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RMVXA Script Index

Started by modern algebra, January 14, 2012, 06:14:52 AM

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modern algebra


Map Edge Transfer
Version: 1.1.0
Category: System Utility
This Script allows the player to automatically transfer to the next map when hitting the edge of the current map, using in-game variables.

It also adds a small feature to make it look like the player actually WALKS out of the current map into the new map instead of teleporting.

modern algebra


Awesome Options
Version: 1.4
Category: Menu Scripts
This script allows you to change defferent aspects of the Title, Menu, End Game and Gameover Screens as well as window opacity and the Default Font settings. Check out the feature's spoiler for a more detailed discription. I'm always open to suggestions if anyone has any other option ideas.

Emotion Balloon System
Version: 0.3
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to assign Emotion Balloons to triggers by default or by allowing the player to change them in game. The original concept is based on SoulPour777's script "Character Emoji".

Gambling Man
Version: 1.1
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to call a min-game via a script call. The mini-game is a very basic game, if the dealer ties or beats your hand you loose, otherwise "You Won!". I've allowed you to call the game whatever you want and select between the number of cards used(up to 5), set the costs, and the rewards, The card images and background can be found at the same link as the screenshot or you can download the demo. If you can't find the script call in the script then here it is . hope you have fun.

Item Experience
Version: 0.4
Category: Database Utility
This script allows the actor to gain experience for using set items.

Level Up Switches
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
I wanted to be able to add more on to the leveling up. This way you can change a lot about an actor, be it their appearance, stats, maybe a side quest or anything else you can think of.

Old School Cheats
Version: 0.1
Category: System Utility
One question: how many people still remember the original Contra code? If there's ever been one thing to make a game memorable it was the cheat codes. I wanted to bring back the old school cheat codes so this is my rendition with an RPG twist.

Prefixes and Suffixes
Version: 0.3
Category: Database Utility
Simply put, this is a simple script that allows you to create instance weapons and armors with prefixes and suffixes, either completely random, or very specific.

Real Time Events
Version: 0.2
Category: System Utility
This script is an extention of my conditional checks script. It was based on Gump's Time Script. This script can be used to implement real time into your game via switches and variables.

Relationship Window
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
I have had a few requests for a relationship window, so I decided to make one. It's easy to use. If anyone has any requests to add on please let me know.

Simple Replace: Gold Icon
Version: 0.2
Category: Message Scripts
This script replaces gold vocab with an icon in the Gold window. It also replaces game message's \g with an icon, however the gold vocab is still available with \gv instead.

V's Auto Message Formatting
Version: 0.4
Category: Message Scripts
This script automatically formats the games messages for you. This enables you to type everything on one line when writing out messages while also allowing you to still use the enter key and \n to start a new line if wanted. I have also added a few additional control/escape characters(more details can be found in the "How to Use" section of the script.).

V's Best Class Stats
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to change classes without loosing the benefits of the previous class. Basically if your current class has 600 MHP and the class your changing into has less MHP then you will keep the highest amount. This script will automatically do this for params, xparams, sparams, attack speed, attack times, action times, equip weapon types and equip armor types. This script was intended to be used with my V's Promotion System 2: Job Tree System but it can be used without as well.

V's Chest Pop-Up
Version: 0.2
Category: Graphical Utility
A simple to use pop up window to display gold found. I also have Add-Ons for this script at my website. Click the image below for more info.

V's Conditional Checks
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
This script adds additional checks for conditional branches like:

  • PC Time
  • Game Time
  • Checks to see if a actor has certain weapon equipped
  • Checks to see if a actor has certain type of weapon is equipped
  • Checks for HP, MP and TP values
  • Checks for Params and X & S Params
  • Item Quantities
  • Gold Spent in Stores
  • Total Gold Found
  • Steps Taken, and many more.

V's Custom Animated Title Screen
Version: 0.1
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to go well above and beyond what you can normally do to edit the title screen. It allows you to set unlimited layers all with there own x, y, z, and animations, and much much more. 

V's Level-Up Stats
Version: 1.2
Category: Custom Scenes
This script creates a window every time an actor levels that allows the player to adjust the actors base stats to their will.

