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RMVX Script Index

Started by modern algebra, January 17, 2009, 09:22:04 PM

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modern algebra


Version: 1.0
Category: Scripting Utility
This script is an updated version of the original Scene_Base

modern algebra


PNG Output Module, with
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
You could use this as an in-game screen-shot feature (instead of having to printscreen, paste in paint, etc), or my personal use, use it to take snapshots of the current game screen for save menus.  With the module update, the processing takes a lot less time if you specify the size you want, instead of relying on the clear_rect() function.  Can also be used as an in-game camera, if you wanted a mini-game like that.

The forum doesn't like Kanji, so please see the link to the original script Jaffer provides in his topic for proper accreditation

modern algebra


Database Breaker
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Database Breaker is a simple GUI ruby app designed to break RMVX's database limits. For example, you just happen to need more then 999 items, RMVX won't let you. So you can use a script to change the items or you can use this.

Cthulhu knows why I'm releasing this or why anyone would need over 1000 items or weapons etc. but it gets the job done. I made it mainly for practice and I don't expect anyone to use it.

More Self-switches
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters either. You can have names for them.

One Game Instance
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
This script is to prevent multiple instances of your game. This is really only for online games so players can't cheat.

modern algebra


Omega Quest System
Version: 3.0
Category: Custom Scenes
A... well, script journal for your game. Create quests linked to a variable in the game. The variable will represent the quest progress (how many "To-do" was done). When the variable is high enough (all "To-do" was done"), the quest is considered complete...

modern algebra


Hide 0 MP Cost
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script hides the MP cost of a skill when the cost is 0. This is particularly useful if a character has physical attack type skills, and MP should not be displayed. This cleans up the skill list in both the battle and main menus.

Item Price Adjust
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows the user to adjust the cost and sale price of items during gameplay. This is particularly useful if using a Haggle type of event wherein the hero can pay less than asking price, and receive more money from sales. The cost and sale adjustments are customizable.

modern algebra


Full-Screen Toggle, with Mr. Wiggles
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This is a script used to toggle full-screen or windowed mode once. After you save the game it will not appear again. You can change this
in the configuration, but I think it is a good idea, because it gets annoying clicking the option over and over again.
Instructions are in the script, and if you have any questions just post them here.

Modified Scene_Name, with cyclope
Version: 1.3
Category: Custom Scenes
This is a script I modified from Rpg Maker XP. It is something to rename your character with. Someone requested it on forums, so I did it for him. This is the link to the owner of the script.

Neo Save System, with Woratana
Version: 5
Category: Menu Systems
This is the new update to Wortana's Save System. Its my favorite save system in Rpg Maker XP and VX combined, so I had to try and improve it.

- Unlimited save slots, you can choose max save slot
- Many configuration options
- Swap tile support
- You can use image for scene's background
- Choose your save file's name, and folder to store save files
- Choose to show only information you want
- Editable text for information's title
- Draw tile map for map that player is currently in
- Remove text you don't want from map's name (e.g. tags for special script)
- Choose map that you don't want to show its name
- Include save confirmation window before overwrite old save

modern algebra


Tile ID, with sojabird
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Actually, this is based on SojaBird's Tile-HUD, so ALL credit goes to him. Well, my dad helped a lot as well, so if you find a gamer on Halo that shoots himself, credit him too.

This Script changes the A Tile you're standing on to 3 Variables which can be used for eventing and/or Scripting. I wanted to make this since I was inspired by the Camo Index from MGS 3.

modern algebra


Dual Wield Fix
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
If you're like me, you may want your dual-wielding characters to be able to use shields. Now, one COULD make shields out of weapons, but then everyone would have to be dual-wielders to use them. This script makes that unnecessary, by allowing a character to equip either a weapon OR a shield in their second hand. (Main hand is still restricted to weapons only)

Equipment Groups
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Basically, what it does it allows you to create groups of equipment, and when you create an actor's class, you can select that group as being equippable rather than selecting every single item in the group.
For example, rather than having a knight who can equip Guard's Sword, Longsword, Mythril Sword, and Heron Sword, you simply have a knight who can equip Swords, and the script takes care of the rest.

