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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Karo Rushe

Title: Nocturne's Gospel
Rated: M for Mature

'Death to the oppressors and mercy to the weak.
As we sing our songs together.
We shall never be apart
We shall share our pain together
From this day on, our souls are one.'

After an afternoon's hunt, Lyle & his childhood friend, Caith found a girl by the name of Samantha, badly injured from a fall of a cliff, after being pursued by unknown forces. Upon helping her, Lyle soon becomes entangled in a series of events which changes his life forever.


Name: Lyle Razenburg
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Weapon: Double Daggers
Bio: Lyle Razenburg, along with his childhood friend Caith Alwien, is a young man that takes care of orphans to live through the dangerous world of the Altro Precepia. After saving the life of the enigmatic Samantha, Lyle finds himself entangled with a series of events that changed his life and perception of the world.


Selective Post Menu - No Wondering around lost in town? Yes, Now SR has a selective 'Post' Menu for each town & even Dungeon, for Story conveniences. There's even a rather pretty World Map coming in the way too.

New CGs, New Sprites, New RTP!? - Graphics are improved, New Palette colors, An Entire Custom RTP Characters by Caro herself, And Even New Tilesets, edited, Recolored and Add-ons from Deathlock, and among others Spriters.

A New Storyline - A New Story that breaks throu some of the Cliches and gives a Shocking for the player, One that Isn't the average 'Fairy-Tale' With Memorable Characters, Original Worlds to Explore, and Beings that surpasses the Laws of the Original.

A Brand New Battlesystem in the works? - Brand new Battle system, to which allows the player to select from Supportive & Active status to customizing their skills, and Ranks. Along with new Graphics and Enemies.

Enter the 'Masterpiece' - With rigid Puzzles, a New Visual Novel Feel, the new 'Nocturne Gospel' will prove to be worth the wait this time.

---Scripts Credits---
Blizzard - Tons of Add-Ons
Namckor - Add-On Equip Requirements
Ccoa - UMS
Charlie - FFX CBS
GuiB - Fixing up an Incompatibility (And helping out whenever I get script bugs)

---Title Logo---
Lonewolf (Also for Custom Graphics he's working for the Menu)

---Events Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe
Special: Monkeydlu (For Opening Intro)

---Mapping Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe

---Tile Sets Credits---
Malick aka, Jadak & Orae
Caro Ru Lushe/ DAS
Reives & Shadow (Their Maps gave idea for changing the colors of the RTP and making a more 'darker atmosphere')
Others I don't Remember from RPGXP.Org

---Animation Credits---

---Battlers Rip Credits---
Sithlord999 (For Ripping animations)

Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe (Only the Main Characters)
Game Rage
Strawberry Quarters
Loose Leaf

---Music Credits---
Mami Kawada - Joint ~ Opening Version
Mami Kawada - Masterpiece
Xuse - Seinarukana OST
Yuna Ito - Trust You?

---Pictures & Event CGs---
Nexus - Character Portraits & Designs
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe - Ti'll gets her Wacom-background & CGs among other slave work[/b]

---Sim Dating Dialogue System Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe
Sky Fortress (Sacred Earth) - Inspiration
Monkeydlu (Celestias Ferrum) - Inspiration

---Story Credits---
Dark Angel Sion/Caro Ru Lushe

---Icons Credits---
Anonimous (-.-;;)



:< Chrono Trigger CMS by Raziel, Graphics skins & window skin by Hanzo/Lonewolf[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Artwork & Fanart]Ming: Linear Klyron:
Evangel Lim's 'Thank You' Hikari:


[spoiler=Soul Reaver Opening 1 "JOINT" By Monkeydlu][/spoiler]
Caro's Note: Please know that the current video isn't the final product because of the Title change (Also, the fact I keep playing with the event every time makes it a bit, different)

Still No Demo Yet

Karo Rushe


looks cool! any pics of the hero's?

just one all teh maps the person died the EXACT same way...looks kinda weird lol
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Karo Rushe

A picture of the Heros? Probably tomorrow.  :=:Quite hard searching in the Night through the Resources Sea.

And I wanted to give that impresion with the ESRB  ;D

It's possible it could have up to 15 Characters in the Game...>.>;; But that's still not a Possibility until tomorrow, that why I would iupdate it tomorrow itself =) to see how many would there be.

Karo Rushe



So far your story look pretty well planned out. judging from scemming the whole thing, the story is pretty good. the screenies are nice. i love tinted screen color. looking forward to the demo. one pet pieve i have is that your using no window for text

Owner of ChaosDreamz© Productions.
Progress of:
Silent Dynasty©-Death Nightmare       
Storyline:  |||||||||| [62%]
Mapping:    |||||||||| [3%]
Scripting:  |||||||||| [1%]
Database:   |||||||||| [1%]
Audio:      |||||||||| [1%]
Overall:    ||||||||||[3%]
Demo:    ||||||||||[75%]

Lord Dante


maybe you are going for this effect, but it is sortof annoying.

Story sounds good and all that, just thought id drop that comment in.

Karo Rushe

Demo out. Version 0.2.

The Above screenshots won't appear due to "Glitches" & Nasty "Bugs"

Note that will; stop at the Inn, it's my bad, since I was playing around with the scripts more than finishing the Village.

(And yes, I know the Battlers are kinda....bad)

Quote from: Lord Dante on January 02, 2007, 05:04:00 AM

maybe you are going for this effect, but it is sortof annoying.

Story sounds good and all that, just thought id drop that comment in.
See above...It was a mistake when I put the two "N" it's actually Shanara (aka Shana) in corresponce to Tsukasa's Real name in the game, not because I wanted to use it in effect in an Annoying way.

Leave feedbacks & Tell me, wanna know what to fix.

Karo Rushe


Honestly I don't look at other peoples storys. But when I saw that pic using the heaven tilset that caught my attention. I'm downloading the demo now. Looks pretty good so far.


Wow, this game looks good. I'll download the demo and post my thoughts later.

Karo Rushe

Version 2.2 Will be out in a few hours...going to sleep now...when I retrun I'll post it here.


Whoot !!
it looks fun but don't have time to play now..

Karo Rushe


"protected by men who rided Creatures known as "Tomogara"

Everything looks good, but, ya it should be protected by men who rode...I relize this is minor but good spelling can count lol
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable


Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe


Grab it on the Link on the 1st Post..

Chapter 0 has been extended beyond anything I thought XDDD is already open....up to chapter One's Beginning.

::)Caster, Assasin, Lancer and Grappler KICK serious A$$!!!!!!!

Left is...Servant Berserker.

Red Eye Dragoon

Major Project : Cliche Cronicles
Total: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Story: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Resources: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Script: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Voice Overs: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%

Currently: Planning

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Red Eye Dragoon on January 29, 2007, 08:50:00 PM
Lol @ Thousand Master, you so stole that from Negima


*Gives Red Eyes Dragoon a Jar of Money*

As said, it has a lot of Anime Parodies within it...

Karo Rushe

Updated... ;D

Skull Island is still on Beta Mode...Explore aroun while it lasts  ;8

Karo Rushe

Character's Bio Updated and fdeleted The Villains.

The Stroyline will be next, the Game's Plot is taking a Different turn than the Story itself.

Nextg update, will be MOAR Screenshots, and finaly the Character's Pictures


tried the link for the download in first post, it froze during the unpack, right at the end :( trying others.
"Facts are useless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." Homer Jay Simpson

"I do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with but i know WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein

"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." from In Memoriam, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

"all your base are belonging to us!" awful fantasy 3

"the grapes damb it, it's alway's the grapes!"

Funny anagrams:
Desperation=A rope ends it
Mother in law=Woman hitler
Lottery machine=Money lost in 'em
Election results=Lies lets recount
Dormitory=Dirty room
Snooze alarms=Alas! No more Z's
Eleven plus two=Twelve plus one
Cosmetic surgery="Yes, I correct mugs."
The IRS=Theirs!
Public relations=Crap, built on lies
Astronomer=Moon starer
Dementia="Detain me."
Internet chat rooms=The moron interacts
The eyes!=They see!

Currently making:,13132.0.html


got the last version to work, comments:
2nd floor tower: i could walk through all the walls. O.o
chests respawned if you returned to the map.
pretty much every line has a few words run off the right side out of view, although it could just be that you have a negative I.Q since all the rest of you duologue is absolutely retarded as well. This makes the games nearly impossible to follow, so i just quit, this games blows hard ass and should be deleted before you bring more shame to your name.
"Facts are useless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." Homer Jay Simpson

"I do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with but i know WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein

"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." from In Memoriam, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

"all your base are belonging to us!" awful fantasy 3

"the grapes damb it, it's alway's the grapes!"