V's Live H.U.D. Menu
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a custom menu system created and designed by myself for my game. There are still a lot of updates to be made. I just wanted to get it out there and start getting some feedback. Right now it only supports a solo player set-up.

V's Lucky Gold Find
Version: 0.2
Category: System Utility
A very useful script that lets you modify the amount of gold you find base on either the leaders Luck or the battle party as a whole's luck.

V's Passive Items
Version: 0.3
Category: System Utility
The name kinda speaks for itself, I needed it for my game figured a lot of people could use it. It's easy to use. It basically lets you add passive parameters to items and adds them to the lead actor as long as the items are in your inventory. I have more Add-Ons for this script available at my website. Click the image below for more info.

V's Prize Wheel
Version: 0.5
Category: Custom Scenes
Allows you to create a "Spin-The-Wheel" prize game.

V's Promotion System
Version: 0.1
Category: Custom Scenes
Inspired by the Shinning Force Series. Allows you to set up actors to change graphics and class or become promotable, once they reach a set level. If the actor is not promoted they will not be able to gain any more exp.

V's Promotion System 2: Job Tree System
Version: 0.3
Category: Custom Scenes
This system is loosely based on FFT job system. Once your class reaches a set level you can buy a new class with JP or Job Points. JP can be given or won in combat.

V's Random Battle Skills
Version: 0.2
Category: Battle Scripts
Replaces the mp and tp in battle with variables and icons.

V's Reward Pop-Up
Version: 0.2
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you create a pop-up to show rewards given on the game map.

V's Simple: Command Text Indent
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
This script does just like the title says. All of the command texts are indented once they are selected.

V's Simple Face Replace
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
Allows you to replace all of the faces with the actors graphic instead.

V's State Evolution
Version: 0.1
Category: Database Utility
This script automatically adds a state evolution feat. Let's say a zombie bit you well at first your just 'Scarred' then after one turn the state is removed automatically, and a new one is added. Now your 'Feverish' and so on until your 'One of Them'. Or lets say you have a transform  system based on states. Now when you are done with your 'Werewolf Form' three turn killing spree, it is removed and now you are back to 'Human Form'. You can even use the 'Death' state.

V's State Transformations
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
This script automatically transforms you into a new sprite when a state is added and automatically changes you back when the state is removed

V's Unlimited Parallax Maps
Version: 0.1
Category: Graphical Utility
The script is set up to take a base layer and as many other layers as you can fit into the map's notebox, as well as animate them.

V's Variable Battle Skills
Version: 0.1
Category: Battle Scripts
Replaces the mp and tp in battle with variables and icons.

Variable Gauge Window
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script basically creates a window accessible by the menu that display variables set to gauges...
I know that's a little vague, but that's because I don't want to limit it to just my idea for it. You can use it to display number of quests completed or number of ____ found, it doesn't matter. that is all up to you. This is only my second script so please give me feedback, suggestions, or any problems you might have. Thank you and hope you enjoy. If You do not wish to use the menu command for access you can set the option in the script to false and use SceneManager(VGW_Scene) in a script call.

Variable Voice Over System
Version: 0.1
Category: Message Scripts
This script voice over system. It allows you to easily set up actor voices and still allows for easy randomization. For example if you wanted to have a sentence and just change one word from male to female, or maybe just have random greetings. This script is designed to cut the time it would take to event that process down dramatically.

modern algebra


Bitmap Extra Addons [Translated by AbsoluteIce]
Version: 1.0b
Category: Script Utility
The ability to draw various shapes in the Bitmap class, including lines polygons, and ellipses.

Custom Text Color Codes
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script is simply add more color choice in color escape command. By default, RMVXA just provided text color codes from 0 until 31.

Difficulty Setting
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Inspired from The Elder Scroll series. This script allow you to modify game difficulty by changing the enemy parameters. The difficulty stored in $game_variables.

