Random Name Generator
Version: 1.0
Author: Logan Forrests
Date: January 29, 2012
Version History
- <Version 1.0> 2012.01.29 - Original Release
Generates random names for actors (through the Name Input Processing scene) using an algorithm which interprets a data set of given names in a particular language to provide fairly good accuracy in actual names used.
- Generates a random name for the actor (does not yet cater for gender).
- Modifies the Scene_Name class to provide random name generation. Scene looks more like those seen in other RPGs, such as Final Fantasy (see Screenshots below).
ScriptsScripts go in the Materials section, above Main.
The "Name Input Processing" add on script should go below the "Random Name Generator" script.
Data SetsData set files should be saved in a .txt document. There are several links to some sample data sets below. You can make your own, however, if you decide on having your own language in which names can be created from. Simply make a .txt file with a good amount of sample (the more names, the more variation and better accuracy).
Data set files should be placed in the Data folder of the VX project. However, it is possible to specify the directory in the "Random Name Generator" script, as well as the file name of the data set you want to make use of.
Tip: You could mix and match a combination of real world languages (and maybe some fictitious ones) to create a data set which may just produce some interesting outcomes.
Random Name Generator VX v1.0Name Input Processing Add-On v1.0Latest versions can also be found in Attachments.
Sample Data Sets
Update: 28/06/2017
The original source at ruf.rice.edu no longer provides access to the datasets. Instead,
here is a link directly to Chris Pound's listings for the sets. It shouldn't work any differently as before.
Name Input Processing Add-On
Random Name Generator
- Logan Forrests - Name Input Processing Add-On Script, Random Name Generator RPG Maker VX Port (incl. Compatibility fix for Ruby v1.8.1)
- Alan Skorkin - Random Name Generator Ruby Version
- Chris Pound - Random Name Generator Perl Version, Sample Data Sets (unless specified otherwise)
- Motoyuki Kasahara - GetoptLong library script
Should you use data sets which were originally from fictitious languages, I'm sure the creators of those languages would appreciate being credited for using their names as a basis of your randomly created ones.
Support can always be found here.
Known Compatibility Issues
None currently known.
May have some issues with other scripts that modify the Scene_Name, Window_NameInput and Window_NameEdit classes.
Author's Notes
I came across the script by Alan Skorkin whilst looking for some idea on writing a decent random name generator for a project I'm working on. I figured since I'll be using it, I'd write an add-on for Name Input Processing so that others can make use of it.
It is written with a higher version of Ruby than what VX uses, so some of the code had to be edited to work properly.
The one good thing that did come out of writing this script is that I've now learned another few things about Ruby, and a few very useful method calls that the Help file fails to provide.
This script is also being written for VXA. I'll probably do a quick port over in the current version (v1.0) to get it start sometime during the week.
Please ensure you provide credit for the listed authors - not forgetting the ones that made fictitious languages if you use those. It was their hard work that made this script come about, and they definitely deserve to be mentioned for it. [/list]