YEZ to YEM Status Biography
Version: 1.0
Author: Yanfly for the original scripts, heisenman
Date: 4 22, 2011
This is a patch that brings back the YEZ Biography command in YEM Status Menu Melody. The Biography window displays actors biographies or classes descriptions.
- Actor biographies
- Class descriptions in case actors biographies are missing
ScreenshotsActor biography.
Class description.
Place this script below ? Materials and YEM Status Menu Melody but above ? Main in the Script Editor.
Note that the COMMANDS array and the COMMAND_VOCAB hash are rewritten from YEM Status Menu Melody, so update them if needed.
It requires YEM Status Menu Melody to work.
# ** YEZ to YEM Status Biography
# This script brings back the YEZ Biography command in the Scene_Status
# command window that displays actors biographies or classes descriptions.
# Instructions
# Place this script below ? Materials and YEM Status Menu Melody but above
# ? Main in the Script Editor.
# Note that the COMMANDS array and the COMMAND_VOCAB hash are rewritten, so
# update them if needed.
# It requires YEM Status Menu Melody to work.
# Disclaimers
# This script is entirely based on the YEZ Biography command, present in the
# original YEZ Status Command Menu, and YEM Status Menu Melody. Both scripts are
# property of Yanfly (
module YEM
module STATUS
# Configuration starts here.
# This array determines what items will appear in the status scene and
# what order they appear in. Remove them if you wish for them to not appear.
:general, # Displays general actor information.
:boosters, # Displays the actor's parameters and item boosts.
:elements, # Displays the actor's elemental affinities.
:states, # Displays the actor's status effect resistances.
:biography, # A biography of the actor.
] # Do not remove this.
# This hash determines how the vocabulary appears in your game. Modify them
# as you see fit if you wish to rename certain aspects.
:general => "General",
:boosters => "Boosters",
:elements => "Elements",
:states => "Ailments",
:biography => "Biography",
} # Do not remove this.
# Biography Mini Window. The following will allow you to adjust biographies
# for actors and classes. If an actor does not have a personal biography,
# then the description of the character's class will be displayed instead.
:actor_bio => "%s's Biography",
:class_des => "%s Description",
} # Do not remove this.
# When typing out biographies and descriptions, use \\N[x] to write out
# the actor's name if the game allows renaming. For line splits, use |
# at the each position you would want the description to start a new line.
ACTOR_BIOS ={ # If an actor ID is not listed here, then refer to class bio.
# ID => Bio
1 => '\\N[1] is a very hot blooded young male whom|' +
'embarked on a journey to save Don Miguel.|' +
'But given his reckless behaviour and actions,|' +
'\\N[1] is known to give his team lots of trouble.',
2 => '\\N[2] trained as a warrior since she was|' +
'quite young. Due to her militant past, she has|' +
'developed a rather tomboy-ish personality.|' +
'\\N[2] loves training and is also a health nut.',
3 => '\\N[3] is the overzealous priest of \\N[1]\'s|' +
'party. His actions speak louder than his words|' +
'and his words are already loud enough. \\N[3]|' +
'is definitely one who choose the wrong class.',
4 => '\\N[4] is the team\'s walking encyclopedia.|' +
'She just about knows everything for each and|' +
'every situation. But aside from that, \\N[4]|' +
'just doesn\'t have the actual life experience.',
} # Do not remove this.
# Just like the actor biographies, use \\N[x] to write out a changeable
# actor's name and \\V[x] to write out variables. Use | to enforce a
# line break.
# ID => Bio
1 => 'Knights are quick and powerful characters|' +
'that excel in both melee and magic.',
2 => 'Warriors are very dedicated to close ranged|' +
'physical combat.',
3 => 'Priests focus on healing and aiding their|' +
"party members. Don't let \\N[3] fool you.",
4 => 'Magicians excel in the magical arts and also|' +
'excel at blasting their enemies to bits.',
} # Do not remove this.
# Configuration ends here.
end # STATUS
end # YEM
# Window_Status_Biography
class Window_Status_Biography < Window_Base
# initialize
def initialize(actor)
super(0, 128, Graphics.width, Graphics.height - 128)
@actor = actor
# actor=
def actor=(new_actor)
@actor = new_actor
# refresh
def refresh
if YEM::STATUS::ACTOR_BIOS.include?(
elsif YEM::STATUS::CLASS_BIOS.include?(@actor.class_id)
# draw_actor_bio
def draw_actor_bio
self.contents.font.color = normal_color; dy = 0
text = sprintf(YEM::STATUS::BIOGRAPHY[:actor_bio],
self.contents.draw_text(0, dy, self.width-32, WLH*2, text, 1)
nwidth = 544
dx = 18; dy = WLH*2
text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
text.gsub!(/\\N\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name }
lines = text.split(/(?:[|]|\\n)/i)
lines.each_with_index { |l, i|
l.gsub!(/\\__(\[\d+\])/i) { "\\N#{$1}" }
self.contents.draw_text(dx, i * 24 + dy, nwidth, WLH, l, 0)}
# draw_class_bio
def draw_class_bio
self.contents.font.color = normal_color; dy = 0
text = sprintf(YEM::STATUS::BIOGRAPHY[:class_des],
self.contents.draw_text(0, dy, self.width-32, WLH*2, text, 1)
nwidth = 544
dx = 18; dy = WLH*2
text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
text.gsub!(/\\V\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
text.gsub!(/\\N\[([0-9]+)\]/i) { $game_actors[$1.to_i].name }
lines = text.split(/(?:[|]|\\n)/i)
lines.each_with_index { |l, i|
l.gsub!(/\\__(\[\d+\])/i) { "\\N#{$1}" }
self.contents.draw_text(dx, i * 24 + dy, nwidth, WLH, l, 0)}
end # Window_Status_Biography
# Scene_Status
class Scene_Status < Scene_Base
# new method: create_command_window
def create_command_window
@data = []
commands = []
@windows = []
for command in YEM::STATUS::COMMANDS
case command
when :general
@general_window =
when :boosters
@boosters_window =, @help_window)
@boosters_stats =, @boosters_window)
when :elements
next unless $imported["BattleEngineMelody"]
@elements_window =, @help_window)
@elements_stats =, @elements_window)
when :states
next unless $imported["BattleEngineMelody"]
@states_window =, @help_window)
@states_stats =, @states_window)
when :biography
@biography_window =
else; next
@command_window =, commands)
@command_window.height = 128 = true
if $game_temp.last_status_index != nil
@command_window.oy = $game_temp.status_oy
@command_window.index = $game_temp.last_status_index
# new method: update_visible_windows
def update_visible_windows
@help_window.y = Graphics.height * 8
for window in @windows; window.y = Graphics.height * 8; end
case @data[@command_window.index]
when :general
@general_window.y = @command_window.height
when :boosters
@help_window.y = @command_window.height
@boosters_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
@boosters_stats.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
when :elements
@help_window.y = @command_window.height
@elements_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
@elements_stats.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
when :states
@help_window.y = @command_window.height
@states_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
@states_stats.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height
when :biography
@biography_window.y = @command_window.height
end # Scene_Status
- Yanfly for writing the original YEZ Status Command Menu and YEM Status Menu Melody
- heisenman for piecing them together (optional)
Post here or PM me if you have troubles.
Author's Notes
It really needs to be said that I basically made nothing of this script, except piecing it together. Credits could as well go 100% to Yanfly, because he has a really clean scripting style even a noob like me can understand how they work. Well, almost.