I received the new demo just now, I'll give it a test, and probably report back to you tomorrow. Thanks for the fixed one. xP
Edit: From the quick play I just did, I can tell you. The lvl 5 boss is way too hard. At LVL 99. I couldn't hit him, I had to use skills. The lvl 10 boss, wasn't as bad, but still only very little damage, the battle song played at least two times while fighting her. The level 20 wasn't bad, and the level 30 was the easiest. xP
Lvl 1 monsters, were fairly easy, the 1 fungus 2 mushroom combo was a bit difficult, had to use a potion during battle, but it wasn't too hard.
Lvl 5 were harder than they should be, I died if I attempted them at lvl 5.
I'll get to the rest, and much better feedback, tomorrow.