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RMVXA Script Index

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Left-Side Currency Symbol/Icon, by Seiryuki
Version: 1.01
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows for currency symbol, or a specified icon, to be displayed on the left-side of the money value instead of the default right-side.

Lenneth CMS, Inventory System and Equipment System, by SoulPour777, blackmorning & Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A new menu that utlizies a visual Inventory, Equipment and Menu System. This is a rework of Hanzo's system in VX, which is now on VX Ace.

Lethrface's Splash Screen, by Lethrface
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
- Unlimited splash screens
- Play movies for your splash screens.

Level Up Switches, by vindaca
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
I wanted to be able to add more on to the leveling up. This way you can change a lot about an actor, be it their appearance, stats, maybe a side quest or anything else you can think of.

Limited Inventory, by TheoAllen
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allow you to limit your inventory by overall possesed items instead of individual items.

Lock Actor in Formation, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to lock an actor in their position in the party and prevents the player from moving the actor around. It can be useful for times when you want to ensure that a particular actor is in the active party, such as the main character.

Log Horizon Experience Pot System, by SoulPour777
Version: 1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script enables the party members lower than Level 30 to gain experience pots, an item that gives them boost on experience and fighting abilities. This is a script based on a system mentioned from the Japanese Animation Log Horizon.

Log Horizon – Patrol File, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Patrol File is a way to maintain your formation and field monitoring. The first and the last members in line cover each other’s view, so attackers and healers can focus on their jobs as the party moves.

Log Horizon – Row Damage Modifier, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows a change of damage only for a certain row of actors. This means that if an actor is in the position indicated on the script, the actor will have a different damage to deal. This by means that all other actors that are not involved in the damage modifier will still deal the normal damage they have to. This is to encompass the Patrol File System.

Longer Script Calls, by LiTTleDRAgo
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This snippet will connect script calls with another script calls below it

Luck Influenced Drop Rates, by Logan
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A script that allows the Luck stat to play a part in item drop rates. Two modes exist:

  • Party Luck: The total luck of the party is used (along with a modifier) to increase the chance of an item being dropped.
  • Actor Luck: The Luck of the actor who lands the killing blow (along with a modifier) will be used to increase the chance of an item being dropped.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 02:58:16 AM by modern algebra »

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Manual Surprise Rates, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to manually set the pre-emptive attack and surprise attack rates. It can be especially useful for story battles where you want the party or the enemy to have the upper hand in line with the story event.

Map does not Scroll with Player [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script stops the map from scrolling with the player. Its only use is to mimic old Zelda style games where the map would scroll when you would change rooms, otherwise staying still.

To scroll a map you will have to use the Scroll Map event.

Map Edge Transfer, by Jester
Version: 1.1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This Script allows the player to automatically transfer to the next map when hitting the edge of the current map, using in-game variables.

It also adds a small feature to make it look like the player actually WALKS out of the current map into the new map instead of teleporting.

Map Screenshot, by LiTTleDRAgo
Version: 1.0.6
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Take a screenshot from the map

Map Transfer Common Events, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you instantly run a specified common event when exiting or entering a map. This is useful, for instance, for when you want to instantly change the tone when transferring to a different map, or really for any other change that you want to take place instantly. The event will only be run once.

Menu Use SEs, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0a
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script restores the lost RMXP ability to set individual sound effects when using items and skills in the menu. This permits you to, for instance, make it so that eating food isn't the same sound effect as drinking a potion.

Message Codes [included in Blackmorning Scripts], by blackmorning
Version: 1.04
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script gives some added options for the message window

Metronome Skill in Battle [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script puts in a skill similar to pokemon's metronome, in the sense that skills will be chosen at random to be used if this skill is used.

Minimum/Maximum TP Requirements for Skills, by Feldherren
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Ever wanted to require a given amount of TP for usage of a skill without it actually costing that TP? This script lets you do that! With it, you can set minimum and/or maximum TP values for skills; if the attempted-user has less than the minimum or more than the maximum specified, the skill will be greyed out and unusable.

Mirai Custom Menu System, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This menu is for ONE Player Style of games. It features the character's bust, and status drawn on the right side of the player. The CMS also features a 'By List' skill window, where it would not require the actor to go to a new window to apply the skills but rather a list of possible effect targets.

Monster Catalogue, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a scene that you can call which shows data on any and all monsters you have collected. You can change the exact point at which data will show up. By default, the script will show only ?????? for any monsters not yet fought, but once they are first encountered by the player then the monster's name, battler, and stats will show up. There are options to change that though. For instance, you could make it so that only the monster's name and battler will show up when the monster is encountered, and to show the stats you will need to use a special analyze item, which you can set up in the database by simply putting \analyze in an item or skill's notebox.

Additionally, you can give the enemies species and use different categories to separate them.

Morality Metre for Menu, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script puts a morality bar inside of your menu, allowing you to have different colours and titles along with it.

More Drops, by Soulpour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the developer to have more dropped items more than it should. The calculation is done via percentage.

More Self-Switches, by game_guy
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters either. You can have names for them.

Mouse System Buttons, by Dark_falcao
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a button based mouse script, allow you create as many buttons you want to the game map screen or map ground, also provide you full  mouse interaction within the game play.

Move Event with Player, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script makes events move whenever the player moves, it also allows them to mimic the player or do the opposite.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 03:55:14 AM by modern algebra »

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NAM's Random Battle Transitions, by NAMKCOR
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
With simple configuration, you too can have a myriad number of random battle transitions for your RPG Maker VX Ace title.

Neo Gauge Ultimate Ace, by Pacman [ported from Woratana's VX version]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the way gauges are drawn. This script supports drawing gauges horizontally and vertically, uses a 3-colour gradient, has a very simple setup and two brilliant methods to change the bitmap. Note that much of this work is Woratana's, you should credit him the same as (if not more than) me. I do not claim writing this script entirely, I edited the VX version a while back, and this is the VXA port of that.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 08:25:40 PM by Seamus »

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Object Trace, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00a
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Traces all objects belonging to a queried class linked to a queried object
Designed as a bug diagnosis tool used by scripters with debug experience

Old School Cheats, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
One question: how many people still remember the original Contra code? If there's ever been one thing to make a game memorable it was the cheat codes. I wanted to bring back the old school cheat codes so this is my rendition with an RPG twist.

One Actor Full Status Menu, by DoctorTodd
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Removes all need for a status scene and works as if there is only one actor. This is the official menu for Gold and Glory 2.

One Game Instance, by game_guy
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script is to prevent multiple instances of your game. This is really only for online games so players can't cheat and PvP themselves.

One Person Menu, by DoctorTodd
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A menu that is modified to work as if you are only using one actor.

Outside Event Self-Switch Control [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you modify one event's self-switch from another event. This can save you lots of event switches from being used if done correctly.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 12:06:24 PM by modern algebra »

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PAC Main Menu Ace, by Pacman
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This is the PAC Main Menu converted to VX Ace. On a basic level, this offers a configurable setup for your main menu, allowing the user to create, alter and move the position of menu commands at their pleasure. It can be used very simply to merely reorder the default commands, or to its' fullest potential, that is creating commands to put custom scenes into the menu. It also offers two graphical features: adding an EXP gauge into the menu status window, and adding icons into the command display. Both are optional and customizable.

"Party Dying" Battle BGM, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to play an 'in-danger' BGM when your party HP or singular actor hp is below a certain point. Similar to Pokemon Black and White when your lead pokemon is in danger of fainting.