Key Equipment Removal
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Basically, all this script does is remove weapons or armor with a price of 0 from an actor before the actor is removed from your party. This could be useful if you have a piece of equipment that acts as a key item in your game, and there is the potential that a character may have it equipped when he or she leaves your party for any reason. It would not be good to find yourself in a dungeon, only to discover that your cleric had the Staff of Power equipped when she was kidnapped, and you needed it to open the sealed door barring the way to rescue her, now would it?

modern algebra

Crisis Core Master Core

Variable Value
Version: 2.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script is creating a new variable value that shows up in the Shop Scene, but you can't buy items with it. You msut still buy items by normal gold.

modern algebra


Scene Menu Customization
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
The scope of this script is to edit simple values in the Scene_Menu, such as windows coordinates and opacity. It also provides the option to have a picture as background.

YEZ to YEM Status Biography, adapted from Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This is a patch that brings back the YEZ Biography command in YEM Status Menu Melody. The Biography window displays actors biographies or classes descriptions.

modern algebra


Automatic Description
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script Write automatically the help window of weapons, items, and armor.
It is completely editable.

Improved Damage
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script will change the damage received on a target that has a specific state.

modern algebra


Window Status Profile
Version: 1.01
Category: Menu Systems
It a simple script that draws a image on your status screen

modern algebra


Equips Change Skill MP Cost
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
What this script does is, if you put <mp1> in the notebox of a weapon or armor, it'll make all skills (By default) use up only 1 MP, just like in Final Fantasy.

Strafe Script Snippet
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Basically, what this does, is, while you're holding down a certain key, you "strafe", or move without changing directions. It was made mainly for ABS systems, so you could move back and forth around a certain monster or run away while attacking.

modern algebra


Damage Cap and Damage Multiplier
Version: 1.0b
Category: Actors and Enemies
This script allows you to set the max damage that one attack can cause.
This works much like Final Fantasy, where attacks can't deal more than 9,999 damage.

Inventory: Breaking Limits
Version: 1.20
Category: Database Utility
This Script can change the default limit for Gold (default: 9999999). Itens, Weapons and Armour (Default: 99 each)

Shop Input Expansion
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This Script adds 4 new features to the Shop's Number Input. By default, you can buy up to 99 itens at the same time (100+ if you're using my Inventory: Breaking Limits Script).
You can select how many items you want to buy, adding ou subtracting 1/10 units per time. But, if your limit is 9,999, then it will take forever, knowing that you can only add 10 units at the same time.
With this script, you can Add/ Subtract 100 units at same time. Or even skiping all this work, pressing Left when the number of items is 1.

modern algebra


Checkpoints and Continues
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows the game creator to easily set up checkpoint spots for the player to respawn to after the party has been defeated. The creator simply calls this script in an event on the map (such as during a map transfer or after an important cutscene), then when the player reaches what would normally be a game over, they will be allowed to continue the game from the exact spot marked by the creator. Additionally, the creator may allow the player a set number of continues or lives before it is game over for good.

Desperation Attacks
Version: 1.5
Category: Battle Systems
This script mimics the Desperation Attack system used in Final Fantasy VI, allowing the actors to randomly perform more powerful last resort attacks instead of their regular attacks when they are in critical health. You need only to set in the HP percentage actors reach critical health upon, the random chance rate for the Desperation Attack to replace a regular attack, and the skill ID each actor uses as their attack.

Synthesis Shop
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This is a simple script for a Final Fantasy IX synthesis shop. In a synthesis shop, the player can combine two materials (along with some money) to create new weapons. This script allows the user to easily turn the synthesis shop on and off with a switch, and set up what items can be made, how much they cost, and what materials are needed, simply by typing the numbers on the item's notebox in the database. No need to edit anything in the script except possibly what switch you'd like to use to turn it on.

modern algebra


Advanced Equipment Sets [also included in PAC Build]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
The maker can create similar items of equipment in the database, and can choose to give the player a bonus for collecting them. This script allows you to decide which of these items give the player a stats boost, which stat it boosts and by how much.

