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[2k3] Touhou Fantasy

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Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

*All shops that carried weapons and armor have been redone. No longer can weapons and armor (and accessories) be bought in the middle of the dungeon. Several weapons were outright removed (but are still in the database if needed), and many have been revamped in terms of stats and prices.
*Mist Robe now gives -70 DEF, 70 MAG, 10 SPD, increased Evasion, Auto-Blink, Water/Fire Resist Up, and allows access to several character's level 2 secondary commands.
*Raven Armor and Raven Cloak now allow access to several character's level 2 secondary commands. Raven Armor now gives Blind -100%, while Raven Cloak gives Silence -100%.
*Heavy Robe now gives 55 DEF, -20 SPD, Blunt/Slash Resist Up, and Regen: 10 Turns.
*Saigyouji Robe has been removed.
*Tao Robe now gives 30 MAG, 0 DEF, and Holy/Physical/Shadow Resist Up.
*Atlas now gives 30 ATK, 10 DEF, -30 MAG, Earth/Pierce Resist Up, and Blind/Confusion -100%.
*Soul Armor now gives Auto-Regen and Auto-MP Sap. Soul Armor now prevents Zombie.
*Soul Cloak (originally Soul Cape) now gives Auto-MP Regen and Auto-Sap. Soul Cloak now prevents Zombie.
*Soul Barrier now prevents Zombie.


*Zombie status now exists in the game. Zombie reverses the effects of healing except those caused by events (such as Fairy Circle), including items (but not all items). Zombie can be prevented by equipping the Soul Armor, Soul Cloak, and Soul Barrier, and cured by using the Holy Water. Characters innately immune to zombie are: Remilia, Mokou, Suwako, Hope, and Komachi. Youmu has 40% chance of being inflicted by Zombie, while everyone else has a 80% chance of being inflicted by it.
*The vast majority of healing items and abilities will damage any character under Zombie status.
*Doom status now exists in the game for the player to be inflicted with. Doom status lasts 20 turns, and can be prevented either by equipping a piece of equipment that prevents Instant Death, and can be removed only via Hope's Vortex, Esuna, and Esunaga, or Chaos's Black Hole abilities.

And with that update, I will now release this update to the game for everyone to try out and enjoy! Beta5 is still in the works, but a lot of little things here and there, mostly bosses and the like, have been updated quite a bit. If anyone is willing to go through the game and give it another testrun to make sure things are fine and dandy, or if they just want to experience the new updated bosses, that'd be great too! At some point, there will be another update patch for fixing the status resistances for enemies too, so be on the look out for that! I want to incorporate status effects heavily into gameplay to make them more useful for the player, but I haven't gotten to that yet since I'm still working on the main game. ^^;

The current update is here, and will always be named this. Just keep an eye on the date and all should be fine!


Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Been a while folks! Hope ya didn't miss me? ^^

So, while I discussed this with Locke a while back, I am in need of further analysis and ideas for this skillset. You see, I have a character coming up that's temporary playable (then an extended temporary playable character afterwards) that's in need of skills for her skillset. In addition, after she's no longer playable, the skillset mostly transfers over to Hope. So, I'm trying to make two skillsets that are mostly the same between the two characters. However...I am afraid that what me and Locke came up with just isn't going to cut it. For those who are interested, the character's abilities (Chaos) are: high physical strength and manipulation of Void/Space, so the abilities are themed around that to a degree. Of note, when Hope gets the skillset (which is right before final dungeon), most characters should be hitting around 2000-2500 with their strongest skills (4000 for most characters with ultimates. 4000+ for some characters, but they typically have A) High MP Costs, B) Low accuracy, or C) Both).


*Ruin: Inflicts 2000 non-elemental magic damage to one enemy.
*Ruinga: Inflicts 2000 non-elemental magic damage to all enemies.
*Twin Comet: First use charges up attack, second use will inflict 4000 non-elemental magic damage to all enemies.
*Undo: After X turns, the party's HP and MP are restored to the value set when the ability is first used.
*Counter Ruin: Counters with an unblockable Ruin to one random target when damaged. Will not activate if Hope is under Poison, Venom, or Sap.
**Post-Apocalypse: Only appears after Counter Ruin has successfully triggered 5 times in the same battle. Inflicts 5000 non-elemental damage to all enemies, then is removed from the skillset.
**Supernova: Requires 4 charges to use. Inflicts 8000 Fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
**Cosmic Break: ????


*Almagest: Inflicts damage to all enemies equal to a % of Chaos's current HP.
*Grand Cross: Random chance to inflict any level 10 status to all enemies.
*Galaxy Stop: Same as Sakuya's "Sakuya's World" skill.

Hope does not get Almagest, Grand Cross, or Galaxy Stop at all, since those are supposed to be unique to Chaos alone. I'm very uncertain about Almagest right now out of those 3 (Grand Cross is...what it typically is in the FF series. Galaxy Stop is identical to what it does in the boss fight against her earlier in the game). As for the skills they both share, Ruin and Ruinga are both fine I feel. Undo is also fine, but everything else I'm very uncertain about. Like...they sound good on paper, but I feel the execution and whatnot behind them just wouldn't work out nicely at all.

So with that said and done, what suggestions/ideas do you guys have, if any?

Also, gonna give current update patch since it's probably needed. Fixes some issues here and there.


Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
What's done currently!


*All basic elemental rings now cost 2000 yen instead of 4000 yen. This may change later if I ever get the attribute plugin working!


*Equipping the following to the following characters will now allow them access to the level 2 variants of their passives or secondary commands:

*Reimu: Pray Lv2 (Shrine Maiden Sleeve, Arm Warmers, PC-98 Garb, Raven Armor), Pray Lv3 (Divine Red-White)
*Marisa: Mug (Black Cat, Up Sweeper), Bandit (Burglar Garb, Raven Armor), Master Thief (Mist Robe)
*Cirno: Eternal Bond Lv2 (Baka Dress, Frostbite, Raven Armor), Eternal Bond Lv3 (Critical Freeze, 0K), Double Summon (Baka Dress, 0K, Raven Armor)
*Aya: Intel Lv2 (Raven Armor)
*Meiling: Chakra Lv2 (Force of Qi, Raven Armor), Chakra Lv3 (Star Breaker), Restore HP Lv2 (Rainbow Dress, Selaginella), Restore HP Lv3 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)
*Patchouli: Mana Reserves Lv2 (Elemental Robe, Raven Cloak), Mana Reserves Lv3 (Five Elements), Doublecast Lv2 (Twin Elemental, Mist Robe), Doublecast Lv3 (Seven Element Robe)
*Reisen: Apothecary Lv2 (Medical Gown), Apothecary Lv3 (Business Suit), Insanity Lv2 (Bunny Outfit, Raven Armor), Insanity Lv3 (Lunar Jacket)
*Momiji: Mad Rush Lv2 (Valiant Heart, Ultimatus, Raven Armor), Mad Rush Lv3 (Soul Edge, Soul Calibur), Last Stand Lv2 (Great Tengu Robe, High Rank), Last Stand Lv3 (Yamabushi Garb)
*Nitori: Chemist (Aqua Jacket, Raven Armor), Mirror Items (Sherlock Jacket), Metal Detector (Sherlock Jacket)
*Youmu: Bonecrusher Lv2 (Phantasmagoria, Northern Lights), Bonecrusher Lv3 (Oblivion, Oathkeeper)
*Komachi: Money Talks (One World, Raven Armor), Ransom (Reaper Cloak)
*Yuuka: Threaten Lv2 (Twinkle Star, Riviera, Infernal Geyser, Raven Armor), Threaten Lv3 (Perfect Green)
*Mokou: Sacrifice Lv2 (Healing Touch, Ghost Shell, Raven Armor), Sacrifice Lv3 (Omni Weapon, Flare Arms)
*Remilia: Amok (Noble's Dress)
*Hope: Revive Lv2 (Raven Cloak, Mist Robe), Cup of Life Lv2 (Mist Robe)
*Yumemi: Restore Lv2 (Raven Cloak, Mist Robe)
*Sanae: Recover Lv2 (Raven Armor)
*Suwako: Find Passages (KeroKero Armor, Anti-Snake Armor, Mountain Protector, Faithful Aura, Mishaguji's Scourge), Mishaguji's Curse Lv2 (Anti-Snake Armor, Faithful Aura), Mishaguji's Curse Lv3 (Mishaguji's Scourge)
*Koishi: Learning Lv2 (Raven Cloak, Mist Robe)
*Utsuho: Kamikaze Lv2 (Raven Armor)
*Nue: Morph Lv2 (Raven Armor)

*Hope's Gloom skillset is mostly done. Only Desperation (MP cost) and Jealousy Grasp (coding) need done. Jealousy Grasp may need reworked to be something different however. Hope's Chaos skillset (and therefore Chaos's skillset as well) is still underway as well.
*Hope may gain a few new abilities in her default skillset to replace Protect, Faith, and Bravery. These are:

**Angelsong: Restores minor HP to the party and grants Regen: 50 turns.
**Saint's Spirit: Doubles healing effectiveness on party.
**Extend: Resets durations of all statuses on party.

Saint's Spirit is the one that I'm unsure about right now, seeing as healing is pretty good in this game (AFAIK). Any suggestions for Hope's default skillset is more than welcomed.

*Rinnosuke's Aegis no longer grants Tetra status. In fact, Tetra, Omni, Physical, and Magic statuses are removed for now until further notice since I want to really try to implement the attribute plugin to make doing the coding easier but...never know.
*Utsuho's Kamikaze has been changed. Level 1 now deals damage equal to Utsuho's Max HP x3 instead of x4, Lv2 deals x4 instead of x6, and Lv3 deals x5 instead of x8.

And with that said, for those who are waiting on progress, I'll give this teaser video!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5TzDG5N16Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5TzDG5N16Q</a>

Once again, I apologize profusely for how long this game is taking to finish. Lack of motivation is a big killer, but combine that with wanting to do other things (mostly Let's Plays) as well as some IRL stuff, and it's kinda hard to get the willpower to keep working on this. But I'm trying to finish it at least! ^^;
« Last Edit: April 18, 2016, 01:13:04 AM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So, here's what I have for ideas on skillsets (of note, for Byakuren, I already updated Yuugyou Hijiri and Mystic Fragrance).

For Suwako:

**Monstrous Toad God: Attempts to force enemies to flee from battle. The higher the level of the skill, the greater the chance of forcing enemies to flee. No rewards are given for enemies that flee in this manner. Starts at 25% or less of Suwako's level for enemies to flee at level 1 (if Suwako is level 50, then enemies of level 12-13 or less will flee at a 100% chance), with +25% each level up. Does not work on all enemies and fails on bosses.
**Native God's Curse: Deals X damage to all enemies, dealing more damage the more allies that are KO'd. Higher levels increase the amount of damage increased by how many dead allies there are. 4 levels.
**Blighted Earth: Attempts to halve all enemies status resistances for X turns. The duration of the turns increases the higher the level of the skill. 4 levels.
**Brave the Elements: Attempts to halve all elemental resistances on all enemies. Higher levels increases duration of debuff. 5 levels.
**Seven Stones:
**Full Sakura Blizzard: Cures various statuses depending on levels. Level 1 cures Death (character revive with 1 HP), Level 2 cures Heat, Level 3 cures Curse, Level 4 cures Zombie, and Level 5 cures Doom. Unsure if it will be single-target or AoE.
**Frog God: Doubles effect of chosen character's battle passive for X turn. Higher levels increases the duration of the buff. 5 levels.

For Byakuren:

**Omen in Purple Mist: Instantly kills any enemy below X% of their Max HP. Level 1 starts at 25%, with max level (level 6) ending at 50% Max HP. Does not work on all enemies, and fails on bosses.
**Cloudy Way in Purple: Grants Critical: ????. Higher levels increases the HP threhold for said ability to activate, starting at 25% Max HP and ending at 50% Max HP.
**Syncretism: As long as target is above X% Max HP, target will gain an Auto-ability. Starts at 90% at Level 1, ends at 65% at max level?
**Yuugyou Hijiri: Grants Protect, Bravery, Faith, and Haste (starting at 15 turns, up to 40 turns at max level) to Byakuren.
**Mystic Fragrance: Restores MP to the party equal to a random number between 0-20. Every level gains +20 to the random number, up to 100 at level 5. Max level restores MP equal to a random number between 0 and (100 + caster's level). MP cost for each level is the max MP recovery threshold for each level, with Lv6 costing 120.
**Air Scroll: Nullifies all physical damage to one target. Higher levels increases duration by +5 turns, to a max of 30 turns.
**Good Omen: Absorbs all damage equal to target's Max HP, then disappears. Will not work on damage that exceeds target's current HP or any effect that instantly kills target. Each level increases HP threshold by 20%, up to 200% Max HP.
**Flying Fantastica: Copies buffs (varies per level) to the rest of the party that Byakuren has.
**Magic Butterfly: Nullifies all magic damage to one target. Higher levels increases duration by +5 turns, to a max of 30 turns.
Star Sword Apologetics: Reduces all resistances of all enemies by half.