Pathfinding, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to move any character to another tile using the shortest path possible. It takes a significantly longer time on large maps.

Pause Menu Addons, by Ventwig
Version: 1.1
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
-Adds on to the pause menu so it will show playtime/map name
-Mix and match the two features which will automatically lay themselves out properly
-Two placement options, under command window or above gold window
-Can also draw icons beside the map name/ time

Pause Screen, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you pause the game by pressing a key.

Perfect Stat Point Distribution System, by Dekita
Version: 1.9
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script has has been designed to "replicate" the world of online rpg games by giving you control over how your character progresses in terms of stats/parameters throughout gameplay.

Personality Levels, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A custom scene that displays Personality Levels for each character, composed of Courage, Understanding, Diligence, Knowledge and Expression.

Play BGM on Load Menu [also included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to play BGM on the Loading menu. When you select 'Continue' from the title screen and are taken to the file selection screen, new BGM will play instead of the same title screen music.
Similar to Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal.

Play Game Whilst Displaying a Window, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This Script will allow you to display a window with text, but will also allow the player to move. It is useful for instructions, or to remind the player about their current quest objectives.

Play SE on Balloon Pop-Up, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to play an SE (Sound Effect) when a balloon icon pops-up above someones head.

Play SE on Critical Hit [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script will allow you to play a Sound Effect when any active battler scores a critical hit.

Position Choice Window, by Lament
Version: --
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A script to move the choice list window around the screen

Preemptive Surprise Toggler, by TroyZ
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This little script will give you an ability to control preemptive and surprise battle at exact rate by using switch.

Prefixes and Suffixes, by vindaca
Version: 0.3
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Simply put, this is a simple script that allows you to create instance weapons and armors with prefixes and suffixes, either completely random, or very specific.

Press Turn Battle System, by Yami, Nessiah & Fomar0153
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script provides battle mechanism Press Turn Battle (PTB). This PTB based from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne battle.

Price Formulas, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you calculate the standard price of an item by a formula. The most useful implementation for this is likely to implement a tax, where the price of the item varies depending on the value of the tax rate variable.

Naturally, this does not interact with any prices that are set directly in the Shop event itself.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 02:47:05 AM by modern algebra »

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Quest Journal, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script provides a graphical interface for showing quest progress. It is objective based, meaning that you choose when to reveal objectives and you can set it so that they show up as complete or failed. That said, this script does not build quests for you; it is only a supplementary scene for showing them. As such, you need to event all of the quests yourself and update/monitor quest progress via script call. Therefore, pay close attention to the instructions both here and in the Editable Regions.

Quest Journal - Debug Addon, by napoleon
Version: 1.01
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A quick debug menu for Modern Algebra's Quest Journal.


- View (even concealed), complete/fail/reveal/conceal/reset etc. quests and objectives at runtime.
- Can easily be disabled.

Quick Travel, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set quick travel locations that you can quickly go to in a map from a special menu.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 03:08:10 AM by modern algebra »

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Random Battle Themes, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to play a random battle theme upon starting a battle, it can be turned off before a boss battle via switch so that the appropriate battle them still plays for them.

Random Encounters by Level, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to assign levels to enemies and have it so that enemy will only be randomly encountered when the player's level is within some range of that enemy's level. You can set the level range by map.

That might be confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by example. You set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims, and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the random encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99, because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the enemies with this script you will only fight monster troops that are within level range of your heroes. You can set what that level range is as well, thus making some maps harder and others easier.

Random Enemy Battlers, by NAMKCOR
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
When configured, this script allows for randomly selected battlers, to give more variation to your enemies

Random Exp Drop, by TroyZ
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will randomize the EXP dropped by enemy with random rate that you set in this script. Good for those who wants to block the player that often hunting EXP, cause there'll be a EXP drop range of enemy.

Random Shop Generator, by cozziekuns
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Made for Roguelike-type games, this script enables you to easily create a random shop.

Real Time Events, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script is an extention of my conditional checks script. It was based on Gump's Time Script. This script can be used to implement real time into your game via switches and variables.

Receipt Window, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to show a window at the top of the screen with any items you identify. Unlike a text box, the window will not prevent the player from moving or engaging with other events. The purpose of the script is to allow you to show when a player finds items without having to pause the gameplay.

Region Battleback, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set battlebacks based on region id.

Region Display, by TDS
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to see Region tiles in your game by pressing F8

ReinoRPG HUD, by LB [ported and edited by dartdaman]
Version: ?
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a heads-up display showing hp and mp of the actor on the map, as well as other information like the party's gold.

Relationship Window, by vindaca
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
I have had a few requests for a relationship window, so I decided to make one. It's easy to use. If anyone has any requests to add on please let me know.

Remove Vehicle Auto-change BGM [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will allow you to stop vehicles from changing the bgm that is currently playing via the use of an event switch.

Reserve Members' EXP Rate, by Logan
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A script to allow the customisation of the EXP gained by reserve party members, and to provide a means of excluding certain actors from the benefit of EXP gained as a reserve party member.

Ring Commands [included in Blackmorning Scripts], by blackmorning
Version: 1.01
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the commands windows from rows to a ring format.

Run Common Event on Continue [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to run a common event when the player loads a save game.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 05:24:43 PM by modern algebra »

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Scene Bonus Ex, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This new added scene allows the player to take a Bonus Item. The Bonus Item is only available if the certain computer time is achieved and a certain switch is turned on. The switch is automatically turned off when the item is taken. This serves as the counter to "Taken" and "Not Taken" for the item.

Scene Display EX, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to display different images of different kind, of which it serves as a multipurpose custom scene. It can be a monster book, town book, encyclopedia of items, encyclopedia of people met, notebook or any other types of images you want to display. The script intends to display image rather than a embedded text or graphic is because for the developer to be free on making their designs on the image shown rather than limited graphic shown from the maker.

Scene Title Alva, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This title screen features the use of images as commands instead of the common buttons done vertically.

Script Disabler, by TDS
Version: 1.1
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to disable other scripts.

Scrolling Text Extended, by TroyZ
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Getting bored of the ordinary scrolling text that scrolling from the bottom of the screen? This script can make the scrolling text appear also from the top of the screen.

SEA - Actor Banned Names, by SoulPour777
Version: 2.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to create a list of Banned Names or Words that allows you to create different effects when a banned word is being entered by the player.

SEA - Altitude Changer, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script can change the altitude of the airship vehicle at will.

SEA - Battle Algorithms, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Remodels the default Game Battler settings for Battle Sequence. The script changes how damage value is working, how critical hits are being managed and bonus damages for every battle.

SEA - Breath of Fire IV: Will System - Parameter Change, by SoulPour777
Version: 1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a parameter growth per level up for each actor who possesses a unique 'Will'. This system was first introduced to me by Breath of Fire IV. All the Wills you will see on the script are purely based on Breath of Fire IV, however, I indicated instructions on how to customize, create, and design your own Will. The Wills change the growth of your character when they level up. Aside from the natural growth you have when your character levels up, the Wills would change or add those parameters.

SEA - Character Profile, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the developer the option called Profile, where more info for each character present in the part can be viewed by the player.

SEA - Controlled Battle, by SoulPour777
Version: 1
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the user to control or skip the battle process. These controls include:
Press A to Win Automatically
Press S to Escape Automatically
Press D to Lose and go to Game Over Automatically

SEA - Critical Enemy Battlers, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows all critical tagged enemies to change their battlers when they are under a critical condition (HP.

