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Maia 2K3 15 hours of gameplay [V4] *download it now*

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Level 90
Quote from: ahref
mm..i like the general idea however im unable to progress through the game

the bounty on your head at the beggining is incredibly anoying. you are handicaped and all the monsters are more powerful then you.

when i get to the town i cant find the blacksmith please tell me if he is not meant to be there

an idea would be to have a jail in each town

Isn't the point of each game to start off where you have the weakest things? Where you unlock things and progress further in the game? I do think you can run from the more powerful monsters like Annakondas, or just stay away from areas with difficult areas.

There is no blacksmith, but there is a weasponsmith, armorer at each town, and a locksmith on the first town. If you are looking for weapons and armor, become a member of the fighter's guild and they will sell you some :-) See, its all a matter of talking to people, and joining guilds. They make things a lot easier. The guild of fighters is in the first town, the guild of mages is in the first town, and the guild of thieves is in the second town.

I know about the idea of a jail in each town. I am thinking about having one in each kingdom.

community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
Quote from: zshadowzero27
just an idea make the map places apart some that you have to get to them by boat or by air ship, you could make mazes to get to certain places that is just an idea, but it looks awesome i will check this out, good job as i can see in the screens.

This is just the first continent. There are two islands, a minor island, and a major island. I think you find the minor island an hour's worth of map time. I think you find the major island 90 - 120 minutes of map time into the game.

I am sure like all games when going from continent to continent there will be a boat or airship. You don't want to give away too many things on the first continent.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Resident Cloud
Level 91
ahh silly me i couldnt see a door

a jail in each kingdom should be fine

:) ill play the game again now

Level 90
Quote from: ahref
ahh silly me i couldnt see a door

a jail in each kingdom should be fine

:) ill play the game again now

I have thought about that with every game I have made... the door factor. Doors can be on the north, east and west, not just the south. I will stick someone in the town that says that or something like that. Sorry for the confusing frustration
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
I commend you for your effort at using only the RTP  :whoa:

Nice work for a first game, few errors but they have all been touched up on. Good luck with the XP make  :^^:

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Downloaded it, played, great game. :D  Of course, I can't seem to steal or anything interesting, although I keep bumping into a guard and being angry. I haven't been able to walk through the first town.... Too many guards. BTW, when can you remove the fine?

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Quote from: dragonmagna
Downloaded it, played, great game. :D  Of course, I can't seem to steal or anything interesting, although I keep bumping into a guard and being angry. I haven't been able to walk through the first town.... Too many guards. BTW, when can you remove the fine?

As of right now, the whole main part of the quest is doing what it takes to get the fine off of you. Also, avoid the daytime, the guards are out in force in the daytime. I think there are a few people that will warn you of that.

As for stealing, you need to be taught the technique, either by a book or someone in the thieves guild. Same for cooking :-) Same for lock picking.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: maia
Quote from: dragonmagna
Downloaded it, played, great game. :D  Of course, I can't seem to steal or anything interesting, although I keep bumping into a guard and being angry. I haven't been able to walk through the first town.... Too many guards. BTW, when can you remove the fine?

As of right now, the whole main part of the quest is doing what it takes to get the fine off of you. Also, avoid the daytime, the guards are out in force in the daytime. I think there are a few people that will warn you of that.

As for stealing, you need to be taught the technique, either by a book or someone in the thieves guild. Same for cooking :-) Same for lock picking.

How do you DO this stuff? You have a crazy cool, super omega game! Oh yeah, and as a suggestion, since I'm a dial-up user and think this game is awesome, why not exclude the rtp files? It would likeley make the game around 1 or 2 MB(I think) if you just didn't include the rtp files.
Meaning a quicker upload time for you, and a quicker download time for all dial-up users. cuz 9 MB takes about an hour on my comp, and I have to do other things...

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Quote from: dragonmagna

How do you DO this stuff? You have a crazy cool, super omega game! Oh yeah, and as a suggestion, since I'm a dial-up user and think this game is awesome, why not exclude the rtp files? It would likeley make the game around 1 or 2 MB(I think) if you just didn't include the rtp files.
Meaning a quicker upload time for you, and a quicker download time for all dial-up users. cuz 9 MB takes about an hour on my comp, and I have to do other things...


Do what? Like learn how to steal? A few quests into the thieves guild you learn how. There is also a book on it. You get a skill. If your skill is at 0, you cannot even do the command to steal, because it would throw everyone off more than telling people in the forums that you can steal :-) Once you have learned how, the stealing stat is at 1. With each successful steal, you get a 0.1 added to your stat. So 10 successful steals / pickpockets gets you an extra 1 for your stat :-) Simple as that.