Byakuren no longer has Weapon Bless, and Suwako's Armor Status Bless MIGHT be moved to Reisen instead. The reasons for this is that Switch skills cannot appear in Skill Subsets, and if the Skill Subsets are put as Skills, then all abilities the character has will appear in there (for Byakuren, her Weapon Bless skills were appearing in both her Mystic command and Weapon Bless command. This is not desirable as I wanted to keep the two separate). I could make it so that all of the skills appear in the same skillset, but is that something that is desirable by the players? I do not know...

By the by, some of these I may not be able to do properly, and some will require a lot of testing. I am at least hoping this makes Suwako and Byakuren much more viable though. While I am updating these two, I am also debating on what to do for their new secondary commands, if Weapon Bless/Armor Bless skills are added into their normal skillset, and if I should have Nitori's Armor Bless skills be part of her Water command since it's so short anyways.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic


*No longer has Insanity command, but now has Suwako's Armor Status Bless command and skills.


*No longer has access to the Weapon Bless command.

**Omen in Purple Mist: Instantly kills any enemy below X% of their Max HP. Level 1 starts at 25%, with max level (level 6) ending at 50% Max HP. Does not work on all enemies, and fails on bosses. 12 MP at level 1, 42 MP at max level.
**Syncretism: Copies buffs (varies per level) to the rest of the party that Byakuren has. Level 2 versions of buffs at level 1, up to level 7 versions of buffs at max level. Any status that does not have a level higher than the current skill level will not have its duration improved. MP costs have not been implemented yet as the ability has yet to be coded.
**Yuugyou Hijiri: Grants Protect, Bravery, Faith, and Haste (starting at 15 turns, up to 40 turns at max level) to Byakuren. 18 MP at level 1, 64 MP at max level.
**Mystic Fragrance: Restores MP to the party equal to a random number between 0-20. Every level gains +20 to the random number, up to 100 at level 5. Max level restores MP equal to a random number between 0 and (100 + caster's level). MP cost for each level is the max MP recovery threshold for each level, with Lv6 costing 120. 20 MP at level 1, 120 MP at max level.
**Air Scroll: Nullifies all physical damage to one target. Higher levels increases duration by +5 turns, to a max of 30 turns. 18 MP at level 1, 85 MP at max level.
**Good Omen: Restores 1% Max HP and MP to target for 30 turns. Each level increases the healing by 1%, to a maximum of 6% Max HP/MP. 10 MP at level 1, 60 MP at max level.
**Flying Fantastica: While unit with buff is below X% Max MP, their MP will be refilled to that value until buff wears off. The higher the skill level, the higher the % threshold will be. Starts at 20% at level 1 and ends at 45% at max level. MP costs have not been adjusted yet. Suggestions are welcomed.
**Magic Butterfly: Nullifies all magic damage to one target. Higher levels increases duration by +5 turns, to a max of 30 turns. 18 MP at level 1, 85 MP at max level.


*No longer has Armor Status Bless.

What this means is that Suwako and Byakuren need new secondary commands that aren't skillsets. This also means that since Reisen's getting Armor Status Bless, she cannot have any skills that relies on Switches (which is why Suwako and Byakuren lost their secondary skillsets in the first place). I am not sure what to give either of them, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know. In addition, I am wrapping up Byakuren here soon (just need to get to Syncretism, which is gonna be a chore to code...). These are what I have in mind for the last 2 abilities to update on her, and then I'm going back to working on maps and events to progress beta5 further. Suwako, Reisen, and Nitori will have to wait until later for updates.

**Cloudy Way in Purple: Inflicts unblockable damage to all enemies depending on a base value + the number of buffs Byakuren has. The higher the skill level, the more damage the skill will do.
**Star Sword Apologetics: Reduces all resistances of all enemies by half.

I'm not really feeling it on either of these abilities at the current time, but I don't know. The first one is gonna be super hard to balance, and the second one I'm not really sure if that fits for her ultimate or not, which by the way she learns automatically at a point in beta5. This should HOPEFULLY make Byakuren much more viable to be used during the game, as she's supposed to be a key character for when the player gets her until later on.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Zero to Hero2013 Biggest Drama WhoreParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
Keep up the good work. :)
It's really cool to see somebody with such dedication when a large number of game are forgotten about in weeks.
To be able to continue marching forward.
Take the flame, light the torch, save the world.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
More updates! And with this, I'm almost done with Byakuren's full update! Just gotta get Cloudy Way in Purple and Star Sword Apologetics updated and she'll be good to go! Suwako/Nitori/Reisen are all going to be much later on. For now, working on adding in the new mini-dungeons (the caves between Makai and Gensokyo, as well as a couple optional dungeons) and Valley of Corpses (the next dungeon for beta5. All that's needed is to put in the enemies and treasures, then test the area myself and it'll be good to go!). Alot of progress is about to be made on the game since I'm currently on a LPing hiatus (just got done doing FFVII again, so that should take at least 20 more days before I run out of videos on that and before I decide on what to do next!). For now, this is what's new!



**Tiger Chi Release: MP costs reduced to 4 MP at level 1, +4 MP per level up (to maximum of 20 MP at max level). Now inflicts Bravery/Deprotect/Defaith on Meiling, starting at 10 turns at level 1, up to 30 turns at max level. No longer increases stats by a raw amount.


**Syncretism: Copies buffs (varies per level) to the rest of the party that Byakuren has. Level 2 versions of buffs at level 1, up to level 7 versions of buffs at max level. Any status that does not have a level higher than the current skill level will not have its duration improved.


**Dispel/Dispelga are now 100% accuracy instead of 70%.
**Decurse now cures Curse, Zombie, and Doom to one ally.
**No longer has Bravery, Faith, or Protect. Instead, now has the following in place of those, in addition to a new skill:

**Angelsong: Restores 700 base HP to the party and grants them Regen: 50. 28 MP.
**Wall: Halves all physical/magic damage for 50 turns to one ally. 58 MP.
**Starlight Barrier: Nullifies all physical/magic damage for 10 turns to one ally. 40 MP.
**Extend: Resets the durations of all buffs to one ally. 16 MP.


**Suwako no longer has Armor Status Bless, which has been moved to Reisen. In its place is the Hibernate command, which puts Suwako to sleep for 10 turns but restores 100 HP and 5 MP every turn. At level 2, it restores 200 HP and 10 MP every turn, and at level 3, it restores 400 HP and 20 MP every turn.

**The damage on all AoEs have been reverted to their original damage values. MP costs will be adjusted on these later on.


**Yuugenmagan now is no longer immune to Blind and Silence. He now has a 60% chance of being inflicted by Blind, as well as a 20% chance for Silence and Lock.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So it has been decided, thanks to LockeZ for brainstorming with me! This is what will happen with Nitori!

