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What do you think of other RMRKers now? ~2012 Edition~

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Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
Inspired by this thread. It'd be silly to do another first impressions one, since there are so few new members that have actually become part of the core group. It would just be the same thread pretty much, but with less people lol.

SO - if I've left anyone out, I apologize, feel free to add/remove anyone from your lists. If you're new, or weren't around in 2008 when we did that other thread, feel free to just do first impressions. B]

Spoiler for List updated 05-02-12:
Code: [Select]
[b]Doctor Sword:[/b]
[b]Dr. Mc:[/b]
[b]Harry Burns/Sir Jack Rex/Mexneto:[/b]
[b]modern algebra:[/b]

Acolyte: I didn't know you until after I came back, but you're really nice and even though we haven't talked to each other much I like it when you're in #crankeye
Adrien.: FLAMEZ
Animefan: I know you don't post much anymore, but I still see you around now and then. It's good to see you've gotten somewhat better over time. You still make me facepalm though.
Anski: You and I have had some heated moments, but I'm sincere when I say I like you. :blush:
arlen: My opinion of you is pretty much the same as it's always been. You're funny and incredibly talented, and I'm physically attracted to you. I know you're going to go far in life.
Arrow-1: I miss you ._.
chewey: You're still as good at trolling as you ever were, but it's not secret that I love you omg
Dertt: You are a strange, strange person. But I've always liked you.
Doctor Sword: You make me so  :mad: (because I love you so much)
Dr. Mc: You don't post much, but you're in IRC a lot so I've included you. You're fun to talk to, and you, along with yuyubabe, have reminded me why RMRK and #crankeye can be so great.
EvilM00s: I think you're a really underrated member around here. I always enjoy reading your posts, even the ones where you're arguing with Irock (even if I don't always agree with you). As a father, I hope I can be even a fraction as good as you are. :o
Firerain: Do you even post anymore? I've seen you in IRC a couple of times. You were one of my favorite members to talk to in #crankeye and I miss you ._.
FuMannChu: lel I included him for the hell of it. I'm glad you're gone; you're the worst thing to ever happen to RMRK.  :mad:
Ghost Dog: I fear you ._.
Gracie: WHERE HAVE YOU GONE? You're a pretty awesome lady and you better start coming around again :mad:
grafikal: I'll be honest, I always forget you exist until you post lel. My opinion of you is fairly neutral, leaning more towards the positive I suppose.
HaloOfTheSun: Still the best member ever. B]
Harry Burns: I am fairly indifferent towards you, I think mostly because you've change your name so many times.
Holk: I feel like my life has improved just from knowing you. You're a great friend, even if we don't get the chance to talk much anymore. I hold a great deal of respect for you, and RMRK is a better place because you're a member here. But you still aren't funny.  :mad:
Irock: You're one of my best friends ._. It's really been interesting knowing you these last 5 or 6 years. I don't really know how else to put it. I've always felt honored any time you turn to me for music advice and I honestly think you're getting pretty good now.
LadyJules: I respect you very highly, which should come as no surprise. You're one of the kindest people I've ever known, internet or otherwise. I would be honored if you were my mother.
Malson: Same as above, pretty much. You always brighten my day with your quirky, dorky humor. You say I'm the funniest person here, but I think it is YOU who is the funniest person here. You're also a wonderfully talented musician and I'm reminded of that every time I hear something new from you. People tease you about being so cheesy and romantic towards women, but I understand because I tend to be the same way. One day you're going to make some lady very happy. And I think it may take some time to get going, but you're going to do well as a composer and musician. You're very creative and always getting better.
modern algebra: When I was an admin, even though you weren't at the time, I would often think of how you would handle a situation before I acted (obviously not when I was trolling morons and dealing with trolls). If there was ever anyone around here who deserved to be an admin and the respect that comes with that, it's you.
NAMKCOR: You're an awesome guy, and I think you have a talent when it comes to game making. I wish you all the best. Also I still feel bad for having to drop out of your project ;9
Nightwolf: Why are you so mean to me ._. Over the years you've had some of the funniest posts and best quotes in IRC. Sometimes you degenerate into nonsense and nobody has any idea what the hell you're talking about, but every forum needs the raving lunatic. It's good that ours is so likeable, even if he did BURN MY DOG :MAD:
Pacman: I wasn't around when you were supposedly stupidly annoying. When I came back I was told I wasn't supposed to like you lel. You've always been an okay kid though, and I think someday you'll be a really good composer.
Ploopy: I keep thinking you're Pacman.
Roph: You don't post all that much except for random stuff in the sewers, and we don't get a chance to talk in IRC usually, but you were one of my first friends here way back in 2005. You do so much for all of us by just keeping this place going, and I have a lot of respect for you for that.
Skanker: Where did you go bird ._.
Strike_Reyhi: Y U SO :MAD: DAWG?? But really, I don't think you deserve the flack you sometimes get. You're a cool guy. I wish you and Acolyte all the best; you're a cute couple.
Tezuka: You and I have not really ever interacted very much, come to think of it D: Even still, I consider you a person on these forums. ... <3
threeofspades: You're funny and kind, and I have more fun talking with you by far than with anyone else. I admire so many things about you, it's too difficult to put into words here, but you command a great deal of respect from and are a wonderful person. Oh, and apparently you're like a Christmas present of love.
yuyubabe: If nothing else, I'm glad I came back to RMRK because that means I got to meet you. You're an incredibly kind and fun person, and remind me of why I liked this place so much to begin with. Also I can be silly and immature around you and you don't think I'm an idiot, so that's good.
Zeriab: RMRK doesn't feel the same without you around ;9 You're the nicest alien I've ever known, and, like yuyubabe, you always had good things to say about everyone, even if they didn't deserve it which is highly admirable.
Zylos: You're a good guy and RMRK just wouldn't be the same if you ever left. Therefore, I'm locking you in The Sewers just in case.  :zwink:
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 10:16:01 PM by HaloOfTheSun »

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
-T D S-
Silver - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - Game In A Week VII
modern algebra: Smart and very helpful person, although I don't know him personally I have a lot of respect for him because he seems to work very hard to help others.
cozziekuns: Also smart and helpful, overall a pretty good guy in my opinion.
LoganForrests: Smart but somewhat more rough and direct than other scripters when it comes to helping, not necessarily a bad thing though.
Zeriab: I miss Zeriab, very smart person/alien? And also incredibly patient even with all the probably stupid questions I used to ask him. Also I probably would not have improved as much if it was not for his tutorials and work.
Irock: I like his posts, they often make me laugh.

I know it's not a very long list, but I'm not very good with names and I would probably just start confusing people very fast.

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member
aww <3  Thank you kind sir.  I'll do this tomorrow, I gotta work out and hit the sack soon :*

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII
im here
always watching


Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
Acolyte: I don't really know you all that well personally and I've used you as ammo to make Strike mad sometimes but you're alright in my books
Adrien.: lol
Animefan: I still read your posts when I need cheering up
Anski: You know how I feel, boo <3
arlen: You're a very talented and handsome man and I still feel like I hardly know you even after all this time we've been around
Arrow-1: You need to post more you ass
chewey: You used to be one of my favorite members and now you never post :mad:
Dertt: lol
Doctor Sword: I think he should win every award this year
Dr. Mc: You don't know where you live and this frustrates me to no end.
EvilM00s: You're definitely one of my favorite posters B)
Firerain: Where'd you go man ;9
FuMannChu: lol
Gracie: You're pretty sporadic but I like talking to you
grafikal: Same as Arlen pretty much
Harry Burns: You're a cool dude B]
Holk: I always imagine you as this crazy awesome badass who just happens to work at gamestop and collect guide books. Apart from that I don't really know you all that well personally.
Irock: You're my muse ;o;
LadyJules: I respect you a ton and your posts usually make me smile
Malson: I've probably talked to you more than anyone on this website apart from Anski, you're one of the main reasons I keep coming back here
modern algebra: See Arlen .___.
NAMKCOR: Br0 4 lyf3
Nightwolf: I still think you're 13 even though you're probably finishing up high school or some shit by now, but you really opened up my eyes up to the fact that there are awesome people all over the world
Pacman: I feel like I have a special mentor role to you, even though you probably associate that with Halo
Ploopy: lol :V
Roph: You're like that cool guy who doesn't acknowledge me and every time you mention me I get all wet and what not. But then it's usually something like you asking me how much money it would take for me to eat a tablespoon of Strike's jizz
Skanker: We have pretty heated debates but it's all rainbows and butterflies underneath ;o;
Strike_Reyhi: I rag on you a lot but I think you're a pretty cool guy.
Tezuka: You're never around anymore man ;9
yuyubabe: I think it's funny how we go to the same school but we've never met, apart from that you're a cool girl and we mesh pretty well
Zeriab: My number 1 source for hugs
Zylos: My number 2 source for hugs

