GW Magical Weapons
Version: 1.3
Author: Mr G W
Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) - 30/8/2011
Version History
- <Version 1.3> 2011.8.30 - Bugfix: When damage to mp option was selected and
damageboth tag was used, it wouldnt display the "no damage" message if hp damage
was 0. - <Version 1.2> 2011.8.23 - New tag <multi>. Allows creation multi hit attacks.
- <Version 1.1> 2011.8.18 - Fixed a crash when a enemy used a magical skill, added
the <01damage> tag, values from <damageboth> can now be ommited to use defaults. - <Version 1.0> 2011.8.17 - Original Release
Planned Future Versions
Gives many features to skills. Particulary useful for physical skills that are meant to work similarly to normal attacks, such as hitratio or elements.
- Allows skills to inherit many data from normal attack, such as hitratio, critical, elements.
- Allows a skill to damage both HP and MP.
- Allows a skill to be silenced without setting SPI F above zero. Useful for status skills or fixed damage spells.
- Can also turn physical skills into magical skills if using Magical Weapons script.
- NEW: Skills that deal 0 damage can have a 50% chance to deal 1 damage just like normal attack if <01damage> tag is used.
Note that, like normal attack, this doesnt happen if the enemy guards the attack.
Place where it says Materials. Use the note tags to apply the effects you want.
This script also affects usable items
Extra Skill Features
Version 1.3
By Mr G W -
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) - 30/8/2011
<Version 1.3> 2011.8.30 - Bugfix: When damage to mp option was selected and
damageboth tag was used, it wouldnt display the "no damage" message if hp damage
was 0.
<Version 1.2> 2011.8.23 - New tag <multi>. Allows creation multi hit attacks.
<Version 1.1> 2011.8.18 - Fixed a crash when a enemy used a magical skill, added
the <01damage> tag, values from <damageboth> can now be ommited to use defaults.
<Version 1.0> 2011.8.17 - Original Release
This script allows skills to inherit data from the normal attack.
This is useful for melee skills that are meant to work in a similar way to
normal attacks and so you don't have to create many clone skills each with
different elements each.
Since weapons may have variable hitratios, you can make skills that get the
weapon hitratio. This is useful if you have a inaccurate weapon that gives an
insane attack bonus to nto be perfectly accurate when used by a skill.
It also allows to have skills to be silenced without setting SPI F above 0.
Use this tag to inherit the elements. This adds the elements from the
normal attack.
So if your skill has element Fire and inherits the norm attack elements it will
deal Fire + (elements). If you want the skill to deal the exact same number
of elements, just make it without any elements.
If using KGC_SetAttackElement, this will work on enemies too.
This adds the normal attack hit ratio to the skill.
the final hitratio will be Normal Attack + Skill. This is useful to make
skills more or less accurate than normal attack. For example, you weapon has
70% hit, you could make a skill that increases the acuracy by 10% by inputting
10 in the skill hitratio.
If <removehitratio> is used, then the final hitratio will be normal attack - skill.
This is useful for making skills that are less accurate than normal. For example,
setting the skill hitratio to 15 will reduce accuracy by 15%.
To make the skill's accuracy the same as normal attack, just set the hitratio
to 0 or use the <hitratio> tag.
This tag causes this skill to be disabled if the user is silenced, even if
SPI F = 0. This is useful for non damaging magic attacks or fixed damage attacks
that do not use SPI F.
<critical: x>
Allows the skill to do critical hits. The number is the critical ratio to add
or subtract. Setting to 0 means no change, in other words, uses the same as normal
attack. The tag <critical> can also be used instead of <critical 0>
<damageboth: damage atk_f spi_f variance>
Damages both HP and MP.
If Damage to MP is off, this will be the base MP damage.
If Damage to MP is on, this will be the base HP damage.
If atk_f, spi_f and variance are set to a negative number, it uses the value
set in the database.
If using the Magical Weapons script, it allows a skill to become magical aswell.
It "transfers" it's ATK F to SPI F. If using both weapons and one is magical and
the other isnt, only half of the ATK F is transfered.
Atk F = 100 and Spi F = 0 - Using normal weapon/No changes.
Atk F = 0 and Spi F = 100 - Using magic weapon.
Atk F = 50 and Spi F = 50 - Using a magical and a normal weapon.