P (Starts): Restores 200 HP.
Lapis: Restores 500 HP.
Large P: Restores 1000 HP.
1-Up: Revives a KO'd ally with 10% Max HP.
Antidote (Starts): Cures Poison and Venom.
Faith: Cures all negative statuses except Death, Zombie, and Doom.
Holy Water: Cures Zombie, Doom, Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith, Fear, and Cursed.
Strength Tonic: Grants Bravery: 25 turns to one ally.
Iron Draft: Grants Protect: 25 turns to one ally.
Sage's Wisdom: Grants Faith: 25 turns to one ally.
Speed Drink: Grants Haste: 25 turns to one ally.
Healing Spring: Grants Regen: 25 turns to one ally.
Bottle Rocket (Or Knot of Rust): Inflicts minor unblockable damage to one enemy (100-150 base damage).
Big Bottle Rocket (Or S-Mine): Inflicts moderate unblockable damage to one enemy (500 base power).
Multi-Bottle Rocket (Or 8-Inch Cannon): Inflicts major unblockable damage to one enemy (1000-2000 base power)
Neutralizer (or Dispel Tonic): Removes all buffs from one enemy. May inflict minor Mystic-elemental/non-elemental damage as well.
HP Sucker: Drains HP from one enemy.

Gear Change: Inflicts GearC on Nitori that lasts 30 turns. While status is on, all current Stock commands that can have an EX version will become EX. EX versions are half-powered of the original versions, but is still affected by Chemist/Mirror Items. If Nitori doesn't have the status, they will be back to normal. Depending on weapon equipped, the duration will be increased by 10 turns, up to +20 turns.

*For P, Lapis, Large P, Faith, 1-Up, and Holy Water, the player will need to bring X amount of those items to the crafting shop and use them for Nitori to permanently learn those skills. They will cost 0 MP whenever she uses them. For all other skills, how they will be obtained I have not decided yet. Should they be bought from the shop? Obtained from the crafting shop just like Nitori's other skills?

*Neutralizer, Bottle Rocket, Big Bottle Rocket, Multi-Bottle Rocket, and Faith will not have an EX version of them.

So that's that! Optical Camouflage may still get updated, but that's not a big priority at the moment. Reisen is in the midst of being updated. This is what I have so far:

Original versions:

**Ultraviolet Field: Cures Poison.
**Eyesight Cleaning: Cures Blind.
**Weak Heart: Cures Sleep.
**Disorder Eye: Cures Berserk.
**Mind Bending: Cures Confusion.
**Corolla Glance: Cures Paralyze.
**Ripple Vision: Cures Sleep/Silence.
**Undersense Break: Cures Petrify/Freeze/Stop.

Current updated versions:

**Ultraviolet Field: Cures Slow, Stop, Heat.
**Eyesight Cleaning: Cures Blind.
**Weak Heart: Cures Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith, Fear, Paralyze.
**Disorder Eye: Cures Confusion, Berserk.
**Mind Bending: Cures Lock, Disable.
**Corolla Glance: Cures Sap, MP Sap.
**Ripple Vision: Cures Silence.
**Undersense Break: Cures Sleep.

I'm trying to make her status healing skills be more thematic, but it's really, really hard. I was suggested to make them also grant immunity to the statuses they heal, but that seems like overkill (and I can't remove and inflict a status on the same skill anyways). Plus, Reisen has Armor Status Bless anyways so yeah. Any suggestions on Reisen's skills will be much appreciated.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
While I'm trying to get Extend to work (because it's not working as intended), I already got the Valley of Corpses - Dimensional Rift and the next event fully coded out (just have to fix dialogue errors and set up the boss fight for the new event), and then it's back to doing more event fixing before Frozen Fields happens! I'm going to need some suggestions for enemies here, but I'll get to that in a bit.

For anyone who has gotten up to beta5 so far, and at least got up to Hollowed Caverns, if you are interested in beta testing the newest sections and dungeons for beta5, please let me know. Of course, I need people who haven't overgrinded (because there are people who got to like level 50 or higher while waiting on stuff, or actually maxed out character stats by grinding stat boosting items and the like). Recommended levels around level 25-30, if possible. 35 is acceptable too I believe for this section. EXP and whatnot will be adjusted at a later date, but those levels are what I need (my Marisa, for instance, was level 35 I believe, while my Hope was level 30. Everyone else was around level 25-28). I definitely need people to test out enemies and whatnot to make sure they're balanced as I already know how to deal with them myself, so it's super easy for me to abuse their weaknesses and the like. I didn't even abuse their status weaknesses (yes, enemies are actually pretty vulnerable to some statuses now. That's something I'm trying to fix up on enemies for certain).

The following sections/dungeons are what's needed for testing (in spoilers):

Spoiler for:
Hollowed Caverns
Hollowed Caverns - Dimensional Rift
Shinki's Scenario
Rinnosuke's Scenario. This one needs heavy testing for good reasons.
Pandaemonium Downtime
Corpse Cave
Valley of Corpses
Valley of Corpses - Dimensional Rift

This will require me to upload the most recent version of the game if you are interested in testing this out. In addition, if anyone is really bored and want to help out, feel free to play through from the start and test out enemies, see what status resistance or moveset changes enemies could use, etc. etc. Or, try to go through without grinding too much! I am also going to be testing HP/MP+ accessories to make sure that they're working properly, because my Marisa somehow has 720 MP at level 36 with a +60% MP accessory, and that doesn't...seem right.

With that out of the way, here's what's to come for Frozen Fields in terms of enemies/bosses (do not read past this point if you don't want spoilers on who the enemies/bosses are!!!). Movesets aren't finalized yet obviously, but there's some there right now.



Body Slam

Red Mousse:

White Mousse:

Fire Elemental:

Ice Elemental:


Chain Reaction (Used only when low on HP. Forces all other Bombs and Grenades to use Self-Destruct on their turn)
Absolute Zero

Necromancer (NM):

[When low on HP, uses a 1 time full heal and becomes stronger. When "alive", uses fire magic. When "revived", uses ice magic]


Flare Tornado
Flare Star
Nova Storm


Icicle Rain
Frigid Damsel
Diamond Edge



Chaos Flare



Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
More updates! A lot more got changed than I thought they did...a lot are minor but still worth mentioning. On that note, I've updated the Player Skills document, so there's that going. I might update the Enemy Skills and Inventory documents, if for my benefit at the very least, but taking 6 more hours to get through everything sounds ugh. Even worse if it's the Bestiary which needs updated super badly...and I don't really want to deal with THAT thing. Wish there was an easier way of doing bestiaries in 2k3...