Funny anagrams:
Desperation=A rope ends it
Mother in law=Woman hitler
Lottery machine=Money lost in 'em
Election results=Lies lets recount
Dormitory=Dirty room
Snooze alarms=Alas! No more Z's
Eleven plus two=Twelve plus one
Cosmetic surgery="Yes, I correct mugs."
The IRS=Theirs!
Public relations=Crap, built on lies
Astronomer=Moon starer
Dementia="Detain me."
Internet chat rooms=The moron interacts
The eyes!=They see!

Currently making:,13132.0.html

Karo Rushe

Quote from: atracious on February 24, 2007, 05:00:48 AM
got the last version to work, comments:
2nd floor tower: i could walk through all the walls. O.o
chests respawned if you returned to the map.
pretty much every line has a few words run off the right side out of view, although it could just be that you have a negative I.Q since all the rest of you duologue is absolutely retarded as well. This makes the games nearly impossible to follow, so i just quit, this games blows hard ass and should be deleted before you bring more shame to your name.

The old version had many bugs...Mostly I am aware of the many Dialogues problems.

And the Story had been fix for a better understanding.

That Demo you just played the scripts are out of date since they have a lot of Incompatibility issues and Glitches.

I am working with the New Version...But adding too many New Options.

And Negative IQ not, Just a Bit of technical difficulties and Editings =/

Edit: I took the links, I would upload the Demo later when I have done up to Chapter 4.

(Currently on Chapter 3)

Karo Rushe

The Painful Debug Mode is on @_@

Note: it shall take a While to Download, I'll be making a Splitted Version Tomorrow.


- My company P:

Karo Rushe

=X Hope you enjoy....Next time...I'm sure to cut half that data...It takes too long.

Karo Rushe

I hjave to say that the Game is Almost Finish, All that are left are those Side-Quests.

I would probably make an Extension/Pack...the Game has it's you guys could use the Same save files from the Previous Game and play in the New One =)


Karo Rushe

there are quite some problems lately with the Scripts, (d*rn) So most likely it shall be putted to pause until If the problems are fixed, if so, I might be forced to take down the ones that are giving a lot of problems ;__;

Karo Rushe

I am making a Remake of the Entire story, One without too many Bad grammar, and better Storyline, so it could be easier to understand and less Frustrating battles....

And, does who has posted to have either downloaded the game, have you guys Played it? if so, can ou give me Comments on how it was? So that way, I can fix the Storyline and battles in the new version  :)

Karo Rushe


I Want certain opinions from people...and some who said they downloaded the game, Hasn't replied or commented.

I want to know their opinions of the Game...I only have one person's feedback (Atracious) I want to know, so I can start Final Remix with a Completely New Storyline or Just add more to this one And add new Scenes like the Opening Movie.

Karo Rushe

Updated Everything...Except Demo.

New Demo Coming soon. + Final Remix that is.


Hey, DAS. I decided to visit your game topic and it's cool! Wow, a lot of anime parodies...
It includes Fate/Stay Night, am I right?

*downloading now*


Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Karo Rushe

Updated Screenshots!!!

Added the Optional Boss Genju Miroku  ;8 I would call him as "The Strongest Boss of All RPGs" XDDD



Quote from: jap0911 on March 31, 2007, 02:17:53 AM
Why would you call him that?

he has:

9999999 hp
9999999.9 sp
and an attack of 100x what ever your main hero has.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


That's not the strongest boss of all RPGs.

Karo Rushe

=D Not if you have the right Equipment ,The skills and the Right level, ...Well....(lvl99) Exactly I used the same characters standing there to beat it.

I beat it with that party =D Then again...I am it's creator, i know how to beat it xD you just need to use stratergy =D


Yeah, I know.
I'm just having fun with the title you gave to the boss. xD

Karo Rushe

Quote from: jap0911 on March 31, 2007, 02:30:20 AM
Yeah, I know.
I'm just having fun with the title you gave to the boss. xD
Anyways, did you got to download it jap0911? =.

Karo Rushe

>_> I Need a Faster Uploader than takes too Long to upload.

Anyone knows a Faster upload and one that can hold a Really Really Big File?

Karo Rushe

As much as I hate to say this...

I can't fix a Problem having with my Game Maker...and probably Might Cancel/Abandon this Project Until I fix my RPG Maker ;__;


Karo Rushe

Quote from: jap0911 on April 06, 2007, 04:51:54 AM
What happened?

There's a Bug in the Save File Savings...Easy explained in this Thread I made:,
It affected the "Radient Garden" Project as seen in the screenshot, but I don't worry since I didn't had only but one map on it =/ It's This One what I am worried for...254 Maps and 3 Months of Hard work would be wasted if I can't fix this Problem.



NO YOU CANT QUIT I HAVENT PLAYED IT YET BUT I WANT TO BUT...sadly...dailup conquers all big downloads... so i was going to DL it a school next week...
"Life is a struggle; technology creates more idiot proof things, and the universe creates better idiots; so far the universe is winning" -Shino_Ryuu

Karo Rushe

No worries, there's 3 Back-ups.

But Unfortunatelly, Each is at 89% (Not much to Worry there)

I might change the Battle system thou =. I kinda started liking the Default one I use for RG.


Karo Rushe

A Fact is...I Learned to make Back-ups...the Hard Way.

Lost 3 Copies of this Game...and Had to begin from Scratch >_<;;;

Anyway...I'll see if it got itself infected or not...not quite sure...since I haven't work on it since I started to work on Dawndusk's Maps and Radient Garden.

Most likely it isn;t infected...and try not download that file...It's a very Old Version and it's has some bad grammar which I fix on the Final Remix >_<

Recommended to wait for Final Remix or at least Until I upload it.


Karo Rushe

Quote from: jap0911 on April 09, 2007, 05:16:59 AM
I'm lucky I canceled downloading it. :P

Oh well...Either way, the plotlines were Too Complicated and mostly it jumped from one thing to another. =/,14798.0.html

The Entire Back-ups are Infected with that too...<sigh> Means This is cancelled unless some miracle comes from above and fix itself up.

Karo Rushe

The News I have...I ain't dropping this Project yet...I shall restart it even if it's Original Data is lost I have the Storyline in my head...I have inproved it +_+

I'll update the screenshots and stuff up tomorrow when I get back from school, since I am going to bed now.


Good luck with the new version. I restarted mine and I'm glad. ;)

Karo Rushe

*Updates 1st page*

Added Screenshots =)


I can't help but think that this was based a little bit off Shakugan no Shana. Tomogara, Guze, and the like. Lord Garlic... I can't stop thinking about Dragon Quest/Ball...

Karo Rushe

Quite based off of Shakugan no Shana and Fate/Stay Night.

Had a Nasty Worm in my laptop and formatted the whole Computer =X and wanted to change the Story Background and the whole Story...

Heck, later will add their Faces. what you guys think of the story now? =X


I like it. The graphics seem nice and so does the story. Great work, DAS. I hope you continue to work on this and don't give up on it.

By the this the one I suggested the name of the final boss for? >.>

Karo Rushe

It is.  :)

Won't abandon this project either way...

Karo Rushe

xD Revival!

I''ve updated a new Plot...(Not much) The characters, And added the tracks It currently has.

:) Working on a Demo to release...

Hope It goes like it says there...<sigh>

Yoruichi Shihoin

dude omg, Fate/Stay Night Class's My Fav Anime of All Time, and the titles Archers best move O_O
is Saber a class? XD

Quote from: Martin on June 01, 2007, 06:31:34 PM
awwwwrgh, I'm sorry but I fuck too hard T_T

Karo Rushe

Ermm...This has nothing Related to Fate/Stay Night 0_o;;

Yoruichi Shihoin

Unlimited Blades?
and Servent Class's? :O

well its similar to Fate/Stay Night :O

Quote from: Martin on June 01, 2007, 06:31:34 PM
awwwwrgh, I'm sorry but I fuck too hard T_T

Karo Rushe

Demo is out...well...a Prologue/Intro...the real thing will come out....Later >;P

Karo Rushe

I'll be Abandoning this Project to work on a New One due to loss of Inspiration and multiple Bugs & stuff in the last Originals that haunts It's Old Versions throu this one.


Quote from: Dark Angel Sion on May 17, 2007, 10:36:36 PM
It is.  :)

Won't abandon this project either way...

Quote from: Dark Angel Sion on August 15, 2007, 12:07:26 AM
I'll be Abandoning this Project to work on a New One due to loss of Inspiration and multiple Bugs & stuff in the last Originals that haunts It's Old Versions throu this one.

Well, two months isn't too bad.

Karo Rushe

I could post the last two Month's Work...but it didn't change much.

