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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Shizuha is actually a really potent temporary character, much like Hina (and much better than say, Lunasa and Yuugi). So what's the dealio with her? Well...


Autumn Leaves: 650 base Earth damage and a chance of Slow on all enemies. 24 MP.
Madness Leaves: 820 base Wind damage and a chance of Berserk on all enemies. 28 MP.
Revival Leaves: Revives a KO'd ally with 25% Max HP. 50 MP.
Maple Wize: Restores 1200 base HP to one ally. 22 MP.
Leaves in the Dark: 750 base Wind/Earth damage and a chance of Blind to all enemies. 28 MP.
Maple Sappling: Drains 50 base MP from one enemy. 1 MP.
Falling Blast: 2000 base Wind damage to one enemy. 80% Accuracy. 54 MP.

So what's the good and bad? Welll...

The Good:

*Shizuha can halve Magic damage (!!!!) and of course, absorbs Earth.
*Oddly enough, Shizuha has high Attack. Sadly, this is counterbalanced by every other stat being just average.
*Shizuha has both a healing and a revive (!!) move.

The Bad:

*Shizuha is weak to Fire, Wind, Ghost (???), and Absorb attacks. Luckily, the only Absorb attack you deal with during the time you use her is Earth elemental.
*Shizuha has NOTHING equipped at all. No Weapon, No Armor....nothing.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

So as you already seen, Shizuha is pretty supportive aye, with some nice attacks. So how does Minoriko fare in comparison? Let's find out!


Warm Colour Harvest: Restores base 20 MP to the party. 0 MP (!!!!!).
Autumn Sky: Increases resistance to all non-elemental attacks to one ally (Physicals/Exorcism/Magic/Ghost/Absorb). 100 MP.
Bumper Crop: Restores 700 base HP to the party. 25 MP.
Owotoshi Harvester: 2000 base Earth damage to one enemy. 80% Accuracy. 54 MP.

The Good:

*Unlike Shizuha, Minoriko comes with the Union Plume weapon (yes, the Union Plume from Valkyrie Profile is her weapon). However, she still has nothing else equipped.
*Unlike Shizuha, Minoriko has above average Attack, but has high MP. Also, contrary to both sisters having "Average" HP growth, at level 99, Minoriko has 1000 HP more than Shizuha (7500 compared to Shizuha's 6500).
*Minoriko absorbs Earth attacks (of course).
*Minoriko can supply indefinite MP (!!!!)

The Bad:

*Minoriko is weak to Wind (dur)

So yeah, YOU judge how she is in comparison to her sister!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Really, for those who've only played a bit of the game and have seen her, I wonder how many thought she'd be a temporary? Of course, you ONLY use her in one fight in the current beta, but will that be the last time you get to use her? Who knows! Moving along...


Divine Pillar: 800 base Earth/Holy damage to one enemy. 28 MP.
Heaven & Earth Press: 500 base Earth physical damage to one enemy and reduces Defense by base 500. 75% Accuracy. 28 MP.
Six Earthquakes: 800 base Earth physical damage to all enemies. 34 MP.
Enlightenment: Increases Attack, Defense, and Magic by base 50 for Tenshi only. 50 MP.
Unletting Soil: 1200 base Earth physical damage to all enemies. 39 MP.
World Creation Press: 3000 base Earth physical damage to one enemy. 66 MP.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: 3000 base non-elemental Magic damage to one enemy. 82 MP.

The Good:

*Tenshi has very high HP, high Attack, and above average Defense.
*Tenshi comes with very nice equipment as opposed to the previous temporary characters, coming with near-end game/end game equipment.
*Tenshi halves Thunder, and absorbs Earth. Irregardless of what the Read Me says, she does NOT absorb Mystic, and instead halves it.

The Bad:

*Tenshi is weak to both Fire and Wind.
*Tenshi has low Magic, and not exactly the best of MP even if it is average. Luckily, only one of her skills are Magic based.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Time to book your flight, son!

No, Koakuma herself doesn't HAVE any ultimates or anything like that. She's not special enough to get one :<

Instead, she's a really, REALLY big mage. And by really big, I mean she has a crapton of spells, probably the biggest list of skills out of the entire cast of both playables AND temporary characters. So what does she have? Let's look!