Also of note, I might actually start trying to do status icons since I ripped enough of them from FFIX and X-2 for the wiki. I got them all on my external so got a lot I can use! On that note, I totally forgot there was a boss fight I need to do first before I can continue on with the game, so I need to do that. Having a bit of a hard time coming up with something interesting though. For those who are wondering the boss fight is:

Spoiler for:
The Red Oni and Blue Oni that Chen uses. Yes, they're actually bosses, and they're fought using only Yamame and Medicine. Yes, there's a storyline reason to this, but I need to figure out what's the best way of handling this boss fight, especially since 90% of skills aren't magic or physical (well, they are in terms of them using that stat of the character, but in terms of the ATTRIBUTE, they tend to only be non-elemental or elemental, but never elemental/non-elemental physical or magic unless it's something that looks it). If anyone has any ideas for this fight, do shoot me a breeze!

I'm also thinking of what to do with Sanae's three stat boosting abilities since...well...they're pretty garbage. I could do AoE Bravery, Protect, and Faith, but that sounds like a cop-out with her (and I also gotta do something with her Absorb Resist up ability that she doesn't really need at all). Arrrrgh!


**Ying-Yang Scrolls now cost more as follows:
  **Lv1: 150 > 1500
  **Lv2: 800 > 2450
  **Lv3: 1750 > 4500
  **Lv4: 0 > 8250
**Tiger Scrolls now cost as follows:
  **Lv1: 2000 > 1000
  **Lv2: 5000 > 2000
  **Lv3: 10000 > 4000
  **Lv4: 0 > 8000
  **Lv5: 0 > 16000
**All of Nitori's original Stock command scrolls no longer exist in the game data. If the player had any of these in their inventory, they are now gone. Hopefully they didn't buy these and not use them immediately to get the money back before the next update!



**Devildom Torch has been altered. It no longer removes buffs on enemies nor deals non-elemental magic damage. It now inflicts Defaith on the enemy, starting at 10 turns at level 1, +10 turns per level up to a maximum of 40 turns at max level.


**Life Elixir now only works on Reisen and can no longer target other allies.
**Ultrared Field now has 100% accuracy instead of 80%.
**Infrared Moon now targets all allies instead of just one ally.


**Nitori's Stock command has been completely revamped:

**P (Starts): Restores 200 HP.
**Lapis: Restores 500 HP.
**Large P: Restores 1000 HP.
**1-Up: Revives a KO'd ally with 10% Max HP.
**Antidote (Starts): Cures Poison and Venom.
**Faith: Cures all negative statuses except Death, Zombie, and Doom.
**Holy Water: Cures Zombie, Doom, Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith, Fear, and Cursed.
**Strength Tonic: Grants Bravery: 25 turns to one ally.
**Iron Draft: Grants Protect: 25 turns to one ally.
**Sage's Wisdom: Grants Faith: 25 turns to one ally.
**Speed Drink: Grants Haste: 25 turns to one ally.
**Healing Spring: Grants Regen: 25 turns to one ally.
**Knot of Rust: Inflicts minor unblockable damage to one enemy (100-150 base damage).
**S-Mine: Inflicts moderate unblockable damage to one enemy (500 base power).
**8-Inch Cannon: Inflicts major unblockable damage to one enemy (1000-2000 base power)
**Neutralizer (or Dispel Tonic): Removes all buffs from one enemy. May inflict minor Mystic-elemental/non-elemental damage as well.
**HP Sucker: Drains HP from one enemy.

*In addition, Nitori gained a new ability in her default Water command.

**Gear Change: Inflicts GearC on Nitori that lasts 30 turns. While status is on, all current Stock commands that can have an EX version will become EX. EX versions are half-powered of the original versions, but is still affected by Chemist/Mirror Items. If Nitori doesn't have the status, they will be back to normal. Depending on weapon equipped, the duration will be increased by 10 turns, up to +20 turns.

*For all of Nitori's Stock abilities excluding her starting abilities, the player can no longer buy or win the skills. Now the player must acquire them from the crafting shop by trading in X amount of items to learn the skills. There are no EX versions of Faith, Neutralizer, or the attack items. There are no Mirror Item version of Neutralizer or the attack items. There is no Chemist version of Neutralizer or the attack items excluding HP Sucker.


*New skills available:

**Full Sakura Blizzard: Level 1 cures Curse, level 2 cures Heat, level 3 cures Disable, level 4 cures Zombie, and level 5 cures Doom. Starts at 8 MP at level 1, 17 MP at level 2, 24 MP at level 3, 30 MP at level 4, and 39 MP at level 5.


**Crackdown no longer attempts to reduce one target's Defense to 0 at 40% accuracy. It now has a 10% chance of inflicting 9999 damage with no element attached to it.


**Cosmic Spear (Fate's Limit Break) is now set to 100% accuracy instead of 90% accuracy. All Limit Breaks are 100% accuracy.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So the question of the day is: How to determine just how long a game is going to be? Currently, I am aiming for roughly 40-60 game overs for the main storyline (additional game time for sidequest stuff depends on if I feel like ever doing them), which at the 50-60% mark of my game as it is, it runs about 20-40 hours (varying on the player of course). The problem that I'm currently running into, however, is the later half of the game's content. There's a lot of dungeons still left in the game with storyline attached to them, and I hate to cut out storyline related anything, but I feel that I may need to to keep it down to a reasonable length. I know that many game companies do this often, and I can understand why, but just what exactly is best to cut out? Would it be wise to somehow relegate cut content to another part of the game? How do you determine how many dungeons your game has? How do you determine just how LONG each dungeon is?

For the record, this is what most of my dungeons tend to be (spoilers because it's going to go into detail on each one):

Spoiler for:
Total amount of dungeons: 5

Dungeon #1: Misty Lake (estimated time: 10-15 minutes)
Dungeon #2: Forest of Magic (estimated time: 10-15 minutes on both paths)
Dungeon #3: Scarlet Devil Mansion (estimated time: 20-25 minutes)
Dungeon #4: Bamboo Forest of the Lost (estimated time: 20 minutes)
Dungeon #5: Eientei (estimated time: 30-45 minutes, since this one is kinda a puzzle dungeon)

Spoiler for:
Total amount of dungeons: 5

Dungeon #1: Underschool (estimated time: 20-25 minutes)
Dungeon #2: Youkai Mountain (estimated time: 30 minutes-1 hour)
Dungeon #3: Winter Forest (estimated time: 20 minutes)
Dungeon #4: Hakugyokurou (estimated time: 20 minutes)
Dungeon #5: Eientei (estimate time: 30 minutes)

Spoiler for:
Total dungeons: 4

Dungeon #1: Road of Reconsideration (estimated time: 30 minutes)
Dungeon #2: Remains of Hell (estimated time: 30 minutes-1 hour)
Dungeon #3: Mayohiga (estimated time: 10 minutes)
Dungeon #4: Poltergeist Mansion (estimated time: 30-45 minutes)

