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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Judging from the very strange size of 701MB for pictures, I think it will cover everything you are looking for.

I'll check when it is finished for you.  :)

Karo Rushe

Ok Tezuka, thank you a lot, I dunno what I'd do without you  :tpg:

Tell me once it finishes up what it has to know.

~ Caro Ru Lushe


Well, the speed keeps changing, so this should be done by tommorow before I wake up (hopefully). :tpg:

But I took a look in the folder where it is being saved, there are four RARs:

I'm not good at Japanese, but I think the first is a special/extra CGs pack, the second is a Wallpaper pack, the fourth is the Limited Edition Material Book but I can't figure out the third one (I may have mistranslated them, I'm not that good with the Japanese language). Hopefully it is what you need. :)

Code Geass

oh yeah, I was about to say, I've downloaded that before, but it was all two so I deleted it.

It should cover pretty much everything though, but as for the sprites, well, you'll have to rip them from the game itself.

Personally, I took a look at all them, and I just felt that I could do better, and get more experience if I made it myself, I was VERY VERY wrong XD lol, but I'm to far to turn back so no use trying to get someone to rip them now :P

Karo Rushe

 :-\ Bugga, Those are the Events, Characters, Frames & Artbook. Which four I have. The sprites aren't there nor the battle CGs. <sigh> Probably the Game File would benefit as I can get someone to extract the remaining parts I need >__>;;


Damn, sorry Caro.

I found a torrent for the game, but it is a huge 5.21GB. If I can, I can try downloading it and ripping the sprites myself if you want me to (When my brother isn't at my house, which is six days a week).

EDIT: Game added to watch list. :)

Karo Rushe

That would help a lot Tezuka. =) Thanks. I can live with that. =3

+ Rep

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Karo Rushe

Added the Logo Title made by Kenso Himura

& Added the other tracks musics I am planning to add & see if I can make the Opening bit more combined.

Note: It is still in decision wether I Use Seinarukana 2's CGs or Original Artwork.

~ Caro Ru Lushe



Also, weren't you going to use my wolfperson sprite?

Anyway, keep up the arsome work.


Quote from: Dertt on April 10, 2008, 04:52:23 AM

Also, weren't you going to use my wolfperson sprite?

Anyway, keep up the arsome work.

I bet they are like reallly skilled and keep the secrets to em self lol or somehow use photoshop *Shrugs*.

Also, keep up the great work CRL, everything is awesome.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

lol, The Wolf,  cannot appear, for it would spoil many things =o

anyways, a little expectation from April:

There might be a Funny "Mini-Game" =< To be post for enjoyment.

Karo Rushe

Forgive me, as I had been lately, troubled with University Work as it had started to bug with my daily life, & even made me stop working on the game fixing bugs & such.

<sigh> I was planning to release a special April's Beta, as a way to celebrate, but I haven't gotte the thing stopped & some stuff fixed for such special as a thanks for this been selected as project of the Month & Anniversary. ;=;

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Code Geass

don't worry D: life can get in the way of alot of things, for better or for worse, hope your doing good at school though, lol, I'm still young enough to have too much free time :P

and hey, aprils still got a week left x.x ahh... schools going to be over soon... omg, the through can't get through. Keep at it ^_~

Karo Rushe

Hopefully, I would, but I gotta return back o work on an Assigment =<

Was just checking >__>;; Hopefully.

Karo Rushe

Ok, I had been busy in University here, at last finished my proyect I had to write about Stress & Nutrition for my Health class. -.-;;

Expect, on tomorrow, a small, preview >3

Code Geass

great! can't wait, meh, I'm still waiting... I might just release it though, lol, to tired of waiting >_>

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

I got something in mind, something that will make more sence to this, seen as how it can be a Second, if there should be a 1st.

& not gonna affect that greatly to the work I have at this moment >=)


Gah, now all that's left, is the Graphics stuff.

=< & to celebrate the yet late Project of the Month with a Demo of it.

modern algebra

I'll put a stop to your theft of two days for Project of the Month :P

Sorry about that by the way, I haven't been on for a couple of days, and forgot about it. It will soon be fixed.

Karo Rushe

With that fix, now I have to sit back, & fix some minor bugs, change . . . <sigh> the Screenshots & the first post.
Thou, multiple changes has taken place, including Scripts. (For some weird reason, I can't get to CP to update these scripts which continue to get Errors.) At least the story isn't affected =X

Quote from: modern algebra on May 03, 2008, 03:03:06 AM
I'll put a stop to your theft of two days for Project of the Month :P

Sorry about that by the way, I haven't been on for a couple of days, and forgot about it. It will soon be fixed.
lol, Aleluya, I was getting bad Karma from my two day theft :V =X great to be off the hook, thou update in the 1st post in the Project of the Month, we may want to evade this one getting promoted twice by Accident just because the title changed >_>;;

Karo Rushe

- Userbars remove & updated *Pardon for the change & Limits of characters*
- Characters: Only left the Main two characters.
- Removed the Fawork I did. It's only there for Other people's fanwork.
- Uploading Teaser Trailer, Hoping this time it won't say error again.

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Teaser Trailer 1 "death & the key" has been Uploaded

At 1st Page, download section below the demo.


Yay, more teasers which are over in less than a minute. No offense, but the teaser was short, and I didn't really think I got anything out of it. I personally had no idea what the fuck was going on.

The last name of the guy who you quoted in the beginning seems familiar....

Code Geass

holy hell, a 43 mb teaser? You should've made it seperate :/

anyways, downloading now x.x


tried it, it was kindof disappointing in that it could've been evented much much smoother, it was kindof half baked, it was nice to finally see things in action though. Sadly, no real interest held, but try try try again. You have the idea, just don't rush it.