Dynamic Sound Emitting Events
Version: 1.0.5
Author: modern algebra
Date: 30 March 2014
Version History
- <Version 1.0.5> 2014.03.30 - Added the min_volume feature
- <Version 1.0.4> 2012.10.27 - Added the source_radius feature
- <Version 1.0.3> 2012.10.04 - Necessary bug fixes from the changes in 1.0.2
- <Version 1.0.2> 2012.10.03 - Fixed a bug where emissions would keep playing when the player transfers to a new map that has no BGS or BGM set to autoplay.
- <Version 1.0.1> 2012.10.01 - Introduced an option to help reduce lag
- <Version 1.0.0> 2012.09.30 - Original Release
This script allows you to create events that emit sounds whose volume depends on the distance that the event is from the player. In other words, the closer the player is to the event, the louder the sound. It works for SEs, MEs, BGMs and BGSes.
- Can easily make it seem as if any sound is coming from an event, by varying the volume.
- Can set automatic SEs for realistic animal noises whose volume also varies by distance.
- Can set all the relevant properties, from maximum volume to pitch to radius.
- Can set a source radius, within which the sound will play at maximum volume
- Can enlargen the emission source to a rectangle of any size without repeating emission events.
- Simple and intuitive comment settings
Paste the script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but below Materials.
For instructions on setting the sound emitting events up, see the header of the script.
# Dynamic Sound Emitting Events
# Version: 1.0.5
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: 30 March 2014
# Description:
# This script allows you to create events that emit sounds whose volume
# depends on the distance that the event is from the player. In other words,
# the closer the player is to the event, the louder the sound. It works for
# SEs, MEs, BGMs and BGSes, but note that you can only use one BGM or BGS at
# a time, so you can't have a map BGM or BGS simultaneously, nor can you have
# more than one event play a BGM or BGS.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials.
# To set this script up, you need to insert an event comment as the first
# line on an event's page. If you need more space, you can also create more
# comments immediately after the first. Next, you need to insert codes in
# the following formats:
# \emit_BGM {
# name = ""
# min_volume = 0
# max_volume = 80
# pitch = 100
# radius = 15
# source_radius = 0
# }
# Change BGM to whatever type of sound effect you want to emit. It can be
# BGM, BGS, SE, or ME. Each event can only emit one type of sound. The values
# listed for each property above are the default values if you choose to omit
# them. The only one that is required to be directly set everytime is the
# name. They also do not need to all be on separate lines, you can also
# separate them by semicolons. All the properties do what you would expect:
# name = ""
# Place the name of the sound file you want to play between the " "
# min_volume = 0
# Replace 0 with the volume of the sound when completely out of range.
# max_volume = 80
# Replace 80 with the maximum volume of the sound
# pitch = 100
# Replace 100 with the pitch you want for the sound.
# radius = 15
# Replace 15 with the radius of the sound. Unless the player is within
# that number of squares, he or she won't hear the sound at all. As he
# or she approaches the event, the volume will increase proportionate
# to the max_volume.
# source_radius = 0
# This is the radius around the source where the sound is at maximum
# volume. This is added to the radius, so if, for instance, this is 2
# and radius is 6, then the sound will play at max volume when within
# a radius of 2 of the event, and the sound will only be silent
# completely once the player is outside of a radius of 8.
# If you are using SEs or MEs, then there are two additional properties.
# Firstly, you can set a range for the pitch, and the pitch will be chosen
# at random from within that range, like this:
# pitch = 75...125
# In that example, the pitch would be somewhere between 75 and 125 each time
# it played, and it would reselect randomly every time it plays. The other
# thing you can set for SEs and MEs is the time, which you choose in frames
# (60 frames is 1 second) and this similarly allows you to choose either an
# integer or a range. Example 1:
# time = 120
# In that example, the SE would play every 120 frames (2 seconds) exactly.
# Example 2:
# time = 600...900
# In this example, the time would be selected randomly from that range,
# meaning it would play every 600-900 frames (10-15 seconds). So one time it
# might be 12 seconds, another time it might be 11, etc..
# Finally, there is one more feature. If you want the source of the sound to
# be bigger than just one square (for instance, if you want it to be a
# waterfall that is 4 squares across and 3 squares down), then you can do that
# by placing the event at the upper left corner of the rectangle and adding
# the x and y additions in square brackets right after the BGM/BGS/SE/ME
# setting, like so:
# \emit_BGS[x, y] { ... }
# In the waterfall case, it would be [3, 2], since the first square is
# already included.
# \emit_BGM { name = "Fire" }
# This event would emit the "Fire" BGM. Since no other properties are set,
# they assume the default values: volume = 80; pitch = 100; radius = 15.
# \emit_BGS[0, 4] {
# name = "River"; volume = 100;
# radius = 10 }
# This event would emit the "River" BGS. Its source is extended to include
# the 4 squares below the event, so the source will be 5 squares, including
# the event's square. The volume when you are on any of those squares is
# 100, and as you move away, the volume will decrease proportionate to the
# square to which you are closest. The radius is 10, so once you are no
# longer within 10 squares of any of the source squares, you will no longer
# hear it.
# \emit_SE { name = "Dog";
# radius = 12; pitch = 90..120;
# time = 420...720; source_radius = 3 }
# This event will play the "Dog" SE every 7 - 12 seconds. When it does,
# its pitch will be randomly selected from between 90 and 120. The
# source_radius is 3, so the SE will play at max volume if within three
# squares of the dog, and since the radius is 12 squares, this means that
# the total radius is 15 squares.
# If you are worried about lag, then please go to line 149 and change the
# value of SMOOTH_TRANSITION to false.
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_DynamicSoundEmittingEvents] = true
# ** Sound Emitter
# This class holds sound emission data and updating methods
class MA_SoundEmitter
# SMOOTH_TRANSITION - When this value is set to true, changes in volume will
# sound slightly smoother as the player or event moves. If set to false, then
# the increments by which the volume jumps is quite a bit greater, but this
# should only be very noticeable at small radiuses. For the best effect, I
# recommend you set this value to true, but if you are worried about lag
# then you should set it to false.
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :event_id
attr_accessor :sound_type
attr_accessor :radius
attr_accessor :source_radius
attr_accessor :min_volume
attr_accessor :max_volume
attr_accessor :pitch
attr_accessor :time
attr_accessor :size_x
attr_accessor :size_y
attr_reader :filename
attr_reader :audiofile
# * Object Initialize
def initialize(event_id = 0)
@event_id = event_id
# * Clear
def clear
RPG.const_get(@sound_type).stop if audiofile && @sound_type == :BGM || @sound_type == :BGS
@sound_type = :SE
@radius = 15
@source_radius = 0
@min_volume = 0
@max_volume = 80
@pitch = 100
@time = 600..900
@player_x, @player_y = -1, -1
@event_x, @event_y = -1, -1
@size_x, @size_y = 0, 0
# * Frame Update
def update
return unless audiofile && $game_map.events[event_id]
case @sound_type
when :SE, :ME
return unless update_se_me?
audiofile.volume = calc_volume if recalc_vol?
audiofile.pitch = calc_pitch
when :BGM, :BGS
return unless recalc_vol?
new_vol = calc_volume # Distance calculation
# If variation < 3 and not transitioning to limit
return if audiofile.volume == new_vol ||
(audiofile.volume.between?(new_vol - 2, new_vol + 2) &&
(audiofile.volume != 0 && new_vol != 0) &&
(audiofile.volume != max_volume && new_vol != max_volume))
audiofile.volume = new_vol
# * Update SE/ME?
def update_se_me?
if @timer > 0 # If timer not counted down
@timer -= 1 # Reduce timer
return false
return true
# * Recalculate Volume?
# * Reset Position Vars
# Done this way to account for the value of SMOOTH_TRANSITION
pos_val = SMOOTH_TRANSITION ? "real_" : ""
madsee_pos_methods = <<POS_END
def recalc_vol?