The New Project I'm working here Is a bit more "straight" and I think it won't go off Curve...I hope.


That's quite alright, seeing as it was actually 3 months and I suck at calendar ;9

Karo Rushe

 :) well, I could Say i am working on it...with a new Title.

Karo Rushe

There's Gonna be a 3-Episode Movie Using RPG Maker XP for this, see 1st Post. Later will Update with more Info.

Karo Rushe

:V REVIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!

All I need to do is post the Demo and that's it =X


The screenshots look awesome.  Can I borrow your mapping skills? :P LOL
"If u'r about to die,,then think of how good ur life has treated u up to this point.  On the
other hand,,if life hasn't treated u good up to this point,,then take joy in the fact that
it's not going to bother u for much longer."

Karo Rushe

Quote from: djkdjl on September 21, 2007, 12:43:01 AM
The screenshots look awesome.  Can I borrow your mapping skills? :P LOL

>.>;; lol.

=X from what it can be seen, just a few of the maps I have saved would make it for the demo...


The mapping is decent, the story seems to be interesting. All in all, it seems to be really promising.


Karo Rushe

There's a lot of bugs in the game, so I have been fixing them, there won't be a demo for a long time, that I would say, at least...until I can clean the whole "Walking everywhere" glitch I keep finding in the first level.


Oooo... I see... Well, wish you luck, then. =3

Karo Rushe

The Game Got corrupted again .___. Thou I have a back up of the whole data, so there wasn't much of a loss, the skills.

D: But the good thing is that the damage was minimun that other cases.


It seems you often face those kind of problems. =O Why is that?

Karo Rushe

D= Bad Luck....?

I believe I would have a Demo by The End of this Year (Again).

Hopefully Bug-free and Less than 1 GB.

Lord Dante

Heh, whenever i see this topic I am reminded of a similarly named book series.
You need to stop having the file corrupted =.=

Karo Rushe

QuoteWarning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 60 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.

Shut up! this is my D*mn Topic . . .

I am here to Proclaim that this Project Hasn't Died at All, I just happen to had a last Corrupted Buig in it, and instead started to work on the Weapons, Skills, Armors & Items, and now working with the Maps.

Rewritten the Storyline and thus making this Project more longer, the last version was finished, but did't like the Results, so I started again from scratch with the Weapons & Armors saved.

I would say would take a hell lot of time for me to actually finish this.

I'll Change the Title of it, seen as it's the Actual Novel I am doing here.

Karo Rushe

It's Here  ;8

Newly Updated, Change of Plot, Characters, Screenshots, Credits, Even . . . A New Title  :flag:

~ Caro Ru Lushe


This is awesome, really beatiful. Everything is actually  :o Good luck with this.  ;D
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

Updated the Entire loot ;o

Added Secondary Characters.  ;)


Congrats on a year-long effort. That doesn't happen too often around here.


Quote from: Malson on December 28, 2007, 03:50:31 PM
Congrats on a year-long effort. That doesn't happen too often around here.
Congratulations, Caro Ru Lushe. ^_^

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Malson on December 28, 2007, 03:50:31 PM
Congrats on a year-long effort. That doesn't happen too often around here.
Thak you. I am not willing to give up.

Karo Rushe

Added Extra Screenshots, one been of the Default Battle <note: I sorta got beaten in it <_<)

Karo Rushe

Updated on the Credits & the infamous ERBs Rating

Karo Rushe

Updated Two new Screenies

Added the Chapters



Miscellanious Stuff

And Organized better

~ Caro Ru Lushe



Btw did you credit Ruruga?


Nice updates also love the screenies(Love fate/stay night)
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: JAP on January 08, 2008, 04:17:51 AM

Btw did you credit Ruruga?

D= I knew I had someone missing in the Credits . . .

Quote from: Ruzu on January 08, 2008, 04:21:05 AM
Nice updates also love the screenies(Love fate/stay night)
=X Thankx thou funny thing is I was about to put I updated it ti'll my Internet Broke off ;__;


Karo Rushe

FInally Updated the New Character's Pictures >D



Looks interesting, can't say I'm sure about using pictures for nearly every scene (you use a ton in your screenshots), but everyone needs to take a risk.

Karo Rushe

Fixed The Screenshots. (Not Gonna add anymore.)
Fixed Character's Bio
Fixed Credits
Added Current Arcs I'm writing.

Code Geass

This looks awesome  :tpg:

I love the look of this game. I'm going to read up on your topic when I get the chance, but for now, this just looks awesome.

I'm downloading 2.2 now, also, love the cg you use, fate/stay and eternity sword and both awsome games, can't wait to read the story more in detail.


well, I tried it, it was dissapointing, so I closed it. Guess I'll just have to wait for you to releasethe game like everyone else :P

Karo Rushe

First of - Where or what you mean by 2.2? The Last Demo released was a teaser, yet the storyline changed a lot from since then.

Code Geass

theres a mega link on your first page :P

Karo Rushe

 :mad: That's from the Old "Legend of Shanara: Shattered Blades"

Thou the last version of it is saved in the computer. (For fun reasons).

Karo Rushe

 :-X I question, why my Project is in the RM2k/2k3 Projects when it's made in RMXP >__>;;;

& Development has Gone Slow D: So, I am taking a bit longer on updates.

modern algebra

Karo Rushe

Updated ~ Screenshots, Characters, Features, Story Arcs . . .

The Shadow

DAS, if that's your artwork, then <3

Anyhow, I like the look of this game^^

Karo Rushe

The Artwork is from the game Seinarukana ~ Spirit Sword of Eternity 2 Game. I just got the stuff from a friend. >__>;; Everyone keeps sayings & pointing I made these when I gave credits to the original author & the character's pictures have his name on them >__<;;

The Shadow


*Checks back on credit list*


Code Geass


your also using a few spirit of eternity sword 1 character busts, we're going to have clashing characters :P

nah, j/k

still, it looks awesome XD

it really makes me want to make picture cutscenes >_> they look so nice :P

I know this might sound a bit noobish but what script do you use for the choices box to be out side the text box?

It's a neat feature that I'm really likening, and would love to use as well XD

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Black Shadow on January 30, 2008, 09:57:05 PM

*Checks back on credit list*


=X *Pats Head*

Quote from: monkeydlu on January 30, 2008, 10:18:47 PM

your also using a few spirit of eternity sword 1 character busts, we're going to have clashing characters :P

nah, j/k

still, it looks awesome XD

it really makes me want to make picture cutscenes >_> they look so nice :P

I know this might sound a bit noobish but what script do you use for the choices box to be out side the text box?

It's a neat feature that I'm really likening, and would love to use as well XD
It's Made by Events & playing around with Ccoa's Universal Message System

=X The Secret I shall not spoil, took me a lot of brain power to actually figure how to put the Images as I wanted them along with the Message >__<;; Sorry.

(I'd be guessing you'll like Ilumina >__>;; Bio Not posted here yet either wayz.)

Code Geass

ah, coco's message system....wish you people would've told me sooner >_>

my mapper told me the same thing after I started getting some trouble from dublex's, it was too late back then, and it's wayy to late now, lol.

well, idk, if I get stuck again I'll just take a dozen hours and edit all of my msg events :P

is Ilumia a rmxp game? well, link me either way, I like trying good games ^_^

Karo Rushe

Ilumina is not a Game, she's a Character, She looks like your Fukai Kazuko Except with Wings & a Spear =X

Code Geass

lol, I forgot my she had a last name, I need to go update my thread.

but actually, I was talking about this screenshot.

She's in my game as Souhu, though her bio's not posted

Ilumina......well, Fukai has wing''s kindof limited to her cg XD her wings doesn't show till quite a long while laters though......I've written down to much about her though,

it's a bit disappointing to hear that though :P

Karo Rushe

Quite funny how she ends ups having two different roles in different games =X <cough>

Now I understand a bit >__>;;

For what makes relation with Ilumina & Fukai?:

Spoilers due to, heck, Spoiilers to the Game itself; was too lazy to begging and look at the Wingly's Arc:


Code Geass

lol, thats a different character though, they only look similar XD

one question I've been wondering though, why don't you resize your back grounds into 640x480? using the originals, its always like tilted :P

it doesn't look bad though, just wondering, lol.

and I'm really wanting to use picture cutscenes now...>_> they look so much better  :tpg:

Karo Rushe

Let's just say I am too lazy to Change the Size D:

Karo Rushe

There might be a change of Plans for this . . . I got inspired to Change it more  :=: If my inspiration reaches High Masses, This Topic Will Die and I shall remake another one (Due to the old comments of the Past Failed Demos & Such, I still get this thing more and more Improvised).