Double Tap Dash
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
This script will make dash activated by double tap instead of pressing shift. In case if you want to use shift button for another thing

Experience Split
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Inspired from Breath of Fire 4. Total gained exp will divided by total party member. For example, if the total exp gained from battle is 400, and your total party member is 4. Each actor, will gain 100 exp

Face Graphics on Save Menu [Translated by AbsoluteIce]
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
This script gives the ability to see faces on the save menu

Gameover Choice
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Some people may dislikes if they want to load game instanly when gameover, but they have to wait and watch gameover screen until it's back to titlescreen. This script, may solve your problem.

Hide Weather by Tileset ID
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allow you to automatically hide the weather sprites when player entered map with specified tileset id. For example, tileset ID for Indoor by default is 3 (interior) and 4 (dungeon).

Inventory Secure
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
Inspired from Breath of Fire 4. This script allow you to secure current party inventory and clear them. It can be used for storytelling purposes. For example, first scene player will be role as Main Character. And the second scene player will be role as the antagonist.

Limited Inventory
Version: 1.2
Category: System Utility
This script allow you to limit your inventory by overall possesed items instead of individual items.

Simple Polygon Status [Translated by AbsoluteIce]
Version: 1.0b
Category: Graphical Utility
This script will display a polygon parameter in the status menu.

Smithing -- Simply Upgrade Your Weapon
Version: 1.1b
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allow you to upgrade your equipped weapon just like suikoden. Well, at least my friend, richter_h said so. I never played suikoden actually.


  • Add basic parameter for every weapon in each level. You may change ATK, DEF, or even MHP.
  • Change your weapon's name from a simple "Short sword" into "Shorter Sword", "Bodycleaver", "Excalibur", or even "Super Awesome Sword"? your choice.
  • Different name means that it also need a different icon and description, isn't it? Who knows if a wooden sword suddenly turned into a great hammer after upgrade it?
  • Highly customizable vocab. You may change every quotes to your language
  • Customizable color composition.
  • Customizable price formula

Wounded State
Version: 1.1
Category: Database Utility
This script allow you to automatically add state if the characters or enemy in wounded condition. To disable this automatic add state for some enemies or characters, just simply put resist state in feature system.

modern algebra


Critical Skills Mod
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This little script will give you an ability to create skills that always lands critical hits.

Currency Display Mod
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This little script will give you an ability to alter how to show the gold in the menu, in the shop, and also when gold window popup using \$.

Individual Substitute Rate
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Defaultly, the substitute cover will work when others allies' HP are below 25% of their MaxHP. This script allows you to set the substitute rate individually.

Preemptive Surprise Toggler
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This little script will give you an ability to control preemptive and surprise battle at exact rate by using switch.

Random Exp Drop
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
This script will randomize the EXP dropped by enemy with random rate that you set in this script. Good for those who wants to block the player that often hunting EXP, cause there'll be a EXP drop range of enemy.

Scrolling Text Extended
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Getting bored of the ordinary scrolling text that scrolling from the bottom of the screen? This script can make the scrolling text appear also from the top of the screen.

States Damage Count Removal
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script will give you an ability to create states that removed when the battler has suffered certain amount of damage at certain probability.

States Hit Count Removal
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script will give you an ability to create states that removed at a certain hit count and certain probability.

modern algebra


F12 Reset Fix
Version: 2.1
Category: Miscellaneous
F12 reset can sometimes be a pain in the arse. This script fixes that by spawning a new Game.exe. It can also be used if you want to use the editor whilst play-testing it. You can also configure to show the console on test play.

modern algebra


Diagonal Scrolling
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Can scroll map diagonally with a call script

Drago - Font Enhance
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Script Utility
This script adds some enhancement to default Font class such as underline, strikethrough or gradient

Drago - Multi Layer
Version: 1.0.5
Category: Graphical Utility
Can add another layer on the maps

Fade Room Effect
Version: 3.0.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Allows you to set it so that an area of the map fades in as you enter it and fades out once you leave.