event = $game_map.events[event_id]
!(@player_x == $game_player.#{pos_val}x && @event_x == event.#{pos_val}x &&
@player_y == $game_player.#{pos_val}y && @event_y == event.#{pos_val}y)
def reset_position_vars
event = $game_map.events[event_id]
@player_x, @player_y = $game_player.#{pos_val}x, $game_player.#{pos_val}y
@event_x, @event_y = event.#{pos_val}x, event.#{pos_val}y
# * Reset Timer
def reset_timer
@timer = time.is_a?(Integer) ? time : time.first + rand(time.last - time.first)
# * Calculate Volume
def calc_volume
r = radius + source_radius + 1
# Get real horizontal distance between emitter and player
raw_dist_x = @player_x - @event_x
dist_x = raw_dist_x > 0 ? [raw_dist_x - @size_x, 0].max : -raw_dist_x
if $game_map.loop_horizontal? # Accomodate if map looping
loop_x = [$game_map.width - dist_x - @size_x, 0].max
dist_x = loop_x if loop_x < dist_x
return min_volume if dist_x > r
# Get real vertical distance between emitter and player
raw_dist_y = @player_y - @event_y
dist_y = raw_dist_y > 0 ? [raw_dist_y - @size_y, 0].max : -raw_dist_y
if $game_map.loop_vertical? # Accomodate if map loops vertically
loop_y = [$game_map.height - dist_y - @size_y, 0].max
dist_y = loop_y if loop_y < dist_y
return min_volume if dist_y > r
# Get diagonal distance
dist = Math.hypot(dist_x, dist_y)
return min_volume + (dist > r ? 0 : (([(r - dist) / (r - source_radius), 1].min)*(max_volume - min_volume)).to_i)
# * Calculate Pitch
def calc_pitch
pitch.is_a?(Integer) ? pitch : pitch.first + rand(pitch.last - pitch.first)
# * Load AudioFile
def load_audiofile(filename = @filename)
@filename = filename
@audiofile = RPG.const_get(@sound_type).new(@filename)
@audiofile.pitch = calc_pitch
alias :"filename=" :load_audiofile
# ** Game_Map
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - setup
class Game_Map
# * Setup Events
alias madsee_setup_3kq4 setup
def setup(*args)
# Clear Emitters if they were present in last map, primarily to stop the
# them if they are playing BGMs or BGSes.
@events.values.each { |e|
e.madsee_emitter.clear if e.madsee_emitter } if @events
madsee_setup_3kq4(*args) # Call original method
# ** Game_Event
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - initialize; clear_page_settings; setup_page_settings;
# update
# new method - madsee_emitter; madsee_setup_emitter; ma_collect_init_comment
class Game_Event
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :madsee_emitter
# * Setup Page Settings
alias madsee_stuppges_6ag6 setup_page_settings
def setup_page_settings(*args)
madsee_stuppges_6ag6(*args) # Call original method
# * Clear Page Settings
alias madsee_clrpageset_4sm7 clear_page_settings
def clear_page_settings(*args)
madsee_clrpageset_4sm7(*args) # Call original method
@madsee_emitter.clear if @madsee_emitter
@madsee_emitter = nil
# * Setup Emitter
def madsee_setup_emitter
# Collect First comment
comment = ma_collect_init_comment
if comment[/\\EMIT[_ ](BGM|BGS|ME|SE)\[?(\d*)[;;,\s]*(\d*)\]?\s*\{(.+?)\}/mi]
@madsee_emitter ? @madsee_emitter.clear : @madsee_emitter = MA_SoundEmitter.new(@id)
@madsee_emitter.sound_type = $1.upcase.to_sym
@madsee_emitter.size_x = $2.to_i
@madsee_emitter.size_y = $3.to_i
props = $4.dup
props.gsub!(/(?<!file)name/i) { "filename" }
props.gsub!(/(?<!_)volume/i) { "max_volume" }
props.split(/[\n;]+/).each { |expression|
if expression[/\A\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*\Z/]
@madsee_emitter.send(:"#{$1.downcase}=", eval($2)) rescue msgbox("#{$1.downcase} is not a valid property for a Sound Emitting Event")
@madsee_emitter.audiofile.pitch = @madsee_emitter.calc_pitch
@madsee_emitter = nil if @madsee_emitter.filename.empty?
@madsee_emitter.clear if @madsee_emitter
@madsee_emitter = nil
# * Collect First Comment
def ma_collect_init_comment
comment, i = "", 0
while !@list[i].nil? && (@list[i].code == 108 || @list[i].code == 408)
comment += @list[i].parameters[0] + "\n"
i += 1
end unless self.method_defined?(:ma_collect_init_comment)
# * Frame Update
alias madsee_updt_1ex0 update
def update(*args)
madsee_updt_1ex0(*args) # Call original method
@madsee_emitter.update if @madsee_emitter
- Yin, for alerting me to some lag and inspiring the option to turn SMOOTH_TRANSITION off
Please post in this topic at RMRK if you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or error reports. Even if this topic is really old, do not be afraid to necropost. Please do not send me a private message, as I would like other people who might have the same problem to be able to see the solution.
Known Compatibility Issues
I am currently unaware of any compatibility problems, but please let me know if you encounter any. There might be problems with pixel movement or isometric scripts.
Author's Notes
The VX version of this script was terribly written and laggy. I have tried to improve it and I think I have succeeded, but please let me know if you are encountering any issues with lag when using this script.
Terms of Use
I adopt RMRK's default
Terms of Use.