# a) To give a rank to an item, all that you need to do is place the
# following code in its notebox:
# \DROP_RANK[rank]
# rank : the rank you wish to assign this item.
# Rank assignments are arbitrary, but it is recommended that you create a
# system that is easy for you to organize. For instance, you could make
# the ranks go from weakest to strongest items. Note that if you do not
# set a rank to an item, than it has no rank and can only be obtained
# through a direct item gain event, not through a dummy item.
# b) The dummy items are the items that dispense other items based on the
# rank you give items in (a). To specify an item as a dummy item, you need
# to use one or more of the following codes in the item's notebox:
# \RANK_DROP_PERCENT[rank, percent]
# rank : the rank this item can drop. It can be either an integer
# or a variable. If it is an integer between quotes (ex: "2"),
# then the rank it drops is the value of the variable with ID 2.
# If it is just an integer (ex: 2), then it drops rank 2 items.
# percent : the chance it will drop an item of this rank. Defaults to
# 100
# You can have as many of these in the dummy item as you like, which is
# why there is a percent option. For instance, a notebox with these codes:
# would drop an item of rank 4 70% of the time and an item of rank 5 30%
# of the time. Note that if the percentages do not add up to 100, they are
# scaled, so something like this:
# would actually be a 60% chance of dropping items with rank 1 and 40%
# chance of dropping an item with rank of whatever the value of variable 3
# is. And you can make as many of these as you like, so a dummy item can
# drop more than a single rank of item.
# Please note that items, weapons, and armors are completely distinct in the
# ranking system. A dummy weapon that drops rank 1 will only drop rank 1
# weapons, not items or armors. The same is true of dummy items and armors.
# Last but not least, there are some message codes included in this script
# for printing out the names of the items in a message box. These are:
# \NI[item_id]
# item_id : ID of Item whose name should be printed
# \NW[weapon_id]
# weapon_id : ID of Weapon whose name should be printed
# \NA[armor_id]
# armor_id : ID of Armor whose name should be printed
# ** RPG::BaseItem
# Summary of Changes:
# attr_writer - idr_drop_name, idr_drop_icon, idr_drop_desc
# aliased method - name, icon_index, description
# new methods - drop_rank, rankdrop_item?, rank_percents
class RPG::BaseItem
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_writer :idr_drop_name # The name of the item set as dropped
attr_writer :idr_drop_icon # The icon of the item set as dropped
attr_writer :idr_drop_desc # The description of the item set as dropped
# * Name
alias monabra_drp_ranks_name_1jb1 name unless self.method_defined? (:monabra_drp_ranks_name_1jb1)
def name (*args)
return @idr_drop_name if self.rankdrop_item? && !@idr_drop_name.nil?
# Return Original Method if not a rank item
return monabra_drp_ranks_name_1jb1 (*args)
# * Icon Index
alias algmod_icndrop_idr_6df2 icon_index unless self.method_defined? (:algmod_icndrop_idr_6df2)
def icon_index (*args)
return @idr_drop_icon if self.rankdrop_item? && !@idr_drop_icon.nil?
# Return original method if not a rank item
return algmod_icndrop_idr_6df2 (*args)
# * Description
# Not necessary for anything I know of, but included in case there is a
# drop item script that takes the description of the item asked for
alias malgbr_desc_drop_idr_5gv2 description unless self.method_defined? (:malgbr_desc_drop_idr_5gv2)
def description (*args)
return @idr_drop_desc if self.rankdrop_item? && !@idr_drop_desc.nil?
# Return original method if not a rank item
return malgbr_desc_drop_idr_5gv2 (*args)
# * Drop Rank
def drop_rank
return $1.to_i if self.note[/\\DROP_RANK\[(\d+)\]/i] != nil
return -1
# * Check if rank item
def rankdrop_item?
return self.note[/\\RANK_DROP_PERCENT\[("?\d+"?),?\s*(\d*)\]/i] != nil
# * Rank Percents
def rank_percents
rank_drops = []
text = self.note.dup
while text.sub! (/\\RANK_DROP_PERCENT\[("?\d+"?),?\s*(\d*)\]/i) { "" } != nil
rank = $1.include? ('"') ? $game_variables[$1[/(\d+)/].to_i] : $1.to_i
percent = $2.nil? ? 100 : $2.to_i
rank_drops.push ([rank, percent])
# Even out percentages
count = 0
rank_drops.each { |a| count += a[1] }
percent_mod = 100.0 / count.to_f
rank_drops.each { |a| a[1] *= percent_mod }
return rank_drops
# ** Game Temp
# Summary of Changes:
# new attr_reader - idr_item_drop_ranks, idr_weapon_drop_ranks,
# idr_armor_drop_ranks
# aliased method - initialize
class Game_Temp
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :idr_item_drop_ranks # 2D array holding items at each drop rank