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.a^2 + b^2 = c^2How can I help you? :DSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
Adrien.: You were one of the most entertaining things of last year. Good job, sir.
Animefan: I never really knew you very well, but I don't think you're such a bad guy. Though the conspiracy theories are a little silly.
Anski: You were one of the first people I started talking to regularly in IRC. We've had our uh...."differences", but I think you're been a pretty good friend otherwise.
arlen: Never really talked to you, but I admire the beard.
Arrow-1: I do regret the situation I put you in, but it's hard to not be mad when people blame me for your absence. I do hope we can get our friendship back one day.
Dertt: Kinda strange, but probably an okay person.
Doctor Sword:We've also had some "differences" but you're awwright. Just don't shit on my porch.
Dr. Mc: I think Dr. MC is a pretty cool guy, eh is in irc and doesn't afraid of anything.
EvilM00s:You're a great guy, dude. I really enjoy talking to you, even though we don't often.
HaloOfTheSun:I joined when you left. A lot of people talked about how great you were. I'm glad you came back so I could have a chance to know you. You're a pretty cool guy to talk to.
Harry Burns:I didn't really know who you were for a long time, but you seem like a cool guy, and you give really good advice.
Holk:A nice guy, though a little heavy handed with opinions sometimes.
Irock:Even though we've butted heads over stuff before, I think you're a good friend.
LadyJules: I think you're a wonderful person.
Malson:You're a lot of fun to talk to, and I'm really glad we're friends. :)
modern algebra:I've always imagined you as a mysterious wizard living up in the mountains. I don't know why.
NAMKCOR:You're a good friend, and I enjoy our skype conversations.
Pacman: I admire your scripting abilites, and I also think of you as a friend.(and I never really thought you were that bad as angrypacman)
Ploopy:A strange guy.
Roph:We haven't talked much, but I think you're a pretty nice guy. And thanks for the free movies :*
Skanker:I enjoyed our skype conversation that one day, and I really liked that you commented on my art way back.
Strike_Reyhi:Without getting too gag-inducing, you really are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I can't wait to start our lives together.
yuyubabe:You've really livened up IRC. I think you're a great person and a good addition to EA.
Zeriab:I LOVE MARTIANS, and also I wish I got to know you.
Zylos:You were the first person to welcome me to rmrk. I don't know why, but you made me feel really special. I guess because I thought it was a big deal that EA people welcomed me, I dunno. Either way, I think you're an awesome guy. :zwink:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 01:16:16 AM by Acolyte »

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
Okay, I'll bite. Sounds like fun!

Acolyte: One of my favorites because you can defuse tense situations by your own level-headedness. Someone I expect to see on the forums, and were you to suddenly stop coming by it would create quite a vaccuum.
Adrien.: Flametard extraordinaire. I hope you find what it is you lack in your life.
Animefan: I have never really understood you, but your, erm, different opinions are quite interesting.
Anski: Although your passion first struck me as anger, I now recognise it as the pain of a sensitive, caring individual.
arlen: It's good to see someone that has become so well versed in their craft. You make complex musical concepts seem simple, and it takes a humble soul to do that.
Arrow-1: You seem to have goten a bit cynical of late, but still a pleasure to read your posts and see your art.
Asch/Atemu or whoever: Bitch. Grow some humility.
chewey: RMRK would be half as fun without your biting commentary!
cozziekuns: I like you, dude, you're a good egg and the source of many different helpful things I tossed into my projects.
Dertt: You remind me that we all need some kindness and understanding; we all have different wants, and some of them are farther to the left than others but no less valid.
Doctor Sword: I've seen you go through some pretty rough patches, and I'm very happy to see that you've overcome them. You seem very well adjusted and your wit is appreciated.
Dr. Mc: Evidently I need to get on IRC more, but just from your posts I can see that you're thoughtful and kind. That's all I ask from anyone.
EvilM00s: This old fart obviously hangs around the forum to recapture the youth he squandered when he was young.
Firerain: Where DID you go? You always had something interesting to say, I miss that.
FuMannChu: Having joined in late 2009 I didn't ever interact with him, but I'm told that's a good thing...
Gracie: LOVE you, kid. I miss your radio show.
grafikal: If it weren't for graf, I'd have never learned anything to do with mapping. Your work is stunning, you speak your mind without apology.
HaloOfTheSun: The first mod I ever met, you command respect. I envy the time of life you are in, sir. Enjoy it while it lasts; it will be gone soon.
Harry Burns: Truly an intellectual mind. I appreciate the objectivity you show in discussion and debate.
Holk: I'm glad we both lived long enough to have met, even if it is just over the internet.
Irock: Friend or enemy? It's hard to say sometimes! I can, however, say that some of the most enjoyable (if heated) debates I've had were with you, and for such a young man you have more than your share of conviction. If we are the former, I am proud to count you as such. If the latter, you have the respect of your enemy.
joy Do you even have bad ideas? I envy your creativity, and your gentle demeanor.
KiPe Why did you have to become a dick and leave? I enjoyed talking with you.
LadyJules: We need to talk more. Us old farts wiser people ought to stay closer! If you ever figure out how to bottle your wisdom, send me some.
Malson: We need more members like you, not only talented but fun to read your posts, and see you in IRC on the rare occasions I get there.
modern algebra: Helpful, non-judgemental, kind, and an absolute genius-your name is all over the credits in many an RM game, mine included. The work you do around here is phenomenal, from original scripts to organisational work to insightful comments. You are the backbone of this site.
NAMKCOR: Take this at face value: you are my favorite smart-ass of all time!
NPCMaybe you're still here under a different name, but I lost you. And that sucks.
Nightwolf: Don't know you as well as I'd like. You seem so angry...
Pacman: I watched you become the decent human being you are today (well, on the forum at least) and I am happy to se you are no longer a dick. Really! Your knowledge of coding is awe-inspiring, and your willingness to share your knowledge deserves thanks.
Ploopy: Heh, another I'd like to see around more. You bring something more innocent to the forum than most members.
Redyugi I miss stomping the shit out of you in Kill the Person ^ You.
Roph: Your avatar says a lot. Thank you for keeping this community alive, one of my favorite places to go on the net. If modalg is the backbone of RMRK, you are its living, beating heart. This is your baby, and you share it with us freely.
Skanker: Yet another member I shy away from; you, too, seem so angry! Still, so many threads would be garbage without you there.
Strike_Reyhi: You seem to have matured in the 3 years I've seen you here. You are more calm than I remember you being when I arrived, more approachable.
Tezuka: Whenever I see you post, I think of the graphic work you gave me; it was a new title screen for my project. That kind of unsolicited gift has earned you a permanent place on my list of really cool people. Your friendly affect doesn't hurt, either.
yuyubabe: The proverbial ray of sunshine! We need more people like you, too- witty without being mean, always ready with something downright effervescent to say.
Zeriab: I know Z only through his tutorials, and from what I hear I am missing out for not knowing him better.
Zylos: As long as I'm anthropomorphising the forum, Zylos, you are our soul. No member has affected me as powerfully as you have. PMs for birthdays, holidays, your understanding in Bean Bags and elsewhere, your rapier wit- we are all better people for knowing you. I get the impression that your life isn't currently what you'd like,and that fact alone breaks my heart. You deserve the kind of happiness that you bring to us.

And that's how I feel about that.

