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Idea's on how to slow climate change ?

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Resource Maker
Level 91
Global warming is happening, but I don't think we are to blame, but that aside as the governments do think Global warming is happening and we are to blame.

Please don't turn this into a debate on if Global warming is real or not... This is more a topic on if it is real how do we slow it ?

Here's my idea.

Step 1.

Major Car manufactures have designed and tested a Car that can run on Sea Water... I think the government should run an initiative to let petrol car drivers trade their cars in against one of these cars... I mean they run on Sea Water... And the Sea Water is rising, so it kind of makes sense... The only emissions from the cars is Water vapour... All he money the Government squanders could be used to back the development and get the resources needed at a lower price, these cars with the governments help could become a reality much quicker.

Cars that run on Sea Water:-

Step 2.

Use the same technology from the Cars to power our ocean cruisers, but on a larger scale...

Step 3.
Start the trade in of Diesel cars for Sea Water powered ones.

Using Water to generate most of our travel by land and sea would reduce gases Marjory !!!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 12:49:22 PM by landofshadows »

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
A better idea would be to power everything with magic. Wait, a car that is powered by seawater is magic!

By the way, the sea level is rising because of melting icecaps in the Arctic and Antarctic. Since Antarctica's and Greenland's ice is freshwater, the seawater's magic content is becoming diluted.

Resource Maker
Level 91
A better idea would be to power everything with magic. Wait, a car that is powered by seawater is magic!

Did you even watch the video in the first post ?... It's not magic, it's real... And the only reason it has not been done as too many people would be out of jobs.

Since Antarctica's and Greenland's ice is freshwater, the seawater's magic content is becoming diluted.

It wouldn't take much to refine the water ready for use as fuel, add salt, remove salt what ever... Less refining than oil.

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Level 91
I'd say the best way to make it stop happening is by ignoring the people who are saying that it's happening and continue doing what we currently are doing.

Either that or kill all of the Jews. As they seem to be the ones driving on this conspiracy, with no evidence, at all.

I find your statement "Global warming is happening" to be really pathetic. Saying it's real over and over will not make it so. Just because a theory has a lot of hype and fat, white failed-presidents supporting it does not mean it's excluded from the normal, scientific process that all theories are put through. 

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
What absolute horse shit. That car runs on pure corporate hype.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Global warming is happening

The Globe is getting warmer... and If you noticed I said "but I don't think we are to blame"... One Volcano produces more gasses than the whole Human race.

The American's and us Britt's are driving Global warming and that stems from Maggy Thatcher and her making this shite up... Most of the Media is run by Jews and yes they need to get their facts right... The Sea level is rising, there is an issue, but it's some thing that happens naturally, this happened in the Bronze age, and we have had a mini Ice age in the 1400's... I know Global warming is not caused by us, What I am trying to say is the Government are saying it's happening, and if they used half a brain cell they could combat it rather than sturring the media into a frenzy and reporting is down to us, rather than spending the money proving we are causing it, I think the money should be spent, reducing our 2% of gas contribution to 1% or below.

What absolute horse shit. That car runs on pure corporate hype.

Much like your mouth.

That car is made by general Motors a large car company, there is also an engine in Japan no bigger than a suitecase that you can run on electricity, and solar cells, the car it was used in features in GT4 a concept car that can reach 70 miles per hour...

We have alternative's available but we are not using them...

We are being lead to think Oil is the only Fuel source and it's running out, my Irish uncle used to make his own fuel in his garage called green diesel, but he got in trouble for using it... Not enough tax payments I suppose...

The only Horse Shite is the stuff we are being fed from our T.V's...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Global warming is a new play word, it's true that the gasses are colecting, but it may just be the side effects from t he last ice age for all we know.

I find your statement "Global warming is happening" to be really pathetic. Saying it's real over and over will not make it so. Just because a theory has a lot of hype and fat, white failed-presidents supporting it does not mean it's excluded from the normal, scientific process that all theories are put through. 

 And when did that ever stop people beliving stuff?

Level 91
I know Global warming is not caused by us, What I am trying to say is the Government are saying it's happening, and if they used half a brain cell they could combat it rather than sturring the media into a frenzy and reporting is down to us, rather than spending the money proving we are causing it, I think the money should be spent, reducing our 2% of gas contribution to 1% or below.

IF global warming is happening and is a natural occurring phenomena not brought on by man (which could very well be true with the cycle of ice ages) then what would us changing our pathetic contribution to the problem do?

If it is a natural event, at the current stage of our technological evolution I truly doubt man can do anything to prevent it, because IF it is going to happen, it is not on mans accord but natures.

Resource Maker
Level 91
And when did that ever stop people believing stuff?

