Getting StartedThe faceset pieces should be organized in folders, but sometimes it is easy to get confused. Again...sorry that we weren't able to program something fancy for them. I like to start out by opening up the face generator and a blank image that is 384x192 pixels. As you select graphics to use from the generator, it helps to copy them over to the blank image. That way you won't accidentally disturb the order of the generator's contents, or recolor something permanently.
RecoloringYou'll quickly notice that all the graphics are set to the same colors (based on category). This was done so that you could easily color things the same shade, if desired (especially helpful for, say, hair pieces). Before you recolor, you really SHOULD make a copy of that piece...or drag the copy over to a blank image. Some objects (namely hair and skin) have many pieces. I tried to find a way around this, but it ended up looking tacky...sorry. Don't forget all the pieces! Also, I like to use hue/saturation or "colorize" to recolor the graphics. If you've got skillz, you can also use "contrast/brightness".
The colors are completely in your hands!
*TIP: Write down the colors you used for objects with multiple pieces.
*TIP: Recolor "eyelids" and "lips" to create makeup!
Pieces Marked With (!)I added those at the end of the name of important graphics, so be sure that you don't forget to include those!
RepositioningIf a graphic looks like it would be better off in a slightly different place, don't forget that you can reposition them! Be sure to make a duplicate of them first, though. You can also put the graphics in a different order if they are having overlapping issues. *Not all graphical pieces look great together. I tried my best to make them all work, but it just wasn't 100% possible. Sorry!