I had no idea there was a thread like this! Here is my own sighting of a UFO (I'm not saying it was of extraterrestial origin, but it is something I have only seen once, and I had no idea what it could be). A few months ago, before Christmas, I was sitting in my room at night, and there were virtually no lights on, so I had a good view of the sky. I watched as a "plane" flew out from the horizon, coming in my direction, it was your typical one light red, one light white plane, and I just watched it because it was the only thing that was moving in the night sky. After a couple of seconds, the one white light changed to red, and now there were two red lights. I am a bit of a UFO buff, and once this happened I opened my window to see if I could hear it, and I started watching it very closely. After about 10 more seconds, both of these red lights turned blue. Now, I have never seen a plane with a blue light on it where I live, and I still heard no sound as it was close to me, at this point I realised I might just not be watching a plane anymore, because up until now it could probably be explained away, but this was too strange. When it got near my house (near as in 1000 feet), it started to turn to my left, and I saw a THIRD blue light, it was now a "black" triangle against the night sky, and I use the term black loosely, because the sky was black, this thing was a void, I couldn't see the third light before because it was litteraly invisible against this solid void. Now, if a plane was this close I would hear it very loudly, but all I heard was a low humming, and as it turned the three blue lights turned white, then they all turned red, (this happened very quickly) and any speed it had been using up until this point had been nothing, as it had taken about 30 seconds to get to where it was in the sky. In a fraction of a second it went to my left, and out of my view, across almost all the sky I could see, leaving only a trail of red light. Any insight into what this could have been will be appreciated, and I would like to talk more on this subject. I have been told I am a bit paranoid, but paranoi is (or was, not sure if this still stands) as the "state of heightened awareness". I would like to talk about anyhthing on the topic of extraterrestrials.