A special thing about these sets is that the sets add up, meaning that if you equip 2 peices from set 1 and 3 pieces from set 2, you get both of the boosts for the sets. It also displays the equipment set name on any equipped items in the status, equipment and item windows.

Battle HUDs [also included in PAC Engine]
Version: 3.0
Category: Battle Systems
[spoiler=Description]There are a lot of battle scripts for VX out there, and they're mostly fantastic. However, they all require so much configuration. This script is the ultimate plug-and-play battle HUD: all you have to do is put it in the editor and alter one thing if you really want to. This script simply puts the actor's defined face into the battle window along with their HP and MP. There is now also a HUD for the enemy selection part of battle. It contains the enemies' names, HPs, MPs and states. You can prevent the HUD from drawing these values buy placing certain tags in the enemy's notebox.

Exempt Actor Parameters
Version: 1.05
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to choose which actors, if any, should have levels, EXP, HP, MP or Battle Stats displayed. This is most likely to be used in games where you don't want your actor's progress easily trackable or in games where characters don't have levels, stats or gauges, i.e. non-fighting games. This script combines Exempt Actor Stats and Exempt Battle Stats.

Exempt Actor Stats
Version: 1.5
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to choose which actors, if any, should have levels, EXP, HP or MP displayed. This is most likely to be used in games where you don't want your actor's progress easily trackable or in games where characters don't have levels, i.e. non-fighting games.

Exempt Battle Stats
Version: 1.5
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to choose which actors, if any, should have ATK, DEF, SPI and AGI displayed. This is most likely to be used in non-fighting games.

Exempt Gold
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script will exempt all gold features in-game. This means that in the menu, no gold will be displayed. NOTE: If you use the \G message function, nothing will happen.[/spoiler]

Fullscreen Choice
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script is a rewrite of Main. Do not put it in Materials. Replace Main with this script. This script simply puts a choice of playing windowed or full-screened or simply quitting the game before the title screen shows.

Item Cap
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
There are quite a few scripts that serve a similar purpose to this one, but to my knowledge this is the only one that does this specifically: gives each item, weapon or armor it's own possession cap, that is displayed in shop, equip and item screens. You can also set (and change in-game) the maximum amount of gold attainable.

PAC Advanced Enemies Swap [included in PAC Build]
Category: Database Utility
So, you're lazy when it comes to databasing. Fair enough, a lot of us are. This script won't cure your ridiculous habit, but it will do the next best thing: make it easier for you. This script will take away the need to create hundreds of different troops in the database with a simple notebox command to diversify your battles. Simply create a dummy enemy to as a placeholder swap from, enter the notetags, put it in a troop and watch the script make your life easier.

PAC Centred Window [included in PAC Build]
Category: Scripting Utility
A command window with centred alignment

PAC Counterattack [included in PAC Build]
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
This script allows you to set a certain state(s) that when inflicted upon an actor or enemy allows (enforces) a counter-attack which automatically attacks the assaulting enemy with the default skill.

PAC Enemy Stats [included in PAC Build]
Category: Graphical Utility
The Enemy Select window doesn't tell anything but the name, and it displays 2 enemies every line. This script will add in the enemies' names, hp values, mp values and states in its slot and displays 1 enemy per line. You can also choose which enemies to not have these things displayed for with simple notes.

PAC Engine, by Pacman
Version: 1.5
PAC stands for Pacman Advanced Creative because I couldn't think of a better name and PAC is a cool acronym. It is in build 1.5 and currently contains 31 scripts. The heart of PAC are the utility and system engines that offer loads of cool features that you'll want in your game. I swear. There are five sections of the engine; Core, Battle, System, Utility and Main. I think they are quite self-explanatory.