Atk F = 100 and Spi F = 25 - Using normal weapon/No changes.
Atk F = 0 and Spi F = 125 - Using magic weapon.
Atk F = 50 and Spi F = 75 - Using a magical and a normal weapon.
It allows a skill to have 50% chance of dealing 1 damage when it's final damage
is 0, just like the normal attack.
<multi: x y>
Allows a skill to strike multiple times. x is the minimum number of hits and
y the maximum number of hits. If y is ommited or lower than x, it defaults to x.
If any number is 0 or less, it defaults to 1.
If used with Random enemy, it hits the enemies randomly.
If used with One Enemy/Ally, All Enemies/Allies, User, it will it
the target/all targets multiple times.
When used with One Enemy Dual, it does +1 extra hit.
Ex: <multi 5> deals 6 hits, instead of 5.
Ex: <multi 3 5> deals 4-6 hits, instead of 3-5.
When used with 2/3 Random Enemies it does +1/+2 extra hits.
Ex: <multi 3> deals 4/5 hits, instead of 3.
Ex: <multi 2 4> deals 3-5/4-6 hits, instead of 2-4.
This script aliases calc_hit, make_obj_damage_value and skill_can_use?.
This script should work with other combat-related scripts unless they override
these methods and are placed below this script. If the overriding script
is placed above this one, then this script should work properly.
This script overrides make_obj_targets and display_hp_damage.
This script will not work if another script is placed below this one that also
overrides the same method. If this script is placed below instead, the other
script will not work. If another script aliases this method, place it below
this script.
$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["GWExtraSkillOptions"] = true
class Game_Battler
#-----HIT RATIO----------
alias gw_calc_hit calc_hit
def calc_hit(user, obj = nil)
hit = gw_calc_hit(user, obj) #Run original
return hit unless obj.is_a?(RPG::Skill)
return (user.hit) if obj.hitratio == true #Sets the skill hitratio to the user
#Does nothing if both or none of the tags are used.
return hit if obj.addhitratio == obj.removehitratio
#Does nothing if a item or normal attack.
#Set the hitratio to the user's.
hit = gw_get_hitratio(user, obj)
return hit
def gw_get_hitratio(user, obj)
#Adds the hitratio to the user's hitratio.
hit = (user.hit + obj.hit) if obj.addhitratio == true
#Subtracts hitratio if the minus tag is used.
hit = (user.hit - obj.hit) if obj.removehitratio == true
return hit
#Using "user" instead of "weapon" so it works on enemies and with items/stats that alter hitratio.
alias gw_make_obj_damage_value make_obj_damage_value
def make_obj_damage_value(user, obj)
skillelements = obj.element_set #Stores the original skill elements
atkf_temp = obj.atk_f #Stores the original skill atk f
spif_temp = obj.spi_f #Stores the original skill spi f
#----Setup for secondary----
@atk_f = (obj.damageboth[1] < 0 ? obj.atk_f : obj.damageboth[1])
@spi_f = (obj.damageboth[2] < 0 ? obj.spi_f : obj.damageboth[2])
variance = (obj.damageboth[3] < 0 ? obj.variance : obj.damageboth[3])
gw_skill_element_set(user, obj) #Gets the elements from weapon
gw_magical_weapon(user, obj) #Magical weapons
#Secondary damage has no need for temporary storage since the script will
#not alter the values in the notes, unlike when its messing up with the
#database values.
gw_make_obj_damage_value(user, obj) #Original
#----Damage for secondary hit----
damage = obj.damageboth[0] # get base damage
nodamage = true if damage == 0 #To avoid hitting 1 50% of times, if no damage is set.
if damage > 0 # a positive number?
damage += user.atk * 4 * @atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the user
damage += user.spi * 2 * @spi_f / 100 # Spirit F of the user
unless obj.ignore_defense # Except for ignore defense
damage -= self.def * 2 * @atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the target
damage -= self.spi * 1 * @spi_f / 100 if $imported["RES Stat"] == false # Spirit F of the target
damage -= self.res * 1 * @spi_f / 100 if $imported["RES Stat"] == true # Spirit F of the target
damage = 0 if damage < 0 # If negative, make 0
elsif damage < 0 # a negative number?
damage -= user.atk * 4 * @atk_f / 100 # Attack F of the user
damage -= user.spi * 2 * @spi_f / 100 # Spirit F of the user
damage *= elements_max_rate(obj.element_set) # elemental adjustment
damage /= 100
if damage == 0 and obj.damage == true and nodamage == false # if damage is 0,
damage = rand(2) # half of the time, 1 dmg
nocritical = true #When this happens, no criticals just like normal attack.
damage = apply_variance(damage, variance) # variance
damage = apply_guard(damage) # guard adjustment
if obj.damage_to_mp #This works the other way around as we are calculating the damage for the other hit.
@hp_damage = damage # damage HP
@mp_damage = damage # damage MP
#The damage can be multiplied after applying guard since we are multiplying.
if obj.allowcritical != nil
if (@hp_damage > 0 or @mp_damage > 0)
@critical = (rand(100) < user.cri + obj.allowcritical)
@critical = false if prevent_critical
@hp_damage *= 3 if @critical and @hp_damage > 0 and obj.damage_to_mp == false
@mp_damage *= 3 if @critical and @mp_damage > 0 and obj.damage_to_mp == true
#---Sec attack----
@mp_damage *= 3 if @critical and @mp_damage > 0 and obj.damage_to_mp == false and nocritical == false
@hp_damage *= 3 if @critical and @hp_damage > 0 and obj.damage_to_mp == true and nocritical == false
#----1 Damage---
#Placed below critical since this damage doesnt critical
if obj.damage == true
if obj.damage_to_mp == false
applyguard = true if @hp_damage == 0 #To avoid applying guard twice
@hp_damage = rand(2) if @hp_damage == 0
@hp_damage = apply_guard(@hp_damage) if applyguard = true #Guard is applied after this in the normal attack.
#This will always deal 0 damage if guarded.
elsif obj.damage_to_mp == true
applyguard = true if @mp_damage == 0 #To avoid applying guard twice
@mp_damage = rand(2) if @mp_damage == 0
@mp_damage = apply_guard(@mp_damage) if applyguard = true #Guard is applied after this in the normal attack.
#This will always deal 0 damage if guarded.
obj.element_set = skillelements #Restores the skill element set back to default
#This stops the elements from being added permanently
obj.atk_f = atkf_temp
obj.spi_f = spif_temp
applyguard = false
nocritical = false
nodamage = false
def gw_skill_element_set(user, obj)
return unless obj.element #Checks for tag
obj.element_set += user.element_set #Adds the elements from the normal attack
def gw_magical_weapon(user, obj)
return unless $imported["GWMagicWeapons"] == true #Does nothing if not using the Magical Weapon Script
return unless obj.magical #Checks for tag
return unless
if user.weapons[0] != nil and user.weapons[1] == nil #Using only weapon 0
return unless user.weapons[0].magical == true
obj.spi_f += obj.atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
obj.atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
#---Secondary damage---
@spi_f += @atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
@atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
elsif user.weapons[0] == nil and user.weapons[1] != nil #Using only weapon 1
return unless user.weapons[1].magical == true
obj.spi_f += obj.atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
obj.atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
#---Secondary damage---
@spi_f += @atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
@atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
elsif user.weapons[0] != nil and user.weapons[1] != nil #Using both weapons
return unless user.weapons[0].magical == true or user.weapons[1].magical == true
if user.weapons[0].magical == user.weapons[1].magical #Both weapons are magical: Transfers ATK_F.
obj.spi_f += obj.atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
obj.atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
#---Secondary damage---
@spi_f += @atk_f #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
@atk_f = 0 #Sets Atk F to 0
elsif user.weapons[0].magical != user.weapons[1].magical #One weapon is magical, the other isnt. Transfers half of the ATK_F
obj.spi_f += (obj.atk_f / 2) #"Tranfers" half of the skills Atk F to Spi F
obj.atk_f /= 2 #Halves ATK F
#---Secondary damage---
@spi_f += (@atk_f / 2) #"Tranfers" the skills Atk F to Spi F
@atk_f /= 2 #Sets Atk F to 0
end #If
end #If
alias gw_skill_can_use? skill_can_use?
def skill_can_use?(skill)
return false if silent? and skill.silence == true
end #Game_Battler
class Game_BattleAction
# * Create Skill or Item Targets
# obj : Skill or item
def make_obj_targets(obj)
targets = []
obj.multi[0] = 1 if obj.multi[0] <= 0 #Defaults to 1 if <= 0.