SEA - Cutscene Screen, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Do you want a specific screen size when you have a cutscene? This script does it. Your screen is changed to a new resolution in order to supply cutscenes and gives cover to what should only be seen on screen.

SEA – Dragon/Enemy Evocation, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to transform into a different actor image and skill list. This mimics somehow the transformation done on Breath of Fire. However, the skill list is taken from the enemy and not the actor.

SEA - Enhanced Battle Commands, by SoulPour777
Version: 1
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Creates transparent windows for all Battle Commands and uses pictures as background. The battle hud is also created to enhance battle visibility for the game.

SEA - Gameover States, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
What this script does is if a Game Over State is applied to all party members, it would trigger Gameover.

SEA - Overdamage, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the enemy and the actor to acquire Overkill and Overpower states. What this means is that when an Overkill is activated, the preceding attack kills or drains that target’s HP to 0 (or value desired), while Overpower on the other hand, drains the MP to 0 (or value desired).

SEA - Picture Cutscene Controller, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a cutscene picture to visualize a cutscene. It also disables the menu during cutscene, which means the player can’t open the menu when they are inside a cutscene. It does not extend until the battle phase, which makes it unique and easy to control.

SEA - Simple Automatic Day and Night System, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Creates a Simple Day and Night System. Kono started this set-up and I tried to port it in Ace.

SEA - Skill Teacher Items, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the developer to place in skills that can teach skills to the target when the skill is used. For example, if Eric uses "Raise Ritual"skill to Ernest, Ernest will soon learn the skills indicated by the Raise Ritual Skill (which is tagged with the script's note tag).

SEA - Soul Character Select EX, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to select a character of choice. The script can be used via a script call. It allows the using of voice and cursor effects. Returning to map while in Scene is also available.

SEA – Soul Liquid Music Player, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Creates a customizable music player for your games. The music player allows a simple play and stop as well as free space to add graphics.

SEA - Sprites and Characters Effects, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
SEA - Sprites and Character Effects are included under the Sprite / Character Related Scripts. For more information about the complete lists of scripts, please refer to this page (http://infinitytears.wordpress.com/wall-of-rgss/soul-engine-ace/). These series of scripts also include the first version of my Soul_Character_Effects Core Script, which lets you handle the effects easily rather than going on to searching bit by bit of the script.

SEA - Vampiric and Siphonic Traits, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the developer to add a Vampiric and Siphonic Traits to Weapons and Enemies. A Vampiric Trait allows the Vampiric Weapon or Enemy to absorb a percentage of HP from the target which is indicated in the notebox of the weapon. A Siphonic Trait allows any Siphonic Weapon User / Enemy to absorb a target's MP.

SEA - Variable Encounter Steps, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script enables the developer to set the permanent encounter number of the game through a variable or fully gain a random number (encounter).

Sell-Only Shop, by Seiryuki
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This allows you to make shops from which you cannot buy anything, just sell.

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Equipment Skills VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
  • Players can equip items which grant them battle skills and passive skills.
  • These skills can be learned permanently if the player earns enough AP in battle.
  • Passive skills must be activated in the menu before their effects become active.
  • Passive skills can only be activated if the player has enough unused magic stones.
  • Skills can be easier or harder to learn for specific actors.
  • Skills can be set so only specific actors may learn them.

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Item Menu VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
The item list is controlled differently.
  • Items are pushed into an array. Newly obtained items are displayed at the bottom of the item menu and are not automatically sorted.
  • The item menu can be sorted manually or automatically when the player chooses from the menu.

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Main Menu VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.1
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
The main menu meow looks like it does in Final Fantasy IX

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Rows VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
  • Actors can be placed in the front row or the back.
  • Front row actors deal normal damage and receive normal damage.
  • Back row actors deal a % of the normal damage and receive a % of the normal damage.
  • Weapons can be "long-ranged" and do the same damage from the back row.

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Shop Menu VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
The shop menu meow looks like it does in Final Fantasy IX

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Status Menu VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
The status menu looks more like Final Fantasy 9.

SeM's Final Fantasy IX Synthesis VXA [included in Final Fantasy IX Script Pack], by SeMcDun
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
A simple crafting script.

Shatter Transitions, by Exhydra [ported from a script by modern algebra]
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to have more dynamic battle transitions that directly change the on-screen image, rather than simply blend it as normal transition graphics do. It also includes a feature to use RMXP style transitions, meaning that the next scene will show up behind the transition instead of simply being black.

Shop Addon [included in Blackmorning Scripts], by blackmorning
Version: 1.01
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script is an add-on for the shop screen

Show Damage State Message [included in DP3's VXA Code Snippets], by D&P3
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script show messages in battle when you have been dealt damage as a result of a state: such as poison or burn

Show Portraits in Battle, by Soulpour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to show actor sprites in battle.

Simple Face HUD, by Ventwig
Version: 1.3
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
-Shows the faces of up to 4 party members on the top of the screen
-Centers the faces for 1-3 actors to look better
-Options to show names and which gauges to show
-On/off by switch
-Compatible with Neo Gauge Ultimate Ace

Simple Polygon Status, by TheoAllen [Translated by AbsoluteIce]
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will display a polygon parameter in the status menu.

Simple Replace: Gold Icon, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script replaces gold vocab with an icon in the Gold window. It also replaces game message's \g with an icon, however the gold vocab is still available with \gv instead.

Simplified Mining System, by SoulPour777
Version: 1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to mine golds, silver, and bronze through the use of a number range and success numbers. Depending on the item you have, you can only mine a certain mineral at a certain success rate.

Simplistic Single-Player CMS, by Zylos
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script replaces the default menu system with a much simpler menu designed for single player games (i.e. games with only one playable character rather than a full party), although it will function fully with multiple character parties as well if you use the page buttons to tab between characters. The menu simply tracks the player and places itself next to him on the map, removing the status window taking up the whole of the screen. Very simple, decent for non-traditional RPG's.

Skip Battle Log, by Yanfly [extracted from YEA - Battle Engine by Helladen]
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to disable some of the messages that would otherwise show up in battle.

Skip Battle Messages, by Helladen]
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to skip the escape message that would normally show up when your party escapes battle.

Skip Party Command Window, by Yanfly [extracted from YEA - Battle Engine by Helladen]
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script will skip the party command window when a battle starts and when a turn ends, because it is really annoying to click fight, and most of the time you will not run. Furthermore, I have added an option to disable it from skipping when a battle starts to help make it more friendly to developers.

Smithing -- Simply Upgrade Your Weapon, by TheoAllen
Version: 1.1b
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allow you to upgrade your equipped weapon just like suikoden. Well, at least my friend, richter_h said so. I never played suikoden actually.

  • Add basic parameter for every weapon in each level. You may change ATK, DEF, or even MHP.
  • Change your weapon's name from a simple "Short sword" into "Shorter Sword", "Bodycleaver", "Excalibur", or even "Super Awesome Sword"? your choice.
  • Different name means that it also need a different icon and description, isn't it? Who knows if a wooden sword suddenly turned into a great hammer after upgrade it?
  • Highly customizable vocab. You may change every quotes to your language
  • Customizable color composition.
  • Customizable price formula

Soul Rendering State, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Soul Rendering is a state that prevents the next debuff from hitting but only once. If a character is under the effects of Soul Rendering and an enemy tries to blind him, Soul Rendering will cancel out the blind,  and then go away itself.