PAC Escape Bar Removal
Category: Battle Systems
Don't want to give the player the choice to run away? You heartless tyrant. This script will be your accessory, use it to stop displaying the fight or escape prompt at all and go straight from the enemy attack display right to the fight.

PAC Large Troop [included in PAC Build]
Category: Battle Systems
So, you want more than 8 members in your troop? Just want more PAC scripts to make your game look better? Simple, just put this script in, read the instructions and configurate your own mass of monsters.

PAC Level Up [included in PAC Build]
Category: System Utility
In some games, when you achieve that glorious level up you've been striving to reach for three dungeons, your health, magic and states are restored to their fullest capacities. In others, you get those last EXP points and then get killed because you didn't recover your stats ;-;. Don't let yours be that kind of game with this script.

PAC Pause Screen [included in PAC Build]
Category: Custom Scenes
By pressing a specified button or calling the normal menu, you can have a simple window show on the screen until input by the player is made.

PAC Party Management
Verson: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
VX limits your party to having 4 members. Isn't that terrible? This script won't give you more members in your party, rather be able to change them throughout the game at the player's call. Read the instructions to find out more.

PAC Random Gameover [included in PAC Build]
Category: Graphical Utility
Your players will get bored of the gameover screen when they open the game so many times. To keep it interesting, this script will randomly select from a group of pictures in Graphics/System specified by you for the gameover screen

PAC Screensaver [included in PAC Build]
Category: System Utility
This script will give your game a dimming effect after a certain amount of time when there has been no input from the player.

PAC Simple Battle Background [included in PAC Build]
Category: Graphical Utility
Sick of the cheesy background swirl that VX does so annoyingly? Worry not, here is a script that will render your concerns ridiculous! We simply take a snapshot of the map you're on and slightly blur it and get rid of the events for you to fight on. !~NOTE THAT IT LOOKS KINDA WEIRD WITH THE DBS~! If in doubt, plug and play. If you want to change some stuff, by all means see the configuration section. This is just another utility script made to make your life just that much easier.

PAC Skill Scene Overhaul [included in PAC Build]
Category: Menu Systems
This skill inventory allows you to sort your items in the categories: All, Damage, Healing and Status. You can even make your own categories, if that's how you roll. This PAC format version makes several graphical improvements in Pacman's preference.

PAC Skip Title [included in PAC Build]
Category: System Utility
Don't want your game to have a title screen? Not liking the scene at all? Simple solution: paste this script in and set SKIP_TITLE to true.

PAC Stats Overhaul [included in PAC Build]
Category: Database Utility
RPG Maker VX's status system is not very changeable. Sure, you can set what changes the values to what, but you can't set the limits on those values. This script makes your life that much easier by allowing a break of limits to make a long game more interesting with more varied stats, or more fixated stats.

PAC Title Screens [included in PAC Build]
Category: Graphical Utility
Your players will get bored of the title screen when they open the game so many times. To keep it interesting, this script will randomly select from a group of pictures in Graphics/System specified by you for the title screen upon startup.

PAC Troop Names [also included in PAC Build]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Ever been annoyed at the default 'Slime A, Slime B' system that shows up in battle? Ever wanted to shoot it? Now, you don't have to! All you need is this simple snippet to change the letters into numbers.

PAC Window Changer [included in PAC Build]
Category: Event Utility
This scriplet (I invented a word!) will allow you to change the windowskin used in your fabulous game via script call. It's simple.

modern algebra


Charm/Manipulation State
Version: 2.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Extracts (from the Description and How It Really Works sections from the script):

This script allows allies and enemies alike to inflict the Charm status on its enemies. Depending on which side of the team inflicts the status, the effect can vary.

This essentially works in the same way that the Manipulate Command Materia in Final Fantasy 7 works (except that version worked a lot better and correctly compared to this script.)

The abilities that the controlling actor normally have are no longer available during the control of an enemy, but are 'returned' once control ends.

When an ally is Charmed by an enemy, the resulting effect is very much like being under the Confused state. Unlike Confuse, however, they will never attack themselves

In addition to being able to use skills from the enemy's action list, the actor gains 2 other abilities: Skip Turn and Release.