Longer Script Calls
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Script Utility
This snippet will connect script calls with another script calls below it

Map Screenshot
Version: 1.0.6
Category: Miscellaneous
Take a screenshot from the map

XP Map Loader
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Miscellaneous
With this script you can use your RMXP map (Mapxxx.rxdata) into RMVXA project

It will loads the Map, Panorama, Fog, Passability, Bush, Counter, Terrain Tag from your RMXP map data (Mapxxx.rxdata)
Events, BGM, BGS, Battleback, Paralax, Ladder, and Damage Floor still used from your RMVXA map data (Mapxxx.rvdata2)

modern algebra


Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Allows you to create drops on the fly and statically through script calls (on the fly) or through the hash in the module (static). you can then distribute the drops either after battle, requires some scripts, or on your own - through events.

Guild Currency Generator/Shop
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This set of scripts is designed for you to create new currencies and shops based on those currencies.

modern algebra


Categorize Item Scene, ported from a VX script by KGC
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
While RMVXAce already categorises the items in the items scene into Items, Weapons, Armor, and Key Items this script allows you to create your own categories and assign items, weapons, and armor to any of them using notebox tags.

This script also allows you to customise the size and location of the help, category, and item windows. See the Custom Layout Section for more information.

Hide Shop Item Categories
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
By script calls before the shop processing, you can hide certain categories from appearing in the Sell section of the shop event. You can also rename the categories.

Left-Side Currency Symbol/Icon
Version: 1.01
Category: Graphical Utility
Allows for currency symbol, or a specified icon, to be displayed on the left-side of the money value instead of the default right-side.

Sell-Only Shop
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This allows you to make shops from which you cannot buy anything, just sell.

modern algebra


Minimum/Maximum TP Requirements for Skills
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Ever wanted to require a given amount of TP for usage of a skill without it actually costing that TP? This script lets you do that! With it, you can set minimum and/or maximum TP values for skills; if the attempted-user has less than the minimum or more than the maximum specified, the skill will be greyed out and unusable.

modern algebra


Actor Critical Damage Multiplier
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
The function of this script is to change the default critical damage calculation. Using this script, you can assign which value should the critical damage be, instead of using the default critical = damage x 3. This also allows individual critical damage per actor.

Actor Extra Damages
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
The function of this script is notably simple. Normally, physical damage and magical damages are calculated via its value increment multiplied by physical damage rate and magical damage rate. However, by using this script, additional percentage of damage can be added.

Actor Specific Equipment
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows the developer to assign specific equipment for their characters regardless of the class' requirements and given weapons for their handle.

Advanced Lenneth Lifeline System
Version: 1
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows you to contain Lifeline representation of your Battle Member's HP.

Animated Battlers
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows your enemy battlers to be animated during battle. The enemies would also be subjected to three different animated behaviors, either they BREATH, FLOAT, or MOVE SIDEWARDS. This is a revival of Moghunter's sweet script called Battler L effects, but made it much more appealing and compatible with the now popular RPG Maker VX Ace.

Animated Message Log VXA
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Creates a message log of all present messages. They are stored and can be viewed anytime. Messages from Events, Battles, and Choices are shown through the press of a button.

Basic Calculations
Version: 0.1
Category: Battle Scripts
A rewrite for most of the damage calculation setting to make the user have a freedom to most of the things in the Game Battler and Game Actor sets. These are changed by using fixed damages and rates, some were literally done by substituting default values into a fixed value.

Bounce Windows
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Creates a bouncing effect on your windows. It would bounce except if its a message.

Chaos and Order System VXA
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
The world is divided into Chaos and Order. Be it that every crime results to Chaos and good acts results to Order. This script monitors a value of a variable and shows its value on the Chaos and Order windows.

Character Emoji VXA
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This allows the player to create emoji (balloon emotions) on the map, either to show their emotion in game or express their emotions in game. Perfect for Online Games / Dating Simulation Games.

Choice Setup Position
Version: 1.0
Category: Message Scripts
Choices are, well permanently positioned to the right side of the screen. However, sometimes you do not want this, and perhaps might want to put the choice on the center, on the top, down, left side, right side or whatever  side there is. This script does that.

Collapse Redux
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows you to setup your own collapse durations if it is appear, disappear, whiten, blink, collapse, boss collapse or instant collapse. Aside from that, you can also set an enemy to have the following collapse effects:

1. Vertical Collapse
2. Horizontal Collapse
3. Two Way Collapse
4. Rotational Collapse
5. Zoom Out Collapse
6. Zoom In Collapse

Dual Shield System
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows your character to equip two shields instead of a normal weapon and shield or the dual wield. If a character is already a dual wield but also has the tag of a dual shield, the character turns into a normal wielder.

