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For real this time! The Futaiten: Book of Days demo!!

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Level 90
I eat leather belts
Animal Crossing: Wild World = Crack addiction from hell

I still haven't gotten online with animal crossing, but I'm sure it won't get in that much of the way of your game. You've stuck it this far! I just wanna see more screenies and portraits. Progress = comfort. I wanna play the WHOLE game, not just look at the demo and cry. That would make me sad.

Bridget is SOOOOOOOOOOO kewl XD

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
This game kicks ass i like it alot the only thing i dislike is that you need to make animations with the character in so it doesnt look like a sword flying in the air. if you wanna see this in action checkthe zelda game on main site

Current Project: Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Ask and you shall recieve... here are some new screenshots of the completed city and palace.

You know you were wondering. :^^:

Chillin' around town.

The entire plot of the game is revealed in this conversation.  The old woman comments, "Nah, that'd never happen," and Quasar answers "Yeah, but doesn't it sound like a cool plot for a video game?!"

Me, too.

The palace.  Chrono Trigger music is blaring in the background.

First appearance of a tiller, one of the many races in Longevity.

He's talking about the gojo, the pink Kirby-looking guy over there.

Baten Kaitos quote!  :^^:  They're talking about The Blade.

Longevitia philosphy revealed.
Answer to question #1:  Me!
Answer to question #2:  Yes.

The spell description guy, performing his destiny and describing the fire spell, Haze.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
looks kwl as ever yossy, keep up the good work you get praise of everyone lol...... hopfully new demo soon?

Keep us posted

Current Project: Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
There are two possibilities for the next demo:
~I may release a demo after I finish Quasar and Zivan's conversation with the Queen... the Blade will train Quasar a little, and they'll meet up with Yossy... then the Queen tells Quasar to go to the desert to contact the Lone Wolves -END DEMO-   This is the version I'll release ONLY IF PEOPLE ASK FOR IT!  If no one asks, you'll just have to wait until...
~The 50% through the story demo!!  Will include all of the above, plus the desert, plus the appearance of The Badguy Whose Name Shall Not Yet Be Revealed, along with his supercool henchman.  Will also include the Dark Elves, several more meetings with the Queen and The Blade, and the Druids.  All four of the main characters will have joined you by the end of this...  the demo will end at the most perfectly-timed cliffhanger in video game history.

The downside of waiting for the 50% demo is, of course, the fact that it may take a month or so to reach that point. :whoa: Maybe sooner, you never know.  Or later.

~Would the battle system be less annoying if the enemies you defeated never regenerated?  Like, when you leave a room and re-enter, the enemies you've defeated wouldn't be there any more?  (wouldn't apply to the overworld, of course, but in the dungeons this could be really helpful!)
~Mini-games accompanying the spell switches...  What I have in mind are Game&Watch-style things... like, casting the Wind spell on a switch will make you play a mini-game involving tossing wind spells at parachuters falling from the sky so they won't splat on the ground...  and you'd have to pass the mini-game in order for the switch to have any effect.  Why parachuters?  I don't know!!  Can you think of something better?

Yum, cookies.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Great yossy likeing the demo ideas if i had to say id ask you to realease the first choice then work on the second and have that here fast!

Current Project: Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

Level 91
Am I still cool?
mini games are for losers. keep it how it is.

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Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
But, the dungeons need to be interesting!

Great yossy likeing the demo ideas if i had to say id ask you to realease the first choice then work on the second and have that here fast!

Righty-o...  guess I'll get to work...

Level 90
I eat leather belts
Mini-games would be super spiffy. Keep those whipper-snappers on their toes Yossy!!

As for what mini-games to implement, gewd luck with that. I'm bad at simple mini-games @_@ (hates not being able to give a suggestion) That's okay though, because it's not my game. Just make 'em gewd. (whistles off into the distance)

Bridget is SOOOOOOOOOOO kewl XD

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Okay, I'll do my best with those mini-games...  for now I'm still working on the palace...
I've some art for you guys!  I'll post it whenever I get around to scan it.

Level 90
I eat leather belts
Kewl! I can't wait to see 'em  :D

Bridget is SOOOOOOOOOOO kewl XD

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
'Tis the Queen.

Kinda sorta unfinished.  She was going to be holding a sword in her right hand.  Can you tell that I don't like drawing shoes?  She's a little awkwardly proportioned, but you could pretend there's some dynamic camera angles going on, or something.

Level 91
Captain Fucking Callahan
WOW yossy tht is very good i like alot, good job!
"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV

Level 91
good worko n it, your broke your weakness, it does look like a girl's face this time.

very good work.
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 90
I eat leather belts
I don't see anything wrong with her proportioning. It looks very nice. So much for you not being good at drawing girls :P

Bridget is SOOOOOOOOOOO kewl XD

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
WOW, amazing Yossy, way to go, i liked it a lot!!!! :D  :D  :D

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Thanks, guys!  I really, really tried to make her look feminine and pretty.  ...Anyone here play Neverwinter Nights?  Her armor is similar to Lady Aribeth's.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Neverwinter Nights??? Is it an RPG Maker game???

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Oh boy! Its a PC game! How in the world do you not know that!? Go there to see it: http://nwn.bioware.com/

Level 90
I eat leather belts
Neverwinter Nights is an MMORPG made by Atari, along with a couple other companies that I can't remember :D

I haven't played the game much, so I wouldn't know, but I do see the likeness in styles with the way  Neverwinter Nights  is.

Bridget is SOOOOOOOOOOO kewl XD

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
If you've played NWN, you probably also recognized the spell icons. :^^:

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
I'm sorry I havent replied in so long. SInce its rm2k3 I should have been the first one to seee this! How could I miss it? The thing is the graphics are extremely fantastic. Although I couldnt really finish it...i kept getting myself killed.

But the demo is very good though. Keep up the good work.
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< Zelda Fan Club

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
i love mario 64 and futaiten book of day way to go. i also love playing game like this on controllers i love you saitek rumble force.  but for some reason the game just started glitching up after i entered into a location it just glitched wats rong with it.


Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
I'm not sure.  It seems to work fine for everyone else.

So, I'm glad to see everyone likes my game so much.  Sorry I haven't been here lately.  All of my Internet time has been spent playing Guild Wars (Add "Lady Yossy" to your Friend Lists, everybody! \(^o^)/ ), and all of my non-Internet computer time has been spent playing Chrono Trigger. :whoa: BUT, I have managed to get a working clock almost-finished, and I've sketched some more portraits for Zivan.  As for the game progress, I've finished the scene between Quasar, Zivan, and the Queen, and Zivan has left the party...  it's looking good!  Expect the next demo soon!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Soon like in one week?? But don