Different MP Notations
Version: 1.4a
Category: Graphical Utility
Allows different actors to be assigned their own terminology for their MP pool, such as AP or SP - whatever fits the character's class/role.

Enhanced Shopping
Version: 1.0b
Category: Custom Scenes
The default system involves buying from a predefined list of items on sale by the shop and selling any unwanted goods for a pretty penny (or in some cases peanuts).

But what happens to all those items we sell? And how come the shops never really run out of items despite having only a small counter or a cloak from which our friendly shopkeeper makes his sales? Well, now we can answer those questions for our players.

With this script, we can set up our shops to behave in various ways. From a shop who runs out of items to shops who will receive occassional shipments to replenish shops. We can even make shops sell us back the things we sold him
(for a reduced price if we want too). Of course, we can't forget about the traveling merchant with only a cloak or a pack mule to hold his items - We can limit the amount of items a shop is able to hold altogether.

Multiple Hit Skills
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Updates are planned to allow for additional properties with regards to multiple hits that skills may be assigned such as varying critical hit rates, accuracy rates and more - suggestions will be considered.

Further skill properties may also be implemented as a means of extending the Extra Skill Properties script by Mr G W (see Author's Notes for more info).

Random Name Generator
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Generates random names for actors (through the Name Input Processing scene) using an algorithm which interprets a data set of given names in a particular language to provide fairly good accuracy in actual names used.

Special Transfers
Version: 0.1
Category: Map Utility
By using a script call in the desired transfer event's commands list, you can change the transition effect.

Update Action Order per Action
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Systems
Forces the turn order to be redetermined each time a battler makes an action. Thus, speed changes (such as via Haste/Slow like skills) will affect the order a battler makes their action during the action order execution process, not when the action orders are recalculated at the next turn.

Please do note that this is designed primarily for the Default Battle System as it changes the way that make_action_orders works. It will probably conflict with Custom Battle Systems. If you do make use of a CBS, then please direct yourself to the Support section of this post.

modern algebra


Version: 0.6
Category: Map Utility
This is an on screen HUD that shows the name, character, HP, MP, Level, and money. This HUD is highly customizable you can make it look any way you want. The configuration part is at the beginning of the script. You may need to play around with the script at first to figure out the configuration. Whatever the name your money is in the game you will also have to go to the script and set the name there also if you want the money to appear on the HUD. I love this script because it looks good and it is highly customizable.

modern algebra


Sell-Only Shop, with assistance from Seiryuki
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows for sell-only shops by disabling the "buy" option. My intention was to combine that feature with Mithran's LimitShopBuy script to create a shop that would only buy certain items from your party's inventory whilst hiding all other items. E.g. Using both scripts, a Loot shop would have the ability to buy Loot, and only Loot, from your party's inventory and would be unable to sell Loot back to you.

modern algebra

Map Utility
These scripts alter features of the map scene, like adding HUDs or Fogs

Advanced Areas, by modern algebra
Version: 1.5
Adds the ability to turn areas on and off with a swtich, as well set an encounter_step for the area that is independent of the map.

Animated Parallax, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed.

Area Plus, by dricc
Version: 1.0
So i add 3 more features :
- The name of the area you're currently in is now displayed (only the first one if you are in two areas) .
Of course , if the hero is not in an area , nothing is displayed .
- If you put "[AREA]" in the name of the event and put this event in random move , the event will never go out the area .
This is based of the name of the area , so if you have 2 areas with exactly the same name , the event can move in both .
In the demo , some soldiers are affected to specific streets .
- The event can tell you in what area he is .

Autotile Animation Speed Control, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Tired of your waterfall (or any other autotile) animating too slowly (or too quickly)? This script allows you to set the speed that your A1 autotiles animate at.