Soulpour's Limited Screen, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Cuts the screen into a smaller size depending on the indicated value.

Sound Message System Add-on, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds on to the default message system allowing you to use a new escape character to generate an SE whilst displaying text and to have a constant SE play whilst scrolling through text.

Sound Test Scene, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a new scene in your menu which allows you to listen to music in your game.
There are two different versions of this script which do different things. I suggest you read what each does before deciding which one you want to use.

Splash Screen, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to display images before the the title screen is shown.

Sprite Battle Names VXA, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Creates a sprite before the names of the actors in battle.

Sprite Mover, by Woratana [ported to VXA by FlipelyFlip]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to manually reposition the sprites of particular events through comments.

Sprite Reflection, by TDS
Version: 1.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates the effect of reflection on certain map tiles.

Stat Distribution, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the player to set and change an actor stats.

State Counters, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00c
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Displays the state icons with remaining turns on their battler sprites

State Icon Scroll, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that if an actor is afflicted with many states and buffs, it will scroll through them instead of only showing the first four.

State Triggers, by DoubleX
Version: 1.01a
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Sets some states to trigger additional effects when conditions are met

State Triggers Compatibility, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00b
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA State Triggers

State Turns Number, by Soulpour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to see how many turns does your states have. The states will be numbered to how many turns or times before it wears off.

State Viewer, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to give states descriptions and calls up a scene which has as its sole purpose to describe what each state (and buff, if desired) does. This sscene can be made accessible from the Menu, the Status Scene, or simply by call script in an event.

States Damage Count Removal, by TroyZ
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will give you an ability to create states that removed when the battler has suffered certain amount of damage at certain probability.

States Hit Count Removal, by TroyZ
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will give you an ability to create states that removed at a certain hit count and certain probability.

Status Addon for YEA [included in Blackmorning Scripts], by blackmorning
Version: 1.07
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script is an addon for Yanfly's Ace Status Menu.

Stopped Actor Stepping Animation, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set actors who will have a stepping animation when controlled as the player or on the map as a follower. It is useful for characters like flying actors who need to have a stepping animation even when stopped.

Storage System, by Bravo2Kilo
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds a storage system to the game, allowing the player to store and withdraw items and gold, key items can't be put into storage.

Story-Entwined Splash Screen Map, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to start your game on various different Splash Maps upon GameStart. This means that you can use these maps to show a splash screen or a backstory (or anything else) before the Title Screen is shown.

In addition, this script is based upon story progress. So these Splash Maps may be shown when the player has unlocked them.

Story-Entwined Status Screen, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script overhals the default status screen and replaces it with a fully customisable system that allows you to modify actor descriptions, names,  font colours, side images and background textures to be used to show how much devleopment your characters have gone through throughout your game.

Story-Entwined Title Screen, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows your title screen to change depending on your player’s progress in the game.

By using this script you can change what background image will be displayed after a user has saved the game and at another time turned it on once more to continue playing.

Sword Art Online HUD, by SoulPour777
Version: 2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a script that creates a HUD same with that of the light novel and Japanese Animation Sword Art Online.

Sword Art Online Systems - Last Attack System, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows a Last Attack System, where a player who deals the Last Attack on monsters receives more experience and are more  likely to obtain rare drops known as "Last Attack Bonus Rare Drop" rather  than assists. The script is intended for the use of RPG Maker VX Ace Style.

Sword Art Online - Teleportation Crystals and Anti-Crystals, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This allows the player to use teleportation crystals and generate a Anti-Crystal Area, just like in the Japanese Animation / Light Novel Sword Art Online.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 03:56:20 AM by modern algebra »

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Targetting Hotkeys, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00a
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Lets you set some hotkeys to speed up skill/item target selections

Targetting Hotkeys Compatibility, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00a
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA Targeting Hotkeys

Terrain Features, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
By default, the terrain tags in RMVX Ace are almost useless. This script makes it so that you can give terrains a number of features, such as: changing the rate of encounters; changing the chance for preemptive and surprise attacks; changing the battleback; changing movement speed; setting a footstep sound; and more. Read the Editable Region at line 100 of the script for a full list.

The Event Extenders, by Grimimi
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Event-making is a thankless discipline because it often requires a lot of patience to do things that can be very easy to conceive (I'm thinking of gauges, for example).
The purpose of this script is to offer some easy-to-use commands in order to help the making of event-based systems less painful.
Of course, this script won't allow you to compete with experienced scripters, but I honestly think that it can be a good initiation to programmation and to the joy of going further with event making.

Tile Highlight, by D&P3
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to highlight tiles on your map, by doing so that tile will also start flashing.

Title Image Stretch, by TDS
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script resizes the background images in the title screen to fit the resolution of the game.

TP System Overhaul, by Pacman
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
RPG Maker VX Ace comes with a very cool system secondary to MP called TP. All actors (and enemies) have TP (whether it is shown or not is up to the user), with a maximum of 100. While an interesting idea and useful in a lot of ways, the default TP system is not very flexible to the users needs. This script sets out to get rid of restrictions placed by the default scripts in relation to TP.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 03:17:13 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Unlockable Shop Items, by Trihan
Version: 1.01
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script enables users to add criteria to items via notetags that will add them to shops once their required item quantities have been sold. For example, you can have shops start selling Hi Potion after you've sold 50 Potions.

Because this can result in a large number of buyable items, I've also tweaked the buy window so it uses categories like the sell window does. I removed "key items" from both the buy and sell windows, the logic being that you're never likely to buy or sell a key item.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 02:04:01 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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V's Auto Message Formatting, by vindaca
Version: 0.4
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script automatically formats the games messages for you. This enables you to type everything on one line when writing out messages while also allowing you to still use the enter key and \n to start a new line if wanted. I have also added a few additional control/escape characters(more details can be found in the "How to Use" section of the script.).

V's Best Class Stats, by vindaca
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change classes without loosing the benefits of the previous class. Basically if your current class has 600 MHP and the class your changing into has less MHP then you will keep the highest amount. This script will automatically do this for params, xparams, sparams, attack speed, attack times, action times, equip weapon types and equip armor types. This script was intended to be used with my V's Promotion System 2: Job Tree System but it can be used without as well.

V's Chest Pop-Up, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A simple to use pop up window to display gold found. I also have Add-Ons for this script at my website. Click the image below for more info.

V's Conditional Checks, by vindaca
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds additional checks for conditional branches like:

  • PC Time
  • Game Time
  • Checks to see if a actor has certian weapon equipped
  • Checks to see if a actor has certian type of weapon is equiped
  • Checks for HP, MP and TP values
  • Checks for Params and X & S Params
  • Item Quantities
  • Gold Spent in Stores
  • Total Gold Found
  • Steps Taken, and many more.

V's Custom Animated Title Screen, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to go well above and beyond what you can normally do to edit the title screen. It allows you to set unlimited layers all with there own x, y, z, and animations, and much much more. 

V's Level-Up Stats, by vindaca
Version: 1.2
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a window every time an actor levels that allows the player to adjust the actors base stats to their will.

V's Live H.U.D. Menu, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This is a custom menu system created and designed by myself for my game. There are still a lot of updates to be made. I just wanted to get it out there and start getting some feedback. Right now it only supports a solo player set-up.

V's Lucky Gold Find, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A very useful script that lets you modify the amount of gold you find base on either the leaders Luck or the battle party as a whole's luck.