Edits for clarity and grammar.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 01:39:22 AM by EvilM00s »

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Acolyte: I don't really know you that well, but you seem very nice. Might hang out with IRL.
Adrien.: I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
Animefan: You're weird, and paranoid, but some of my friends are too. You seemed to have toned down the ridiculousness quite a bit lately, and I can appreciate that. Might hang out with IRL.
Anski: You are a sexy man. We have had disagreements in the past (I think?) but whatever, you make me laugh and seem like a 8) dude. Would revive communism w/ IRL.
arlen: That's me!
Arrow-1: MEGAMAN. You're one of the regulars that's difficult for me to put a face too. That's probably not your fault, I have trouble keeping track of people sometimes, especially ones from the internet. You seem nice enough, though. Would probably chill with IRL.
chewey: Man, we have, like, the least compatible opinions ever. I don't take it personally, though. That being said, you are incredibly opinionated, and sometimes a little overbearing. That being said, I'd still hang out with you IRL.
Dertt: I've seen less and less of you lately. Or maybe I haven't been around as much. You were controversial at one point, but I never really saw the big deal with the choices you made. You seem cool. Would chill w/ IRL.
Doctor Sword: I know what you mean, man, i don't really come out of my shell on this forum as much as others. You're a cool dude, though, and quite handsome. Also; funny. Would chill IRL.
Dr. Mc: I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
EvilM00s: I get you confused with someone else. Or at least I think I do. You might actually be the same person. Name changes really confuse me... if you are who I think you are, you are young, write music occasionally, and are a pretty smart/cool guy. Would compose music with IRL. I think this applies to both of you...
Firerain: I used to think you were a dick, but now I greatly appreciate your sense of humor and in-you-face interface. Would drink beers with IRL.
FuMannChu: Sorry, but you remind me of this guy I knew in high school that amounted to absolutely nothing, and he just makes really awkward facebook posts everyday like "hey anybody in williamsport tonight lets go out" and nobody responds. Would be slightly wary of IRL.
Gracie: Ah, yes, my queen. You should post more, people like you (myself included). Would pose nude for IRL.
grafikal: You helped me out big time with my website, and that's pretty awesome. Haven't seen you around as much, but again that might just be because I'M not around as much. Would play minecraft with IRL. (oh wait)
HaloOfTheSun: You are very talented, and I don't follow your music as much as I should, and I feel really bad about that. It would help if you had, like, a facebook or a soundcloud or something where you put your music. But anyway, overall, you're super funny and also handsome. Would compose music with IRL.
Harry Burns: I'm sorry, I don't know who that is. Name changes...
Holk: We have similar tastes in music, and we've almost met each other numerous times. You seem like a really nice, interesting person with a lot of stories to tell, and that's neat. Would drink beers and listen to vinyls with IRL.
Irock: You've grown up in to a fine young man.  :=: I don't know you as well as I should, but at least I can put your name to a face! Would get to know better IRL.
LadyJules: You're RMRK's mom, and that's pretty awesome. You seem super nice and supportive, and I really appreciate all the support you give me and my music. It means a lot. Would buy a mother's day gift for IRL.
Malson: We go way back, man, and I'm glad to see you're chasing your dreams. I wish a knew you a bit better (I feel you aren't the same person you were 8 years ago, lel). Would jam with IRL.
modern algebra: You're a very funny guy, but also very private. Or maybe it's just me. I dunno. Would do long division with IRL.
NAMKCOR: Ah, this is another one that's gotten away from me due to name changes. I THINK I know who you are in real life (we're FB friends), but sadly, I don't really know much else about you. Would get to know better IRL.
Nightwolf: This guy. This guy makes me laugh. I have no idea if he's even still around, but I hope he is. Would hang out with IRL, but you're probably like 15 now, so...
Pacman: You've matured nicely since joining, and you music is getting pretty awesome. Would collaborate with IRL.
Ploopy: I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
Roph: Speak up, man! You're a really cool, nice guy. And I really appreciate your support. Would hang out with IRL.
Skanker: I'm not 100% sure who this is, anymore. If it's who I think it is (connected somehow with chewey) then I really don't know you at all. You seem to have your own agenda and life and that's cool. We don't really cross paths at all on here... Would send cookies to IRL...?
Strike_Reyhi: I really don't know you very well. I think I have you confused with Harry Burns, sometimes. You seem nice enough, though. Would buy a nice lunch for IRL.
Tezuka: Of course I know who you are! I really like working with you on your project, and I hope I have some more free time soon to continue working on it. You seem like a nice guy, and that's nice. Would secretly watch anime with IRL.
yuyubabe: You're new and you draw stuff real purdy. Sorry, that's all I know. Regardless, though, would pose nude for IRL.
Zeriab: You hug people and are an alien. You seem nice, but I really don't know anything else about you. Maybe you're a little too nice. Would let you hug me IRL.
Zylos: You're a smart, caring, sensitive guy. I really don't know you any better than that, and that's a shame, because you seem pretty cool. Would grab breakfast with IRL.


Redwyn: You kind of disappeared from the forums, and that sucks. Well, at least it's because you're hard at work at college and such (I think, anyway). I really enjoy working on your game with you, and I sincerely hope it all works out for you. Would work for IRL.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 01:45:26 AM by arlen »


The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Queen of RMRK2014 Best RPG Maker User - StoryProject of the Year 20142011 Best Newbie2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2014 Kindest Member2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
yuyubabe: If nothing else, I'm glad I came back to RMRK because that means I got to meet you. You're an incredibly kind and fun person, and remind me of why I liked this place so much to begin with.

My goodness, that is the nicest thing ever! D: I <3 Halo... I'm gonna play this game, too. 8) Careful, yuyubabe loves everyone. This may be tear-inspiring.