Any way I didn't want a debate on what's happening, most people on here know Global Warming is a natural occurrence, not caused by use, the climate is changing, it's always changing, like the seasons do.

IF global warming is happening and is a natural occurring phenomena not brought on by man (which could very well be true with the cycle of ice ages) then what would us changing our pathetic contribution to the problem do?

If it is a natural event, at the current stage of our technological evolution I truly doubt man can do anything to prevent it, because IF it is going to happen, it is not on mans accord but natures.

The Topic and Debate I have made clear from the off is how to slow our contribution, if we are to act, how do we act ?

At the moment the government is spending money to back it's own theory, I think if they wanted to resolve this issue they have made they could... But I think they want us to think the world is going to shite to help back other causes... But that's not the topic.

I was hoping to see some people pick up on some thing similar to my idea that could help reduce resource consumption and pollution... I am seeing if people over average intellect like us, normal every day folk can come up with idea's that for some reason national and global intelligence can't... But so far I have lucked out.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91

I was hoping to see some people pick up on some thing similar to my idea that could help reduce resource consumption and pollution... I am seeing if people over average intellect like us, normal every day folk can come up with idea's that for some reason national and global intelligence can't... But so far I have lucked out.

There are loads of things that could stop it, the more effective ones being almost impossible due to the lash back the public would have on the government, time allotments on cars, shutting down some factory's , other things that would take years, like building up a good recycling system, but of course most country's are content on just using money and time on a bigger army. 

Level 91
Please, read my post a little more slowly; this is an event that would occur even if man never existed (if it is happening), the damage man is doing is literally close to nothing compared to natural events that are contributing, so how is changing our inconceivable effect on this phenomena (like changing the fuel in our cars) going to slow it down in any worthwhile way?

Even if every human-being on this planet suddenly dropped their guns and went 100% green, making mans contribution to global warming nil, it would make close to no difference as we ourselves are not adding a significant amount to this apparent natural event if you believe man is not the cause.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Please, read my post a little more slowly; this is an event that would occur even if man never existed (if it is happening), the damage man is doing is literally close to nothing compared to natural events that are contributing, so how is changing our inconceivable effect on this phenomena (like changing the fuel in our cars) going to slow it down in any worthwhile way?

Even if every human-being on this planet suddenly dropped their guns and went 100% green, making mans contribution to global warming nil, it would make close to no difference as we ourselves are not adding a significant amount to this apparent natural event if you believe man is not the cause.

Correct even if we cut or gases to 0% from 2% it's no major big deal... That's kind of the whole point.

Right what the Media is doing is creating fear that Oil is our only fuel source and the East has it and we in the West don't... They are saying we need to slow our consumption and the global warming is mainly down to China, and China wont change it's ways... EVERY thing the media is doing right now is Anti EAST... Every thing the governments are doing is pro WEST and Unifying and training peoples minds to one way of thinking, much like Hitler did to his own people... But that's not the debate or topic...

I am trying to show if we wanted to cut or pollution we could with very little effort...

Another Idea.

All slate/shingle production for roof tiles stops and we Have to buy Solar cells as law... Same with housing developers, Small solar celled tiled roofs, to generate enough electricity to heat our water and power half our appliance usage.

The Houses still look nice !!!

« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 01:58:39 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 88
wrath of winter
I side with Saucy; has anyone stopped to think that it's not just us, there are other factors that we can't control no matter how hard we try?  Case in point: there is evidence that the sun is growing hotter in its old age.  Result: increased temperatures.  True, our oil industries and other things are also helping warm the Earth, but even if we somehow stop the output of crap into our atmosphere, the sun's gonna keep getting hotter; albeit incredibly slowly but surely.  And it's not like the Earth hasn't changed in recent years; stuff doesn't stand still when we're not paying attention.  But for some reason people keep assuming that the Earth is the same way it was way back when, and that every change or anomaly is because of us. 

I say we go Japanese and ride bikes everywhere we go.  We'd all be buff, the obesity problem would diminish, and we'd be lessening output of pollutants.  But then again so many places are so far apart that biking would take days to get anywhere... :(

Or here's a simpler method: time-travel to the future, steal their technology, and come out with Star Wars-type vehicles that seem to be able to go forever.  Problem solved.  ;D :blizj:

Problem with the solar-cell mandate:  Some people may not be able to afford the changeover (guilty), unless the government decides to increase the value of money briefly so people can afford all the solar panels and the conversion from major electric lines to self-power.  But, on the plus side, the houses would be shiny!  ;D

Want a personal sig like this? Ask Firerain:

Resource Maker
Level 91
Please don't turn this into a debate on if Global warming is real or not... This is more a topic on if it is real how do we slow it ?

