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[APRIL 2015] RMRK Monthly Spotlight

Started by yuyu!, May 01, 2015, 06:25:21 AM

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- RMRK Monthly Spotlight -
APRIL 2015

Welcome to the third RMRK Monthly Spotlight! Just as the title suggests, there is a spotlight that will come monthly, operated by our very own machine-certified (not really but ok) moderators. Each month, we will cast the beaming and glorious spotlight upon very deserving, unsung heroes. The spotlight is going to have three general sections: 1. Great Contributions & Resources, 2. Games You Really Should Play, 3. Heroes of the Month. *Please note that all three categories may not be present each month, depending on forum activity.

Without further ado, let's do this.

Great Contributions & Resources
*Anything related to resources (scripts, graphics, music, etc) to be used in games or other media, as well as contributions that are made for fun and enjoyed by the community.

Slip into Ruby: An introductory guide to RGSS3 for beginners
by Trihan
Looking to learn ruby and scripting? Luckily, Trihan showed up out of seemingly nowhere to breathe a little life into the scripting boards! 'Cause you can never have too many scripters, right? A big shout out to Trihan and his glorious contributions!

Our Town's Growing
by irock
It's the king of pop himself - Irock! This time, he's made something SUPER serious. No snazzy, thug lyfe jail grooves this time, but I think you'll enjoy it a lot anyways:

by Mekuso
RMRK continues to be the hot spot for great music - including this little gem by Mekuso. I would play DDR to this all day.

LyteSprite RTP
by Acolyte
Finally - better looking rtp! It may be a wip, but Acolyte has started a revolution. Enterbrain will surely borrow her sprites when RPG Maker 360 comes out! (Note: RPG Maker 360 is not actually a thing)

Games You Really Should Play
*See your game here? Be proud! This is our way of showing off your hours of hard work that blossomed into the beautiful project you have today! As for everyone else: Play that game!

by Madurai
I probably should admit that we're just a tad bit biased towards fancy artwork, so part of that is what snagged this nominee. Of course, Madurai has been known to make some pretty great games in the past. If you feel like digging this new gem, be sure to pick up the new demo!

[2K] Dragon Fantasy: REMADE
by Lavata
This game looks GREAT! Lavata is no spring chicken in the game making business, so we all expect this to become a really amazing game. Also, the artwork and visual are nothing to sneeze at. We need more 2k games in the world. SERIOUSLY. Look at how cool and pixely and nostalgic this looks!

See you all next month! In the meantime, please do not cease being awesome.

See any resources, games or people that you think deserve to bask in the glorious spotlight? Please post here and let us know!

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]





You see, the chimneys are divided infinitely among all the peasants. The more you know.


It's probably a lot of houses crammed next to each other ;o oh, those peasants

[Spoiler=My Games and Art]

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]




Yay!  More R2K!

I love reading these awards.  Thanks for keeping them coming.