AbsoluteIce: I want to point him out, because not only did he fit right in at the IRC, but he's really, really helpful. He's going to be another likely nomination for Best Newbie. I always seem him help out, and I'm building up his rep. 8) You are appreciated, Absolute.
Acolyte: Really nice, calm person. :) From what I know, Aco is easy-going and friendly. When I first joined and was really shy, I found it easy to complement her for her avatar and signature. At that point, I was too shy to talk to many people. But talking to Aco has always been pretty easy. 8) I don't know her that well, that's my thoughts.
Adrien.: I love Adrien about 80% of how much I love everyone else. Mostly because he was fun to argue with. :o Things are a little dull - but certainly more friendly without him. What I miss the most about him was how he brought out my chatty, creative side. I didn't always use it well, but I mean it. Selfishly, I thought you were a fun guy, Adrien. Well... when you weren't downright offensive. 8)
Animefan: I don't really know you. But, trust me. I know of you. I read a post about you being obsessed with anime girls holding in their pee. I was slightly concerned and freaked out at the same time. Oh, but it was a very interesting I think... maybe. I, uh, like the voice in your writing. You use it... well? :o
Anski: I love Anski. He's got a hard-core attitude that I think is awesome. ;) He speaks better english then me, and english is always a best subject for me. One day, Anski poetically told me we'd rob a bank and go to Mexico. I'm a sucker for pretty words. :tpg: You are too smooth, Anski! ;)
arlen: arlen is a pretty cool guy 8). For some reason I always mistake his calm composure as sarcasm. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think he's the sarcastic type. I went on the music page and listened to a bunch of the music everyone wrote one day. arlen's stuff was really impressive! :) Oh, and about your post about me: Thank you so much haha. Oh my god, that offer. :P Stay good-looking, arlen. Everyone knows it.
Arrow-1: I've only spoken to Arrow, like, twice. But each time, it was memorable. This guy is creative. :o This guy is weird. This guy is funny. All in a good way, of course. Arrow is awesome. 8) I hope to see him around more!
chewey: I don't know chewey very well, but I've read some of his posts. 8) He seems really funny and cool. Some of his comments make me smile. I love his Black Dynamite theme. :o
D&P3: Is new, so many of you probably don't know him. He's become one of my favorite people to talk to. :) He always has so much to say, and his ideas are just plain awesome. I love talking to him. He's also really cool and nice, always helping out others. I'm going to pass along a "Best Newbie" nomination around December. I think he deserves to be the next one. 8)
Dertt: I don't really talk to Dertt much, but I looked over his art page. It was very... interesting. I'm not really one for that type of stuff. Dertt seems very different then me, but difference is interesting. :)
Doctor Sword: Oh, NO! Not this stalker. :mad: ;) But I love Sword. I found out quickly that he lives in the same location as me and goes to the same college. What the hell are the odds? :o He's got some interesting chat stories, but is a hilarious guy. :P Sword knows his guns and American food. Amen.
DoctorTodd: Shout-out to you, Todd. D: You don't get enough love. But I do appreciate you!! :)
Dr. Mc: Aahhh... my little sister. 8) She tend to project a different personality then me sometimes, but we are very alike. I'm the chatty one, she's the quiet one. She typically has more control over her own words. I think. :o She's less concerned with what others think, but she knows what she's doing. Her birthday is tomorrow, the 21st. 8)
EvilM00s: He comes up with some of the best things to say - clearly a master with words! M00s has verbal swagga and I salute him! :)
Firerain: I don't really know Firerain, but I've seen his name around. :o
FuMannChu: Never met him, but heard about him. :o Uhhh... interesting new name, I think...
Gracie: Gracie is funny. 8) She's lively and entertaining and knows how to handle the resistance. This sewers queen knows her stuff. Her new game is looking really nice to me. I'm always astounded how she can come up with these ideas; she seems to make many games. Hell, I'd be lucky to ever release one. :( Good luck to you, Gracie!
grafikal: Have never directly talked to him, but I've seen his posts, too. His graphical abilities are awesome, of course. :)
HaloOfTheSun: Haaaaalooooo :tpg: One of my favorites. Halo is my identical bucket of water! His music is awesome, he's funny, and so nice to everyone. I am sad just imagining how things were without Halo. ;9 He quickly was one of the nicest people to me, and everyone else, for that matter. Talking to Halo is always a blast! 8)
Harry Burns: Harry has some really fun posts that make me laugh. 8) I've never talked to him, but he's a good comedian!
Hiromu656: I hope I got the numbers in his name right. :o I see Hiromu offer some awesome advice for people's games. Not only that, but he makes his games really well. I have a lot of respect for him and I certainly acknowledge all that he has done. When his game was nearly lost, I posted it on the IRC to see if anyone could help. Gracie used her magical powers and fixed it. I don't know how she dun it. But it was magical. :o Now, I'm going to try and play that game some time. 8) I hear great things.
Holk: I've seen Holk post and talk in the irc chat a bit. He seems pretty cool and funny. :) When I first joined, I made my own Stereotype thread and Holk seemed to ask me some neat questions about living on a ranch. So, Holk seems pretty friendly. :D
IAMFORTE: I really like him! He was one of the nicest people to me when I first joined, too! :) He and I share so many common interests. I love youuuuuu! :o
Irock: Aaaaah, Irock always makes such an impact. :o At first he was one of the people I felt easier talking to on IRC. He's really funny and outgoing and crazy - in a good way. It kinda helped bring out my social side a bit more. 8) Irock's a really fun guy. Not only that, but I have respect for him. 8)
JamesWhite89: Such an awesome guy! He's a wonderful artist and is really, really friendly. I don't see him around anymore, but he was probably my first friend on RMRK - even before I talked to many people. :)
LadyJules: I've only talked to her once or twice, but she is so nice. :) I hear all sorts of kind things about her. I wish my mom was like LadyJules. :o
LoganForrests: Logan is awesome. :) He is direct, yeah, but he never seems to offend me at all. I mean, I hardly notice it. He's intelligent beyond belief. I've talked to him a few times and he's just downright awesome. :o I feel like I learn something every time I see Logan post. He's really gifted!
Malson: Chrismalson.com. :o Omg I love Malson! He's always so nice to me and there for me if I'm upset or nervous about anything. Typically, I'm not upset. But Malson is a new kind of nice. He's SUPER nice. :tpg: I'm not a very personal person, but I feel comfortable with Malson and can talk to him about anything. :)
modern algebra: This is the very first name I discovered at RMRK. 8) I had to join, because I wanted to thank him for all the awesome scripts he made. He seems to be an incredibly nice guy, and wise beyond the galaxy. He's hard working and helpful to everyone. :)
NAMKCOR: Oh my gosh, NAMCOR comes up with some of the best non-RM games I've ever seen. I really love his style. 8) He's creative and good at what he does. He's got some interesting things to say, as well.
Nightwolf: I think I've talked to Nightwolf a few times on the IRC. :o Seems very nice and friendly. :D
Pacman: Gosh I love Pacman D: when I first joined, he seemed a bit rude. I mean, he won the zero-to-hero award, so that's kind of an obvious one. But his transformation is incredible. He's incredibly nice now. He's very funny, too. 8) I find myself laughing at so many Pacman comments. Pacman is one cool, talented dude! :o
Ploopy: I've never spoken to him :o but again, he seems pretty funny and cool. Maybe someday I will talk to Ploopy. :o
Roph: Roph is always around in the IRC :o he posts funny images like a stealth ninja, vanishes, posts some more, or will come out of nowhere with some neat comments. Interesting Roph conversation - suddenly he's ninja vanished again. Roph is always on the move. 8) Long live Roph!
Skanker: I had a nice conversation with Skanker when we first met. 8) Really fun to talk to, but I haven't had the chance in awhile. I like Skanker. :o
Strike_Reyhi: I see him around quite a bit. :o He seems pretty serious to me, but manages some pretty killer comments this way. :) I haven't talked to him much, but I respect him.
Tezuka: I've talked to Tezuka in the Bean Bags before, and hope I was helpful. :o I know the kind of stuff he is/was going through. Tezuka seems downright nice and cool from what I know of him. :D
TDS: TDS is a great scripter, and I think he's a great person. 8) I don't really know him, but that's the impression I've gotten. Kudos!
yuyubabe: :o
Zeriab: I've been huged hello by Zeriab a lot over the IRC. Zeriab is awesome D: I wish I saw him around more. He seems like one of the nicest people here evar!
Zodiac: I really enjoy talking to you. :o You are another kindred person to me. I haven't spoken to you in some time, but I have a lot of fun talking to you. :) I hope you come around more, I miss you, man! :o
Zylos: Another really nice guy! Zylos does so much around RMRK and seems to always be there for everyone in the bean bags. RMRK wouldn't be the same without him. D:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 02:09:32 AM by yuyubabe »
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
For clarification, Harry Burns = Sir Jack Rex, and Ploopy = mastermoo D:

Level 72
2014 Best Artist2013 Best ArtistFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.Gold - GIAW 10Contestant - GIAW 9
I don't know alot of people but I'll give it a shot :o

Acolyte: Cool, fun chick to be around.  :blizj:
Adrien.: He was pretty funny to watch rant.
Anski: Awesome, simply awesome.
arlen: I heard hes a pretty cool guy, whos funny and doesn't afraid of anything.
Doctor Sword: He Might try to stalk me alot, but still cool.
Dr. Mc:  ;8
EvilM00s: Don't really know him, but sounds like a great guy.
Gracie: She's Funny, don't get to talk to her much though.
HaloOfTheSun: He's like a brother! <3
Irock: Irock rocks my socks.
LadyJules: I'v seen her posts, she seens very nice. xD
Malson: He's calm, yet funny.  :D
modern algebra: A great scripter, and an awesome guy.
Pacman: I don't talk to him much, but he's cool.  :V
Roph: He's cool, nuff said.
yuyubabe: My older sister, she's alot more talkative then me (ALOT MORE) and tends to get highly distracted when typing. She loves everyone. x3

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Well then.

EvulMOOs: guess you weren't who I thought you were, but you still seem like a nice guy. Would allow you to save my life IRL.
Ploopy: read evilmoos old entry lol
Sir Jack Rex: sorry, don't know that much about you. But hey, I think most people are nice anyway, so I would think you are nice IRL.

Also, yuyu, I'm actually rather sarcastic lol. I usually denote my sarcasm with lack of punctuation or caps, though. It's tough to tell sometimes, I know, heh.


RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
I would definitely save your life IRL.

Level 81
it's time to poke
I love almost everyone here, but LadyJules and MA are so freakin' kind and generous I wonder why their mass of good karma has not brought them even greater fortunes... unless the greatest fortune in their mind is people who look up to them and a lot of great friends.

Arlen: Experienced, excellent musician, level-headed and cool. I look up to you too, bro.
EvilM00s: Nicer than I could ever be ever.

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Writer2014 Best Counsel2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Most Mature Member2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
Since i've been such a vet and know most of you to a personal level, a some of these are going to be long.


Acolyte: You're basically one of the more sensible people around here, or at least the multiple of us who frequent the IRC. Although you haven't been around since the dawn of time, I really did and still do think you're pretty much just cool. I know we've had our differences, but I still assure you I was never really angry about the whole Arrow shit, but i'm sure i've made that pretty clear. You're singlehandedly one of my favorite female members because you just act like a human being, and not a girl-on-the-internet, which is pretty awesome. You're a free spirit, keep it that way.  ;)

Adrien.: Go get bent, cunt.

Anski: You're kind of a cunt too.