V's Passive Items, by vindaca
Version: 0.3
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
The name kinda speaks for itself, I needed it for my game figured a lot of people could use it. It's easy to use. It basically lets you add passive parameters to items and adds them to the lead actor as long as the items are in your inventory. I have more Add-Ons for this script available at my website. Click the image below for more info.

V's Prize Wheel, by vindaca
Version: 0.5
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to create a "Spin-The-Wheel" prize game.

V's Promotion System, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Inspired by the Shinning Force Series. Allows you to set up actors to change graphics and class or become promotable, once they reach a set level. If the actor is not promoted they will not be able to gain any more exp.

V's Promotion System 2: Job Tree System, by vindaca
Version: 0.3
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This system is loosely based on FFT job system. Once your class reaches a set level you can buy a new class with JP or Job Points. JP can be given or won in combat.

V's Random Battle Skills, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Replaces the mp and tp in battle with variables and icons.

V's Reward Pop-Up, by vindaca
Version: 0.2
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you create a pop-up to show rewards given on the game map.

V's Simple: Command Text Indent, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script does just like the title says. All of the command texts are indented once they are selected.

V's Simple Face Replace, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Allows you to replace all of the faces with the actors graphic instead.

V's State Evolution, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script automatically adds a state evolution feat. Let's say a zombie bit you well at first your just 'Scarred' then after one turn the state is removed automatically, and a new one is added. Now your 'Feverish' and so on until your 'One of Them'. Or lets say you have a transform  system based on states. Now when you are done with your 'Werewolf Form' three turn killing spree, it is removed and now you are back to 'Human Form'. You can even use the 'Death' state.

V's State Transformations, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script automatically transforms you into a new sprite when a state is added and automatically changes you back when the state is removed

V's Unlimited Parallax Maps, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
The script is set up to take a base layer and as many other layers as you can fit into the map's notebox, as well as animate them.

V's Variable Battle Skills, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Replaces the mp and tp in battle with variables and icons.

Valkyrie Profile: Charge Turn Battle, by SoulPour777
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the players to have a turn sequence. By turn sequence, it means that the player can only attack when the sequence turns have subsided. For example, Lenneth has 0 sequence turns, means she can attack or move everytime, while Mystina, Llewelyn and other ranged characters who has 4 - 5 sequence turns can only attack after 5 turns. If an attack is made, the party gains a gem, which decreases the sequence turns randomly in battle.

Variable Based Encounter, by Soulpour777
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the developer to set a variable as the encounter rate, as well as create a randomized / tightened encounter rate.

Variable Pointers, by DoubleX
Version: 1.00b
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Lets users set some variables to point to some other variables

Variable Voice Over System, by vindaca
Version: 0.1
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script voice over system. It allows you to easily set up actor voices and still allows for easy randomization. For example if you wanted to have a sentence and just change one word from male to female, or maybe just have random greetings. This script is designed to cut the time it would take to event that process down dramatically.

Variable & Switch Binding, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to bind in-game switches and variables to specified expressions such that they will always correspond. As an example, if you want a particular variable to always track the MP of a specified actor, you can use this script to bind it to that value, and whenever the MP of the actor increases or decreases, so will the value of the variable without any further interference by you.

Variable Gauge Window, by vindaca
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script basically creates a window accessible by the menu that display variables set to gauges...
I know that's a little vague, but that's because I don't want to limit it to just my idea for it. You can use it to display number of quests completed or number of ____ found, it doesn't matter. that is all up to you. This is only my second script so please give me feedback, suggestions, or any problems you might have. Thank you and hope you enjoy. If You do not wish to use the menu command for access you can set the option in the script to false and use SceneManager(VGW_Scene) in a script call.

Vehicle Ports, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that boats, ships, and airships, can only land in particular regions that you designate as ports for that type of vehicle. This allows you to, for instance, prevent ships from landing anywhere except at a dock, or boats from landing anywhere but on beaches or docks. It also works for airships, if you want to restrict the places that they can land.

Visible Injuries, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that an enemy's battler will change when the enemy falls below any percentage of HP you choose. This can be used to give the player visual feedback as to the HP status of each enemy.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 10:53:29 PM by modern algebra »

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WASD Movement, by Helladen
Version: --
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will add WASD key support for movement. You also will be able to use arrow keys like you would normally, but this allows people to use the one they prefer the most.

Weapon Damage Formulas, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
By default, every weapon invokes Skill 1 when it is used, which means that every weapon has the same damage formula. This script makes it so that you can customize what skill is invoked when a weapon is used. If you want a weapon that does MP damage, for instance, this script lets you make it. If you want a weapon with a different damage formula and different use message, then you can do that too.

Please note that if an actor is dual wielding, it will only run the damage formula for the item in the primary hand.

Website Launch from Title, by modern algebra
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This simple script adds the option to launch a website from a command on the title screen. With this script, you can add multiple commands that open different websites.

Wounded State, by TheoAllen
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allow you to automatically add state if the characters or enemy in wounded condition. To disable this automatic add state for some enemies or characters, just simply put resist state in feature system.

Wyrelade's MainMenu, by wyrelade
Version: 1.3B
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the title screen so that the command window is horizontal, transparent, located at the bottom of the screen, and it slides into place.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 01:19:45 AM by modern algebra »

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XP Map Loader, by LiTTleDRAgo
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
With this script you can use your RMXP map (Mapxxx.rxdata) into RMVXA project

It will loads the Map, Panorama, Fog, Passability, Bush, Counter, Terrain Tag from your RMXP map data (Mapxxx.rxdata)
Events, BGM, BGS, Battleback, Paralax, Ladder, and Damage Floor still used from your RMVXA map data (Mapxxx.rvdata2)

XS - Battle Audio [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This small scripts enables a randomized SE, BGM and ME to be played upon entering battle

XS - Core [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0a
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script is a base one, required for every script in the XS series.

XS - Currency Limit [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to increase or decrease the maximum amount of gold the party can hold.

XS - Menu [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.1c
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A custom menu script which permits you to edit various aspects of the main menu. This includes but is not limited to permitting the user to add new commands to the menu.

XS - Gold HUD [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This creates a window on the map which displays the amount of gold the party possesses. It is turned on or off by operation of an in-game switch that you specify.

XS - Map HUD [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0a
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A small HUD that will animate in and display the map name

XS - Popup Item [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A simple popup window that automatically displays any item/weapon/armour/gold acquired

XS - Quit [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to edit aspects of the Quit scene, most notably by adding additional commands.

XS - Records [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0c
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script provides a graphical representation to show the values of various variables accompanied by some signifying text and an icon. It is intended so that you can show the party's records.

XS - Scripts, by Nicke
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
A collection of scripts by Nicke, going by the name of XaiL on this forum.

XS - Self-Switches [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script permits you to modify or check the values of self-switches outside of the event to which the self-switch pertains.

XS - Teleport [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a scene where the player can select specified locations and teleport there.

XS - Title [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.1b
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This adds a few options to the title screen, allowing you to add commands to the window, change its position, and more.

XS - Variable HUD [included in XS - Scripts], by Nicke
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A small hud to display variables on the map.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 02:12:24 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member

Actor Specific 'Normal Attack'
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
What it allows you to do is to set a specific skill to be an actors normal attack.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 04:11:14 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member

cozziekuns Ring Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
An addon to Modern Algebra's lovely Customisable Main Menu script, allowing it to be transformed into a ring menu ala Seiken Densetsu 3.

Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to move any character to another tile using the shortest path possible. It takes a significantly longer time on large maps.

Random Shop Generator
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Made for Roguelike-type games, this script enables you to easily create a random shop.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 09:42:13 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
modern algebra (A-M)

Animated Parallax
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set an animated parallax background by having multiple frames and switching between them at a user-defined speed. By default, this script only supports .png, .jpg, and .bmp file formats for the animated parallax panels (as they are the only ones I know RMVXA supports).

ATS: Choice Options
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script improves your control over the choice box by permitting more than four choices in a box, each of which you can disable or remove contingent on the value of any given switch. Additionally, it also allows you to extend the length of the choice beyond the editor's spacial limitations, allowing you to have long choices, and it adds an option for a help window to assist in describing the choices. Aside from that dynamic control over choice branches, you are also permitted to set the number of columns in the choice box, its size, and its position. There are other more minor features as well, which you can learn about in the instructions.

ATS: Face Options
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to control the face settings of a message. Not only can you meow give faces a talking animation and a blinking animation, but this also lets you use bigger facesets, to set the faceset based on actor ID or party ID, to encapsulate faces in their own windows, to set its position, to fade it in or scroll it in, and much more. For a complete list of features, be sure to read the Instructions starting at line 29 as well as the Editable Region starting at line 171.

ATS: Formatting
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds a few features when using the Display Text event command. Most notably, the paragraph formatting feature allows you to write text without any fear that it will get cut off when it shows up in-game. This should work with any font and it is designed to recognize most message codes that are added, even by unrelated scripts. Supplementary to that, you can set it so that subsequent text boxes are appended, which allows you to write long dialogues using paragraph format without fear of weird page breaks. Finally, it adds a feature that allows you to align the text differently.

ATS: Message Options
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to control a number of things about the message window, such as its size and position. It also provides for scrolling and review, and it includes the option to create a name window to identify the speaker (or for any other use).

ATS Series
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This will be based off my Advanced Text System for RMVX, but since RMVX Ace has a much more sensibly designed message system, it is no longer necessary that it be one large script. For that reason, and responding to feedback on the ATS, I will split the ATS into multiple different scripts so that you only need to pick up the components for the features that you want. It is therefore easier to customize and configure, and it should be more compatible with other message-related systems that might be developed.

In that regard, my plans are to have five separate scripts, each independent, which encompass the major elements of the VX version. These are:
  • Special Message Codes
  • Formatting
  • Face Options
  • Advanced Message Options
  • Advanced Choices

ATS: Special Message Codes
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to use a number of additional special codes in the message system, which will function similar to the default codes like \v[n], \c[n], etc. Please see the list of special message codes starting at line 54 for a full idea of what is added. Basically, it gives you greater control over the delivery of a message, allows you to make use of font effects like bolding and italicizing, and allows you to retrieve and display useful data like the names of weapons and armors.

Bitmap Addons [Ported from VX by Logan]
Version: 1.0
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script adds methods into Bitmap for drawing ellipses, rounded rectangles, and straight lines. It also allows you to greyscale bitmaps or portions of bitmaps.

Boat/Ship Passability for Events
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script simply allows you to set it so that specified events can have the passability of a boat or a ship.

Call Scene from Items & Skills
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to call a scene directly after using an item or skill. While it is always available simply to call a common event and call the scene from that, this script allows it to happen directly without going back to the map, so that when the scene is exited, it goes straight back to the scene that called it. In that regard, the script doesn't add functionality so much as it simply makes it smoother to call a scene from an item or skill in the menu.

Change Windowskin
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change the windowskin in-game with a script call.

Composite Graphics / Visual Equipment
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to "compose" face and character graphics out of multiple graphics. This permits you to make it so that equipment worn by a character can change the appearance of that actor's sprite and/or face.

Unlike my VX version, this script has a lot of new and improved features, including, but not limited to: support for faces and not just character sprites; a more flexible configuration scheme; the ability to set one equipment to draw different graphics onto different actors (useful, for instance, if you want an equipment to show a different graphic on males than it would on females).

Customizable Item Menu
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to essentially customize the appearance and quantity of categories, as well as the appearance and size of the description window. Within the same series as my Customizable Main Menu, each and every feature is fully optional, meaning you can use this script to add the features you do like without being required to also use any feature you do not like.

Customizable Main Menu System
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script is a base menu script which allows you to create custom menu commands and to move, add, or remove them from the menu easily. Not only can you easily add a command which directly calls a scene, you can also add commands which call common events or which call a particular method (the method needs to be defined). At the same time, the script is also designed to recongize and include any commands that are added by another script, without requiring setup in this one.

Additionally, this script allows easy creation of custom windows which show simple data, so you are not limited to just the gold window - you could, for instance, show data such as the value of particular variables or the playtime, etc.. These optional windows can be added and removed at will, and they show up beneath the command window in the menu.

Since too many windows could overlap with the command window, this script also allows you to set a row max for the command window so that you need to scroll the window down to see the other commands. Additionally, you canchange the width of the command and data windows and the Menu Status window will meow better accomodate different resolutions. Finally, you can also change the alignment so that the status window is on the left and the command window is on the right.

Drop Options
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script is designed to make enemy item drops a little less static in a few ways. It allows you to make an enemy that drops more than three types of items, allows you to set a range of gold that can drop rather than a fixed number, and permits you to limit the number of these extra drops that can fall from a single enemy, so you can set a monster to drop any of a number of potential items without running the risk that one enemy will drop every single one of them.

Dynamic Sound Emitting Events
Version: 1.0.4
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to create events that emit sounds whose volume depends on the distance that the event is from the player. In other words, the closer the player is to the event, the louder the sound. It works for SEs, MEs, BGMs and BGSes.

Enemy Stat Variance
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to attach a variance to each enemy stat, so that enemy instances aren't all just clones of each other but can have stat differences.

Equipment Set Bonuses
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to group together pieces of equipments and apply bonuses if all of them are equipped on the same actor.

Equipment Stat Variance
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that the stats of equipment can change between equipment of the same type. For example, the party could find two hand axes, one having 15 ATK the other having 18 ATK.

Escape Codes Fix
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
By default, a small oversight when using message codes can crash the game. By forgetting to include any code between \ and [, the game would crash. For instance, the following message would crash the game:

      Hello \c[12]Ralph\[0], and welcome to RMVX Ace.

This happens because you forgot to put a c between the second \ and [. This script fixes that error and puts a message in the console saying that it happened.

Extended Colour Palette
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to have more colours beyond the 32 in the windowskin. It's primary use will be in messages, as you can meow put in codes higher than \c[31]. Any numbers below 32 will take the colours from the windowskin.

Extra Movement Frames
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to import character sprites with more than 3 frames for movement animation. In other words, it allows you to animate sprites a little more smoothly. One use for it is it allows RMXP format characters to be imported directly into a VXA game without editing (although you will need to rename the file).

Fix Picture to Map
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you when the screen scrolls. Additionally, the script lets you set the Z value  to show below characters, or even below the tiles or below the parallax.

This script has no effect in battle and pictures there behave normally.

Flash Selected Enemy
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script makes it so that when choosing a target in battle, the battler of the currently selected enemy will flash.

Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that specified skills can only be used on particular types of terrain.

Global Text Codes
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to use special message codes in any window, not just message windows and help windows. Want to add an icon next to the menu commands? With this script you can do that and more.