Firaga: Deals 2000 base Fire Magic damage to one enemy. 54 MP.
Scathe: Deals 1000 base Fire Magic damage to all enemies. 44 MP.
Blizzaga: Deals 2000 base Ice Magic damage to one enemy. 54 MP.
Thundaga: Deals 2000 base Thunder Magic damage to one enemy. 54 MP.
Quake: Deals 300 base Earth Magic damage to all enemies. 26 MP.
Quakera: Deals 650 base Earth Magic damage to all enemies. 38 MP.
Break: 70% chance to inflict Petrify to one enemy. 16 MP.
Breakga: 70% chance to inflict Petrify to all enemies. 38 MP.
Aeroga: Deals 2000 base Wind Magic damage to one enemy. 50 MP.
Waterga: Deals 2000 base Water Magic damage to one enemy. 54 MP.
Poison: Deals 18 base Poison Magic damage and 80% chance to inflict Poison to one enemy. 4 MP.
Poisonga: Deals 20 base Poison Magic damage and 80% chance to inflict Poison to all enemies. 10 MP.
Bio: Deals 200 base Poison Magic damage and 90% chance to inflict Poison to one enemy. 20 MP.
Cure: Restores 150 base HP to one ally. 10 MP.
Cura: Restores 500 base HP to one ally. 15 MP.
Curaga: Restores 3000 base HP to one ally. 48 MP.
Heal: Restores 40 base HP to the party. 6 MP.
Healara: Restores 200 base HP to the party. 15 MP.
Healaga: Restores 1000 base HP to the party. 36 MP.
Revive: Fully revives and restores one KO'd ally. 99 MP.
Might: Increases Attack by base 50 to one ally. 25 MP.
Refresh: Restores all HP, MP, and status to one ally. 120 MP.
Darkga: Deals 2400 base Shadow Magic damage to one enemy. 58 MP.
Death: 70% chance to inflict Instant Death to one enemy. 20 MP.
Deathga: 70% chance to inflict Instant Death to all enemies. 48 MP.
Berserk: 80% chance to inflict Berserk to one enemy. 20 MP.
Blind: 80% chance to inflict Blind to one enemy. 6 MP.
Blindga: 80% chance to inflict Blind to all enemies. 18 MP.
Confuse: 80% chance to inflict Confusion to one enemy. 21 MP.
Confusega: 80% chance to inflict Confusion to all enemies. 35 MP.
Silence: 80% chance to inflict Silence to one enemy. 4 MP.
Silencega: 80% chance to inflict Silence to all enemies. 17 MP.
Sleep: 80% chance to inflict Sleep to one enemy. 6 MP.
Sleepga: 80% chance to inflict Sleep to all enemies. 23 MP.
Stun: 80% chance to inflict Paralyze to one enemy. 14 MP.
Stunga: 80% chance to inflict Paralyze to all enemies. 30 MP.
Slow: 70% chance to inflict Slow to one enemy. 32 MP.
Slowga: 70% chance to inflict Slow to all enemies. 56 MP.
Stop: 70% chance to inflict Stop to one enemy. 38 MP.
Stopga: 70% chance to inflict Stop to all enemies. 67 MP.
Pain: 70% chance to inflict Poison/Blind/Silence to one enemy. 26 MP.
Painga: 70% chance to inflict Poison/Blind/Silence to all enemies. 48 MP.
Protect: Grant Protect status to one ally. 14 MP.
Protectga: Grants Protect status to the party. 36 MP.
Regen: Grants Regen status to one ally. 8 MP.
Regenga: Grants Regen status to the party. 32 MP.
Blink: Grants Blink status to one ally. 6 MP.
Blinkga: Grants Blink status to the party. 38 MP.
Fog: 80% chance to inflict Amnesia status to one enemy. 26 MP.
Fogga: 80% chance to inflict Amnesia status to all enemies. 56 MP.

Yeah, that is a huge list...and to top it off, we haven't even gotten to the Good and Bad stuff for her!

The Good:

*As expected, Koakuma has very high MP and Magic.
*Koakuma's weapon, Black Bible, has double attack on it. What makes this so particularly useful is the fact that Black Bible has 80 Attack, +25% Critical, AND a 40% chance to inflict Instant Death when it hits.
*Koakuma halves Magic damage (!!!), is immune to Absorb, and absorbs Shadow.
*Koakuma has a vast library of spells to choose from for any given situation.
*Koakuma comes with the Low Risk armor, which gives +50% resistance to ALL negative status effects.

