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Fantasy (Working Title)

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Level 87
Embrace the stillness of eternity.
This is just a demo of a game I'm working on.


The title will definitely change before the game is finished.

So far this is just a demo of the first part of the game. The only major settings are the town you start in, a forest, and a haunted tower. The game takes place in a fantasy setting, as you can no doubt tell by the title. I mostly used the default RTP, except that I downloaded the World Map Tileset and its autotiles.


The island where the demo takes place.

An inn/bar in the game.

The house you start the game in.

A forest in the game.

The story:

The game starts on Dorani Island, where a young boy named Cecil is sick. His grandmother convinces his grandfather to tell Cecil a story to make him feel better. Cecil's grandpa tells him the story of four boys that lived on Dorani Island 60 years ago.
One of the boys, Dustin, is who the story starts off with. The mayor of Dorani Town gives him a mission as part of his fighter training: to purge the haunted tower of evil. Dustin does so with the help of his friends Phillip, Thomas, and Justin. The evil turns out to be a demonic bat which transforms into a vampire who teleports itself away when they defeat it.
As a side note, the names are based off of me and three of my friends.
The four find that they are heroes chosen by legend, and that is why they were able to defeat the evil that lurked in the tower. The mayor gives them a second task. This time they must deliver a special fruit found only on Dorani Island to King Ironfist in the city of Galatia on one of the main continents of the world. King Ironfist has fallen ill, and needs a special potion made from the fruit to survive and recover.
They take the fruit and leave the island. They make their way to Galatia, defeating monsters and getting help along the way. When they get to Galatia, they find the ill king being tended to by the vampire from the tower. They try unsuccessfully to convince the king that the vampire is evil and is, in fact, a vampire. They find out that the vampire is apparently the right-hand man of King Ironfist, and that the King had no knowledge of the vampire's antics in the Haunted Tower.
The king offers the four a room for the night. They accept, and fall into a deep sleep. While they are asleep, the king comes into their room and tries to kill them. They find out that the king was actually working for the vampire and knew about everything all along. He wants them dead because they are the heroes of legend, and are a threat to the plans of the vampire's master, Chaos.
They learn from the king that Chaos is the god who created the entire world. He is called Chaos because the worlds he creates are ever-changing, and they don't last very long because he destroys them after a while. He is preparing to destroy their world, and they are the only ones who can stop that from happening.
The boys defeat the king, then the vampire, and must escape from the castle unnoticed.
They then go on to fight many battles, eventually getting in the heavens to defeat Chaos.

Main characters in the demo:
The characters aren't really very fleshed out yet, so they don't have very well defined personalities.

Age - 18
Height - 5'10''
Weight - 180 lbs
Description - See Fighter01 sprite and battler graphics in the default RTP.

Age - 19
Height - 5'11''
Weight - 170 lbs
Description - See Lancer02 sprite and battler graphics in the default RTP.

Age - 18
Height - 6'2''
Weight - 185 lbs
Description - See Cleric02 sprite and battler graphics in the default RTP.

Age - 17
Height - 6'0''
Weight - 180 lbs
Description - See Mage03 sprite and battler graphics in the default RTP.


There is a feature in the game where you can enchant certain weapons, armor, and even items to make them more powerful. This is done by giving "soul orbs" dropped by every minor monster in the game to an orb collector. Orb collecters can be found in any shop. This feature is not available in the demo, and as such the enemies don't drop soul orbs yet.

There will be a feature later in the game where you can get a job as a delivery worker for an organization called the League of Postmen. This will open up a bunch of sidequests and give you lots of money.

To get an idea of how long I want this game to turn out to be, I would expect you to be level five at the most by the end of the demo, but you are more likely to be level three or four. By the end of the game, you should end up around level 85-90. And that doesn't even include the sidequests.

Please, play my game and tell me what you think! Tell me about any typos, glitches, plotholes, etc. Also, tell me how good my mapping is.

About the port area: I didn't feel like doing a phenomenal job on it yet, so the map is pretty crappy. But just ignore that. I'll make it better later.

EDIT: I was just re-testing the game and found out that I messed up some of the equipment. Dustin is supposed to start out with "clothes" as his armor, and no weapon. Instead, he starts out with a wooden sword and no armor. Sorry 'bout that.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Looks pretty good for a start. I'll d/l the demo soon - I have a lot of stuff to do before I can play though :(

Level 86
I'm my own personal tentacle monster.
I dunno... if you're going to use Inq's world map, wouldn't it make sense to use his other tilesets too, so everything is consistent?  I mean, it's pretty glaring to see, "Oh, pretty world map," then, "OMG RTP!!! DX".

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
I like how you've used the different ground tiles in the first screeny to create some sort of lighting effect. Nice work.

I'll d/l the demo soon - I have a lot of stuff to do before I can play though :(
Your conscience.