attr_reader :idr_weapon_drop_ranks # 2D array holding weapons at each drop rank
attr_reader :idr_armor_drop_ranks # 2D array holding armors at each drop rank
# * Object Initialization
# Initialize drop rank arrays. This is done in Game_Temp so that it will
# be renewed upon each play in case items have been added or ranks changed.
alias monrba_itmdroprnk_init_9bv2 initialize
def initialize (*args)
# Run Original Method
monrba_itmdroprnk_init_9bv2 (*args)
# Create Drop Rank arrays
@idr_item_drop_ranks = []
@idr_weapon_drop_ranks = []
@idr_armor_drop_ranks = []
# Get Item Ranks
for i in 1...$data_items.size
item_rank = $data_items[i].drop_rank
next if item_rank == -1
@idr_item_drop_ranks[item_rank] = [] if @idr_item_drop_ranks[item_rank].nil?
@idr_item_drop_ranks[item_rank].push (i)
# Fill in nil drop ranks
@idr_item_drop_ranks.each { |array| array = [] if array.nil? }
# Do the same for weapons and armors
for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
item_rank = $data_weapons[i].drop_rank
next if item_rank == -1
@idr_weapon_drop_ranks[item_rank] = [] if @idr_weapon_drop_ranks[item_rank].nil?
@idr_weapon_drop_ranks[item_rank].push (i)
@idr_weapon_drop_ranks.each { |array| array = [] if array.nil? }
for i in 1...$data_armors.size
item_rank = $data_armors[i].drop_rank
next if item_rank == -1
@idr_armor_drop_ranks[item_rank] = [] if @idr_armor_drop_ranks[item_rank].nil?
@idr_armor_drop_ranks[item_rank].push (i)
@idr_armor_drop_ranks.each { |array| array = [] if array.nil? }
# ** Game_Party
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - gain_item
class Game_Party
# * Gain Item
# item : the item being gained
alias mornba_gn_itm_drpranks_3hn4 gain_item
def gain_item (item, *args)
# If the item is a drop rank dummy item
if !item.nil? && item.rankdrop_item?
percent = 0.0
random = rand (100)
# Randomly determine which rank the drop is from
for rank_percent in item.rank_percents
rank = rank_percent[0]
percent += rank_percent[1]
break if random < percent
# Get rank types and items array
case item
when RPG::Item
rank_array = $game_temp.idr_item_drop_ranks[rank]
items_array = $data_items
when RPG::Weapon
rank_array = $game_temp.idr_weapon_drop_ranks[rank]
items_array = $data_weapons
when RPG::Armor
rank_array = $game_temp.idr_armor_drop_ranks[rank]
items_array = $data_armors
# If invalid
if !rank_array.nil? && !rank_array.empty?
# Randomize item and retrieve it
new_item = items_array[rank_array[rand (rank_array.size)]]
# Recursively call method in case new_item is also a rankdrop item
gain_item (new_item, *args)
item.idr_drop_name =
item.idr_drop_icon = new_item.icon_index
item.idr_drop_desc = new_item.description
# Run Original Method
mornba_gn_itm_drpranks_3hn4 (item, *args)
# ** Window_Message
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - convert_special_characters
class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
# * Convert Special Characters
alias monalgbra_idr_names_cnvrtspecchar_7kj1 convert_special_characters
def convert_special_characters (*args)
# Run Original Method
monalgbra_idr_names_cnvrtspecchar_7kj1 (*args)
# Message codes for printing the names of items, weapons, and armors
@text.gsub! (/\\NI\[(\d+)\]/i) { $1.to_i > 0 ? $data_items[$1.to_i].name : "" } # Item Name
@text.gsub! (/\\NW\[(\d+)\]/i) { $1.to_i > 0 ? $data_weapons[$1.to_i].name : "" } # Weapon Name
@text.gsub! (/\\NA\[(\d+)\]/i) { $1.to_i > 0 ? $data_armors[$1.to_i].name : "" } # Armor Name
- Verzen, for reporting the Unequip bug of Version 1.0
- Mithran, for first fixing the error Verzen found
Please post in this topic for bug reports or suggestions.
Known Compatibility Issues
No currently known compatibility issues.
Author's Notes
Yay! RMVX Scripts Database is now 4 pages. My goal for August has been reached
Also, I am happy to make a demo for this script if anyone is confused.
This script by
modern algebra is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.