Spoiler for:
Total dungeons: 12

Dungeon #1: Kourindou (estimated time: 10 minutes)
Dungeon #2: Misty Lake (estimated time: 15-20 minutes)
Dungeon #3: Scarlet Devil Mansion (estimated time: 20-25 minutes)
Dungeon #4: Remains of Hell (estimated time: 30-45 minutes)
Dungeon #5: Hakurei Shrine Ruins (estimated time: 10 minutes)
Dungeon #6: Youkai Mountain (estimated time: 30-45 minutes)
Dungeon #7: Dream Land (estimated time: 30-45 minutes)
Dungeon #8: Scarlet Devil Mansion - Dimensional Rift (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #9: Icicle Caverns (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #10: Insect Forest (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #11: Eastern Forest (estimated time: 20 minutes)
Dungeon #12: Cave to Makai (estimated time 1-2 hours)

Spoiler for:
Total dungeons: 17

Dungeon #1: Cave to Pandaemonium (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #2: Pandemonium (estimated time: 30 minutes)
Dungeon #3: Hollowed Caverns (estimated time: 1-2 hours)
Dungeon #4: Hollowed Caverns - Dimensional Rift (estimated time: 25-30 minutes)
Dungeon #5: Battlefield (estimated time: 20-25 minutes)
Dungeon #6: Makai Caves (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #7: Valley of Corpses (estimated time: 20-30 minutes)
Dungeon #8: Valley of Corpses - Dimensional Rift (estimated time: 10-20 minutes)
Dungeon #9: Frozen Fields (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #10: Frozen Fields - Dimensional Rift (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #11: Fallen Shrine (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #12: Fallen Shrine - Dimensional Rift (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #13: Reimaden (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #14: True Pandemonium (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #15: Silent Shrine (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #16: Palanquin Ship (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #17: Hokkai (estimated time: ????)

Spoiler for:
Total dungeons: 17

Dungeon #1: Hakurei Shrine Forest (estimated time: ????)

(From here, dungeons could be gone to in any order)
Dungeon #2: Misty Lake - River Banks (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #3: Scarlet Devil Mansion - Clock Tower (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #4: Youkai Mountain - Tenma's Tower (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #5: Youkai Mountain - Genbu Marsh (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #6: Hakuygokurou - Netherworld (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #7: Bamboo Forest of the Lost - Hanged Man's Route (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #8: Forest of Magic - Stormy Path (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #9: Road of Reconsideration - Sanzu River (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #10: Sunflower Fields (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #11: Probability Hyperspace Vessel (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #12: Remains of Hell - Chireiden Basement (estimated time: ????)

(Dungeons return to gone in order from here)
Dungeon #13: Pandaemonium-R (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #14: Lunarian Capital (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #15: Dimensional Distortion (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #16: Sea of Clouds (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #17: Bhava-Agra (estimated time: ????)

Spoiler for:
Total dungeons: 4

Dungeon #1: End of Gensokyo (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #2: Gaplands (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #3: The Void (estimated time: ????)
Dungeon #4: Heart of Pandora (estimated time: ????)

Estimated time sometimes includes the boss fights, but sometimes it's grossly under/overestimated. So yeah, you can see the kind of pickle that I'm in right now, yes? ^^; I have already cut out 2 dungeons in beta5 (Ruins of Vina and its Dimensional Rift) due to how big they'd be (another 2 hour dungeon is not what this game needs). It'll be relegated to sidequest content only I feel. I ALMOST feel like cutting out the dungeons you can go in any order in beta6 (those are all dungeons where you have to go to to get party members back. Think of FFVI's World of Ruin, except at the end you have to fight each party member).

The Hero of Rhyme
Level 83
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2014 Queen of RMRKProject of the Year 20142014 Best RPG Maker User - Story2011 Best Newbie2014 Kindest Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Creativity2013 Queen of RMRKBronze SS AuthorBronze Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.GOOD!For frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)2012 Best Yuyubabe Smiley;o
Hey, Xenomic! It's neat to see that you are still working on this! :D

You brought up a few things that caught my attention:

I know that many game companies do this often, and I can understand why, but just what exactly is best to cut out? Would it be wise to somehow relegate cut content to another part of the game? How do you determine how many dungeons your game has? How do you determine just how LONG each dungeon is?

These are things that I think a lot of game designers struggle with. ;9 They're really good points that I think deserved some further discussion, so I made a thread for them.

Also, good luck with your game. ^-^
Spoiler for My Games and Art:

My Artwork Thread

The Lhuvia Tales [Current]

Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Responded to it~ Glad I brought up some good points! ^^

Recent update to the game can be gotten here, for those who are interested: http://www.mediafire.com/download/66m3l4360klrb4t/Touhou_Fantasy.rar

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
This has nothing to do with Touhou Fantasy per say, but I have no other place to put this.

So, since recently I've been getting into the Neptunia series, no thanks to a buddy of mine, I've realized that I really want to make a "fun" game; one that's not super serious like Touhou Fantasy (and as I thought about it, a lot of games that I've played or seen), and just tries to have fun. There'd still be serious stuff in it, of course, but overall I'd love to just DO something like that, akin to said series. I've been thinking on ideas lately (since that's really all I can do, carpal tunnel be making it impossible for me to do a lot of things right now), and the Touhou Fantasy crew (Hope, Fate, Death, Chaos, Order, Pestilence, and Gloom) would make for a fine cast of main characters, with Shyam (a Fire Emblem OC originally who never made it into a couple games that were both discontinued) acting as an 8th main character. I already have a full-on female cast there, so that's the easy part.

The problem though is that:

A) I've no idea what to do with a story involving that right now, nor what kind of mishaps/shenanigans the crew would even get into (keep in mind, the Fragments themselves are all from their own universe, they're not apart of the Touhou one, and Shyam is kinda in that same boat herself). I'd rather not make it TOO much like Neptunia, and I ALSO don't want it to wind up like a Kingdom Hearts type game (it could VERY easily wind up as that since these 7 are known to have been to other worlds/dimensions).
B) While I THINK I'm semi-decent with character dialogue and the like, I am in no way good with comedy/humor. In fact, that's one of the things I'm REALLY bad at, and seeing as that's something I'd like to have in a game like that, it kinda makes that really hard to do anything with heh. Especially when it comes to the goofball that is Fate (whom I linked to Neptunia. They're kinda similar in personalities actually, much like Hope is with Nepgear).
C) I'd LIKE to not reuse assets or sprites or things like that from other games like I did with TF (outside of the fragments sprites), but making it a 100% original game would be very daunting and out of my abilities (I'm in no means good at spriting, and I have zero patience with art)

So yeah...there's all that that's keeping that from happening (alongside carpal tunnel right now and TF being a big one, amongst other things). I also don't know if I'd WANT to reuse the TF girls too, but they'd fit in the best I feel, and anyone that knows TF would actually know them fairly decently I think. Plus, I feel that a game just for them that's original to them would do them well. Any thoughts, opinions, etc. on this idea? I'd really love to hear back from you guys on it. ^^

Level 51
RMRK Junior
Dammit Chef oh well Neptunia series is at least good. I played all and beaten most myself. As for a story you can try a Bard's Tale approach. Quest to save someone with lots of jokes and stuff between then when you actually do save them you find out that they are pure evil but still can choose to side with them.