Eliminate Weaker Spells
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script eliminates the lower skills indicated by the developer whenever the greater skill has been learned. For example, if Eric has a skill Heal I and learned a skill called Heal II, automatically, Heal I is removed from his skill list, as to it is a weaker version of the latter. The skills can be configured in the script as well.

Expanded Skill Description
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
This is a rewrite of the Skill Window where, the user is able to add more description about their skills than the usual 2 line description. This is enabled by using notes.

Fairy Tail Ex-Equip System
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows the game to have an ex-equip system, like the ones mentioned in the Japanese Animation Fairy Tail, for mage classes like Erza Scarlet, where during battle, they can change their equipments. This script is class dependent, all classes with the note tag <ex_equip> will be able to re-equip during battle.

Fire Emblem Title Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
A custom game title screen like the game Fire Emblem.

Gradual Item Consume
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
There are times you don't have much gold points to by items and you're probably saving it for buying an armor. If you're in a dungeon and you're struggling, it is inevitable to buy a lot of potions and antidotes. It would cost you a lot. This script allows you to consume an item gradually, meaning you can specify how many times you can consume an item before it is removed in your inventory. You can specify by volume or by percentage.

HP, MP, TP Icon Naming
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Changes the HP, MP and TP Vocab into icons.

KE - Animated Parallax EX
Version: 1
Category: Graphical Utility
Allows thee to have an animated parallax instead of the default movements such as the OX and OY methods. This script was based from Mog's Animated Panorama.

KE - Battle Versus Popup
Version: 2
Category: Battle Scripts
Shows a Versus Image and draws both player party leader's battler and the enemy's face right before the battle starts.

KE - Soul Scene Story
Version: 1
Category: Custom Scenes
Scene Story is a script that allows you to show a scrolling text, some particles and images to show or portray a good introduction for your game.

KE - Tile and Region Flash
Version: 4
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows the game creator to flash tiles and region ids by the use of Color Values.

Lenneth CMS, Inventory System and Equipment System, with blackmorning & Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
A new menu that utlizies a visual Inventory, Equipment and Menu System. This is a rework of Hanzo's system in VX, which is now on VX Ace.

Log Horizon Experience Pot System
Version: 1
Category: Database Utility
This script enables the party members lower than Level 30 to gain experience pots, an item that gives them boost on experience and fighting abilities. This is a script based on a system mentioned from the Japanese Animation Log Horizon.

Log Horizon – Patrol File
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Patrol File is a way to maintain your formation and field monitoring. The first and the last members in line cover each other's view, so attackers and healers can focus on their jobs as the party moves.

Log Horizon – Row Damage Modifier
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows a change of damage only for a certain row of actors. This means that if an actor is in the position indicated on the script, the actor will have a different damage to deal. This by means that all other actors that are not involved in the damage modifier will still deal the normal damage they have to. This is to encompass the Patrol File System.

More Drops
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows the developer to have more dropped items more than it should. The calculation is done via percentage.

SEA - Actor Banned Names
Version: 2.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to create a list of Banned Names or Words that allows you to create different effects when a banned word is being entered by the player.

Mirai Custom Menu System
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
This menu is for ONE Player Style of games. It features the character's bust, and status drawn on the right side of the player. The CMS also features a 'By List' skill window, where it would not require the actor to go to a new window to apply the skills but rather a list of possible effect targets.

Personality Levels
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
A custom scene that displays Personality Levels for each character, composed of Courage, Understanding, Diligence, Knowledge and Expression.

Scene Bonus Ex
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This new added scene allows the player to take a Bonus Item. The Bonus Item is only available if the certain computer time is achieved and a certain switch is turned on. The switch is automatically turned off when the item is taken. This serves as the counter to "Taken" and "Not Taken" for the item.