Basic HUD, by Woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Basic HUD that shows HP and SP of first character in party on map

Disable Autoshadow Plus, by bulletxt
Version: 0.1
This script will make you choose what tiles on map must have autoshadow disabled. This can be very useful for good-professional mappers out there. There isn't much to say about it, this script is plug&play and it's very easy to use (instructions inside script).

Please report any issues you encounter and be sure to attach the map file so I can fix the script way faster.

Fal-MapName, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.0
Here a script that allow you to display the map name on map with a  handsome fade effect

Intructions: Just copy and paste to your project. yeah! easy like eat a peace of cake, but if you want to configure some thing like the display position you can do it in the module Fal_map_name of the script.

if you want to disable de display window you can activate the switch 50 (by deafault) you can change it.

Fog Effects, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.0
Are you tire of those monotone maps? here i bring you the solution!!
This script allow you show Fog Effects on map,


- Fog effects graphics on map
- Fog zoom
- Fog Scrool X or Y
- Others features

Fog of War, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to create "fog of war" on specified maps. This is a concept familiar to RTS games as it is used to hide the movement of enemy units when they are not in range of your own units. This script brings that concept to RMVX, and allows for two layers: a permanent one that is cleared forever once a unit explores the area, and a temporary one that is clear only for as long as it is within range of a unit. You can use either layer or both for any given map.

This script also allows for other events (not just the player) to have vision, and will hide other events not within direct vision of a unit unless you specify that event to show anyway.

Gold on Map, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.0
A script to show the amount of gold in the map. The script draws in the map an Icon of a little bag of money also.

HSTC Total HUD Control [included in HSTC Series], by HungrySnakes
Version: 1.0
This is a script which enables the user to fully take control of the HUD.

Kill Autoshadows, by Abt Plouton & modern algebra
Version: 2.0
This script gives you the option to remove the autoshadows from appearing in your game.

Manual Leader Control, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to override the default fact that the lead actor in the party is the one shown on the map and instead control it by setting an in-game variable to the ID of the actor you want. This makes it useful for games where you either don't want the main character to be in battles or where you have a party organization screen and always want the main character showing.

Map Actor Name Window, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
This snippet will show a window on the map with the first character's name in it. Not sure what it's useful for, but someone may need it.

Map Tint Carry-over, by jet10985 [included in Jet's Code Snippets]
Version: 1.0
This snippet will make it so if the map has a tint applied when the character enters battle, the tint will be applied to the battle screen as well.

Multiple Fog, by woratana [included in Wora's Giftbox]
Version: 1.0
Allows you to set unlimited number of fogs per map

Parallax Horizon, by modern algebra
This script allows you to set a speed for a parallax to scroll extra when the player is moving. It will scroll in the opposite direction, to give the illusion of a horizon to which the player is moving.

Random Dungeon Creator, by Racanhack; translated by LilTerra
Version: 3.0
Creates A dungeon Which Changes Every Time You Use It

Random Fadein, by Deity
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to use transition files for regular teleports instead of default fade, similar to the battle transitions. it selects from them randomly 

ReinoRPG HUD, by LB
Version: 0.6
This is an on screen HUD that shows the name, character, HP, MP, Level, and money. This HUD is highly customizable you can make it look any way you want. The configuration part is at the beginning of the script. You may need to play around with the script at first to figure out the configuration. Whatever the name your money is in the game you will also have to go to the script and set the name there also if you want the money to appear on the HUD. I love this script because it looks good and it is highly customizable.

Relatively Simple Fogs, by miget man12
Version: 1.5
This script takes a different approach to fogs. Instead of having you enter a script call to make a fog appear, it will draw a different fog every time you transfer. In other words, each map has it's own fog that is automatically drawn. I originally made it for use in Twilight1300's Legend of Zelda: Realm of the Gods, then I decided to use it in my own project. I eventually edited it quite a bit, and I did some research, and I found that Woratana's is one of the few working fog scripts. I don't know about every one else, but that script creates a ton of lag for me Cheesy. Anyway, I decided to post this for others. Version 1.5 gives you the ability to use multiple fogs!