Animefan: You're still kind of a moron, but at least you're aware of it and trying to fix it. Not going to recount our 1000x collisions in the past, but you get an A for effort, at least. There's way too little to type here that won't just be me calling you an ass and a moron.

arlen: You're still pretty handsome yourself (even though I have the award, bitch), and you're basically the cool guy I thought was like super-sunglasses  8) cool when I was first starting to post more. In a way, you still kind of are, but i'm reaching that level where you're just another guy, and one i'd still be friends with both online and IRL, even though I still think it's silly that you're afraid to meet people from an internet forum. I still have that really old demo you put out with August and Just Hold My Hand on it, and I still listen to it a lot more than you'd think anyone did. I'm basically you're number one fan for that demo, i'd put money on that. I really do think you could go so far with your musical talent, i've listened to August at a lot of places in my life since then (06-07?), and I consider it one of my favorite songs to relax and listen to when I just need to forget about the world around me. It's masterful, at least in my eyes. I dunno if anyone's told you this, or at least sincerely, but you're one of my favorite musicians, and i'm so fucking glad we managed to cross paths somewhere along the line. I know we fought a while back but you're still a super cool guy to me, and I wouldn't be afraid to admit you're still more attractive than I am. ;]

Arrow-1: Man, Arrow, you know we go a way back. From Megaman to Earthbound, you're still basically one of my best friends here, even if we don't talk all that often. I wish you'd come around more, and i'm glad you're back (even though I understand you're busy), but I do miss talking with you about anything at all, whether it was in PM or over the IRC. You've basically got one of the biggest hearts of gold around here, and possibly out of anyone i've ever met. It seems like so very little rubs you the wrong way, so much so that you're amicable to everyone around you. I know that most people around here still think you're as cold as ice, brother.  :flash:

chewey: I know you probably still think i'm an ass, and I think your opinion on a lot of video games is so condescending that your pillar lofts along the clouds, you're still kind of cool when not talking about said things.  I'm also glad that you and skanker are happy with each other, and hope you don't forget RMRK is where you two ran into each other, if i'm not mistaken. Also FFShrine is ass. 8)

cozziekuns: Haven't had much contact, you seem very helpful on the forums, so keep it up!

Dertt: I know i've been an ass to you, but it's because I think you're a moron, not for any other reason. You're still kind of cool and your art is superb. Go be who you want to be, really, i've never been one to make fun of you much for who you are.

Doctor Sword: You know how I feel about you too. No need to go over OH SO STEAMY DON'T SHOOT ME BRO DICK MOVE LIKE A G6 NIGGERS Texas BARBEQUE DICK LIPS GIRLFRIEND RAPE 7YAY and all that.

Dr. Mc: You and your sister seem really neat! I don't have much to say, but you've been nothing but nice and cool since you started coming around the IRC. :>

EvilM00s: I have a lot of respect for you and what you do. As someone who's going into the medical field, i'm glad there are others who are as nice as you are around here. You have a lot of sense in your head, and that's something I wouldn't let go to waste if I were you.

Firerain: I know you're old and Canadian, but I like your taste in music, and while I think your political anarchism is a little too extreme to be efficient, I always have a running respect for those willing to fight a system of injustice, even if it isn't their own country and hardly affects them at all. You're a boss, despite being like 67.

FuMannChu: You're a fat fuck who doesn't even post here anymore, my opinion of you hasn't changed at all. You're a sick fuck who needs to go jump in a pit of needles and die.

Gracie: You're basically another one of the coolest people I know. I have some mad respect for you for managing to go through a lot of shit so early on in your life and keep out strong and stable, something myself and many others can't say they've done on the same level that you have. You're incredibly kind, and you're always looking out for other people, myself included. Although I just tend to push people away, i'm still glad you swing in every now and then and ask if i'm doing alright. I never admit it, but I do appreciate people who do that. It shows you care. You're sweet, and i'm glad you managed to swing around RMRK. I'd buy your art tshirts and I hope wherever it is you're going in life, you get there without much more trouble than you've already had. Stay strong, Lady.

grafikal: I kind of lump you in with Modern Algebra on the grounds that you both A) don't post personally much (especially anymore at all for you, where you at dog?) and B) are incredibly nice to the point of censoring me when i'm being too much of an ass to someone. I have to say, even though i'm the one getting mouth duct-taped, taking the initiative to still be a staff member and not a tenured jerk like the rest of the entire staff (myself included) is still something that gives me hope for RMRK's future. You're a boss with boss opinions, and keep on doing boss things, boss.

HaloOfTheSun: I know we've had our scuffle in the past and I really didn't like you because you were practically typing like Adult Irock, but through the thick and thin, you're hands down the most sensible person around here. You've got some strong wit to boot, which I admire. I'm surprised you returned and glad you did, because it was kind of shitty without you hanging around. I know you've dropped your lasagna in the past, and hope you don't in the future. I may make fun of you for being blind, but I truly do enjoy your music and your personality. I have a great deal of respect for you for admitting you've had problems with us before and getting over them, as we get over ourselves. I do hope you stick around for as long as you can or want to, because I have no doubt in my mind that we all still want you here, man. Also, post a new picture of yourself. What are you, 12?

Harry Burns/Sir Jack Rex/Mexneto: You seriously should pick a steady name, i'm fairly certain I keep forgetting you're the same person through all of your names.

Holk: I can't even begin to go into words how much respect I have for you. From being a pretty solid musician to getting off of H for good, you're also incredibly nice and have a warm personality, I haven't the slightest idea why you aren't getting mad bitches all over your dick. You're the reason I listened to The Dear Hunter, and I can't express how amazing that band is. I'd give a lot of money to just shoot some beers and talk about everything in life with you, man. RMRK as a community is better because you're here, the whole site has gotten where it has because of your shoulders. Like Halo and Arlen, I do hope you stick around for a lot longer, because I know i'd be pretty bummed if you jumped out of dodge forever. You're a good guy, don't let yourself ever forget that.

Irock: You're kind of an ass a lot and socially awkward, but you're alright, kid. Thanks for taking my advice about the hair, it looks a -LOT- better. The long hair doesn't suit you, and i'm certain it wouldn't be too great for anyone else.

joy: Joy never posts anymore and it makes me sad! You're really crafty with your hands and, despite not believing this when i've told you, a great artist. From fucking FALCONS MOTHERFUCKER to small time art, i'm always impressed when you post anything you've ever made.  ;8

LadyJules: It appears often in the news line at the top, but I meant it when I said it. You've seriously got a heart of gold, and the way you treat everyone is exceptionally sweet and fantastic. I know it isn't just maturity, because I know incredibly mature people who are still kind of cold on the inside. You, however, are one of the most impressive human beings i've ever had casual pixel-word contact with. I hope your children managed to take on your award winning warmth and personality, because if so, it gives me great faith in a new generation of people. From what I can tell, the next outreach of kids are going to be spoiled brats who are mean because their parents will shit if they don't get what they want, but if you could raise the worlds children, i'm fairly certain war would end. I dunno how you found us, or Roph, but I hope you don't leave. Stay sweet forever, Jules.  :zlove:

Malson: Man, what the fuck to put here. We've had a lot of talks. I'm certain we've both learned a lot about ourselves from one another often. You're a witty guy, and although you can be kind of stale and semantic, I never get tired of talking to you when you're around. You've made me think a lot about life, and how to live it. To me, it feels like you haven't really lived life as much as you could at this point. You're in a crossroad, and hopefully the road doesn't lead you down into darkness man. You know you can always, always talk to me when you need advise. You're a great guy, and I know there's someone out there for you one day. You'll meet her. You've been another one of the pillars of the community, from aeons before to the present. Your departure would be an incredibly sad day for RMRK, considering you haven't really left much before at all. Like the rest, I hope you do stick around, because you're an integral part of who we are and our interactions with one another. Where would we be without your SHALLOW and PEDANTIC hipster wordplay? Lost in the sea of normal idiots.

modern algebra: I kind of lump you in with grafikal on the grounds that you both A) don't post personally much ( and B) are incredibly nice to the point of censoring me when i'm being too much of an ass to someone. I have to say, even though i'm the one getting mouth duct-taped, taking the initiative to still be a staff member and not a tenured jerk like the rest of the entire staff (myself included) is still something that gives me hope for RMRK's future. You're a boss with boss opinions, and keep on doing boss things, boss.

