Equipment Set Bonuses
Version: 1.0.0
Author: modern algebra
Date: 12 January 2014
Version History
- <Version 1.0.0> 2014.01.12 - Original Release
This script allows you to group together pieces of equipments and apply bonuses if all of them are equipped on the same actor.
It has no graphical component, so you will need to describe items that are part of a set through other means. If you want to change the colour of item names to indicate they belong to a set, I recommend using my
Global Text Codes script.
- Gives bonuses when equipping items of the same set
- Easy to configure - set the bonuses directly in the database as an armor
Paste the script into its own slot in the Script Editor (F11), above Main but below Materials.
# Equipment Set Bonuses
# Version: 1.0.0
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: 10 January 2014
# Description:
# This script allows you to group together pieces of equipments and apply
# bonuses if all of them are equipped on the same actor.
# Instructions:
# To create an equipment set, simply create an armor (not a weapon) with all
# of the stat changes and features you want added when the entire set is
# equipped. Then, in the notebox, use the following codes to determine which
# items belong to the set:
# \set[x1, x2, ..., xn]
# Where each element is the ID of the piece of equipment, preceded by either
# A or W to indicate whether it is a weapon or armor.
# For example, a54 would mean the armor with ID 54, while w2 would be the
# weapon with ID 2.
# As well, you can write more than one of these codes in the notebox, and
# then the bonuses will be applied if any of the sets are equipped.
# Examples:
# \set[w50, a67, a71]
# If an actor has equipped the weapon with ID 50 and the armors with IDs 67
# and 71, then the bonuses of this equipment set will be applied.
# \set[a32, a33]\set[a32, a34]\set[a33, a34]
# If an actor has equipped any two pieces of the armors with IDs 32, 33, and
# 34, then the bonuses of this equipment set will be applied.
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_EquipmentSetBonuses] = true
# ** MAESB EquipmentSet
# A class to hold data of each set
class MAESB_EquipmentSet
# * Object Initialization
# set_string : a string with each armor and weapon as "[AW]\d+"
def initialize(set_string = "")
# Initialize arrays to track IDs of equips in set
@weapons, @armors = [], []
# Populate Set
set_string.scan(/([AW]?)\s*?(\d+)/mi) { |type, id|
(type.upcase == 'W' ? @weapons : @armors).push(id.to_i) }
# * Items
def items
(@weapons.collect {|id| $data_weapons[id] }) + # RPG::Weapons +
(@armors.collect {|id| $data_armors[id] }) # RPG::Armors
# * Set Complete?
def set_complete?(eqps = [])
itms = items
!itms.empty? && ((itms & eqps).size == itms.size)
module RPG
# ** RPG::EquipItem
# Summary of Items:
# new methods - maesb_generate_equip_set
class EquipItem
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :maesb_belongs_to_sets
# * Generate Equip Set
def maesb_generate_equip_set
@maesb_belongs_to_sets = []
# ** RPG::Armor
# Summary of Items:
# new methods - maesb_generate_equip_set
class Armor
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :maesb_sets
# * Generate Equip Set
def maesb_generate_equip_set
@maesb_sets = note.scan(/\\SET\s*\[(.+?)\]/i).collect { |set_s|[0]) }
# * Set Complete?
def maesb_set_complete?(maesb_equips)
maesb_sets.each { |set| return true if set && set.set_complete?(maesb_equips) }
return false
# *** DataManager
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - load_database
# new method - maesb_generate_equipment_sets
class << DataManager
# * Load Database
alias maesb_loadata_9fg4 load_database
def load_database(*args, &block)
maesb_loadata_9fg4(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Generate Equipment Sets
def maesb_generate_equipment_sets
# Generate Equipment Sets
($data_weapons + $data_armors).compact.each { |equip| equip.maesb_generate_equip_set }
# Update items to refer to the set to which they belong
set_items = $ {|armor| !armor.maesb_sets.empty? }
set_items.each { |set_item|
set_item.maesb_sets.collect {|set| set.items }.flatten.uniq.each { |equip|
# *** MAESB_GameActr_CreateSets
# This module is intended to be mixed in to Game_Actor
module MAESB_GameActr_CreateSets
# * Sets
def maesb_sets
eqps = equips.compact
if @maesb_set_last_equips != eqps # update if equipment has changed
@maesb_set_last_equips = eqps
# Get array of all set items currently equipped
sets = eqps.inject([]) { |r, eqp| r |= eqp.maesb_belongs_to_sets }
# Select from them any sets that are complete
@maesb_sets = (sets.collect {|id| $data_armors[id] }).select {|set|
set.maesb_set_complete?(eqps) }
@maesb_sets # return array of set items
# * Get Array of All Objects Retaining Features
def feature_objects(*args, &block)
maesb_sets.compact + (super(*args, &block))
# * Get Added Value of Parameter
def param_plus(param_id, *args, &block)
val = super(param_id, *args, &block)
maesb_sets.compact.inject(val) {|r, item| r += item.params[param_id] }
# ** Game_Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# included modules - MAESB_GameActr_CreateSets
class Game_Actor
include MAESB_GameActr_CreateSets
If you are having problems copying from that, you could try changing your browser, or you can also retrieve the script from
Please post in this thread on if you have any questions or errors to report.
Known Compatibility Issues
I do not know of any right now, but let me know if any of your scripts conflict and I will help if I can.
Terms of Use
I adopt the
Terms of Use for RMVXA Scripts Database.