It is the same for cooking, and picking locks... well to an extent. With cooking, you can buy things to cook with like pots, pans, frying pans that will improve your chances. You can learn how to cook from books. There is even a book that tells you what percentage your cooking stat needs to be to cook certain fish. I also want to make a fish selling restaurant mini game :-)


With lock picking, you need to have a lock pick, and you need to know how to pick locks to actually pick locks. If you know how to pick locks (your lock pick stat is higher than 0), BUT you do not have a lock pick, you cannot pick a lock. You must have both, and the better the lock pick, the better your chances. I think you learn how to pick locks from the thieves guild a few missions in.


As for fishing... that's totally different, there is no *real* logic to fishing. I would like to implament logic for fishing, but then it dampens the point of fishing. The fishing point is to get extra money, or when you're out in the wilderness, you can catch fish, cook them and eat them, instead of using potions. Trust me, on the second island, you need to :-) The only thing you need to fish, is a pole, bait and a fishing spot. So far there are 3 fishing spots. There is even a fishing mission.

Does anyone want me to make a FAQ of all of this stuff? I do have it written down in my notes :-)
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
mmm as the game stands now, I am at a point of the plot where I can stop and the game is completable. So far the main story line revolves around being obsolved of a crime. I have just finished that part of the main plot by finally making the characters obsolved :-) ah rest time...

Unfortunately the being obsolved is really just the first chapter, and being obsolved is a stepping stone :-) With the main storyline done (so far) it is 3 hours of map time, and that is with me knowing exactly what to do and where to go. Map time does not count for battles :-)

I think I need to put in a big battle before you are obsolved though.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
To make the game more playable at first, I have made a difficulty or a lessening of realism. At the start of the game, the player gets a CHOICE if the player wishes to start the game with the 10,000 bounty on their head. Although really the whole point is getting the bounty off of your head, but the quests still exist, but you now have the CHOICE to start the game with or without the bounty. The player also gets a CHOICE about the leg braces. If the player choses not to have the realism of the leg braces, the player will never have them, even when thrown in prison. Simple as that. CHOICEs.

Because of these choices, the game will have 4 different endings. The game's demo #3 will be fully playable and fully completable, as in, this chapter will be complete before going to a new chapter.

Also... to make things more interesting, I went back to my notes, counted up all of the quests, saw what the quests are and now you can see how many quests including side quests you have done compared to how many quests there are. There is 65 quests in the game so far, which is kind of a lie, because there are quests that you can do multiple times and I did not include them in the tally. I will probably make a 5th ending for those who have done all 65 quests. You can also still play the game even after you beat the main storyline :-) It is just more fun that way.

I have put more points of fun / interest into the game. Along with now because you can complete the first chapter, you can finally get to the part where you are relieved as a prisoner class and put into your real starting classes. One class is unusual, and involves a lot of telekenisis with unusual and unique spells :-)
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 91
Am I still cool?
One thing I don't like about that- Don't let them CHOOSE if they want to play the game how you intended for it to be.
But everything else sounds great.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Demo #3 is up, this will be the last demo for a while now, I am going to go to the second continent and make the storyline continue with chapter 2. I have also sent in an email for this site to have my game in the games section, being that I host it myself. Unfortunately there are no new screenshots for demo #3, because I can't really "show" programming or how something ends, but here are the features:

Demo #3 new / updated features

- The first chapter of the game is completed, leaving the player with a finish and satisfaction at the end.
- The player is now given choices as to which handicaps / realism effects to remove to make the game more playable for beginners.
- There is now a quest tally system that keeps track of how many quests you have completed. The new character in the Pringo Tower keeps track of them.
- Because the game is now has a specific end point (end of chapter 1), there is an ending sequence. Due to the fact that there are now removable handicaps, and the quest tally system, there are really 5 endings! 3 endings for people that complete the game with handicaps turned off. 1 ending for people who play the game normally, the way it was made to be played, and 1 ending for those amazing enough to complete all of the quests and side quests.
- More points of fun / interest have been added to the world, along with all of the villages / towns are complete (including the interiors of houses).
- Enemies, attacks, skills improved / tweaked
- New skills, new classes.
- Several things fixed, tweaked, whatevered.
- The game is so far 3 hours of map time, and that is with me knowing exactly where to go. In all there is probably 8-10 hours of playing the game in all (map time does not count battle time).
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
It looks awesome, small bug- if you go to sleep in someone else's prison cell then the door locks and you can't get out!

Level 90
Hmmmm... it does not seem to download for me. I have a very rubbish PC. For some reason it wont let me download from fileplanet of the thing you hosted your game on, perhaps you could host it on megaupload and PM it to me or post it here because mega upload is the only thing that would work for me. I know megaupload sucks but can you do it anyway, I really wanna try your game.