Scene Display EX
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to display different images of different kind, of which it serves as a multipurpose custom scene. It can be a monster book, town book, encyclopedia of items, encyclopedia of people met, notebook or any other types of images you want to display. The script intends to display image rather than a embedded text or graphic is because for the developer to be free on making their designs on the image shown rather than limited graphic shown from the maker.

Scene Title Alva
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This title screen features the use of images as commands instead of the common buttons done vertically.

SEA - Altitude Changer
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script can change the altitude of the airship vehicle at will.

SEA - Battle Algorithms
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Remodels the default Game Battler settings for Battle Sequence. The script changes how damage value is working, how critical hits are being managed and bonus damages for every battle.

SEA - Breath of Fire IV: Will System - Parameter Change
Version: 1
Category: Database Utility
This script creates a parameter growth per level up for each actor who possesses a unique 'Will'. This system was first introduced to me by Breath of Fire IV. All the Wills you will see on the script are purely based on Breath of Fire IV, however, I indicated instructions on how to customize, create, and design your own Will. The Wills change the growth of your character when they level up. Aside from the natural growth you have when your character levels up, the Wills would change or add those parameters.

SEA - Character Profile
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows the developer the option called Profile, where more info for each character present in the part can be viewed by the player.

SEA - Controlled Battle
Version: 1
Category: Miscellaneous
This script allows the user to control or skip the battle process. These controls include:

Press A to Win Automatically
Press S to Escape Automatically
Press D to Lose and go to Game Over Automatically

SEA - Critical Enemy Battlers
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows all critical tagged enemies to change their battlers when they are under a critical condition (HP.

SEA - Cutscene Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Do you want a specific screen size when you have a cutscene? This script does it. Your screen is changed to a new resolution in order to supply cutscenes and gives cover to what should only be seen on screen.

SEA – Dragon/Enemy Evocation
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows you to transform into a different actor image and skill list. This mimics somehow the transformation done on Breath of Fire. However, the skill list is taken from the enemy and not the actor.

SEA - Enhanced Battle Commands
Version: 1
Category: Battle Scripts
Creates transparent windows for all Battle Commands and uses pictures as background. The battle hud is also created to enhance battle visibility for the game.

SEA - Gameover States
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
What this script does is if a Game Over State is applied to all party members, it would trigger Gameover.

SEA - Overdamage
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows the enemy and the actor to acquire Overkill and Overpower states. What this means is that when an Overkill is activated, the preceding attack kills or drains that target's HP to 0 (or value desired), while Overpower on the other hand, drains the MP to 0 (or value desired).

SEA - Picture Cutscene Controller
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script creates a cutscene picture to visualize a cutscene. It also disables the menu during cutscene, which means the player can't open the menu when they are inside a cutscene. It does not extend until the battle phase, which makes it unique and easy to control.

SEA - Simple Automatic Day and Night System
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
Creates a Simple Day and Night System. Kono started this set-up and I tried to port it in Ace.

SEA - Skill Teacher Items
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows the developer to place in skills that can teach skills to the target when the skill is used. For example, if Eric uses "Raise Ritual"skill to Ernest, Ernest will soon learn the skills indicated by the Raise Ritual Skill (which is tagged with the script's note tag).

SEA - Soul Character Select EX
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
This script allows you to select a character of choice. The script can be used via a script call. It allows the using of voice and cursor effects. Returning to map while in Scene is also available.

SEA – Soul Liquid Music Player
Version: 1.0
Category: Custom Scenes
Creates a customizable music player for your games. The music player allows a simple play and stop as well as free space to add graphics.

SEA - Sprites and Characters Effects
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
SEA - Sprites and Character Effects are included under the Sprite / Character Related Scripts. For more information about the complete lists of scripts, please refer to this page ( These series of scripts also include the first version of my Soul_Character_Effects Core Script, which lets you handle the effects easily rather than going on to searching bit by bit of the script.

SEA - Vampiric and Siphonic Traits
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
This script allows the developer to add a Vampiric and Siphonic Traits to Weapons and Enemies. A Vampiric Trait allows the Vampiric Weapon or Enemy to absorb a percentage of HP from the target which is indicated in the notebox of the weapon. A Siphonic Trait allows any Siphonic Weapon User / Enemy to absorb a target's MP.

