Acolyte: I don't think I liked you at first, if I recall correctly. You're actually rather cool and nice though, and I appreciate your intelligence. You and Strike are a good couple.
Adrien.: I vaguely remember this guy, I think he was/is a cunt.
Animefan: Haha. As much as all of us and I fuck with you, you're bearable. Misguided, definitely, but you're not a bad guy, generally.
Anski: We had the best fights. You're a pretty cool dude, come in #crankeye more.
arlen: We've had our differences here on RMRK a lot, but you're a really cool and nice guy. Like Halo said, incredibly talented. Keeping doing well for yourself buddy.
Arrow-1: I miss you, fucker. Come hangout in IRC more.
chewey: Trolls trolling trolls. Haha, I like talking to you.
Dertt: I've always found you a bit off and weird, but for the most part you seem okay.
Doctor Sword: You took a photo of your dick next to a soda can with my name taped to it, that's all that matters. ;]
Dr. Mc: I don't really know you but I've seen you around a bit.
EvilM00s: You're awesome and I miss you. :*
FuMannChu: Douche.
Ghost Dog: Who's ghost d-
Gracie: Don't really know you too well.
grafikal: I've always liked you. You're an extremely talented digital artist and a nice guy. You have my respect for that.
HaloOfTheSun: You're probably one of my most favourite members to talk to in IRC, babe. ;]
Harry Burns: You're a fun guy. I remember playing TF2 and AoE II with you a bunch.
Holk: You're one of my favourite members, Holk and I hold immense respect for you and the tribulations you've overcome. You're posts are usually clever as fuck and make me chuckle. And one of the few guys here who shares my passion for punk and similar music.
Irock: Little bitch. Just kidding, I miss you, even though you banned me from #stencyl. You're a pretty good guy, even if a little misguided, in my opinion. Come back!
LadyJules: Probably the best mom I know (besides my girlfriend, OBVIOUSLY). You're one of my favourites here and are incredibly kind and always fun to talk to.
Malson: Hipster friend. I love your quirkiness and your humor, talking to you is always fun.
modern algebra: Probably one of the smartest dudes I know and also the nicest. I hold immense amounts of respect for you and your wise words you always have to say. You're a really good guy, MA.
NAMKCOR: I love you. :*
Nightwolf: I miss you so much oh god ;_;
Pacman: I remember when you first joined, you annoyed the fuck out of me. But you got better and I came to like you a lot. I hope everything works out for you, man. Keep your chin up.
Ploopy: MOO
Hi, I like you.
Roph: I love you, Roph. You're always fun to talk to in IRC or play games with.
Skanker: You're super nice, it's awesome. You're good to shoot the shit with in IRC.
Strike_Reyhi: Haha man, another one of my favourites here. I miss our little bickering back and forth we used to have. I remember we didn't like each other at all way back when but you're a super cool dude and usually awesome to talk to. The best to you and Acolyte ~
threeofspades: I don't know much about you, really. I know I can be kind of a prick towards you in IRC sometimes but that's just how I am, it's nothing personal, I promise. You seem really kind and fun to talk to.
yuyubabe: I don't know much about you, besides when we all weird you out in IRC. Like threeofspades, you seem like a generally super good person all around.
Zeriab: I MISS YOU.
Zylos: Another one of my favourites. Always fun to talk to, always being as kind as possible. You give great advice to those who need it in Bean Bags and I respect you greatly for that. Don't change, man.