Hover Alerts
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you display a graphic which hovers above any given event, player or follower. The primary virtue of the script is that it allows for a feature like in Diablo, where characters that have something important to say have an exclamation point or something above their heads. However, it is not limited to that: this script can show any picture, icon, text, or combination of icon & text above any character.

A secondary (and completely optional) feature is that you can set it up so that whenever gold, items, weapons, or armours are received through their respective event commands, a hover alert will float above the player's head with the icon, name, and amount of the item received before fading out. (This feature is OFF by default in the script itself, while it is tied to switch 5 in the demo. You can and should change that if you want this feature.)

Icon Balloons
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to draw an icon into a balloon and have it play over the head of a character

Icon Hues
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to specify a hue for the icons of individual items, weapons, armors, skills, and states. This way you can use the same icon for various items, only changing the hue. This script also permits you to show icons with shifted hues in any message window.

Icon Item List
Version: 1.0.1
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the item window so that it shows only icons to represent the item and a number to show how many are held.

Individual Strikes when Dual Wielding
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the dual wielding option so that, instead of the actor attacking only once with increased damage, the actor attacks twice, once with each weapon. Additionally, this script allows you to modify the damage formula when dual wielding, thus allowing you to, for instance, make the actor's proficiency with dual wielding dependent on the actor's dexterity or some other stat.

Item Drop Ranks
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
In effect, this script is designed to make it easy to create random drops. Basically, it allows you to give items, weapons, and armors drop ranks, which are just IDs that you set. Then, you set up other items, called rank distribution items, which you set to contain a particular rank or ranks, and when that rank distribution item is given to the party, it randomly selects an item with that rank and gives that instead.

Item Instances Base
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the item system in RMVX Ace to accomodate for items of the same ID to have different stats. It can thereby serve as a base for scripts that require such functionality, such as durability for weapons and armors, charges for items, weapons that level up, socketing, etc...

This script does none of that by default - it only sets up data structures to permit that, and its only independent use is that you can manually change the stats on an item added to the party through events.

Item Maximums
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set the maximum number of any item that the party can hold at any given time on an individual basis.

Lock Actor in Formation
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to lock an actor in their position in the party and prevents the player from moving the actor around. It can be useful for times when you want to ensure that a particular actor is in the active party, such as the main character.

Manual Surprise Rates
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to manually set the pre-emptive attack and surprise attack rates. It can be especially useful for story battles where you want the party or the enemy to have the upper hand in line with the story event.

Map Transfer Common Events
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you instantly run a specified common event when exiting or entering a map. This is useful, for instance, for when you want to instantly change the tone when transferring to a different map, or really for any other change that you want to take place instantly. The event will only be run once.

Menu Use SEs
Version: 1.0a
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script restores the lost RMXP ability to set individual sound effects when using items and skills in the menu. This permits you to, for instance, make it so that eating food isn't the same sound effect as drinking a potion.

Monster Catalogue
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a scene that you can call which shows data on any and all monsters you have collected. You can change the exact point at which data will show up. By default, the script will show only ?????? for any monsters not yet fought, but once they are first encountered by the player then the monster's name, battler, and stats will show up. There are options to change that though. For instance, you could make it so that only the monster's name and battler will show up when the monster is encountered, and to show the stats you will need to use a special analyze item, which you can set up in the database by simply putting \analyze in an item or skill's notebox.

Additionally, you can give the enemies species and use different categories to separate them.

For scripts by this author with titles beginning with letters between N-Z (inclusive), see: Author: modern algebra (N-Z)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 01:49:15 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
modern algebra (N-Z)

For scripts by this author with titles starting with a letter between A-M (inclusive), see: modern algebra (A-M)

Price Formulas
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you calculate the standard price of an item by a formula. The most useful implementation for this is likely to implement a tax, where the price of the item varies depending on the value of the tax rate variable.

Naturally, this does not interact with any prices that are set directly in the Shop event itself.

Quest Journal
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script provides a graphical interface for showing quest progress. It is objective based, meaning that you choose when to reveal objectives and you can set it so that they show up as complete or failed. That said, this script does not build quests for you; it is only a supplementary scene for showing them. As such, you need to event all of the quests yourself and update/monitor quest progress via script call. Therefore, pay close attention to the instructions both here and in the Editable Regions.

Random Encounters by Level
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to assign levels to enemies and have it so that enemy will only be randomly encountered when the player's level is within some range of that enemy's level. You can set the level range by map.

That might be confusing, so I will try to explain a little better by example. You set up a map with possible enemies being Angels, Cherubims, and Seraphims. You can enter this map at any time, and so you want the random encounters to reflect what level the hero party is. You don't want the party attacking Seraphims when they are level 1, because they will be crushed, and you don't want them to fight Angels when they are level 99, because it's too easy. Thus, you just set up in the script what levels the enemies with this script you will only fight monster troops that are within level range of your heroes. You can set what that level range is as well, thus making some maps harder and others easier.

Receipt Window
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to show a window at the top of the screen with any items you identify. Unlike a text box, the window will not prevent the player from moving or engaging with other events. The purpose of the script is to allow you to show when a player finds items without having to pause the gameplay.

Shatter Transitions [ported to VXA and enhanced by Exhydra]
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to have more dynamic battle transitions that directly change the on-screen image, rather than simply blend it as normal transition graphics do. It also includes a feature to use RMXP style transitions, meaning that the next scene will show up behind the transition instead of simply being black.

State Icon Scroll
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that if an actor is afflicted with many states and buffs, it will scroll through them instead of only showing the first four.

State Viewer
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to give states descriptions and calls up a scene which has as its sole purpose to describe what each state (and buff, if desired) does. This sscene can be made accessible from the Menu, the Status Scene, or simply by call script in an event.

Stopped Actor Stepping Animation
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set actors who will have a stepping animation when controlled as the player or on the map as a follower. It is useful for characters like flying actors who need to have a stepping animation even when stopped.

Terrain Features
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
By default, the terrain tags in RMVX Ace are almost useless. This script makes it so that you can give terrains a number of features, such as: changing the rate of encounters; changing the chance for preemptive and surprise attacks; changing the battleback; changing movement speed; setting a footstep sound; and more. Read the Editable Region at line 100 of the script for a full list.

Variable & Switch Binding
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to bind in-game switches and variables to specified expressions such that they will always correspond. As an example, if you want a particular variable to always track the MP of a specified actor, you can use this script to bind it to that value, and whenever the MP of the actor increases or decreases, so will the value of the variable without any further interference by you.

Vehicle Ports
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that boats, ships, and airships, can only land in particular regions that you designate as ports for that type of vehicle. This allows you to, for instance, prevent ships from landing anywhere except at a dock, or boats from landing anywhere but on beaches or docks. It also works for airships, if you want to restrict the places that they can land.

Visible Injuries
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set it so that an enemy's battler will change when the enemy falls below any percentage of HP you choose. This can be used to give the player visual feedback as to the HP status of each enemy.

Weapon Damage Formulas
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
By default, every weapon invokes Skill 1 when it is used, which means that every weapon has the same damage formula. This script makes it so that you can customize what skill is invoked when a weapon is used. If you want a weapon that does MP damage, for instance, this script lets you make it. If you want a weapon with a different damage formula and different use message, then you can do that too.

Please note that if an actor is dual wielding, it will only run the damage formula for the item in the primary hand.