Level 91
Am I still cool?
I'm happy.
But I still don't like like the realistic/unrealistic idea. I didn't mind haveing the leg brace or 10000 G on my head, even though I ran from most monsters anyway. Good job with monsters, usually people make the monsters either have too much HP or too little strength points. (Generally speaking of the beginning boss battle).
Awesome game, I'll download the next demo soon.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
Quote from: thatsmypie
Hmmmm... it does not seem to download for me. I have a very rubbish PC. For some reason it wont let me download from fileplanet of the thing you hosted your game on, perhaps you could host it on megaupload and PM it to me or post it here because mega upload is the only thing that would work for me. I know megaupload sucks but can you do it anyway, I really wanna try your game.

File Planet does not work all the time, try it later, or keep trying to download it.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
Quote from: dragonmagna
I'm happy.
But I still don't like like the realistic/unrealistic idea. I didn't mind haveing the leg brace or 10000 G on my head, even though I ran from most monsters anyway. Good job with monsters, usually people make the monsters either have too much HP or too little strength points. (Generally speaking of the beginning boss battle).
Awesome game, I'll download the next demo soon.

I would rather hear complaints of the realism switches being able to turn on / off than hear complaints that people feeling my games are too hard and not being able to get to the wonderful features in there.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
Quote from: Albino Squirrel
It looks awesome, small bug- if you go to sleep in someone else's prison cell then the door locks and you can't get out!

Wow you are right! I never even thought of that! Thank you. I will correct that soon.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 91
Am I still cool?
Quote from: maia
Quote from: dragonmagna
I'm happy.
But I still don't like like the realistic/unrealistic idea. I didn't mind haveing the leg brace or 10000 G on my head, even though I ran from most monsters anyway. Good job with monsters, usually people make the monsters either have too much HP or too little strength points. (Generally speaking of the beginning boss battle).
Awesome game, I'll download the next demo soon.

I would rather hear complaints of the realism switches being able to turn on / off than hear complaints that people feeling my games are too hard and not being able to get to the wonderful features in there.

I guess you have a point.

Interested in playing these complete games and checking out more? Go to my website!

Level 90
I dont think I was heard correctly, COULD someone ANYONE please host this on megaupload and post the link coz the link mai gave me is not working and the only thing that seems to work is megaupload.

I dont want no answers like "Keep trying, it will download soon" or stuff like that, I just want a mega upload link! (thank you)

EDIT: OMG it finally worked *Runs around in circles joyfully*

Level 90
I have created the second continent to the east (you may notice there is actually a continent to the south west mapped out in demo #3, but that is not the second continent). The second continent is twice the size of the original continent, and it is more dense than the original. The second continent has some big land masses, joined by a network of tunnels.

I have played from where chapter 1 leads to chapter 2 (this transition is called escaping Annakova). You must go through the dating system in order to get off of the first continent, as a twist of events happen that cause the player to look to other characters for help. I also GREATLY improved the dating system. There were bugs in the system, now there is not. So far, I am more than three and a half hours of map time into the game.

There are also quite a few areas that will need a ship / cannoe to get to, but as far yet, there is no ship in the game other than the ships that ferry the player to given points (Volkova, Pringo Island, Tringala Island).

The major points and plots of the second chapter are plotted out (I just make it up as I go along). It is a natural progression from things said at the end of the first chapter.

Oh yeah... more dreams were added! The dreams are just as strange as before, but now that the game has progressed so far, there are dreams that pertain to things in the game. In other words, nightmares that haunt the characters, like Gomi-Tre (huge part / wyvern of the second island). Some bugs involving dreams were squashed and a little dream counter was added so people cannot keep jumping into bed to view all of the dreams. Plus dreams only happen with certain characters, and other dreams you have to have had events in the game... such as escaping Gomi-Tre.

For those worrying about getting the 9 MB download and then I come out with demo #4. Do not worry, demo #4 will not come out until I am done with the second continent, which is a long time, so download demo #3 and enjoy it! You will be able to continue demo #4 from where you are in demo #3.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
Ok, this has gotta be a STUPID question but what do you do when you get out fo the cell? I got all the other guys out, opened all the chests, spoke to every guard, what now?

Level 90
Quote from: thatsmypie
Ok, this has gotta be a STUPID question but what do you do when you get out fo the cell? I got all the other guys out, opened all the chests, spoke to every guard, what now?

Hmmm if you speak with the guards they should throw you in jail for your crime, which means you have the realism off, so they do not throw you in jail.

I never tested the game without the realism off. Start a new game, keep the realism on, and progress in the game OR just turn off the leg braces and keep on the 10,000 fine on your head.

What causes you to not go past the guard at the end of the hall is NOT HAVING the 10,000 fine. I have made a correction for the 4th Demo, where you can just walk around the guard if you do not have the fine on your head.
community project for RPG Maker VX: http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33789.0.html

Level 90
Ok thanks a lot!
Also I got morrowind recently and OMG it is good, OMG you theif you got the egg mine name from morrowind!!!!!!!!!!
lol :shock: