The thread is cleaned up and now contains info about awards and rewards! It's still going to take a bit more planning as far as the numbers are concerned.
Short Story Theme Challenge! Brought to you by Stark & yuyubabe! The *new* plan Basically, we're going to have a list of themes to write a short story about. If yer up to the task, you can enter the challenge and submit a writing for each theme! Of course, we'll be adding some themes to keep things fresh. So, you really don't have to write something for all of them. They're mostly there to help you get some general ideas of what to write!
*Another Major Edit* There is now officially a word count limit on your short stories! The limit will be 2,000 words MAX. Your story doesn't have to be exactly 2,000 words or less, but it needs to be around there, please. We're not too picky about it.
*Major Edit* There are now awards for writing short stories and reviewing other people's writings! We are also planning to have Pokemon rewards set up! Right now, I'm still working on the numbers. But I will be keeping track of how many short stories and critiques you write! Note that the critiques don't have to be super long, just at least a bit helpful!
Themes About the Themes :
Note that you don't have to write about a certain theme if you don't want to. But if you do, it's not picky at all. You can mix themes and be super loose with them. Some themes are going to be more specific, others are going to be stoopidly vague. It doesn't matter. Just channel your writing abilities!
**When you finish writing something, go ahead and post it in
the Librarium ! You may have to link to it in this thread, and include whatever theme you would most consider that Short Story to fall under.
Audacious Authors: *Post in this thread to be added to the list! Also include a pen name or your real name if we don't know it and if you want either of those to be added to the list. If you don't want your real name here, feel free to state not to include it. ;o
Spoiler for List of Authors :
Username : Real Name, "Pen Name"
yuyubabe : Deanna Coulton, "Rosalyn Ashwood"
Lord Stark : Jesse Stark,
EvilM00s : Francois Pepin,
Alexander SupertrampLadyJ : Jules Chappell, "LadyJ"
Flamemaster5 : "B. Williford"
Sophist : "Sophist"
zacheatscrackers : Zachary Pietsch, "Zach P"
Queen Boob : Gracie
tswitch : Drew
Bluntsword : Ronald Long
Requim45 : Cody
Abigailia Reviews & Critiques! *To write a review or critique, simply post it in that story's thread!
It's always nice to help out the other writers by reading their stuff and writing even a small review or critique! Just about anything will work, even if it's just a little bit helpful! It would really help out your fellow writers!
*I AM keeping personal track of the numbers of both reviews or comments right now. If you reach a certain amount for an award or reward, I'll PM you and let you know! Right now, I'm giving points for reviews based on the following:
Awards & Rewards There is now officially going to be RMRK award badges and Pokemon rewards for participating in the challenge! We are currently deciding what will qualify for each badge or award, so these numbers may not be final.
Spoiler for Author Awards & Rewards :
Awards: The author awards are generally distributed for writing a certain amount of qualifying short stories. Basically, as long as they aren't written entirely without effort and for the sake of awards.
Short Story Author: Bronze
5 Short Stories Short Story Author: Silver
10 Short Stories Short Story Author: Gold
20 Short Stories Rewards After writing a certain number of short stories, the author can choose a Pokemon that fits how many they have written.
3 Short Stories = Normal Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
6 Short Stories = Rare Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
10 Short Stories = Legendary Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
13 Short Stories = Normal Pokemon (Shiny)
16 Short Stories = Rare Pokemon (Shiny)
20 Short Stories = Legendary Pokemon (Shiny)
*Normal Pokemon: Encounter chance > 40%.
*Rare Pokemon: Encounter chance < or = 40%, but > 10%.
*Legendary Pokemon: Encounter chance < 10%.
Spoiler for Reviewer Awards & Rewards :
Awards: The reviewer awards may be distributed either by what seems like a random occurrence, but may actually be me secretly taking note of how many times you review or offer at least some helpful criticism to someone's writing works. That, or it may become a public list of how many review/criticisms you've written. Still undecided.
Writing Reviewer: Bronze
10 Review Points Writing Reviewer: Silver
30 Review Points Writing Reviewer: Gold
60 Review Points Rewards After writing a certain number of reviews, the reviewer can choose a Pokemon that fits how many they have written.
5 Review Points = Normal Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
15 Review Points = Rare Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
25 Review Points = Legendary Pokemon (Non-Shiny)
35 Review Points = Normal Pokemon (Shiny)
45 Review Points = Rare Pokemon (Shiny)
55 Review Points = Legendary Pokemon (Shiny)
*Normal Pokemon: Encounter chance > 40%.
*Rare Pokemon: Encounter chance < or = 40%, but > 10%.
*Legendary Pokemon: Encounter chance < 10%.
The Original Idea The original idea was to create a compilation of short stories that we might actually be able to publish someday, or a master list of stories, but I figured this would be better if it was open to more people. Maybe we'll go that direction again if this gets enough exposure. Who knows? I don't knows. This is mostly for reference purposes.
Spoiler for Original Idea :
The plan : Basically, we'd like to gather folks who would like to contribute their epic writing abilities and create a compilation of short stories that we might actually be able to publish someday! If not, we're still going to have fun doing what we love! (Y'know...writing, and stuff.) And we can always keep our schtuff around the forums and on the interwebz and whatnot. We're going to be open to major authors that contribute a lot of the works, but also smaller contributors that make a guest appearance in the collection!Type of short stories : We're currently discussing the details of what type of short stories we'd like to make. We could always either: -Freestyle -Have specific sections of the book dedicated to general genres or themes (i.e. Romance, Horror, Love, Death, Pizza) -Have each short story be connected in some way Funky stuff, you see. We're open to new ideas, too!Determining what stories to add to the pile : We'll also have to make a note of what short stories to keep, and what short stories to scrap from the pile. Not every one of them is going to be a winner, and that's likely going to cause a lot of heartache. Obviously, the main goal is to help each other out until that short story is awesome, though!Crunching the numbers : We're also going to be crunching some numbers at some point, depending on how many authors/contributors jump in the pile. After all, we're going to need to know about how many short stories we'd like!