Roguelike Random Dungeon Generator, by cozzikuns
Version: 1.0a
Randomly generates a different map each time the player enters the area; randomly relocates events and the player; is always solvable (so long as you make an exit).

Simple Area Extender [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
This adds options to areas.

Simple Gold HUD, by XaiL, with IceDragon & Jet [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.1a
Creates an HUD which shows Gold.

Simple Footsteps Script, by miget man12
Version: 2.0
I made this because I wanted to be able to use footsteps without having to use the confusing (in my opinion) configurations of DeadlyDan's Footstep's script. I also made this to have the ability to have events have footsteps, which DeadlyDan's lacks.

Simple Map HUD, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.1a
Creates an HUD which shows the name of the map.

Simple Pedometer HUD, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.1a
A simple pedometer HUD. The only reason I can see that this could be useful is if you have an item akin to an egg in pokemon, where the item will hatch, break, etc on a specific step count, and you want your player to be able to see how many steps his walked.

Simple Transfers, by XaiL [included in Simple Scripts Pack]
Version: 1.0
This script basically just changes the method when a player is transferring. You can set up a random transition to use when they are changing the map.

Special Transfers, by LoganForrests
Version: 0.1
By using a script call in the desired transfer event's commands list, you can change the transition effect.

Swap Tileset, by bulletxt
Version: 0.1
Did you ever dream of having more tilesets in your game? Did you ever dream of changing walls or terrains in real time? Did you ever dream of having more passage settings for the same tileset?
Well, tell your dreams the waiting has finished!
This script does all that, and it's very easy to use! You can have unlimited tilesets, each tileset can have it's own passage setting and you can load/unload them any time.... even on the same map in real time creating cool special effect like a wall changing its tile type!

The script is very easy to use, you just have to place the tile file in a folder, do a simple script call inside an event and then turn a switch on! You can then unload it by simply turning the switch off!

I uploaded a fast demo to show you its features! The script is inside it. Please read instructions for more details.

Teleport Fade Options, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to use different fades from the default fade to black of teleports. You can now choose up to 32 different colours to fade to, as well as an option for no fade at all upon teleport, which allows you to custom fade and transition.

Terrain Types, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
This script restores the Terrain Types of RM2k3. Not only does this include a restoration of terrain tags (from XP), but it gives special settings that apply to tiles with those IDs.

  • Restores many of the features of 2k3 Terrain Types
  • Scrolling Background (and Foreground) images for battle, depending on the terrain type you are standing on.
  • Encounter Multiplier for certain terrain types, so that encounters can be more or less frequent depending on the terrain
  • Footstep Sound Effects that apply not only to players, but to events as well (if you specify that they should). Further, the footsteps of events increase in volume as they approach the player and decrease in volume as they move away from the player
  • Terrain types that can hurt (or heal) the player when they step on
  • Walking Speed can be influenced by the type of terrain
  • You can set some terrains to disable dashing
  • You can set some terrains to prevent airship landing and others to allow it. Perfect for Airports!
  • And much more! Read Editable Region B at line 131 for more details

Thomas Edison VX, by bulletxt
Version: 0.1
This script is an enhanced version of the well known Light Effects written from Kylock. I decided to pick it up, fix some things and add some new important features. The most important one is that you can enable/disable a light through a switch call based on its type. For example you can make all FIRE lights go on/off with a switch, and with another switch make all GROUND lights go on/off. There are also new lights, for a total of 12. The script is also smart when using KGC Day Night system! When it's day, the lights keep off and when it's night they automatically go on! Instructions are inside the script.

Vehicle Landing Restrictions, by ahref
Version: 1.00
This script restricts where a player can exit their boats an ships. they can only exit their vehicles at specified events whose names contain "port". THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH AIRSHIPS.