NAMKCOR: You know that I consider you a great friend, through thick and thin. You're possibly one of the greatest examples of a thorough human being and friend overall. I admire you for being who you are and accepting everyone else as they are. It takes a lot of moxie to be who you are to such a level, and man, i'd have to say you probably have more chutzpah about it than I do. You're boxing clever and great with words, i'm glad to have known you for so long, and hope we continue to know each other for as long as possible. From ALL THE THINGS SHE SAID to the fucking Protomen, and all the games and Skype convos in between, you're definitely a great person and i'm honored to have known you as well as I do.

Nightwolf: :india:

Pacman: I guess you're getting better, maybe you'll be as awesome as the rest of the vets if you just let it grow. You'll get there one day, kid.

Ploopy/mastermoo: :lol:

Redwyn: You're a cool dude, and even though you're quiet, getting out there and growing out of your shell is something i've seen little people do as well as you do. Keep on keepin' on.

Roph: Man. Roph. Fucking roph. You're basically the most intelligent person here, and you never show it, and you never boast about it. That's a good sign of that. We go way back, and although we're not like, DrSword/NAMKCOR level friends, i'd definitely live with you if I could, over in England. I often feel like i'm your less technologically inclined, louder twin, without the whole jesus-lookalike contest thing. I have some mad respect going for you for keeping RMRK alive on your own funding for the community. We all know RPG Maker isn't exactly hot shit right now, but we're all at home here. I can't speak for anyone else, but I truly feel like RMRK is my second home. It's the place I come back to when i've got problems and need to talk to someone, it's the place that I feel like I can, for once, just be myself around EVERYONE. I don't change who I am here around different people, like I do in real life. Here, everyone knows me as who I am, and not who I show them. I've been here long enough and been around for so much time on the site that i'd say, because of the community YOU'VE kept afloat, people here know me better than people i've known in real life for a long time. The few people in real life who would have known me as well are, well, dead.

I can't begin to express how grateful I am, on behalf of myself and the rest of the community, for you and your services here. I'm so fucking proud to be an Administrator here, even if it just means that I have a badge. One day i'm going to change my badge to owner and keep it that way. One day. You as a person are incredible, you've got an excellent taste in anything and you're not afraid to call someone an idiot for being an idiot. Once you call someone that, everyone knows that they're a fucking moron. I'm glad to know you as a brother in athiesm, personal taste and I feel like you're a brother in real life. From Susan Coffey :rmegusta: to countless other games you've had us all play, NONE of us would have known each other were it not for you. All of us would probably so very radically different in personality that I can't even being to express in English how much of a change this would be. It's almost impossible to wrap my brain around. You're one of my greatest friends, and this community is basically the only stable home I have left.

Skanker: I know we've been different but you're great and awesome in every way, and you were the one who gave me my most stable nickname on the internet ever! :*

Strike_Reyhi: I know we've had our differences, and you're still way too easy to troll (you should fix that bro), but I think you're still a great guy even with the anger problems. We've played a lot of COD4 and I do have a fair share of respect for you for being such a good guy about a lot of different things. I'm glad you're happy and that we managed to cross paths over RMRK.

Other than that, I think you're great and I love how easy it is to make you laugh just by being racist. You should post more.

yuyubabe: You, like your sister, have been very sweet in this community, and I see a lot of potential if you do manage to stick around. Plus, you're attractive to boot.

So there's that.

Zeriab: Why you no post more? You're a great guy, and i'm glad every time you swing around. :>):

Zylos: You fall in with the others as being one of the nicest people around. I know we've kind of been at opposite ends of the stick sometimes, you're still great, and I have a great respect for you for being who you are and being as nice as you are. I wish you'd post more and stick around more often, because i'm sure the rest of the community likes you as much as I do.

There's your circlejerk, RMRK. I hope you all feel bad for most of your one line answers now.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.a^2 + b^2 = c^2How can I help you? :DSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
HaloOfTheSun: ... Also, post a new picture of yourself. What are you, 12?

Spoiler for:

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Best Non-RM Creator2014 Biggest Forum Potato2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Best IRC Chatterbox2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Funniest Member2012 Most Successful TrollSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Best IRC Chatterbox2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Most Successful Troll
Q: How many times did I say "cool" in this post?

Acolyte: You're nice and fun most of the time, but sometimes you're mean. ._. I still like you though!
Adrien.: Fuck you.
Animefan: I actually never had a problem with you! I can see how some would find you annoying but you're a fairly nice guy.
Anski: You're a really cool cat, which is miles ahead of what you used to be as blackzoneone. RMRK wouldn't be the same without you.
arlen: Very funny and nice. You're also one of the best looking people on the planet. Your music is also pretty.
Arrow-1: You're very creative and you're a cool dude.
chewey: Why don't you like me. ;9
Doctor Sword: You're the champion of cool. If my heart were a keyring you'd be one of the keys.
Dr. Mc: I honestly don't know too much about you! You're fun to talk to though.
EvilM00s: I've never agreed with you and you've resorted to outright insulting me in a debate, but whatever!
Firerain: You're pretty cool for a canadian.
FuMannChu: I saw my first pornographic image because of a porn thread you made in 2006.
grafikal: I honestly don't ever notice you. ;9
HaloOfTheSun: You're one of my best friends and you're really
Harry Burns/Sir Jack Rex/Mexneto: We used to be pals but we don't talk anymore. ;9
Holk: You're a really cool guy.
Irock: Fuck you.
joy: You're fun to talk to and you've helped me with stuff like wildlife facts for my game.
LadyJules: You are nice and helpful.
Malson: You're the funniest member ever. You make me laugh all the time in IRC. You're also fun to talk to.
modern algebra: We haven't had many interactions, but you do a lot for RMRK.
Nightwolf: You've never changed and it's hilarious.
Pacman: FUCK YOU
Roph: Why are you so strange. RMRK probably wouldn't exist right now if not for you though. :)
Skanker: You're my bird.
Strike_Reyhi: You're pretty cool except you yell a lot for no reason. I like that though.
Tezuka: I'm fairly certain you stole my PSP, my Nintendo DS and my iPod Touch. Please return them.
yuyubabe: You're really really nice and fun to talk to. I'm glad you joined too!
Zeriab:  :>):
Zylos: The only time you reference me, you're always making a joke about me.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:05:21 PM by Irock »

Level 91
Queen Princess
2013 Most Missed Member2012 Most Missed Member;o hee hee <3For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki
This seems like a lot of fun; let's try it out :)

Acolyte: I like your attitude, would be interesting to have conversations with you. Maybe later!

Adrien.: Has a bit of an ego but seems like he wants to help others in his own way. Don't think too bad of him really.

Animefan: Really funny guy whether he means to be it or not :> would be fun to talk to you but it would probably only end up in us two shouting at eachother... shame you stopped posting more frequently!

Anski: Think we had some really weird conversations, bit of a fuzzy memory that one. Fun talking to you though, I still remember back when you were *ZoneOne and we'd talk smack or something like that. Fun! Let's do it again sometime :)

arlen: Don't know you too well, got some good posts though.

Arrow-1: Probably the most fun I've had at RMRK was back during Game in a Day when we went bonkers over the competition. Haven't talked since as much as we should have but great times were had!!

chewey: :-*

cozziekuns: Seen some posts around, don't remember a whole lot. Sorry!

Dertt: I like your style :)

Doctor Sword: It's fun talking about stuff with you even though you're an american and you're not mean which is a good thing :) Still think you act like one of those high school kids in the movies though, grr!

Dr. Mc: yuyu's sister or somesuch? Haven't had the opportunity to chat with you but you seem like fun judging by your posts

EvilM00s: I really find your views on things interesting, good informative posts and an interesting character. You seem like a cool kitty to hang around with.

Firerain: Always liked your snappy personality, haven't talked much though...

FuMannChu: Remember him being kinda funny and annoying...

Gracie: Great fun to talk to, interesting character too. Like seeing stuff you post.

grafikal: Remember some of your posts being very informative and appreciating them, haven't really gotten to know you though.

HaloOfTheSun: One of the funniest people I know, reading you say stuff is entertaining on its own :) You're part of the bird gang...

Harry Burns/Sir Jack Rex/Mexneto: You were great fun, where did you go? We had a lot of fun in IRC!

Holk: Good opinions and posts, very level-headed and great to talk to. You helped me out a long time ago very briefly but it meant a lot to me.

Irock: Ahh my bird :gracie: we're the best sparrows there are...

joy: Have some vague recollections of talking to you and having a lot of fun doing so... all in all, you seem like an interesting person

LadyJules: You're the warmest, most kind member on these forums :) It's great to have you around.