Code Geass


well, I know the feeling of wanting to remake things, it's jsut that as you get better with the program, youw ant to make everything up to standard, I've changed so many same things over and over again, but it's well worth it imo.

major changes can be great refreshenings, as well as more inspiration. Good luck in what you decide to do, I can't wait to see your products ^_^

Karo Rushe

I plan on makig it a bit more "Modern Day" since My Brain said "How can some Medieval Guys travel around Medieval Worlds? Wouldn't it be more exciting if it was like . . . Some Guy who got unlike and got in the wrong place at the Wrong Hour?" D: Sorta thing, Makig it more of a strenght point for my inspiration Towards Shakugan No Shana, Mai-HiME, Fate/Stay Night & Chaos Project. (Mostly, The Beginning would be like, the First Game I released that could never be posted here due that It exceeded Even Megaupload from the exageration of Resources >__>;;; )

Back On Topic:

If by Tomorrow, I still get a good begining & Better storyline, D: Expect a Major Clean-Up.

Code Geass

Can't wait :D

btw, I was watching the Eternity Sword 2 opening yesterday, have to say, they made the second one WAY better than the first..... :P

Karo Rushe

lol, Yeah, It's Way Better =X

Plus, I am trying to get the Calendar & the 2nd Artbook, but the Prices are Crazy >__>;;

I like the Systems they putted in the game, battles makes me drool, thou as much as I want to make it, I am no Scripter >__>;; And I suck when it comes to Animated Side View Battlers


And . . . Due to Inspirational, I'd be editig this, (Not Deleting the Thread . . . yet =X)

Code Geass

The system for the battles on the second one is cooler, but I found the graphics for the first one more pleasing, no idea why :P

probably cuz more animeish.

I have the first art book for the second one on my computer, didn't even know there was a second one XD

can't wait to read your new thread ^_^



Monica is my new hero.. this game is destined to epicwinness. Good job :)

Karo Rushe

After a full Long Hours of Debate with my Partner & Friend . . .

We Have Selected the Top 7 Main Characters (Klyron doesn't count since he obviously has to be Main):
1) Lloyd

2) Fianna

3) Shinari

4) Monica

5) Jullian

6) Hidenki

7) Belle[/spoiler]
Reason for such Post: At the beginning, we weren't sure who was going to be exactly the Main Characters >__>;;; So, here they are.

*Note: Althou Uriku appears to act in Gameplay as the "Main Character" she's just more of a Comic Relief Character and for the sake I like Puppy Luv like characters <3*

=X Done.

And, I'll see when I get this whole New Thread started, =X Kuddos, for Tomorrow might be the big day (No, not for the Demo, it still comes on July).

Code Geass

Can't wait :D

I know how you feel, some where along the line your going to have these HUGE changes becuase all of a sudden you realize theres just so much stuff wrong with it, reluctant as yo are cuz you don't want the work to go to waste, it'll only be for the better. If nothing else, make a collection of deleted scenes XD

Wish you luck on your reformation ^_^

Karo Rushe

=X I might think Deleted scenes will not be possible. Since I'd be using the same maps >.>;;;

but yeah, expect great changes in the storyline, this project had soo many changes . . . (Ugh, I wish to make a better Ilumina sprite thou, last one I have is sorta <shrugs> don't wanna mention it).

Code Geass


yeah, I had to scrap 3 very large characters, Gabby, Ross, and Sean, I have like at least 30mins in all of scenes with them, and all the work on their branches...UGH!!!

oh well, it was for teh better.

Karo Rushe

In the Game, most of the Villains has no "scene" and I'd probably try and make their Battles via Events.

Seemingly a bit boring unless I switch to Side View again. But I don't feel like Either making the battlers, nor I know Dollmage would not make them by her policies.

Either way, I am still early, so I don't worry much about the story =X

Code Geass

actually, I really really dig your battle layout.

it is very, believe me, very very rare to see a great game using the original RMXP layout. With that funky window skin, it really looks cool. I like it just the way it is, especially with the fact that alot of people suffer from not having good battlers, but in your case you have access and can use some really amazing anime battlers.

My favorite battle like that? I'd say goes to southerland, and she customized hers ALOT, but it was still the front veiw 2d system, but it is like, completely customized, dun know how she did it, looks fantastic though. Not to mention she makes these seriously wicked animations, GAH, so wish I could use them >_> Screen

My advice, don't abandon it. ^_^

just add some custom add-ons for the battle system, make it unique, it already looks like it has quite a few things going for it, so no, I don't think your battle system should be much of a problem.  :blizj:

Karo Rushe

No, I never said I was going to drop the Default Battle System =X What I meant was that the Villain's Battle would be by Events, unless I find a Way to find pictures of them to use as Battlers.

*Thou I found some that are close to what I want at least*

If there's any custom Add-oes you know of, would like to know where >__>;; I use mostly Blizzard's Scripts for effects on the Spells & Skills, Menus & some features on them *Not Include the Sim Dating Dialogue System*

=X I like the Default Battlesystem, and won't get rid of it at all, besides, I want to use it to tribute the one game I couldn't post long ago >___>;; (Even thou I admit, it makes me look at "Did I actually did those Maps?!")

So, no worries on that =X (I got the Battlers from ripping them off in photoshop from my artbook >.<;;; so I have them safe at least. But I am still lookig for a specific one >__> and I have to wait for getting Seinarukana to get that One Character I am missing. *Ilya's True Sprite & Battler*

Code Geass

a villan's battle huh?

hm.....I can't say I'm not confused x3

But I'll try and package together a few cool add ons ^_^

Karo Rushe

 :) Yes. they deserve that much Honor. *CoughSpeciallyCaroCough*

>.>;; Thou It would probably end up with the Default battle system. =X I am willing to make most of the game's sprites custom made. (At least the Characters & Such)

Code Geass

ok, heres a few I picked out that I thought would be pretty neat ^_^

Biography Screen and Battler Graphic Change

The second and third scripts on the first post seem really interesting. Since you have the resources for the biography to work nicely, I think having something like that would be really neat :D

Also, the battler changer script just makes the default battle system look a bit more animated.

Simple Individual Commands

Very very basic but simple script. Simply lets you change the names of each command of each character by the Class ID. Simple to use, and unlike Trcikster's, it dosn't have all that extra complicated stuff with advanced commands.

Conditional + Combo skills

I think southy uses this, anyways, it's a cool system. Lets your characters to have some combo skills, and even allows you to control when you can learn this combo skills with switches. I'm thinking of using it for mine game as well, as Avion becomes closer with the girls ^_^

Vesper System

hm....I don't know how to work this, or what it really is, but it sounds and looks pretty cool, so you might want to check it out.

Karo Rushe

The Command One I have a simple oe from Blizzard's Ton's of Ad-ons
& The Espers + Junction . . . I think I'd stick with CHaos Drive =X for the most.

The Biography one I like the best, thou would be cool if I could be able to adapt it to have not just the characters one has in the party, but also important characters that one meets throught the Story =X

Code Geass

glad I could help then, lol.

There are more complex ones, but they'll take more figuring out :P

Idk, if you can rip voices from Spirit Sword 2 you could add battle shouts and stuff :x

But through that, I think I'm probably going to use the union thing XD It looks pretty neat for me.

Karo Rushe

lol, Why rip a whole game?  :P I prefer been original and seek my own Voice Actors  :=:

Code Geass

lol, you make it sound easy ;D

if only...>_> I wish I had a clear microphone, I'd love to try voice acting.

Karo Rushe

 ;D Well, I do have my resources, I could get them easily.  :=:


This looks real good! Can't wait for a demo or something.

Karo Rushe

Updated ~ Storyline & The Two Main Characters, and will update when I get back home

Code Geass

awesome XD

going to try and incorporate the CG into your story more eh? It'll work nicer with some present themes, good luck :D


Wow. I'll defenatly keep an eye on this project. :) Keep up the good work.  :D

Karo Rushe

Well, Expect a lot of Present + Medieval + Sci-Fi Reference =X

To make the story more in between >3

Karo Rushe

Expecting to add a bit of more "Audio" and effects on this.

And I have finally finished some of the sprites, so I can get back to working on the demo to release.

<shrugs> now I had been exploring some Seinarukana on Youtube, some of the scenes will be d*mn hard to do @__@ I think I might start learning Eventing with pictures.

Code Geass

are you going to try and remake Seinarukana's storyline?

oh well, I've no quarrels, I never played it anyways XD *wonders if there will be H scenes...*

Karo Rushe

Quote from: monkeydlu on February 26, 2008, 01:58:34 AM
are you going to try and remake Seinarukana's storyline?

oh well, I've no quarrels, I never played it anyways XD *wonders if there will be H scenes...*
Dear lord, no, xD I would have to even make the Tile Sets & . . . well, even the battlers, so, no @___@ I like mines anyways (Thou a good suggestion, but I am not gona kill myself cracking my disc up :P )

Code Geass

XD I wish I could rip sprites, I'd love to rip some GBA games, especially SRW, I love the super robot wars seriese <)M I've always wanted to make an fan game of it >_<

Karo Rushe

I was thinking of your idea of "Making Seinarukana" For RPG Maker XP.

. . . But the lack of Sprites on Google & Yahoo on either language made me think twice, but Finally, I was able to find this:

I just wished the Quality was better . . . a picture of her is a Pain in the arsses, but with this, I am halfway completed. (Ugh, it's soooo gonna look ugly).

Edit: Also,would put up soon those "Support" Signatures >___>;;; once I finish getting those Templates <shrugs>

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Yeah, but expect to be up by Tomorrow Noon in here.

Since I failed extracting while Playing Around >__>;;;

Karo Rushe

The sigis are up, thou I wish to know why the code acts in a very, weird way . .


Code Geass

Yay! More siggy work XD

Where do you get those templates anyways? lol, I jsut made mine from basically a black frame :P

Karo Rushe

 :P lol, & 'cause I rule, I make myself my own with the Two Best Characters in the Game (Non-playable xD)

Despite this, productions is going slow -.- just making sprites gets a bit tiring.


Looking great overall - the only concern I have it that some of the overlays seem a bit too heavy. :p Nice usage of picture studded cut-scenes.

Karo Rushe

Overlay? A bit confuse here.

would like to know what exactly is to fix, =X since I still got time to fix it before the release date.

=< & 'course thanks for the feedback.


Oh, I just mean the lighting/fog etc. Of course, it kinda comes down to preference, so it's your call; just giving an opinion. :)

Karo Rushe

 :=: I do agree, the fogs sorta make it a pain for me in gameplay and adding them, so I just prefered using them in certain scenes. (Thou, a low opacity).

=/ Just that I had bee wondering where you got the shadow effects in Quintessence in some scenes that make me try it out >.>;;

Would take consideration ad updates some of the news ones and take down the olds ones. =X since I find it a bit too shiy for my own eyes >__>;;

Karo Rushe

The poroyect would be delayed by technical difficulties with my computer ;-;

Mostly the Keyboard.

Code Geass

poroyect sounds cool when you say it out loud XD

thats a shame to hear, hope you get it fixed soon. How'd it get messed up?

Karo Rushe

My laptop is 5 Years old, so I am not surprise it is dying already  :=:

I'd probably buy a new one, and this one use it up to the bitter end of her death. =/

*Time to save the files as Back-Ups*


This looks awesome.

But one things is strange. Why has it got an A rating? Isn't that a bit extreme?


Code Geass


I never really noticed that, but I think the description only qualifies for something along the lines of Teen or OlderTeen...



Ahh, I see, but wouldn't it be M rating?

Anyway, this looks awesome, I can't wait for the demo!

Karo Rushe

I would consider an A for some "explicit material" but I'd change for the Beta Versions (Once I get my new Computer).

Ahem, yes, I am not dead yet, I upated with a new section, some art made by myself, mostly of the two of my favorite couple & Antagonists <3

Code Geass

lol, chibis!!! XD

And well, no comments for the other idea x.x I thought about it a little too, and not even considering the fact that...well, I'm underage so technically it would've been illegal, dispite that though, I just thought it would be devaluing my work and also harder to distribute, lol.


So you will be using those...scenes then? I guess I will have to play it without my brother here. :tpg:


Whoa, adult scenes in this game 0.0


We should know when they're coming up though, I don't want to play the game only when my family's gone.

Karo Rushe

 :P You guys will know it for sure when they appear.

Thou the 1st Demo Won't have the scenes unfortunately.


This is looking simply awesome :P
Can't wait for a demo, those screenies really attracted me to this. And the characters aswell.
Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

 :=: I am motivated with the comments & words, I just wish to get that money for a new computer to get here fast.

Code Geass

lol, it's, while your waiting, just think about everything, thats what I did when I didn't have my computor XD It didn't do all the worlds difference, but it made things some what clearer I think...

Red Blood

This looks awesome!!!
Iv'e never seen a rpg maker game like this really the mapping is good the pics are amazing.

One of the best rpg maker xp games ever!Try it out!


This is awesome! ;D
Great work on the game, can't wait for the demo.

Karo Rushe

Some little Fanservices for everyone, mostly inspired by monkeydlu =<

[spoiler=Juno Cosplays Gurren Lagann]Archon & Juno Comic thingy I did, was bored. Made Juno Cosplay as Kamina from GL 'cause both are cool =>

Juno: "Yo!"
Archon I.: "What are you suppose to be?"

Juno: "Kamina from Gurren Lagann"
Archon I.: "Why?"

Juno: " 'Cause he's Cool"
*Archon I. Leaves
Juno: "Where are you Going?"
Archon I.: "None of your Business"

Juno: "?"

Juno: "S-Sephiroths?!"
Archon I.: "Shut Up! It sucks having breast & yet I look like a man ;-; "

Code Geass


thats a shame, I'm one of those people who really do think Seph looks too much like a girl, and probably better off as one too, lol.

Karo Rushe

It actually meant something else  :tpg:

Added another one I made today out of boredom & using some of my "'coughsucky"'paint skills:
[spoiler= Dura & Asaiji]


Karo Rushe

Added the Title Screen at the 1st Post.

. . .

(I have a feeling of wrong meaning & that I would need a translator or so, & probably may will start flaming for such a 'cliche' Title Screen =_=)

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Code Geass

at least you HAVE a logo >_>;;

I still don't have one yet D: but I do like the way yours look, good job on it.

Lets see... it's a confusing title though, lol.

The commoner's Road has few friends; The one born of heaven? lol, I've never heard of a proverb like that before, did you make it up?

Karo Rushe

Gah! I knew there was something wrong with it D: I translated wrongly.
<Shrugs> . . .

=< Wait, you seem to understand the nonsence I just wrote. >__>;;; any Idea how would that be put together correctly?


On the screenshots, is the border going to be there throughout the game? Because, on the battle screens especially, it blocks put some bits of the text, making it illegible.
Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

Code Geass

meh, well, it's hard to understand what you were trying to put together in the first place XD it does sound pretty cool though, lol.

Karo Rushe

lol, I was actually playing around with a font . . . & just typed Soul-Rave in hope it could bring something similar in the characters. yet, I have overestimated it's power.

=< And now, I am working on that Opening once more, Monkeydlu, I own you one, heck i'm in debt to you >__>;;

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Edit: Tell me this Means Soul-Rave Translated: ?????

Code Geass

lol, so you justed typed in soul raves in a translator? XD

Well, what does soul raves mean exactly? >_>


v.   intr.

   1. To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently.
   2. To roar; rage: The storm raved along the coast.
   3. To speak or write with wild enthusiasm: Critics raved about the new play.
   4. To attend a rave.

v.   tr.
To utter or express in a frenzied manner.


   1. The act or an instance of raving.
   2. Informal An extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review: The play received raves.
   3. An all-night dance party, especially one where techno, house, or other electronically synthesized music is played.
   4. Chiefly British A raucous party; a rave-up.

......... >_>;; wut?

so something along the lines of "A Wild Soul?" or "The soul That Acts Wild?"


lol, no one ever says the dlu part of my name XD and np, I'm also adding the lyrics right now but omg it take soooo much timing D: lol, I should be working right now but after last nights slow progress I'm to lazy >_>

Karo Rushe

 :-\ I always thought it meant as a Stone.

*Time to hit the books again lol*

Code Geass

lol, like in Rave master? XD idk, it's a weird word, but since it's a confusing word, a confusing proverb does the trick just fine XD I think you got pretty lucky the translator spit it out the way it did, it sounds good so don't worry, if you read it and appreciate it a bit I guess it means "Heaven's Child never walk the Commoner's Road."

Karo Rushe

Yeah, but, the meaning I got wasn't the one I wanted unfortunately ;.;

As good as it sound, I find it hard to how it fits the story >__>;;

Code Geass

shame, alright, I'll work something out for you then, do you want 4 characters or 8?

If you want something literal...
  /       /      ?       /
  Ling Hun Ming Shi 
    ?    ?     ?    ?
(Ling Hwen Ming Shi)

It literally means "Soul Life Stone" it's kinda confusing but it's easily understandable for Chinese people. Don't know, maybe it's cliche as well but I don't get to play many chinese rpgs any more >_>

gaddamit, the characters won't show up.... um...I'll take a screen of them

I uploaded the psd file ^_^

Karo Rushe

 :P I l;ike it, but as I seek, The stone is literary, as I meant as a Machine that creates energy out of Nothingness

(Anti-Matter Machine?) Just that I named Soul-Rave.

=< <sigh> I won't play the 'Legend of Shannara' title.

Edit 1: I'll go with a translation of 'Twilight Hoax' while "Soul-Raves 2" goes below, less edit & less work =<

Edit 2: The Game is Officially Titles "Sorcerus Blade; Klyron 2: The Twilight Hoax" (geez, time to change the Novel's title itself <shrugs>)

Code Geass

What??!!! D: NUU!!!! Don't change the title! D: well, you could if you want I guess... but Soul Raves sounds so much cooler XD I liked it x:

Karo Rushe

*S h i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~

D: Just need the correct Characters to make it mean "Soul-Raves" instead of what was written.

That, and find a song. Joint is too much Pop & doesn't seem to go along the cgs D: <G'rrrr>

(I just realize it would be a lot of work by just changing the name, I'd have to make new sigis & such, & I am quite lazy to do that D:<

Code Geass

haha, yup, that and it grows on you XD

I'm terrible at coming up with names >_>;; ...... I was seriously sleep deprived when I first named my characters, for some stupid reason, I should've changed them back then, but I didn't, and now I'm way to attached becuase, well, their my adorable cast XD but seriously, Fukai's name sometime's get censored!!! >_>;;

Karo Rushe

 :-X lol, I had been stuck up with those names since then.

but for the moment . . . Would hit the books & start getting the letters right =< Or more like, the proverbs that is.


Keep up the good work on this! :) Can't wait to see a demo!

Karo Rushe

Updated: Added the Groups & Races (Well, Missing the Humans, but, it's pretty obvious isn't it?)

And Two New Support Signatures with either Group =<

Karo Rushe

& as of Today, Translated Soul-Rave's Title, Fault Babelfish if it means something else, because I know Twilight Hoax doesn't give the "Correct" Meaning.

Next Update, Expect the Whole Cast of Characters updated & adding their Sprites bases, New Screenshots of both scenes, CGs & Menu Screenshots, Update the New Features & Removes some of the scratched ones & (Finally) Yuki Kajiura's Music Tracks that will be included in this Project <3

Edit: So, umm, yeah, I was bored & decided to 'clean up' a bit. So, check the 1st post & tell me what you guys think of it? =X

Karo Rushe

Ok, a new little update:

I decided to change the Opening Song "Joint" to one I was listening in my laptop *Didn't realize I had it* called "Hayate No Gotoku!", Changed it because Joint sorta goes with a Dramatic, Battle & sorta apocaliptic feeling of scenes, which, unfortunately, Seinarukana 2 doesn't posses much fighting scenes, yet of ones I want. So, I changed it to something for the time being, thou, if anyone has a better suggestion, I'll gladly hear them =) & even credit.

I am looking for Songs to use as Openings, so, yeah, Hayate no Gotoku! is temporal, until I find one I like & can make it sorta go with the Openning =<

Code Geass

*loves this song*


lol, I thought for quite a while about using this as my own, but um....idk, there wasn't as much of a beat as I wanted it to have, plus, I didn't listen to this over 150 times as I don't have the mp3 XD

I guess you should just listen to something like a radio, write down any song you like :\ Hard to say though, good luck with picking one though XD

Karo Rushe

Hmm, I quite like it, but as you said, sorta missing the beat I need =3.

But now searching for it to use as a "Insert Song". =X For a certain "Event" in the game. <smirk>

Code Geass

I always wanted to make something like that, like in the best dramatic moments of anime's, they'll play a song in the back ground instead of just regular BGM, it always makes me feel so sad and hooked >_> Especially in the first kiss scene in RxJ, omg, loved it XD

I've yet to find the perfect song for something like that though :P

Karo Rushe

;p Well the song fits for like "Looking back all this Time, & Now, I can't stop thinking of you, since the first day I lay eyes on you" like moment. <lol, that just sounded both romantic & cliche <3> =p So, I sorta know on what to use it. yet still, I am looking >__>;; (Radio Onlines you meant btw?)

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Found something, rather sparkling:

lol, Expect a "Soul-Raves 1: Nocturne Gospela" Comming by next year if I can get the CGs & Finish First Twilight Hoax =3

but yeah, pretty much, I like that music. >3

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

If you think that's Crazy Monkeydlu, wait or search for JOINT & Blaze by Kotoko, now that's Crazily Fast & Insane xD

=< But yeah, Entangled Destiny, is crazy much, but I like the cgs <3 & zeh song. -Not to mention it's Mai-HiME <3 <3


So, it gives me an Idea of how to pull off the whole "Soul-Raves 2 Opening" x3

Code Geass

lol, just watched all four openings, compared to the first seasons, Blaze and Joint are seriously way to rock XD idk, it fits though, :P

is the show good? I've got the first season burned on cds but I've never bothered to watch past ep2, dun know why, just kinda lost time and interest XD

modern algebra

Congratulations Caro! This is the Anniversary Project of the Month! Exclamation Marks!

I'll send you a stock PM with details soon.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: monkeydlu on April 01, 2008, 02:28:15 AM
lol, just watched all four openings, compared to the first seasons, Blaze and Joint are seriously way to rock XD idk, it fits though, :P

is the show good? I've got the first season burned on cds but I've never bothered to watch past ep2, dun know why, just kinda lost time and interest XD
I'll be sincere, It gets better as the story develops. But 2nd season sorta has it's Good Moments, The Awesome Fighting Moments, & The Moment which you wish to get a shotgun & like kill everyone or a certain person =X (lol).

Quote from: modern algebra on April 01, 2008, 03:47:07 AM
Congratulations Caro! This is the Anniversary Project of the Month! Exclamation Marks!

I'll send you a stock PM with details soon.
0_0 I was about to faint *Thus the long pause to reply*

<3 This is, quite unexpected.

:=: Thanks Everyone . . . I'd have to make something up in celebration of the Project of the Month Anniversary
& Soul Raves 2 been the chosen one for April. <3

~ Caro Ru Lushe

(I am waiting for the Stock PM with the Details)

Code Geass

Yay! congrats Caro! (lol, somehow or another I can still make out who's saying what XD)


Congratulations on POTM!

Edit - This is my first time posting in this thread? That's odd. I could have sworn that I posted in here before.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Zylos on April 02, 2008, 01:14:44 AM
Congratulations on POTM!

Edit - This is my first time posting in this thread? That's odd. I could have sworn that I posted in here before.
Thanks =3 & yeah, I get the feeling you posted before, odd. >__>;;

@Monkeydlu: it's Rolph's April Fool's Thing xD lol, like the Pink Theme used in Valentine's Day!

=x I'll get something 'special', soon, I hope, ugh, ok, once I make my find >__>;;




Oh congrats Caro/DAS or whatever your name is.
You're so cute. <3

Karo Rushe

<3 Thanx Emidy & Sithlord

I am sorta thinking, if I make the Games CGs & Characters Sketches Myself. =/ Thou it would look Chibi-ish.

<sigh> But at least we get moar CGs & Moar Events, & Moar Sex Scenes!!!!!!!!!

=___=;; But I dunno since then the Date would be pulled off more. Thou I can just make up to a Demo & Release it easily. <Yet still looking for programs to paint pictures easily & less frustrating than Photoshop*


If you want, I can look for Spirit of The Eternal Sword resources for you.

Infact, I think I can get all of the visual resources for it if you want (Including H-scenes).

EDIT: The CG pack is over 701MB, so you may need to tell me what you want to upload (If you don't want them all that is). If you want all of them I'll be happy to upload the whole thing.

Code Geass

hm... well if your going to do that, you should make all original designs. There should be alot of reasources for sprite of eternity sword 2, it shoudln't be a huge problem, but original stuff is always impressive.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: Tezuka on April 05, 2008, 05:54:39 PM
If you want, I can look for Spirit of The Eternal Sword resources for you.

Infact, I think I can get all of the visual resources for it if you want (Including H-scenes).

EDIT: The CG pack is over 701MB, so you may need to tell me what you want to upload (If you don't want them all that is). If you want all of them I'll be happy to upload the whole thing.
The fact is I need the Battle CGs, & the Sprite Battlers used. Other than that, The Narukana Character Picture of her from the Menu selection but with  the Battlers & Animations, I think I would not need them that much.

Quote from: monkeydlu on April 05, 2008, 06:32:57 PM
hm... well if your going to do that, you should make all original designs. There should be alot of reasources for sprite of eternity sword 2, it shoudln't be a huge problem, but original stuff is always impressive.