The Bad:

*Koakuma's spells also costs a lot of MP to use, making her run out of MP very quickly...
*Koakuma is weak to both Holy and Mystic.
*Contrary to her very high MP and Magic, Koakuma has very low HP and Defense. A true mage through and through.

So yeah....Koakuma is pretty good, but even so, she can't save you from everything!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

We've finally made it back to Iku and Letty's side, and this time, it's time to talk about the damn oarfish .V.

So what do we have with her? Let's find out!


Dragon Fish's Strike: 800 base physical damage to one enemy and ignores Defense. 26 MP.
Dragon Fish's Wrath: Increases resistance to all non-elemental attacks (except Mystic) to Iku only. 40 MP.
Elekiter Dragon Palace: Increases resistance to all non-elemental attacks (except Mystic) to the party. 72 MP.
Lightning Flash: 800 base Thunder damage to all enemies. 37 MP.
Dragon God's Wrath: 1500 base Thunder damage to one enemy and chance of Paralyze. 48 MP.
Five-Clawed Dragon: Decreases all non-elemental resistance (Except Mystic) to all enemies. 68 MP.
Swimming Oarfish Shot: 3000 base Thunder damage to all enemies. 89 MP.
Able Swimmer: Restores 1500 base HP to the party. 25 MP.

The Good:

*Iku comes with the Damage Charm accessory, giving her higher resistances to physical attacks.
*Iku boosts very high HP and high Attack.
*Iku absorbs Thunder (dur)

The Bad:

*Iku comes with no armor, shield, or helmet.
*Iku's abilities costs a lot of MP, and she has below average MP to start with.
*Iku is weak to Water.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
With that out of the way, let us continue with the next one shall we? Note, I'm skipping one character for now until I get a better screenshot for her!

Ah Mystia~ I really do like her you know? Anyways, she's a bit of an odd character in a way. Let's take a look at her shall we?


Hooting in the Night: 600 base non-elemental damage and chance of Silence on all enemies. 22 MP.
Sphingid's Wingbeats: 600 base non-elemental damage and chance of Sleep on all enemies. 22 MP.
Poisonous Moth: 650 base non-elemental damage and chance of Poison on all enemies. 25 MP.
Night Sparrow Song: 750 base Wind elemental damage and chance of Blind on all enemies. 32 MP.
Ill-Starred Dive: 1800 base Physical damage and chance of Blind to one enemy. 45 MP.

Of note, all of these skills are skills Mystia uses against you in the boss fight with her.

The Good:

*Mystia is capable of inflicting multiple statuses on entire groups of enemies.
*Mystia is immune to Earth and absorbs Wind.

The Bad:

*Mystia cannot use the Items command (!!!!)
*Mystia is weak to Ice and Thunder.
*Mystia has low HP and MP, as well as below average Magic.
*Mystia comes with only a Barrier equipped.

Yeah, she's kinda not THAT great, but you only get to use her for a limited time (and the enemies aren't that threatening enough to your party at that time anyways). How will she fare later on in the story is another question though...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Wriggle is about the same as Mystia, as far as how good she is. There's really not much to say about her! She plays pretty much like her boss counterpart, though I HAVE considered making her Poison elemental instead of Earth.


Meteor on Earth: 800 base Earth elemental damage to one enemy. 25 MP.
Firefly Phenomenon: 1200 base Earth elemental damage to all enemies. 33 MP.
Night Bug Storm: Reduces all enemies MP by base 20. Earth elemental. 12 MP.
Endless Night Hermit: 2200 base Earth elemental damage and chance of Instant Death to one enemy. 56 MP.

The Good:

*Wriggle has high HP and Attack, as well as above average Defense and Speed.
*Wriggle halves Thunder and absorbs Earth.

The Bad:

*Wriggle is weak to Fire and Wind.

As you can tell, pretty bland and boring really...but she's necessary to the story so there you go!

And on that note, let's take a look at what all Final Fantasy monsters/bosses are actually here shall we?! Note, this one has SPOILERS in it so...these also include those NOT in the game yet! I probably left out some stuff too but oh well!