Malson: Man we had a great time way back, you're probably the reason I stuck around RMRK in the first place. It really is a shame we don't talk as much anymore.

modern algebra: Always willing to help, great service to everyone and a nice man :)

NAMKCOR: Don't know eachother super well, but you still have some interesting views on things and formulate it well. Good luck making games!

Nightwolf: It's great to be talking with you again, you're such a fun and upbeat person to be around! Still have no idea how you find the energy to do all the things you do :-*

Pacman: Don't take it too personally but I find you kind of annoying...

Ploopy/mastermoo: I had no idea you're this Ploopy person. You seem to change personalities each year, it certainly makes you interesting :)

Redwyn: Don't know you very well, sorry :(

Roph: You're a very odd person, but it's fun playing games with you.

Strike_Reyhi: You're very passionate and short-tempered. Lots of fun to listen to and talk to, one way or the other :-*

Tezuka: Didn't know you too well before you slowly slinked off the forums :(

yuyubabe: You're fun to talk to, very happy person :) good to be around on IRC

Zeriab: >) If LadyJ is RMRK's mom you'd be the dad! In all seriousness, you're a very nice person and it's great to get to talk to you in chat more nowadays.

Zylos: Hmm, would really love to get to know you better. Haven't had a good opportunity to do so yet, though; still, you also seem like a very nice person
:taco: :taco: :taco:

Level 88
I'm lazy, so I'm just going to grade you all out of 10.

You all score a 3.

RMRK's Mom
Level 88
I intend to live forever - so far so good.
2014 Most Missed Member2013 Kindest Member2013 Most Mature Member2013 Best Counsel2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing Reviewer2012 Best Counsel2012 Kindest Memberluv u bb <3Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantFor taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2010 Kindest Member
You guys are too sweet, some of you made me cry <3
Acolyte:You are kind-hearted and one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. I know you half as well as I should like. And I like what I know.
Adrien.:I think, sir, that you care too much what others say. And you let your emotions rule you. You react without thinking, and it causes you problems. I recognize it because I am the same way at times.
Animefan:You seem.. confused.  What you believe about any given topic seems to change with enough time and dissenting opinion. I don't think you're a bad sort, I just feel like you need to do a little introspection and find out what you really and truly believe, and then stick with it.  :)
Anski:You sir.  I would claim you and be proud to call you my son. You have no idea how many times I've been having a terrible day to see that little news blurb and it makes me smile. It's made me smile through tears.  I don't think you realize the impact you have on people. When I first started coming to RMRK I was a little awestruck by you.  You seemed like one of the cool kids and I was afraid for the longest to talk to you. I wasn't a cool kid xD  But then I realized you're one of the sweetest people and I had nothing to fear.   PS. I am arlen's biggest fan  :rgirlhappy:
arlen: Your music was the first I knew of you. Before I came to RMRK Roph had sent me August and at some point I got Just Hold My Hand. I ... I honestly can't put into words the emotion that these pieces struck in me. And do to this day. When I found out you were the one who had performed them, and I saw you on RMRK. It was kinda like a 12-year-old girl meeting Justin Bieber.  I would have screamed if I'd met you face to face xD   You have such talent and in the face of constantly being told how atttractive and wonderful you are you still remain down to earth. That gives me such a high level of respect for you.  I wish for you all of your dreams come true.
Arrow-1: You were one of the first people who ever talked to me on RMRK. I came here feeling like the odd kid out in a fraternity of brothers, and you're one of the ones who made me feel like I was not only welcome here but wanted. For that I will be forever grateful. And you will always hold a special place in my heart <3
chewey: I thought you were the meanest person here xD  But if Skanker can love you, you can't be all bad :P 
cozziekuns: I really don't know you well, but I've seen a lot of your posts where you're helping out. So keep up the good work lol
Dertt: You're different. And comfortable with it.  I respect that.
Doctor Sword: You remind me of my children. And that is the highest compliment I can give.  I have seen you grow from a pretentious young man into a man who is comfortable with himself. You impress me.
Dr. Mc: I don't know you, but whenever I read your posts I always think "aww, she's sweet"
EvilM00s: I don't know the words, but I will try.  It's nice to have someone around who is at least closer to my age.  I read your posts and am always struck by how... together you seem. Like you have everything worked out. I would love to have a BBQ with you and your family. I think we'd get along great. And I could see us swapping parenting stories.  You are an awesome human being. And I am glad to know you.
Firerain: Firesexy :*  Where did you disappear to? Your posts raging against "the man" always gave me lots to think on.  I miss you.
FuMannChu: I didn't really care for you, sorry :/
Gracie: Ahh, gracie. Sweet, loving, helpful gracie.  My darling your posts both here and on facebook make me smile and laugh. Whenever we talk I always feel like I have been talking to a younger, more outgoing me. I would love to take care of you, to make your dreams come true.  Whenever you accomplish something, I'm cheering for you. Be careful my dear, people who are as trusting as you are can sometimes be hurt deeply by those who would take advantage of us. 
grafikal: I don't know you near enough, but I sure do like what I know :)
HaloOfTheSun: You.  I always worry when talking to you or about you that I'm going to get too gushy emotional and you'll be all freaked out. lol  When Roph was giving me Arlen's music, he was also sending me bits of yours. You two were like gods of music to me.  And when I got to know you a little better, I was just so impressed by you. You're a wonderful talented person and I hope that in the hustle and bustle of fatherhood that you never forget that.
Harry Burns/Sir Jack Rex/Mexneto: I don't know you. But you seem nice.
Holk: You make me feel like a southern belle. You're intelligent, quick-witted, fun, and adorable.  Some lady is gonna be very lucky one day.  Thank you for making me feel special :)
Irock: I want to box your ears. Not because I dislike you, but because I want you to fulfill your potential. I think you will surprise us all someday. :)
joy: I miss you. I felt an instant connection when we spoke. We have some of same interests and I wish we spoke more.  You are super kind and I'm glad to know you.
Malson: You're too hard on yourself. You are also a talented musician, a sweetheart, and one of the nicest people I've ever met.
modern algebra: Mature, intelligent, kind, giving, helpful. There aren't enough adjectives out there to do you justice. RMRK is a better place because of you.
NAMKCOR: I saw this quote once that I think of whenever I think of you. It says " When life's strong winds come blowing, bend with them, and let go. By bending you will become stronger in new places. By letting go you will be making room for the new and better."  From what I know of you, it reminds me of you. You've been through some tough stuff, but instead of letting it break you, you bend and let go. And you grow.  I try to take a lesson from that in my life.  I respect you.
Nightwolf: Besides Roph you probably know more about me than anyone else on RMRK. Because always make the effort to ask about me and my family.  You're one of the few people that I just act like a big kid around and don't feel like it demeans me. You're fun and an amazing and I hope all your dreams come true.
Pacman: I still find you slightly annoying at times, but then I'm an old fart. I'm impresssed by your musical acumen and by your growth since you came to RMRK. Keep up the good work :D
Ploopy/mastermoo: I don't really know you, but you seem really sweet.
Redwyn: I haven't spoke to you much. I should do something about that.
Roph:You were my best friend. You are intelligent, kind, and giving. You deserve so much more than you will accept. Never settle for less than the best.
Skanker: I can't think of enough words, so I hope you'll forgive me for copy/pasting some of the synonyms for the word beloved, because that's what you are to me: admired, cherished, darling, dear, endeared, esteemed, highly regarded, near to one's heart, respected, revered, sweet , treasured
Strike_Reyhi: <3<3<3 Awesome, awesome, awesome human being. Thank you for all of your help with half-life (xD) and for all of the little chats.  I really hope you get everything you want from your life.
Tezuka: I dunno you. Other than I think you're the friendly black fellow. I guess that makes you freindly lol
yuyubabe: Before you I was the queen of smiley's in posts.  I have been dethroned xD  You, darlin, are such a sweetheart. Don't let anyone steal that from you. There will always be hard times in life. But don't let them steal your joy. 
Zeriab: Alien hugs are the BEST KIND OF HUG
Zylos: My friend, my confidant, my source of wisdom. You are wise beyond your years and you're one of the biggest reasons I'm still here. You are mine, I claim you as my own and I will fight anyone who tries to take you from me. I am so glad I have you in my life and I would be lost without you.

