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[VX] Making a flash light efffect

Started by thanatos2k1, July 27, 2011, 07:38:45 AM

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I'm using some pictures and an idea from someone I found online and it's supposed to make a flashlight effect and a black screen to walk around on, it shows a dark picture with a transparant effect, the picture is not moving however with the player, (the character moves through the black area, and into the lighted area).  How do I make the picture move with the character so it looks as if the light is coming from the player?

This is what I have..  THe picture shows up perfect but it doesnt move with the character..

Thhis is a Parallel Process event

@>Conditional Branch: Player is facing Down
@>Show Picture: 1, 'SightDown', Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%, 255, Normal
: Branch End
@>Conditional Branch: Player is facing Left
@>Show Picture: 1, 'SightLeft', Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%, 255, Normal
: Branch End
@>Conditional Branch: Player is facing Right
@>Show Picture: 1, 'SightRight', Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%, 255, Normal
: Branch End
@>Conditional Branch: Player is facing Up
@>Show Picture: 1, 'SightUp', Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%, 255, Normal
: Branch End


There are two ways you can do this:

1) Make your maps bigger. Have the actual edge of the map far enough away from the in-game edge that the picture is always centered on the player.

2) Make the picture bigger, and have it set on a parallel process event to constantly jump to the player's screen X and screen Y. Make sure in this case the pictures' origins are set to center rather than upper left.