Spoiler for:
Adrammelech (Follows FFXII version first, then FFT version later)
Black Waltz (unused)
Bartz (Phantasm dungeon only)
Cecil (Phantasm dungeon only)
Chaos (Phantasm dungeon only)
Cloud of Darkness (Phantasm dungeon only)
Crystal Dragon
Deathguise (FFIX version)
Demonolith (FFX version)
Doom Dragon (FFVI version)
Epitaph (FFIX version)
Exdeath (Phantasm dungeon only)
Exodus (Does not follow FFXII version until later)
Gilgamesh (only in Phantasm dungeon)
Golbez (Phantasm dungeon only)
Hades (FFIX version)
Imp (FFVIII version)
Iron Giant
Irvine (Phantasm dungeon only)
Malboro (and its other variants, such as Great Malboro, Duke Malboro, etc.)
Moss Fungus (FFV)
Necron (Phantasm dungeon only)
Neo Bahamut (Phantasm dungeon only)
Omega (FFV version)
Omega Weapon (FFVI version)
Omega Weapon (FFVIII version)
Omega Weapon (FFX version)
Pan Dora (FFVI)
Parasite (FFVI)
Proto Babil (Phantasm dungeon only)
Red Wolf
Ruby Dragon
Ruby Weapon
Sandworm (FFV)
Seymour (Phantasm dungeon only)
Shinryu (only in Phantasm dungeon)
Trap Door (FFIV)
Ultima Weapon (FFVIII version)
Ultimate Weapon
Ultimecia (Phantasm dungeon only)
Valefor (Phantasm dungeon only)
Zemus (Phantasm dungeon only)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

CHEEEEEE.....Ok, I'm not going to do that. Damn fandom >_<

Anyways, Chen is well...KINDA based off of a certain LoT incarnation in a way. The only real reference to that game by me, aside from Letty's random White Album.


Phoenix Egg: 800 base non-elemental Magic damage to all enemies. 28 MP.
Flight of Idaten: Increases Chen's speed by 200. 58 MP.
Rumbling Jikoku-ten: 1300 base non-elemental Physical damage to one enemy. 38 MP.

The Good:

*Chen can reach ridiculous Speeds with her Flight of Idaten, which gives her plenty of time to wail away at the enemy with either regular attacks or her skills.
*Chen has high Attack, Magic, and Speed.
*Chen halves Magic damage (!!!) as well as being immune to Ghost and Absorb.
*Chen isn't as scantily clad as everyone else, coming with a Green Beret and a Barrier.

The Bad:

*Chen's skills take a lot of MP to use
*Chen has really bad HP compared to everyone else.
*Chen is weak to both Water and Mystic (!?). If you don't understand the Water weakness, read up on her Perfect Memento in Strict Sense profile as to why.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

The last of the four that you get to use in one scenario (yup, you get to use a party full of temporary consisting of Mystia, Wriggle, Chen, and now Tewi). Tewi's....actually really damn good.


Two Rabbit Chase: 800 base non-elemental Physical damage to one enemy. 25 MP.
Rabbit Ball: 1200 base non-elemental Physical damage and chance of Paralyze to one enemy. 32 MP.
Great Fortune Crest: Reduce Attack, Defense, Magic, and Speed by 10 and reduces Physical resistance to all enemies. 50 MP.
Elemental Rabbit: Increases all elemental resistances (except Mystic, Gravity, and Poison) to Tewi. 30 MP.
Ancient Duper: Decreases all elemental resistances (except Poison, Gravity, and Mystic) to all enemies. 45 MP.


*Tewi has a 50% Critical Hit rate, boosted even further by her weapon, making her Attack extremely effective. In addition to that, she can attack twice per turn (!!!)
*When Defending, much like others such as Yuuka, Meiling, or Momiji, Tewi takes 75% damage instead of 50% damage from all attacks.
*Tewi is harder to hit due to having a Small Hitbox accessory equipped (attacks will miss roughly 25% of the attack on her)
*Tewi has unusually high Speed.
*Tewi halves Thunder, is immune to Absorb, and absorbs Earth.
*Tewi is capable of making enemies weak to physicals, making her even more deadlier, as well as making her allies attacks much more effective.


*Tewi, much like the other 3, is used for such a brief amount of time (both her and Chen are used even less than Mystia and Wriggle). But don't fret...there's more to come.
*Tewi has below average HP, while most of her other stats except Attack are just average.
*Tewi is weak to Wind.