I am trying to show if there was an issue the Government could solve it !!!... And all your doing is arguing that we are not the cause... I have already said a Fricken Volcano is worst than the whole of the Human Race...

There is no side to side with I agree with Saucy too...

Imagination people, come on...??

I am going tio lock this if another tit goes on about it's not happening... Read my first blinking post.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 91
I'm sorry, but as I have already said; we can not stop it. If changing what man is doing will not make a difference, then the only other option would be opposing the natural contributions itself. We are not technologically evolved to a point that we can effectively control nature.

IF it is happening, I see nothing at the present time that can stop it. As Jesus Hitler said; MAGIX MAYBE?

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
This isn't even a debate. It's like one guy trying to defend himself against a couple of bratty little kids doing all they can to make him lose his temper.


Resource Maker
Level 91
Cheers arlen  This always seems to happen... I try to start a good topic and people just don't read the first post...

All I am doing is showing if the Government was serious about making changes to stop the human part of Global warming they could...

Here's another idea:-

Energy saving Bulbs in street lamps...

Any one else got some simple changes that would make a world of difference...LOL

I'm sorry, but as I have already said; we can not stop it. If changing what man is doing will not make a difference, then the only other option would be opposing the natural contributions itself. We are not technologically evolved to a point that we can effectively control nature.

Heard of Cloud seeding ?

The Government could fund this... but they haven't...
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 05:13:53 PM by landofshadows »

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
We humans cannot stop it, only slow it by decreasing our energy usage.

One way I think we can do it is to produce the famous infinite power source with just hydrogen,
The Anti-Matter.
One piece of anti matter can fuel a person's whole life for 30 years, and it only costs hydrogen, no negative gas emmisions whatsoever. They're making it right as we speak. Nuclear is way weaker than Anti-Matter.

Also, a natural fuel source called Gas Hydrate (Discovery channel is so informative) exists helluva lot more than all gasses on earth put altogether. It's the reserve fuel that fortunately produce bad gasses, although less. It is alos known as frozen methane, that bubbles out from the bottom of the sea.
This doesn't solve it, but can help us in the future.
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Leventhan - Watch the video in my First post, its a car that runs on sea water, it can generate enough electricity to power a whole street !!!

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
What is "a piece" of anti-matter?

How can it "fuel" a person?

How can anti-matter be infinite when matter is not?

Gas Hydrate is not frozen methane, but ice crystals with gases trapped inside of molecular"cages".

Methane is the gas that people are talking about when they talk about taxes on cow farts. Wikipedia has this to say:

Quote from: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane#Methane_in_Earth.27s_atmosphere]Wikipedia[/url]
Methane in the Earth's atmosphere is an important greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 25 over a 100 year period. This means that a 1 tonne methane emission will have 25 times the impact on temperature of a 1 tonne carbon dioxide emission during the following 100 years. Methane has a large effect for a brief period (about 10 years), whereas carbon dioxide has a small effect for a long period (over 100 years). Because of this difference in effect and time period, the global warming potential of methane over a 20 year time period is 72. The methane concentration has increased by about 150% since 1750 and it accounts for 20% of the total radiative forcing from all of the long-lived and globally mixed greenhouse gases.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 10:05:23 AM by Jesus Hitler »

Level 87
OMFG look!! Text! :D
stop global warming?

don't fart on the great outdoors. that helps.


Hydrogen should be coming soon to help us out with the polution problem.
Thing is, if they make cars run on hydrogen, what happens when they have an acident? That must be a big hole i presume.

Hydrogen may not poulte, but it's way too dangerous to handle if the situation gets nasty.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Gasoline is flammable, too. ::)

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Hold on a second.

Global warming is happening, but I don't think we are to blame, but that aside as the governments do think Global warming is happening.

If you had given this any thought then you know that if global warming was natural then it would be inexorable and any attempt to stop or slow it would be futile.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Hummm... I have said this more of a topic to show if the government want to do some thing they have multiple routes to try... The Government is only interested in solutions that make them money !!!

I was hoping to see some people pick up on some thing similar to my idea that could help reduce resource consumption and pollution... I am seeing if people over average intellect like us, normal every day folk can come up with idea's that for some reason national and global intelligence can't... But so far I have lucked out.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 91
Hold on a second.

Global warming is happening, but I don't think we are to blame, but that aside as the governments do think Global warming is happening.

If you had given this any thought then you know that if global warming was natural then it would be inexorable and any attempt to stop or slow it would be futile.

Thank you, the fucking point I've been making in the last few posts.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 11:02:45 AM by Super_King »