SEA - Variable Encounter Steps
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script enables the developer to set the permanent encounter number of the game through a variable or fully gain a random number (encounter).

Show Portraits in Battle
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to show actor sprites in battle.

Simplified Mining System
Version: 1
Category: System Utility
This script allows you to mine golds, silver, and bronze through the use of a number range and success numbers. Depending on the item you have, you can only mine a certain mineral at a certain success rate.

Soul Rendering State
Version: 1.0
Category: Database Utility
Soul Rendering is a state that prevents the next debuff from hitting but only once. If a character is under the effects of Soul Rendering and an enemy tries to blind him, Soul Rendering will cancel out the blind,  and then go away itself.

Soulpour's Limited Screen
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
Cuts the screen into a smaller size depending on the indicated value.

Sprite Battle Names VXA
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
Creates a sprite before the names of the actors in battle.

State Turns Number
Version: 1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to see how many turns does your states have. The states will be numbered to how many turns or times before it wears off.

Sword Art Online HUD
Version: 2
Category: Graphical Utility
This is a script that creates a HUD same with that of the light novel and Japanese Animation Sword Art Online.

Sword Art Online Systems - Last Attack System
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows a Last Attack System, where a player who deals the Last Attack on monsters receives more experience and are more  likely to obtain rare drops known as "Last Attack Bonus Rare Drop" rather  than assists. The script is intended for the use of RPG Maker VX Ace Style.

Sword Art Online - Teleportation Crystals and Anti-Crystals
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This allows the player to use teleportation crystals and generate a Anti-Crystal Area, just like in the Japanese Animation / Light Novel Sword Art Online.

Valkyrie Profile: Charge Turn Battle
Version: 1.0
Category: Battle Scripts
This script allows the players to have a turn sequence. By turn sequence, it means that the player can only attack when the sequence turns have subsided. For example, Lenneth has 0 sequence turns, means she can attack or move everytime, while Mystina, Llewelyn and other ranged characters who has 4 - 5 sequence turns can only attack after 5 turns. If an attack is made, the party gains a gem, which decreases the sequence turns randomly in battle.

Variable Based Encounter
Version: 1.0
Category: System Utility
This script allows the developer to set a variable as the encounter rate, as well as create a randomized / tightened encounter rate.

modern algebra


Position Choice Window
Version: --
Category: Message Scripts
A script to move the choice list window around the screen

modern algebra


Actor Alignment [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.02
Category: System Utility
Have your actors go down the path of righteousness or damnation with this script.  Let good deeds lighten your load and bad deeds go punished.

Actor Titles [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.03
Category: Custom Scenes
Similar to titles in the Tales of series (ie. Tales of Destiny, Tales of Symphonia,Tales of Abyss)

Advanced Valkyrie Stories Equip [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 2.11
Category: Menu Scripts
This script is a redesigned equip screen to simulate the equip screen from Valkyrie Stories.

Advanced YEA Status [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 2.14
Category: Menu Scripts
This script requires YEA Status, and it adds various features such as a graphical representation of parameters, elemental & state resistances.

Basic Equip [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.01
Category: Menu Scripts
This script is an addon for the Equip Scene

Basic Shop [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.04
Category: Menu Scripts
This script is an add-on for the shop screen.

Basic Status [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.00
Category: Menu Scripts
This script is an add-on for the status screen.

Blackmorning Scripts
Version: --
Category: Miscellaneous
A compilation of scripts by blackmorning

BM Base Script [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.10
Category: Miscellaneous
This script is the base for all Blackmorning Scripts. It allows customizations that are used in other scripts as well as adds some features of its own

BM Icons [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.06
Category: Graphical Utility
Create a little more visual appeal by making use of icons.

Column Menu [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.06
Category: Menu Scripts
This changes the Menu Status window to have actor data shown vertically.

Lenneth CMS, Inventory System and Equipment System, with SoulPour777 & Yanfly
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
A new menu that utlizies a visual Inventory, Equipment and Menu System. This is a rework of Hanzo's system in VX, which is now on VX Ace.