So yeah...if it's any consolation, before I buffed the boss, Tewi ALONE was almost enough to take the boss down if that says anything of how good she was. @_@

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Now we begin the actual spoilers! How so? We're going into beta5+ characters now (other characters will have to wait as I still need to get screenshots of their stuff). So let's begin shall we? Don't worry though! We'll get back to the others soon enough!

Gotta love them graphics eh? Oh wait...we're not here to talk about the graphics? Oh right...Alice...

So unlike other games that Alice is in, she is NOT a tank in any way, shape or form. In fact, her Defenses are quite the opposite, almost on par with the likes of Patchouli. But we'll get to that in a bit...

Alice's skillsets are unique in that the only way to upgrade them is to complete a specific sidequest with her. If you don't have Alice at all (or you failed to get her....yes, she can be completely missed, as she's one of the optional characters you can get but due to specific reasons she CAN be lost forever) and you complete said optional dungeon, you will not get anything out of it (in fact, without Alice in your party you can't even fight the optional boss there). So yes, her skills are just like any other fully playable characters. So I'm not going to go over each and every one of them, just the big ones to note:

Dolls of War: Damage = Dolls collected * 100. 75% Accuracy. 120 MP. This is the final upgrade to Doll Placement (which turns into Little Legion before this).
Suicide Pact: Damage = Alice's Max HP - Current HP. 1 MP. This is the final upgrade of Volatile Puppet (which turns into Return Inanimate before this).
Level Titania: Damage = Alice's Level * 100. 70% Accuracy. 25% Max MP. This is the final upgrade of Shanghai Doll (which turns into the above Hourai Doll before this).
Cute Phalanx: Starts as 1K Spear Dolls until this. First level is 1000 flat damage (so essentially 1000 Needles), with THIS skill doing 5000 flat damage.

The only other skill Alice gets is Doll Arrangement, but that's a basic physical AoE move. So yeah...there's that on her!


*Alice's skills can be devastatingly powerful.
*Alice halves Magic damage.
*Alice has high Magic.
*Alice comes with high-level equipment such as Circlet and Radiant Dress.


*Alice is gotten extremely late in the game.
*Alice's skills to be EXTREMELY effective have to be upgraded multiple times, each requiring completing a difficult optional dungeon and defeating the optional boss.
*Alice has low Defense, while all of her other stats except Magic are just average.
*Alice is one of the very few characters who is semi-weak to the Poison element.

Of note, Alice DOES have her own set of craftable weapons, with the final weapon being extremely powerful (Hourai gives 255 Attack and Magic, if that says anything).

Level 77
RMRK Junior
Hm? I wonder if it'd be a disc-based thing, I.E. If you were going for the three-disc style of FF7-9 then the point you'd lose her would be like a disc switch?

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Originally I had thought of trying a "disc-based" system, but that seemed like a lot of work to do. Would make it easier to manage stuff though I'd assume!

BUH DUN DUUUUUN! Bet people who's played the game are questioning this one eh? Well....that'll be explained in due time. By the way, she's a temporary character, not optional or full playable, so don't expect to abuse her that much....and it's a good thing to. Let's see what makes her one of the more godlier characters eh?


Earth in a Pot: 750 base non-elemental Magic damage to all enemies. 25 MP.
Awakened God: Increases elemental resistances (except Mystic and Poison) to Eirin. 50 MP.
Sky-Born Genealogy: Decreases all enemies Defense by 50 with an 80% accuracy. Magic elemental. 32 MP.
Game of Life: Inflicts Instant Death to one enemy. 32 MP.
Apollo 13: 2000 base non-elemental Magic damage to all enemies. 68 MP.
Galaxy in a Pot: 4200 base non-elemental Magic damage to one enemy. 72 MP.
Hourai Elixir: Restores all HP, cures all negative statuses except Death, and increases resistance to all elements and attributes except Poison, Gravity, and Mystic to the party. 180 MP.


*Eirin has innate Ribbon, meaning she's immune to EVERY negative status in the game, up to and including Instant Death (!!!!)
*Eirin is immune to Absorb and absorbs Wind and, oddly enough, Poison (!?)
*Eirin has ridiculously high HP and Magic, as well as high MP and above average Attack/Speed.
*Eirin comes with rather good equipment, coming with an Oath Veil, Shield Bangle (which gives her more physical resistance so she halves physical damage as well), and a Health Bell (which grants HP/MP Regen). She also comes with the powerful Artemis Bow, which allows her to do full damage even from the back row with physicals (if rows even AFFECT physical damage).
*Eirin innately has a 25% chance to deal a critical unlike most of the cast who has a 10-15% chance.