obj.multi[1] = 1 if obj.multi[1] <= 0 #Defaults to 1 if <= 0.
obj.multi[1] = obj.multi[0] if obj.multi[1] < obj.multi[0] #If Max < Min, Max = Min.
multihit = (obj.multi[0]-1) + rand(obj.multi[1]-obj.multi[0]+1)
if obj.for_opponent?
if obj.for_random?
if obj.for_one? # One random enemy
number_of_targets = 1 + multihit
elsif obj.for_two? # Two random enemies
number_of_targets = 2 + multihit
else # Three random enemies
number_of_targets = 3 + multihit
number_of_targets.times do
elsif obj.dual? # One enemy, dual
targets += targets
multihit.times do targets.push(opponents_unit.smooth_target(@target_index)) end
elsif obj.for_one? # One enemy
multihit.times do targets.push(opponents_unit.smooth_target(@target_index)) end
else # All enemies
targets += opponents_unit.existing_members
multihit.times do targets += opponents_unit.existing_members end
elsif obj.for_user? # User
multihit.times do targets.push(battler) end
elsif obj.for_dead_friend?
if obj.for_one? # One ally (incapacitated)
multihit.times do targets.push(friends_unit.smooth_dead_target(@target_index)) end
else # All allies (incapacitated)
targets += friends_unit.dead_members
multihit.times do targets += friends_unit.dead_members end
elsif obj.for_friend?
if obj.for_one? # One ally
multihit.times do targets.push(friends_unit.smooth_target(@target_index)) end
else # All allies
targets += friends_unit.existing_members
multihit.times do targets += friends_unit.existing_members end
return targets.compact
end #Game_BattlerAction
class Scene_Battle
def display_hp_damage(target, obj = nil)
if target.hp_damage == 0 # No damage
return if obj != nil and obj.damage_to_mp and obj.damageboth[0] == 0
return if obj != nil and obj.damage_to_mp == false and obj.base_damage == 0
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorNoDamage : Vocab::EnemyNoDamage
text = sprintf(fmt,
elsif target.absorbed # Absorb
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorDrain : Vocab::EnemyDrain
text = sprintf(fmt,, Vocab::hp, target.hp_damage)
elsif target.hp_damage > 0 # Damage
text = sprintf(Vocab::ActorDamage,, target.hp_damage)
$game_troop.screen.start_shake(5, 5, 10)
text = sprintf(Vocab::EnemyDamage,, target.hp_damage)
target.blink = true
else # Recovery
fmt = ? Vocab::ActorRecovery : Vocab::EnemyRecovery
text = sprintf(fmt,, Vocab::hp, -target.hp_damage)
class RPG::BaseItem
def hitratio
return true}
return false
def addhitratio
return true}
return false
def removehitratio
return true}
return false
def element
return true}
return false
def silence
return true}
return false
def allowcritical
return 0}
self.note[/<critical: ([-0-9]+)>/]
return nil if $1 == nil #Does nothing if there is no note tag or no number
return $1.to_i
def damageboth
self.note[/<damageboth: ([-0-9]+) ([-0-9]+) ([-0-9]+) ([-0-9]+)>/]
#Does nothing if there is no note tag.
return [$1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i]
def damage
return true}
return false
def multi
self.note.scan(/<multi: ([-0-9]+)>/){
return [$1.to_i,$1.to_i]}
self.note[/<multi: ([-0-9]+) ([-0-9]+)>/]
return [$1.to_i,$2.to_i]
end #RPG::BaseItem
You can also get it from the attachment.
- People who made scripts - I've been learning on my own, so other scripts help me understand how RGSS works.
Just post here. If i don't answer, it's because I can't be on.
Any errors or glitches, feel free to post.
Known Compatibility Issues
This script aliases calc_hit, make_obj_damage_value and skill_can_use?.
This script should work with other combat-related scripts unless they override
these methods and are placed below this script. If the overriding script
is placed above this one, then this script should work properly.
This script overrides make_obj_targets and display_hp_damage.
This script will not work if another script is placed below this one that also
overrides the same method. If this script is placed below instead, the other
script will not work. If another script aliases this method, place it below
this script.
Author's Notes
This script also works with usable items.
For commercial use, contact me first. You can use this script how you want as long as you credit.