Vehicle Maps, by TDS
Version: 1.0
When you are in a vehicle, This script gives you the option to enter a specified map by pressing SHIFT. The idea is that you can make that map to be the inside of the ship or aircraft or what have you, and thus you can enter your vehicle and talk to the people on board.

modern algebra


Compact RVData
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
The overall size of the Data directory can become quite significant in large projects or projects that use large maps. To combat this, Compact RVData can shrink the size of your Data folder significantly without any need for third-party EXEs or DLLs! Controlling the size of your Data directory is just one step you can take to optimize your game for faster distribution.

Since .rvdata files are merely glorified text files, they can be compressed and uncompressed very quickly. This also means that they can be compacted quite heavily. For example, a 500x500 map typically takes up 1.5 megabytes with nothing in it -- which is a huge size for a single map -- but once it is compressed it only takes up around 3 kilobytes!

Oversized Event Support
Version: 1.0
Category: Event Utility
Have you ever assigned large graphics to your events only to find that your huge dragon has just has one square which triggers its code? Oversized Event Support can help! You can easily assign a larger grid to your fierce dragon and allow it to become the terror it was meant to be!

Shake Window
Version: 1.4
Category: Miscellaneous
Shaking the screen not enough to emphasize something that happened in game? Want the metor you just dropped on the players to rock more than the pixels inside of the game? Shake Window will allow you to kindly jiggle or ruthlessly rattle the game window in custom directions as well as allow you to shake the screen while you're at it.

modern algebra


Random Dungeon Creator; translated by LilTerra
Version: 3.0
Category: Map Utility
Creates A dungeon Which Changes Every Time You Use It

modern algebra


Disable Menu Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Systems
This script allows you to set the selectable options in your menu to be Disabled, handy for anyone not wanting people to enter the option before it's needed in-game.

Quest Journal - Add-on
Version: 2.1b+
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a little add-on i needed for my game and since i'm an amateur scriptwriter i made it myself with the help of
  • cozziekuns
  • JonFawkes
  • Pacman
it adds the possibility to see the number of items in possession for a quest in the Quest Journal.

modern algebra

Mr G W

Extra Skill Features
Version: 1.0
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Gives many features to skills. Particulary useful for physical skills that are meant to work similarly to normal attacks, such as hitratio or elements.

  • Allows skills to inherit many data from normal attack, such as hitratio, critical, elements.
  • Allows a skill to damage both HP and MP.
  • Allows a skill to be silenced without setting SPI F above zero. Useful for status skills or fixed damage spells.
  • Can also turn physical skills into magical skills if using Magical Weapons script.

Magical Weapons
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Allows weapons to deal magical damage on normal attack, so it uses SPI instead of ATK and DEF. Works with YEM RES stat. This is similar to Magic Weapons in Fire Emblem, such as Runesword or Fire Lance.

Special Damage
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Allows creation of weaknesses and resistances independent to the enemy's elemental weaknesses.

modern algebra


Boss Options [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Database Utility
This script lets you customize boss enemies a little more, and balance specific skills so as to remain useful - but not overpowered - against your boss enemies. Some features are effective on normal enemies, too. It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Craze's Script Asylum [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Version: 1.00i
Category: Miscellaneous
This is a testing bed for a number of Craze's scripts and also includes some YEM scripts.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Element Damage Boosts [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Allow certain states and pieces of equipment to raise the damage a battler does with specific elements, such as an armor increasing the power of Fire spells.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Element HEC Boost [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Allow certain states and pieces of equipment to raise the chance that a battler inflicts a critical hit with an element, or evades a specific element. This is inspired entirely by Persona 4.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Encounter Management [included in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: System Utility
This allows you to affect the rate of random encounters, or let the player do so.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

Gold/EXP Boost [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Database Utility
Allow certain states and pieces of equipment to raise the amount of gold and experience that enemies grant. Similar to KGC's version, but expanded and definitely compatible with Battle Engine Zealous.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.

State Infliction Rates [included in Craze's Script Asylum in Pockethouse Scripts]
Category: Skills, States, & Elements
Now you can affect the chance that a skill inflicts its states.
It can be found under the Craze subheading of Other Pockethouse Scripters in the Pockethouse Scripts thread.