*Oddly enough, Eirin cannot use the Items command. Not that THAT'S an issue for her unless she's alone...

Yeah, ONE bad thing out of the entire thing...she's pretty solid, if only for that one flaw that can prove to be fatal if left alone. But yes...that's just one flaw. Though we'll see how that'll play out later in the game when we get there!

Level 77
RMRK Junior
What I meant by a disc-based system was brief interludes where it says to switch discs, to make it a bit more authentic (though you just need to wait a while or close a textbox to continue)

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I know what you meant. It's not a bad idea really, though dunno if I'll use it or not....hmmm.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

What's there to say here? She pretty much winds up in the same questionable zone as Eirin, for those who have already played the game. Moving along...


Bar of the Ten Kings: Fully revives all KO'd allies. 80 MP.
Charge of Virtue: 1500 base Shadow damage and chance of Instant Death to one enemy with 80% Accuracy. 38 MP.
Last Judgment: 2000 base Holy elemental damage to all enemies. 54 MP.

Yeah, that's all she gets. Not a whole lot at all!


*As with Eirin, Shikieiki is immune to all negative statuses.
*Shikieiki starts with really good equipment, including the Gold Hairpin which gives Half MP Cost naturally (making her rather expensive skills even less expensive, so her Last Judgment can be used far more often than say Eirin's Galaxy in a Pot). The Rod of Remorse also has 5x Attack on it, making it a very potent weapon.
*Aside from Speed which is just average, ALL of Shikieiki's stats are Very High.
*Shikieki halves Exorcism and Ghost damage, is immune to Absorb, and absorbs Holy.


*Shikieiki is weak to Shadow oddly enough, even though you'd think she'd either absorb both Holy and Shadow or be immune to them both.
*Shikieiki cannot use either the Items OR Defend command.

So yeah...don't know what you guys think of her, but there's that! She appears as a temporary character roughly the same time as Eirin so keep that in mind!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

CHOO CHOO! That is all that needs to be said. Unlike a lot of the previous ones, and despite being listed as optional, Yukari is pretty much forced onto you. When? I'm not going to say! But let's say that...well...she's actually kinda mediocre I think. But let's look shall we?


Illusion Manji: 700 base non-elemental Physical Pierce damage to one enemy. 26 MP.
Nest of Fireflies: 2200 base Shadow elemental damage to all enemies. 56 MP.
Obsolete Line: 9999 non-elemental Physical Blunt damage to one enemy. 255 MP.
Quadruple Border: Increases Defense of party by 30 and grants Protect. Magic elemental. 52 MP.
Box of Urashima: Reduces all enemies Defense by 30. Shadow Magic elemental. 32 MP.
Bewitching Bait: Drains 30 MP from one enemy. Magic elemental. 0 MP.
Venomous Lace: Drains 30 MP from all enemies. Magic elemental. 0 MP.
Objective Border: Reduces all elemental and physical resistances (except Poison, Gravity, and Mystic) to all enemies. 42 MP.

Obsolete Line does require a sidequest to get however...but she does start with everything else!


*Yukari is the only character that you get full-time that has innate Ribbon (!!!)
*Yukari has very high HP, MP, and Magic.
*Yukari comes equipped with almost the best endgame buyable equipment in the game.


*Yukari is weak to Mystic and semi-weak to Exorcism. This is actually bad as things at this point in the game use Mystic and Exorcism quite a lot...

There hasn't been much development on Yukari's part really...she was originally just going to be an optional character, as it says up there, and then a temporary character...and well, she's still a temporary character at some points, and then a forced party member at another point. Yeeeeah...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic


Nue is a rather interesting character really. Her skills originally were going to inflict rare statuses on the enemy, but that got changed in favor of Hope having those skills for her Pestilence skillset. So what good is Nue? Well...let's look shall we?


