Games are so violent nowadays, what with all of the guns and blood and explosions and nuclear bombs and alien takeovers. It's hard to lose track of what is truly important: being happy.
Colorful, being happy is all that matters. Being happy is the core game mechanic, and you score higher by being happier.
"Tell me more!" you might say, "How can a mere abstract virtualization of our world represent and interpret the complex emotion that is happiness?"
Colorful puts you in the shoes of an every day bi-polar named Dave. Dave is subject to violent mood swings, and has been prescribed mood-enhancing medication to maintain his ability to live in modern society. Your goal is to keep Dave as happy as possible by picking up his pills before the time limit runs out.
Check back frequently, I'm making rapid progress.
Rules of Play- Dave has 5 emotions in his spectrum: RAGE, Disgruntled, Bored, Happy, and HYPER
- Each emotion is tied to a score multiplier: 50%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%
- Each Pill is worth 100 points.
- When the level timer runs out, your score for the level is multiplied based on Dave's ending emotional level, and then your final score level is added to your running total
- Enemies known as Downers will make Dave unable to pick up pills for a couple seconds by making him as depressed as they are.
- When picking up pills, be sure to not max out your Overdose meter, or the level will immediately end.
- Spike pits will also immediately end the level
- There are no lives and no game overs, you play through the levels at your own pace, and can repeat any to get higher scores. The worst thing you can do is not score as high as you could have, either by ending the level prematurely, or by not timing your pill intake well.
Features- Programmed from the ground up by NAMKCOR with XNA 3.1 for PC
- Simple gameplay formula that caters to casuals and hardcores alike
- Original Soundtrack by Arrow-1
- Easily modded: levels are interpreted from png images, making custom level design a breeze!
How can I help?I don't want this game to be free, in fact, I'd like to sell it for a couple bucks on steam or on my own website if I can. There's just one issue with that: I don't have a Visual Studio 2008 license, so Microsoft can kill me if I make profit off of the game.
That being said.
If you are feeling generous and would like to help me raise money toward purchasing a professional license for myself, I would be eternally grateful. Donators will be eligible for a free copy of the game when it is released, as well as pre-release test participation should they be interested.
Does this mean there will be no free version?There will be a 100% free demo version available, but the demo version will not support custom levels, and will not contain the full game's content.