Message Codes [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.04
Category: Message Scripts
This script gives some added options for the message window

Ring Commands [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.01
Category: Menu Scripts
This script changes the commands windows from rows to a ring format.

Shop Addon [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.01
Category: Custom Scenes
This script is an add-on for the shop screen

Status Addon for YEA [included in Blackmorning Scripts]
Version: 1.07
Category: Menu Scripts
This script is an addon for Yanfly's Ace Status Menu.

modern algebra


Alternate Currencies
Version: 1.1
Category: System Utility
This script gives you the ability to create new and separate currencies for your game to use. Up to seven of these currencies can be shown in the menu, and a currency view scene can be added to the menu as well. By using script calls, you can change the amount of each currency the party has, and through a conditional branch check to see if the player can buy items with this currency. Use your imagination a bit and there are lots of possibilities!

Euphoria - Mood Gauge
Version: 1.0
Category: Menu Scripts
This script adds a new gauge to the actor's status in the menu. The gauge is titled "Mood" and can be changed via script calls.

modern algebra


Shatter Transitions [ported from a script by modern algebra]
Version: 1.1.0
Category: Graphical Utility
This script allows you to have more dynamic battle transitions that directly change the on-screen image, rather than simply blend it as normal transition graphics do. It also includes a feature to use RMXP style transitions, meaning that the next scene will show up behind the transition instead of simply being black.

modern algebra


Basic ATB
Version: 1.01a
Category: Battle Scripts
Aids other scripters to learn how a basic atb system script can be written

Dynamic Data
Version: 1.00a
Category: Miscellaneous
Stores the changes to the database done by users during game executions

Enhanced YSA Battle System: Classical ATB, with Yami
Version: 0.03a
Category: Battle Scripts
An enhanced version of YSA-CATB with bug fixes and addons integrated

Enhanced YSA Battle System: Classical ATB Compatibility
Version: 0.07a
Category: Miscellaneous
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA Enhanced YSA Battle System: Classical ATB

Item Triggers
Version: 1.00a
Category: Battle Scripts
Sets some skills/items to trigger effects before and/or after being used

Item Triggers Compatibility
Version: 1.00b
Category: Miscellaneous
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA Item Triggers

Object Trace
Version: 1.00a
Category: Script Utility
Traces all objects belonging to a queried class linked to a queried object
Designed as a bug diagnosis tool used by scripters with debug experience

State Counters
Version: 1.00c
Category: Battle Scripts
Displays the state icons with remaining turns on their battler sprites

State Triggers
Version: 1.01a
Category: Battle Scripts
Sets some states to trigger additional effects when conditions are met

State Triggers Compatibility
Version: 1.00b
Category: Miscellaneous
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA State Triggers

Targetting Hotkeys
Version: 1.00a
Category: Battle Scripts
Lets you set some hotkeys to speed up skill/item target selections

Targetting Hotkeys Compatibility
Version: 1.00a
Category: Miscellaneous
Fixes compatibility issues in DoubleX RMVXA Targeting Hotkeys

Variable Pointers
Version: 1.00b
Category: System Utility
Lets users set some variables to point to some other variables

modern algebra


Enhanced YSA Battle System: Classical ATB, with DoubleX
Version: 0.03a
Category: Battle Scripts
An enhanced version of YSA-CATB with bug fixes and addons integrated

Press Turn Battle System, with Nessiah & Fomar0153
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
This script provides battle mechanism Press Turn Battle (PTB). This PTB based from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne battle.

modern algebra


Press Turn Battle System, with Yami & Fomar0153
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
This script provides battle mechanism Press Turn Battle (PTB). This PTB based from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne battle.

modern algebra


Press Turn Battle System, with Yami & Nessiah
Version: --
Category: Battle Scripts
This script provides battle mechanism Press Turn Battle (PTB). This PTB based from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne battle.

modern algebra


Animated Status Icons
Version: --
Category: Graphical Utility
This Script allows the user to extend the casual amount of show icons for the status effects which are aplied on the actors. They will be shown if the given space to draw the icons is not enough.   

modern algebra


Etude87's Menu Editor
Version: 1.05
Category: Miscellaneous
Generate your own custom menu scene!