And to all of RMRK:
I came here because of Roph, but I stayed because of all of you. Every single one of you is important to me in one way or another. I come here on my bad days to find something to lift me up. And you never fail. I come here on my good days to boast because I have no where else to do it, and you always make me feel better about myself and not like I'm encroaching. When I say this place has become my home away from home I don't say it lightly.  I don't post a lot because I don't have a lot to say, but I can't ever imagine a time when I couldn't come here and check in on my friends.  This may be too old for a lot of you but there was a show years ago called "Cheers".  The intro song reminds me of this place. RMRK is my "Cheers".
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1irjgfMC3A" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1irjgfMC3A</a>

my name is Timothy what's yours
Level 79
2014 Most Missed Member2014 Zero to Hero2014 Best IRC Quote2012 Zero To HeroSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantContestant - GIAW 9For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Zero to Hero
Acolyte: You always seemed really nice. Little did I know that you totally are really nice. I haven't really gotten to know you that much, but I haven't seen anything bad about you.
Adrien.: I'm sorry for being a flametroll ;9
Animefan: I've read a lot of your older posts, and... geez, you were one fucked-up kid. But from what I've seen you say over the past year, I know that you're definitely making more sense of yourself and the world surrounding you.
Anski: Oh geez. This one's weird. I never really talk to Anski, or got to know him at all, but I always wanted to. You always seemed to have a lot of wisdom on you for some reason, and I don't know if it's true, but one day I want to find out. You seem like a really cool guy.
arlen: You are an inspiration to me. Your music is insanely awesome, you are incredibly sexy (call me), you're hilarious and you're just damn awesome most of the time. I would absolutely love, and be honoured, to ever work with you.
Arrow-1: I may tear up here. Arrow was one of my first friends here, and the first one I actually really talked to. We had a lot of fun in our chats, learned a lot about each other and became great friends. Sometimes I saw you as a big brother. Sometimes I saw you as a bro. Sometimes I saw you as a mentor. I love you, and miss the hell out of you.
chewey: I don't really know you. From what I've seen though, you're pretty funny.
cozziekuns: Ah, my pseudo-nemesis. You are one cool dude, I absolutely love reading through your scripts and learning a new trick or two. You're also pretty damn funny when you want to be.
Dertt: You're a fucking weirdo. But you're cool.
Doctor Sword: I didn't get you when I first met you. I didn't really get anything, though. Hell, there are still things I don't get. We've had a lot of fun over the past year, and having fun with you is not difficult at all. I see you in the same way I saw Arrow, you basically became my new Arrow after he kinda disappeared. You're fucking hilarious and you always have a good story to tell. I kinda love you, Tyler. :x
But sometimes you make me :mad:. Dick.
Dr. Mc: I never really got to know you, mainly because you don't post much. From what I can tell, you're pretty weird. I like that. Sometimes you come up with something that makes me laugh a lot, but a lot of the time you're quiet.
EvilM00s: You're pretty cool for an old man. I enjoy helping you out with your RPGing, and I love it when you reference something old-timey and I get it.
Firerain: Never really got to know you, but from what I do know you're cool.
Gracie: MY QUEEEEEN! You are certainly a character. You're dang weird, but you're cool with it, so yeah, and stuff, like whatever. I feel privileged as your minion.
grafikal: Amazing artist, awesome dude. Post more often.
HaloOfTheSun: I do this thing when I get bored, where I read through old threads. In the 9 or so months between my arrival and your return, I actually got to know you a lot more than you would think, without ever talking to you. By the time I first met you (I remember your first post back here, it was saying that you don't like me <3), I had already decided that you are an awesomely hilarious, super-cool (that's right, SUPER) amazing composer. As I've gotten to know you over the past couple of months, I discovered that this was completely true. I do hold you as a bit of a mentor, in both humour and music. And I'm incredibly envious of your son. I'm sure you're an amazing father.
Holk: I have this weird thing with Holk where we kinda talk sometimes around each other, but not really ever to each other. You are really funny. I mean, really. You are an amazing help to so many people, given the chance I would get to know you better. I don't really know about your past, but it's incredible to know that you got off of heroin. If I ever need help with anything really important in life, I'll know that you'll always have something helpful to say about it.
Irock: FUCK YOU.
I have been here for over a year. I understand this community almost through and though. The one thing I cannot for the life of me understand at all is Irock. Seriously. I've come to the point where I just assume that everything you say is either a joke or a flat-out lie. If I didn't think that, I'd be convinced you have a severe mental condition and would be concerned for your health. I don't even know if we're friends. All I know for sure about you is that you are fucking crazy and hilarious.
LadyJules: We never really got to know each other, but I know that you are very wise and caring. You're like Holk in that you always have something helpful to say about everything. Other than that, you do some pretty funny stuff, and it always cracks me up when you occasionally forget how to internet.
Malson: It may not seem this way, but I see you as a really good friend. I love talking to you, because you're really interesting and funny. I really hope that your music career gets off the ground some day soon, you're definitely overdue for it. You deserve it too. Sometimes I look up to you like I do to Sword or Arrow, as a kind of big brother.
modern algebra: This name has so much meaning to me. You are a genius. Your scripts are always divine, and you always know how to help me with a coding problem. But that's just you as a coder. You as an admin is just as fitting for the job; you are just and fair, kind and always willing to do what's best for RMRK. The days you've put in tending to these fora is a testament to your dedication to this place. Then there's you as a member. I rarely get to see you post something that shows this side of you, but you are damn hilarious. You're a very clever person. It may not seem like it, but we've been through a lot together. I remember the very first kind thing you did for me; ending the retarded poo-flinging that got me into this community. I also have to thank you for making me local mod of the Script boards (not that I really understand why, but it was still nice :D). To sum it up, I guess I see you as a mentor, not just as a coder, but as a person. You're incredibly awesome, I couldn't imagine either this place or the RM community as a whole without you.
NAMKCOR: I've got no fuss with you. Never really got to know you that much, but you are a cool.
Pacman: What. A. Comeback. For those of you who weren't here yet, or were gone for the time, I was an absolute, complete and utter dickbox. Now I'm Extra Access somehow and I even have a small position of power because apparently MA lost his marbles for a day. Now, I'm not gloating or anything, but... oh, yeah, I am. I'm pretty fantastic, check me out someday.
Roph: Sexy beast, very cool dude. I love you, if it weren't for you none of us would be here.
Skanker: I think you're annoying too :mad:
Strike_Reyhi: Despite all the talking we've done, I feel as if I don't know you very much. You are funny, and the fact that you don't need punctuation to be awesome is just awe-inspiring.
yuyubabe: Let's get the facts straight here: I love yuyubabe. Everyone should. She is a fantastic girl, someone I would never be afraid to talk to about anything. Incredibly kind and helpful, unfittingly wise given her age, innocently funny, all-round an awesome person. When coupled with the highly contrasted Dr. Sword, creates an unbeatable comedy duo. If I ever need quick advice for relationships stuff, I just pop into the IRC and see what yuyu has to say. I trust you.
Zeriab: Incredibly kind, fantastic coder, very helpful.
Zylos: Your love for everything is matched only by the love given back to you. And you deserve it, too. You're an awesome guy, and even though you're a furfag, you're OUR furfag. Not that I see anything really wrong with being one, just... I really need to sleep.

it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

RMRK's dad
Level 86
You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
This was a good idea, Halo.

*wipes away a tear*

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Musician2012 Best UsernameFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
RMRK is my "Cheers".
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1irjgfMC3A" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1irjgfMC3A</a>

<Irockman1> Rmrk is like cheers
<Irockman1> everybody knows your name
<Irockman1> And it's like you get food and stuff
<Irockman1> but tyhe food is spam

Small Bat Dev
Level 76
2012 Best Artistf*ck u >:(2011 Best Artist2010 Best NewbieParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Most Attractive Female MemberBronze - Game In A Week VII
I would do this for each and everyone of you, but to be honest, I feel the same way. With the exception of maybe one or two of the less... well... intelligent and entertaining among you, I love you all to bits. You're all very funny and lovely people, and you all make me laugh and cheer me up when I'm down. Some of you, like Pauly (who secretly loves being called that ;D ) to LadyJ, Moose, Arrow and Zylos have done a lot for me IRL too, so you really do have my thanks for that. The rest of you are just plain awesome, and are pretty much the reason I keep coming back. I may poof for a bit every now and then, but I'd miss you guys too much to leave for good.

So yeah... <3