Red UFO: Inflicts Berserk on one ally. 18 MP.
Blue UFO: Inflicts MP Regen on one ally. 24 MP.
Green UFO: Inflicts Regen on one ally. 16 MP.
Rainbow UFO: Inflicts Power Break, Armor Break, and Magic Break to one enemy with 60% accuracy. 32 MP.
Heian Dark Clouds: Inflict Fear on one enemy with 60% accuracy. 20 MP.
Mysterious Snake: Inflict MP Sap on one enemy with 30% accuracy. 8 MP.
Danmaku Chimera: 700 base Mystic elemental damage to all enemies and removes Reflect. 28 MP.
Danmaku X: Inflicts Lock on one enemy with 40% accuracy. 12 MP.
Grudge Bow: Inflicts random damage to all enemies depending on number of statuses on party, and then removes all statuses from party (excluding Death). 55 MP.

Why yes, Grudge Bow is much like Reisen's skills in Genius of Sappheiros. I was going to make it depend on the enemy's status, but there's no way to check for that in RPG Maker (lame...). So yeah, enjoy beefing up your party and then blasting your enemies with Grudge Bow! In addition to all of this, Nue also comes with the Morph command. What's that do you ask? Well, if the enemy has 10% or less of their HP remaining, using this will turn that enemy into an item! I plan on having some of the rarer stuff obtained this way (which will make some of the Gravity-type stuff like Utsuho's Suns and Koishi's Nova Storm skills be somewhat useful).


*Nue is immune to Absorb and absorbs Shadow.
*Nue automatically comes with a Shield Bangle, giving her higher than normal resistance to physicals.
*Nue is one of the only ways to obtain certain items.
*Nue has above average Attack, Defense, and Magic.


*Nue is one of the only ways to obtain certain items.
*Nue is weak to Holy, Mystic, Exorcism, and Gravity.
*Nue has low MP.
*Several of Nue's skills have low accuracy, making them not as useful even though they can be rather powerful if they connect.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Just saying man! Just saying!

Yeah, expect random ones like these to pop up from time to time. I have a good 70-100 screenshots of these types of images, using my favorite dummy character~

Level 77
RMRK Junior
So Kyouko's like TEST or something?

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Pretty much. She's there just to show off the battle animations of enemy abilities and dummied skills. In the actual game she's kinda just there as my stand-in character for the party switch system.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

PK STAAAAAAAAAAAAARSTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM! Yes, this is one of the moves that Mima had in Touhou Mother. It's a homage to that (as well as one other move she has). So yes, that Twilight Spark earlier? That totally was meant to be showing her off as she's a temporary character (sorry, not fully playable!). So what's good with the Mima? Let's find out!


Piercing Wide Wave
Anti-Spirit Illusion
Wild Phantom Spirit
Evil Field
Stardust Parade
Reflection Nebula
Earth Light Nova
Healing Omega: Restores 2000 base HP to the party. 68 MP.
Twilight Spark: 5000 base Mystic Magic damage to all enemies. 100% Max MP.
Starstorm: 2000 base Magic damage to all enemies with 80% accuracy. 120 MP.

Of note, those without descriptions have nothing to them yet as I haven't decided on what they will do. Out of those, Healing Omega and Starstorm are based on her Touhou Mother incarnation. Twilight Spark is from Touhou Soccer 2. Earth Light Nova, Reflection Nebula, and Stardust Parade are from Concealed the Conclusion. The rest is from PoDD. Lots of references with this one!


*Mima is immune to Instant Death, considering ya know, she's a ghost.
*Mima halves Magic and is immune against Ghost and Absorb. Funny, since the Ghost attribute is meant to be more damaging AGAINST Ghosts, hence why Youmu is good against them.
*Mima has very high MP and Magic, as well as above average Attack.
*Mima comes with with rather powerful abilities.


*Mima is weak vs Mystic, Holy, Exorcism, and Physicals.
*Mima has very low HP and Defense, as well as below average Speed.
*Mima's skills are rather costly...not that that matters much to her!

The list may be subjective to change depending on what her abilities will do and whatnot...I need to figure that out soonish.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

IT'S SHOU TIME!....Ok, I won't do that again.


Hungry Tiger
Absolute Justice
Aura of Justice
Dazzling Gold
Purification Demon
Radiant Treasure
Most Valuable Vajra

None of her skills are completely set in stone yet. One is an AoE healing move (probably going to be either Aura of Justice or Most Valuable Vajra, or even Purification Demon) I know that much. Most of these moves are Mystic elemental as well since well...Shou is Mystic. Originally she WAS Holy, but I need some Mystic characters so she became one. I think it's fitting for her!