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
More on TF news! Spoilers for those who don't want to see the character lists.

Spoiler for:

Welp, now I know what to try to balance Frozen Fields around kinda. Might make it revolve around level 25-30 party. What do you guys think? The hardest part of balancing dungeons and whatnot is taking these things into consideration, since I'm basing it on my levels and party, and not everyone is going to be like this. These are the BASE speed values of the characters without any equipment, there's a lot of things that can increase speed (Rabite's Foot is an accessory that gives +50 Speed, Gale Ring gives +60 Speed, and those are the ones that gives the most speed that everyone can use. Rabite's Foot can be bought easily now too for 8000 yen. Most other pieces give maybe +5-10 speed, if that).

On another note, I found out that my HP+%/MP+% accessories are very buggy. When equipped and unequipped normally, they're fine, but if a character levels up with one equipped (similarly, if they level down with it equipped), the HP/MP values are skewed and will never fix themselves even if the accessory is unequipped and reequipped. It requires getting the character back to the level they were at when they first equipped that accessory and then leveling up normally to fix the values, which obviously is not a thing that can be done in TF. So I may have to either get rid of them, or make it so that the accessories increase the stats by a raw value. Not sure what the values should BE but...ya know. On top of that, I'm trying to figure out what the hell I was doing with Frozen Field's gimmicks. Well, I KNOW what I was trying to do, but I forget exactly HOW I went about doing it.

Spoiler for:

The long leg of blue blocks are the sliding ice. The ice blocks strewn about are what you have to melt. Simple enough, yes? I just feel like something better can be done here though maybe. These are the only 3 screens that you have to really worry about (there's 3 others, but they're more pitstops than anything else), and there ARE random encounters here with a bit of a gimmick (Fire and Ice enemies, takes reduced/no damage from elements that aren't their weakness, several of them are resistant/immune to physicals). Short dungeon, like most of beta5's dungeons honestly, so I'm hoping it's not TOO bad to deal with...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I am currently working on redoing the prices of skill scrolls, because I feel they're not very well done. Especially as the game progresses, though figuring out a good price for them is the hard part. I have to take the power of the skill (or effects in some cases), any special abilities it may have, who uses it, etc. into consideration for the prices, and then from there have to gauge how much the next level will cost and so on and so forth. Not easy at all! If anyone wants to try to help with it, that'd be great. I also have new weapons to do Weapon Bless coding for (oh boy...), and will probably be doing something about the Weapon Bless system (that nobody probably uses...).

As for the game itself, it is currently about 50-70% done with beta5. Frozen Fields is done, and what's next is to cut out Ruins of Vina and replace it with a cutscene involving three characters and their interactions, and then a flashback afterwards about what happened at the Ruins and then go from there with the game normally. Still don't have Reimaden or Hokkai fully mapped either, so that's a problem. I still need to fix up the HP/MP+% accessories because they're broken and break characters...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

I apparently like to make things depressing in this game! Why yes, that is Zodiark. Why yes, that is what happens when Final Eclipse is used. Why yes...HP is not at 0 because I wouldn't be able to trigger this cutscene. Why yes...you CAN see Zodiark's HP/ATB bar still! Why yes!!! HOPE STILL IS USING REIMU'S SPRITES! Why yes...I only have one more ability to do for him before I can really test him out in-game.

Why yes...someday this game will get finished! Maybe. I hope...

On that note, for those interested, I am nearly done with beta5! I need to set up some abilities (Tonberry's Voodoo, Zodiark's Darkening Cloud, and Death's special Doom ability) and then I can test out Fallen Cave and Fallen Shrine. After that, all that's left for beta5 is the Dimensional Rift for Fallen Shrine, followed by Reimaden (need mapped still), True Pandaemonium, Silent Shrine, Palanquin Ship, and finally Hokkai (also needs mapped). Then, all that remains are the following:

Beta6: Hakurei Shrine Forest, Pandaemonium-R, Lunarian Capital, Lunarian Palace, Dimensional Rift, Sea of Clouds, and Bhava-Agra. 11 dungeons were cut out entirely from this beta.
Beta7: End of Gensokyo, Gaplands (trials might be axed out except for Reimu's), The Void, and Heart of Pandora.

The big problem though is that at this point in the story, I don't really HAVE the story mapped out really well at all for several of the dungeons, in addition to none of the dungeons being mapped. Well, I have SOME of the story planned out and whatnot, but not full story nor dialogue so that's gonna be a thing.

Getting close to being done, but still so far away! Once beta5 is done though, that's roughly 71-80% of the main story done. Sidequest stuff is still going to wait until main storyline is done. Anyone willing to do any mapping, spriting, or brainstorming, do let me know~ That'd help me out a lot (especially with mapping. Lord knows that takes me forever to get through, and being able to bust through that will make the development go by so much faster!).

Once this game is done, still thinking of that Neptunia-esque game with the fragments too. I actually have ideas and stuff planned out for that, but not the story and whatnot as usual. >_>
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 11:48:42 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

It begins! This is the first frame of the idle sprite, done by the wonderfully talented Graphicus! First try in this style, and I have to say...it looks VERY much Hisoutensoku style! Here's to more of his great work for Hope! ^^

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Thinking on this, but what do people think of stat boosting equipment? Do you think it should be fixed % (HP +10%, HP +20%, etc.), or fixed values (HP +200, HP +400, etc.)? Which do you guys normally prefer? Since I'll be fixing up the coding for stat-boosting equipment, thought I'd get the opinion on this now. There are weapons that increase specific stats by a fixed % while still increasing that stat (for instance, Marisa's got a weapon that increases her Magic, but also increases it more by +5%), and then there's some gimmicky weapons like all of Aya's special craftable weapons which give +% Speed to the party at the cost of reducing Aya's speed by the same %).

On that note, currently nearing being done with Fallen Shrine. Two more bosses to fix up, and then testing will commence with that area. After that is the rift which shouldn't be any problem to do, and then it's time to go back to mapping since Reimaden is next! Still need ideas for Reimaden in terms of mapping and gimmicks, if anyone has any~

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
I forgot that I needed one more skill for Hope's version of Death's skillset. Whoops! I need to do that before I continue on with the game. On that note, I ALSO need to update Hope's version of Pestilence's skillset. So here's what I have for each of those:

For Death:

*Extinction: Costs 100% MP. Kills all enemies (excluding bosses) and ignores resistances, kills all allies, and leaves Hope at 1 HP.
*Doomja: Inflicts Doom on all enemies. Starting timer varies. 30% accuracy.