It is mostly because I wanna add Klyron's Transformation & Shinary's Mage Robes =/ & Some more Character Scenes.

*Wish there was moar Thalia H-scenes* =( Other than that, Mostly the Sprites is all I want, I might make it side-view, but then would have to edit a lot of the battle pictures content)


Judging from the very strange size of 701MB for pictures, I think it will cover everything you are looking for.

I'll check when it is finished for you.  :)

Karo Rushe

Ok Tezuka, thank you a lot, I dunno what I'd do without you  :tpg:

Tell me once it finishes up what it has to know.

~ Caro Ru Lushe


Well, the speed keeps changing, so this should be done by tommorow before I wake up (hopefully). :tpg:

But I took a look in the folder where it is being saved, there are four RARs:

I'm not good at Japanese, but I think the first is a special/extra CGs pack, the second is a Wallpaper pack, the fourth is the Limited Edition Material Book but I can't figure out the third one (I may have mistranslated them, I'm not that good with the Japanese language). Hopefully it is what you need. :)

Code Geass

oh yeah, I was about to say, I've downloaded that before, but it was all two so I deleted it.

It should cover pretty much everything though, but as for the sprites, well, you'll have to rip them from the game itself.

Personally, I took a look at all them, and I just felt that I could do better, and get more experience if I made it myself, I was VERY VERY wrong XD lol, but I'm to far to turn back so no use trying to get someone to rip them now :P

Karo Rushe

 :-\ Bugga, Those are the Events, Characters, Frames & Artbook. Which four I have. The sprites aren't there nor the battle CGs. <sigh> Probably the Game File would benefit as I can get someone to extract the remaining parts I need >__>;;


Damn, sorry Caro.

I found a torrent for the game, but it is a huge 5.21GB. If I can, I can try downloading it and ripping the sprites myself if you want me to (When my brother isn't at my house, which is six days a week).

EDIT: Game added to watch list. :)

Karo Rushe

That would help a lot Tezuka. =) Thanks. I can live with that. =3

+ Rep

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Karo Rushe

Added the Logo Title made by Kenso Himura

& Added the other tracks musics I am planning to add & see if I can make the Opening bit more combined.

Note: It is still in decision wether I Use Seinarukana 2's CGs or Original Artwork.

~ Caro Ru Lushe



Also, weren't you going to use my wolfperson sprite?

Anyway, keep up the arsome work.


Quote from: Dertt on April 10, 2008, 04:52:23 AM

Also, weren't you going to use my wolfperson sprite?

Anyway, keep up the arsome work.

I bet they are like reallly skilled and keep the secrets to em self lol or somehow use photoshop *Shrugs*.

Also, keep up the great work CRL, everything is awesome.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

lol, The Wolf,  cannot appear, for it would spoil many things =o

anyways, a little expectation from April:

There might be a Funny "Mini-Game" =< To be post for enjoyment.

Karo Rushe

Forgive me, as I had been lately, troubled with University Work as it had started to bug with my daily life, & even made me stop working on the game fixing bugs & such.

<sigh> I was planning to release a special April's Beta, as a way to celebrate, but I haven't gotte the thing stopped & some stuff fixed for such special as a thanks for this been selected as project of the Month & Anniversary. ;=;

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Code Geass

don't worry D: life can get in the way of alot of things, for better or for worse, hope your doing good at school though, lol, I'm still young enough to have too much free time :P

and hey, aprils still got a week left x.x ahh... schools going to be over soon... omg, the through can't get through. Keep at it ^_~

Karo Rushe

Hopefully, I would, but I gotta return back o work on an Assigment =<

Was just checking >__>;; Hopefully.

Karo Rushe

Ok, I had been busy in University here, at last finished my proyect I had to write about Stress & Nutrition for my Health class. -.-;;

Expect, on tomorrow, a small, preview >3

Code Geass

great! can't wait, meh, I'm still waiting... I might just release it though, lol, to tired of waiting >_>

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

I got something in mind, something that will make more sence to this, seen as how it can be a Second, if there should be a 1st.

& not gonna affect that greatly to the work I have at this moment >=)


Gah, now all that's left, is the Graphics stuff.

=< & to celebrate the yet late Project of the Month with a Demo of it.

modern algebra

I'll put a stop to your theft of two days for Project of the Month :P

Sorry about that by the way, I haven't been on for a couple of days, and forgot about it. It will soon be fixed.

Karo Rushe

With that fix, now I have to sit back, & fix some minor bugs, change . . . <sigh> the Screenshots & the first post.
Thou, multiple changes has taken place, including Scripts. (For some weird reason, I can't get to CP to update these scripts which continue to get Errors.) At least the story isn't affected =X

Quote from: modern algebra on May 03, 2008, 03:03:06 AM
I'll put a stop to your theft of two days for Project of the Month :P

Sorry about that by the way, I haven't been on for a couple of days, and forgot about it. It will soon be fixed.
lol, Aleluya, I was getting bad Karma from my two day theft :V =X great to be off the hook, thou update in the 1st post in the Project of the Month, we may want to evade this one getting promoted twice by Accident just because the title changed >_>;;

Karo Rushe

- Userbars remove & updated *Pardon for the change & Limits of characters*
- Characters: Only left the Main two characters.
- Removed the Fawork I did. It's only there for Other people's fanwork.
- Uploading Teaser Trailer, Hoping this time it won't say error again.

~ Caro Ru Lushe

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Teaser Trailer 1 "death & the key" has been Uploaded

At 1st Page, download section below the demo.


Yay, more teasers which are over in less than a minute. No offense, but the teaser was short, and I didn't really think I got anything out of it. I personally had no idea what the fuck was going on.

The last name of the guy who you quoted in the beginning seems familiar....

Code Geass

holy hell, a 43 mb teaser? You should've made it seperate :/

anyways, downloading now x.x


tried it, it was kindof disappointing in that it could've been evented much much smoother, it was kindof half baked, it was nice to finally see things in action though. Sadly, no real interest held, but try try try again. You have the idea, just don't rush it.


Hmm. One thing you might wanna do is center the text there in the beginning. If you're using Ccoa's UMS (Which I think you are) it says in the directions at the top how to do it.

All in all, it was nice to finally see things in action, like monkeydlu said. I actually don't mind being kinda thrown into things. Haha. Lots of teasers do that sort of thing. XD Still anticipating the demo in July.  :)


Karo Rushe

Thanks for the comments at least. =)

The teaser can let one down easily if one can't seem to have read at least what the story is about. I might work on another one, smoother & with more time.

& also, New updated Screenshots, & Two new userbars back from the grave (Shinary & popular favorite . . . Lloid)
*It was a pain to wipe out 20 screenshots from Twilight Hoax*
I notice when I uploaded the 2nd screenshot, the error, priority set of a wall accidentally ate the swords & the top of the Item storage case. <will be fix later> & also:

[spoiler=Save menu weeeeeeeeeeh!!!][/spoiler]


I really like the new screenshots! Maps are looking very good. :) Something looks a little odd to me on that one where you have the movie bars during the conversation though. Just the way their heads are kinda cut off at the top.

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Quote from: sithlord999 on May 13, 2008, 01:40:23 AM
I really like the new screenshots! Maps are looking very good. :) Something looks a little odd to me on that one where you have the movie bars during the conversation though. Just the way their heads are kinda cut off at the top.
Mostly a lag problem, since those scenes came after a scene. Specifically one like which little Releena speaks with the Obidian Lord =X
Quote from: monkeydlu on May 13, 2008, 02:06:22 AM
greatness :D
=X Wait ti'll I reach further & make more scenes to screenshot, then it'll be awesome >3

Thou, btw Monkeydlu, will like to ask, if I can request a few more sprites thou, when your open & not too busy working on CF. =X I'd repay you in any way, besides finishing Akane ;p

Karo Rushe

Ok, New feature: Two new Characters make a "Cameo" Appearence in the game =P from two RPG Maker Games.

Karo Rushe

New screeshots, beware of Shady Messages, like the one Uriku found. lol

Karo Rushe

Here' an Experiment I'm doing
[spoiler=Klyron vs. 3x Spirit BERSERKER][/spoiler]

The Return of side-view battle non-animated o Soul-Rave =X

Thou, It glitches & lags, having problem with some skills & such.
Plus the lack of Characters sprites pictures to find on the web, Makes me think I'd might have to put the Game's release even further until either I find the sprites or the Game finishes to download or put the ever-known-default-battle-system. =)

Code Geass

wow, that looks NIIICe

I'd say definetly go for it, I would've but have you see the first aselia's battlers? >_> Agh, the style is so weird, I like these way much more.