*Shou comes with Mighty Guard, reducing all damage by 75% instead of 50% when using Defend.
*Shou has high HP and Attack.
*Shou is one of the few Mystic elemental characters in the game.
*Shou is actually the ONLY character immune to Mystic (which will more than likely be changed to Half). Shou is also immune to Holy.
*By default, since Shou comes with the Mortal Soul, she is immune to Instant Death. Also, due to coming with the Flame Barrier, she takes half damage from Fire. Shou also comes with the powerful Holy Lance and Radiant Dress.


*Shou is weak to Shadow.

There's really not much bad compared to good with her. We'll see when her skillset is fully done eh?

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Oh yes....I wonder how many have been wanting to have HER as playable in a RPG now? Well, have fun! She's only temporary though....also, that animation? Totally not Celestial Star from Valkyrie Profile. And I'm totally not using it for TF's Celestial Star either (that has its own animation). Enough of that! Let's move on! This is only part 1 for her, so I'm only going over her Divinity Skillset.

Recharge: Restores 50 MP to one ally. 0 MP.
Mystic Square: Grants Auto-Life to the party. 60 MP.
World Desolation: 2200 base Mystic damage to all enemies. 75 MP.
Hexagram Cradle: 1000 base Shadow Magic damage and chance to inflict multiple statuses to one enemy with 70% accuracy. 60 MP.
Armageddon Memory: 5000 base Mystic Magic damage to all enemies with 80% accuracy. 256 MP.

Yes, Armageddon Memory (the one in the screenshot) is that powerful. And as you already know, nothing is immune or absorbs Mystic so it's a solid attack. Unless the enemy is immune to Magic of course, then it won't matter at all! Hexagram Cradle is essentially a damaging Bad Breath, and well....Recharge is a cheap way to restore MP if you don't want to spend your items!


*Shinki is immune against Absorb.
*Shinki has very high HP, MP, and Attack, as well as high Magic.


*Shinki's skills costs a lot of MP to use.
*Shinki is weak to Holy, Shadow, and Mystic.
*Shinki has below average speed and very low Defense.
*If Shinki is killed at any point during the time you have her, it's an instant game over.

Let's see if anyone gets that last reference there eh? Part 2 will come either later today or tomorrow!

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Part 2!

The other half of Shinki's skillset is pretty much just like Cirno's Call command. You can thank a couple people over in Poosh for the idea here~

Thousand Pain: 1000 base Physical damage and chance of Lock to one enemy. 48 MP. Sara summon.
Spirtual Heal: Restores 1500 base HP to the party and cures all negative statuses except Death. 54 MP. Luize summon.
Frostbite: 1200 base Ice Magic damage to all enemies and chance of Freeze. 37 MP. Mai summon.
Demon Flare: 2000 base Fire Magic damage to one enemy and chance of Berserk. 56 MP. Yuki summon.
Sword Rain: 1000 base Physical damage and chance of Armor Break to one enemy. 48 MP. Yumeko summon.

So as it stands Yuki's summon is the most powerful for single-targets. Sadly, during the time you HAVE Shinki, a lot of enemies are resistant to Fire based attacks, so she's about as good as the others. Mai is probably the most useful as she hits everyone and is the cheapest to use (granted, Sara has the chance to inflict the rare Lock status, and Yumeko can halve Defense if lucky but...).

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

Going back a bit to someone that I overlooked due to not having anything to show. Well...she still doesn't have much to show because I don't know what to do with her skillset. I can't do anything really fancy with it in battle in terms of like...searching items or such (or I COULD, just well....it'd be a thing to do). So yeah...


Nazrin Pendulum
Gold Detector
Rare Metal Detector
Busy Rod
Gold Rush

Originally all of these were meant to be used OUTSIDE of battle (Nazrin I've been contemplating on being a temporary character, if for the fact that in-battle, she's not that good at all, but outside of it she's your go-to person to find hidden items and such), but not too sure yet...


*Nazrin reduces all damage by 75% instead of 50% with her Defend.


*Nazrin is a poor fighter in-battle
*Nazrin has very low HP, MP, Defense, and Magic.
*Nazrin has very low-level equipment (a Barrier and Atlas).
*Nazrin is weak against physical attacks.

As you can see right there, meant to be purely used for outside of battles.