Website Launch from Title
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This simple script adds the option to launch a website from a command on the title screen. With this script, you can add multiple commands that open different websites.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 03:42:01 PM by modern algebra »

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
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Battle Debug
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script merely adds debug options to battles for testing purposes. There is a list of the things you can do with it in the header. The debugging only works in test mode, for obvious reasons.

Change Fade Time
Version: 1.0a
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script will alter the number of frames it takes to fade the screen in and out (with the default commands). This is done with a simple script call. You can also set an individual fadein or fadeout to have a different number of frames.

Change TP Display
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to change if TP is displayed throughout the game. You can also set actors to not have their TP gauges drawn in battle. This is useful if you have a character who doesn't require TP.

Enemy HUD
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script displays enemy stats (HP, MP, TP, stat icons) in the battle screen whilst selecting which enemy to target. It also includes special tags to prevent any of these stats from being drawn. And yes, enemies do have TP.

Enemy Summon Skill [ported from modern algebra's VX version]
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to make skills for enemies where they can summon or call additional enemies to the battlefield. This is NOT a summon skill that can be used by actors - it can ONLY be used by enemies.

Neo Gauge Ultimate Ace [ported from Woratana's VX version]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script changes the way gauges are drawn. This script supports drawing gauges horizontally and vertically, uses a 3-colour gradient, has a very simple setup and two brilliant methods to change the bitmap. Note that much of this work is Woratana's, you should credit him the same as (if not more than) me. I do not claim writing this script entirely, I edited the VX version a while back, and this is the VXA port of that.

PAC Main Menu Ace
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This is the PAC Main Menu converted to VX Ace. On a basic level, this offers a configurable setup for your main menu, allowing the user to create, alter and move the position of menu commands at their pleasure. It can be used very simply to merely reorder the default commands, or to its' fullest potential, that is creating commands to put custom scenes into the menu. It also offers two graphical features: adding an EXP gauge into the menu status window, and adding icons into the command display. Both are optional and customizable.

TP System Overhaul
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
RPG Maker VX Ace comes with a very cool system secondary to MP called TP. All actors (and enemies) have TP (whether it is shown or not is up to the user), with a maximum of 100. While an interesting idea and useful in a lot of ways, the default TP system is not very flexible to the users needs. This script sets out to get rid of restrictions placed by the default scripts in relation to TP.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 10:37:54 PM by modern algebra »
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

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Blizz-Art Gradient Styler
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script gives you seven new gradient styles to choose from for drawing HP, MP, and TP.

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Battle Retry
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to restart battles exactly as they were when started.

Battleback Stretch
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script automatically stretches the battleback images when the screen size has changed.

Custom Action AI (Enemy Skill Use AI)
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script gives enemies a basic AI that by process of elimination allows them to select targets. By using special tags you can make an enemy only use a healing skill when really needed or a skill which inflicts a state only when necessary.

Cutscene Skip
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the player to skip evented cutscenes.

Instant Event Commands
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to process event commands instantly. Which basically means that it allows you to skip an event to a specific part while running everything from the start up to it allowing to continue working on a long story or complex event from a certain point instead of having to restart it each time you want to make changes.

Item Target Effects
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to add effects such as "Recover HP" or "Run common event" for specific actors or enemies when using skills or items on them.

Move Event with Player
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script makes events move whenever the player moves, it also allows them to mimic the player or do the opposite.

Pause Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script lets you pause the game by pressing a key.

Quick Travel
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set quick travel locations that you can quickly go to in a map from a special menu.

Region Battleback
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to set battlebacks based on region id.

Region Display
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to see Region tiles in your game by pressing F8

Script Disabler
Version: 1.1
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to disable other scripts.

Splash Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to display images before the the title screen is shown.

Sprite Reflection
Version: 1.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates the effect of reflection on certain map tiles.

Stat Distribution
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows the player to set and change an actor stats.

Title Image Stretch
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script resizes the background images in the title screen to fit the resolution of the game.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 10:10:27 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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Database Breaker
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Damn Enterbrain, putting those pesky limits on us again! >:/ Well this nifty script breaks just about every limit that they set on us again.
Warning! Its not my fault if your data gets corrupted in anyway of form, though its highly unlikely as this was tested with some pretty high numbers. Still, its important to backup your data first.

JSON Encoder/Decoder
Version: 1.1
Category: Script Utility
Spoiler for Description:
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.
This is a simple JSON Parser or Decoder. It'll take JSON thats been formatted into a string and decode it into the proper object.

This is a scripter's utility and isn't meant to add any new functionality or prove usefulness to non-scripters. Plans of creating an encoder are in action.

More Self-Switches
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Ever need more than 4 self switches? With this small script, you can now have as many self switches you want. You aren't just limited to letters either. You can have names for them.

One Game Instance
Version: 1.0
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script is to prevent multiple instances of your game. This is really only for online games so players can't cheat and PvP themselves.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 01:22:32 AM by modern algebra »

Level 97
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DT's Autosave
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Saves the game when transferring the map, before battle, and opening the menu (all optional).

DT's Difficulty
Version: 1.0.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Lets the player select the games difficulty.

DT's Experience on Hit
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Gives the player experience when he/she hits the enemy rather than at the end regardless of hits.

DT's Gameover+
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
Adds an option window to the GameOver screen.

DT's Level Up +
Version: 1.0.1
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
Gives the option to play a sound effect, ME, and/or animation when you level up.

DT's Message Sound Effect
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Message Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Plays a sound effect when a new message window pops up.

DT's One Person Battle Status
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Modifies any battle system that use Window_BattleStatus to work as if there is only one actor.

One Actor Full Status Menu
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
Removes all need for a status scene and works as if there is only one actor. This is the official menu for Gold and Glory 2.

One Person Menu
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A menu that is modified to work as if you are only using one actor.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 04:01:25 PM by modern algebra »

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Most Mature MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Veteran2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Most Mature Member2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member

XS - Battle Audio [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This small scripts enables a randomized SE, BGM and ME to be played upon entering battle

XS - Core [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0a
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
This script is a base one, required for every script in the XS series.

XS - Currency Limit [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to increase or decrease the maximum amount of gold the party can hold.

XS - Menu [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.1c
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
A custom menu script which permits you to edit various aspects of the main menu. This includes but is not limited to permitting the user to add new commands to the menu.

XS - Gold HUD [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This creates a window on the map which displays the amount of gold the party possesses. It is turned on or off by operation of an in-game switch that you specify.

XS - Map HUD [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0a
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A small HUD that will animate in and display the map name

XS - Popup Item [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A simple popup window that automatically displays any item/weapon/armour/gold acquired

XS - Quit [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
Spoiler for Description:
This script allows you to edit aspects of the Quit scene, most notably by adding additional commands.

XS - Records [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0c
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script provides a graphical representation to show the values of various variables accompanied by some signifying text and an icon. It is intended so that you can show the party's records.

XS - Scripts
Category: Miscellaneous
Spoiler for Description:
A collection of scripts by Nicke, going by the name of XaiL on this forum.

XS - Self-Switches [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Spoiler for Description:
This script permits you to modify or check the values of self-switches outside of the event to which the self-switch pertains.

XS - Teleport [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0a
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This script creates a scene where the player can select specified locations and teleport there.

XS - Title [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.1b
Category: Custom Scenes
Spoiler for Description:
This adds a few options to the title screen, allowing you to add commands to the window, change its position, and more.

XS - Variable HUD [included in XS - Scripts]
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Spoiler for Description:
A small hud to display variables on the map.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 06:31:05 PM by Seamus »