You should find yourself someone who knows how to seriously rip things, commission or something as it might be a huge job, but I think it'd be very worth it XD

Karo Rushe

It's Not Animated thou, I would love that 100% but I know of no one who can rip the game, I'll simply just screenshot & Edit the Battlers =X Kinda wish to add them animated, but I see it not happening with the scripts been incompatibable with Blizzard's ToAo & CRL Systems.

[spoiler=Twilight Hoax Title Screen?][/spoiler]

[spoiler]With the Fan disc of Seinarukana After, Twiliht Hoax might have very little CGs & Knowing Xuse lost some of the people from the Aselia department, I might think I may have trouble releasing the Sequels & having to re-use the same materials from this one[/spoiler]

Quote from: monkeydlu on May 25, 2008, 02:37:56 PM
I'd say definetly go for it, I would've but have you see the first aselia's battlers? >_> Agh, the style is so weird, I like these way much more.
Fault 2d =P Seinarukana sorta beats Aselia in Graphics & Gameplay, but in plotwise Story & Characters, Aselia Wins =X

Code Geass

change script to Minkoff's, and you can probably find someone from spriter's resource and if not, you can start looking up some tutorials and learn how to rip yourself XD Riping's a pretty useful skill after all.

the programs for it seems too technical for someone lazy like me though :P using screenshots, takes waaay to long >_>

Karo Rushe

 :=: Maybe so, but I'll do that, after I release The Beta =< don't want to put the game's release further because of rippig & Waiting for he game to download!

=) Also, you realize I edit that last post? (lol)

Code Geass

ah, the title screen looks pretty sweet, but I think that would do much better as like a topic starter or something, as it's not exactly big enough for a title screen XD

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

[spoiler=Releena Speaks to Ansem][/spoiler]
[spoiler=The Lighters death by . . .]No Pictures, it'll spoil the fun =3[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Asaiji's 'Tragic' Speech Quote][/spoiler]

:V I call them as far as one of my favorites scenes, since it jumps from scene to scene Back & forth, but that . . . finish it, but my idea of the map I wanted didn't come nicely, still, adding Asaiji's Quote on the first page as update.


Nice screens.  :) Is that a Star Wars reference in the last one? lol

Karo Rushe

Quote from: sithlord999 on May 28, 2008, 08:53:23 PM
Nice screens.  :) Is that a Star Wars reference in the last one? lol

[spoiler]Yes =p.
I surely love that moment of Palpatine, simple put, Asaiji is like based on Emperor Palpatines/dark sidious in the ways she manipulates peoples emotions & fights with *****
=X [/spoiler]

& Why?




This is the best scene besides their battle sequence =X which will be a d*** b**ch to event, but truly one of Five of the best <3 ]=3 Ti'll July 21st . . .

Karo Rushe


I may need a script after all . . . but the problem lies, I don't have the graphics sprites nor the time to start to make them from scratch =O

I found a CB for three characters, might implement it . . . missing the Animated-Side-View & of course, the Game Seinarukana to grab & rip it's Battler Sprites. Ti'll then . . . Youtube's crappy videos of picture taken shall do for the moment.

<shivers> Any Comments on that? Battlers will be unil I get the game again that is =< & Rip it apart.

Code Geass

it's looking good, this'll be a huge draw once you have all the ripped material XD

Karo Rushe

 :P Or I can get sued for it. <cough>

Thou, I saw someone at .org using the same characters & made his own sprites. (I felt angry for no reason)

I have the cruddy flashes, now . . . . it just feels odd that their graphics won't look awesome, but nonetheless

=X Time to "Rip"

Code Geass

lol, ripping is a art in itself, who cares about getting sued XD just give them your fake address :P

Karo Rushe

A Character quiz I made some time ago:

The quiz is not 100% accurate, as many got Klyron & the result cannot be seen well, so I post them here >___>;;;

My result: (Except for the Emo Part & the spoilers)

[spoiler=Contains spoilers of the game in some of these descriptions]


Code Geass


XD thats frikking awesome! XD

Ming id I steal the idea? X3


I got monica XD

Karo Rushe


Just took it. XD I got Lloid. He's the same person on my Soul-Raves support bar too. lol

Code Geass

I think that fits me pretty well actaully XD

but O_O Seth is a evil Maniac with a god complex O_O

lol, sounds plausible, for better or for worse XD

Karo Rushe

:< In a way, it fits Sith since his nick, well, you get the idea x3

XD Lloid is not that evil, is just that, the route of actions he's taking, makes him evil Throu Klyron & the party's perspective =X



modern algebra


Your conscience.


Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

=X Well, seem everyone is enjoying the quiz . . . yet, here's a little screeny from the game while I was testing it:

[spoiler][/spoiler] of course, the title is just a wimp . . . not the greatest screeny but, still =X luv Fianna's WoL


where did you get the battelers and sprites? and if you can't give me aling could you post a download or something plz

Karo Rushe

The Sprites are Custom & the Battler for the Characters were taken from Ingame pictures *ti'll I get Seinarukana again*.

So, the sprites are not available to the public yet.

Code Geass

you really shouldn't just ask for other people's resources like that, it's very rude, but either way, she already answered your question, they will be released when she is ready to release them or whenever she feels like it, and the battlers like she said were made from screenshots of the game she used them from.

screenshots, meaning she had to physically cut out the battler image, you can't search up those. If you want to know what game their from, look at the CREDITS.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: monkeydlu on June 08, 2008, 02:27:53 AM
you really shouldn't just ask for other people's resources like that, it's very rude, but either way, she already answered your question, they will be released when she is ready to release them or whenever she feels like it, and the battlers like she said were made from screenshots of the game she used them from.

screenshots, meaning she had to physically cut out the battler image, you can't search up those. If you want to know what game their from, look at the CREDITS.

That sounds a bit angry, but it is true =o Please check the credits, as it tells from who they are.

=p Also, I should get back to work, I have been playing around with Touhou Scarlette Weather Rhapsody for long enough >__>;;


Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


sry i did't mean  to sound rude i realy new sry sry srysry sry :( :( :(


i was just worndering ( i'm not trying to be mean or rude) but, i searched on google all the creaded things but yet no screans or any thing why is that? ???

wintersoltice far ...the game looks great...:) :D
can't wait to play the demo  :D

i just hope that you won't upload it to yousendit, megaupload and rapidshare ......
as they have limited (slots/bandwidth/don't know what's the correct word) for free-user...... :'(
megaupload forces people to download its toolbar ,which is not useful...

Karo Rushe

Thanks ^^

Thou it may depend, the file is not something small . . . so, it might depend actually, can't promise anything there.


Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

The full game is 1GB . . .  =/ The full one, not the demo that coming on July 21st (Without the OP & EN that is).



I'm gonna need to save room on this tank that I call a computer -.-
Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

Lol, I wasn't joking when I said the game was long  :P I am just remaking part of those maps for everyone's entertainment! <3

Code Geass


one gig?


you know, I had a lecture once about how size dosn't make a good game in any way.

Hell, professional game developers make great games, best selling even, and pack them into small cartridges filled with 10mb at max.


seriously, how the hell do you even manage 1 gig? The MMOs I play are one gig!


Rethink your plans very very carefully caro >_> I mean it, one gig is not smart or healthy and does not look good at all, for that matter, it looks terrible, very unprofessional, and I'm still wondering how the hell your going to fill it with one gig.

even if you are using mp3s, you have to be hoarding resources for unparticular reasons to reach that much, and if your using bit map, shame on you D:


ok, throwing out all professionalism perspective here as well as any sense of successful game making.

you won't be able to host a one GIG file on any free server, you'll be having to fork over cash to host something like that.

other wise, you'll have to split you game up into 4 or 5 parts in order for people to download it, if you want it encrypted, the game without the audio files better be under 300mb or you'll have to upload it in separate uncrypted parts.

but really, looking at this whole thing WITH a more realistic as well as professional point of view, 1gb was as ridiculous as those 100+ hours of game play crap.

start cleaning up -_-

(Btw, the op + ed won't go over even go over 15mb)

this lecture was for your own good...... listen to it >_> Rethink your future perspective of anyone ever downloading a rmxp game thats a gig, for that matter realize you won't be able to even host such a thing without forking over money.

Karo Rushe

It's the story that makes it long >___>;;

Which mostly is a main reason to remake & divide in two games . . .

:mad: Even so, I am working on that, there's too much at stake here.

Code Geass

how does story take up space? >_> oh well, good luck, I don't think your actaully going to actually fill that much space, it's not possible unless you horde resources, might some misunderstandings.

A long story won't make things any bigger at all, most eventing might mean a few more KBs, thats it. A Game's size is pretty much 95% or more graphical and audio.