Only one of these can make it in. Doomja's easier to code, but less interesting I feel, while Extinction, whilst being really freaking powerful, is also really costly on resources and the like (1-Ups (revives with 10% Max HP) and Bs (restores 100 MP) cost 500 yen each, and Ps cost 200 yen and restore 200 HP. That adds up after a while, and that doesn't include using MP for recovery too. Extinction also wouldn't be too hard to code. Of note, both would require yet another battle event page to do. Extinction could POTENTIALLY be given to Chaos's or Pestilence's skillset for Hope too, if all else fails.


Current skillset is this:

Fear: Inflicts Fear: 50 turns to one target. 16 MP.
POW Hammer: Inflicts Debrave: 50 turns to one target. 8 MP.
Deprotect: Inflicts Deprotect: 50 turns to one target. 12 MP.
Defaith: Inflicts Defaith: 50 turns to one target. 8 MP.
?????: Unused slot.
Bleed: Inflicts Sap: 50 to one target. ??? MP.
Mind Bleed: Inflicts MP Sap: 50 to one target. ??? MP.
Lock: Inflicts Lock: 50 turns to one target. ??? MP.

And the three abilities you must choose from once you get the skillset:

Reverse: Reverses statuses with the complete opposite version (i.e. Poison becomes Regen, Regen becomes Poison) to the party. 50 MP.
????: Unused slot.
Diseased Tempest: Pestilence's Limit Break, requires Hope to be under 25% Max HP and a 10% chance each turn to show up. Inflicts 1500 Wind-elemental magic damage, Fear: 50 turns, Debrave: 50 turns, Deprotect: 50 turns, Defaith: 50 turns, Sap: 50 turns, MP Sap: 50 turns, and Lock: 50 turns to all enemies. 100 MP.

Of note, Diseased Tempest and Reverse are staying for Pesti's skillset. The rest needs updated badly I feel, since they're...kinda not that useful? I still want to make the skillset very status-oriented though, so that's going to be interesting.

*Disease: Halves status resistances on all enemies for a set amount of time. This is actually something that I'm debating if I want to do. I mean, I would LIKE to, don't get me wrong, but dealing with status resistances for enemies OR allies is...really cumbersome due to how many statuses there are unfortunately.
*Pox Alleviate: Removes all statuses from Hope and heals her based on number of statuses removed. This would be one of the three abilities you could choose from.

So, any ideas for skills to give to Hope for these two skillsets in particular??

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Still working on skillsets right now. I think I have a solid one for Hope's Pestilence skillset, but may need input on it.

*Banescissor: Inflicts Poison-elemental physical damage and Poison: 25, Sap: 25, MP Sap: 25, and Venom: 25 to one target.
*Bad Breath: Inflicts Poison: 25 turns, Blind: 25 turns, Silence: 25 turns, and Slow: 25 turns to one target.
*Stone Breath: Inflicts Earth-elemental magic damage and Petrify: 25 turns to all enemies.
*Wither Shot: Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Fear: 25 turns to one target.
**Pox Alleviate: Removes all statuses from Hope and heals her based on number of statuses removed
**Seven Sins:
**Diseased Tempest: Inflicts 1500 Poison-elemental damage, Poison: oo, Blind: oo, Silence: oo, Lock: oo, Fear: oo, Sap: oo, MP Sap: oo, and Slow: oo to all enemies. Requires Hope to be under 25% Max HP and a 10% chance per turn to show up.

The ** ones are ones that must be picked upon getting the skillset. Not sure what Seven Sins should do, but it should be really good to be picked. The last ???? ability is one of the normal abilities that is always accessible when in that skillset. Keep in mind that these skills cannot be used outside of Pestilence's skillset, so if Hope goes into another mode, she won't have access to these abilities!

I still need one more ability for Death's skillset too. There's an idea for it, which is this:

*Extinction: Costs 100% MP. Kills all enemies (excluding bosses) and ignores resistances, kills all allies, and leaves Hope at 1 HP.

But I'm debating if it's better for Death's skillset to have it or if Chaos should get it. Hmm...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic

And the animation is done! Looks amazing, no? Hopefully Graphicus will keep on-board for the rest!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 08:35:34 PM by Xenomic »

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
So, I've been discussing my game with someone over on another forums. They think that it'd just be better to move my game over to a more recent program, such as MV. However, obviously I do not have the money to buy such an extravagant thing (and I don't particularly like the idea of having to be on Steam to even use a program...). I did get the trial version to see how it differed from 2k3, and I can see quite a few differences in it that I like. Being able to check monster statuses is a big plus, but also having built-in Encounter Half, Encounter None, Double Gold, Double Item Drop Rate, Pre-Emptive Strike Up, Nullify Back Attack, MP Cost Rates, Hit Rate adjustments, Item healing, forcing action, built-in Cover, etc. are all something that I really, really wish default 2k3 had. I mean, yes, there's DynRPG which I use, and it has been a great tool for my game.

However, would it be wise at this point in time to even TRY to transfer a 8-9 year old game, 40+ hours worth of gameplay, roughly 70-80% finished, to a newer maker at this point? I understand where the person is coming from, 2k3 IS really outdated and there are glaring issues with the maker that makes my game in particular kinda...jarring to play and really outdated?? But imagining all the work I'd have to do put everything back in, IF I could (I don't know if 2k3 sprites and tiles would work with MV, and I don't know what things from DynRPG I would lose transferring over. Add onto that that I don't know anything about scripting and that kinda kills some things here and there. And oh god putting in all the skills and enemies and maps and characters and auuuugh!!). I don't know, I just need opinions on the matter...

Touhou Fantasy Developer and all around cool person. :)
Level 85
T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
Well, gonna stick with 2k3 and finish this game. That is all decided because it'd be way too much work to move all of this to another engine, especially at nearly 70-80% completion, and it would probably never get finished for sure then.

Anywho, I'm thinking of another idea for Reimaden, which may be more fitting, in that instead of being like the Mausoleum from Tales of Symphonia, it'll be more like...Arianrod Labyrinth from Valkyrie Profile. Don't know what that is? Let's just say...even to this day, I don't understand the mechanics of the puzzle there. Basically...well, take a look at it on YouTube is all I can say. The place is kinda like a math dungeon of sorts but...it's weirdly done and there's no good hints as to what you're supposed to do at all and whatnot. The main goal would STILL to be open the main door in the front foyer, but the library would have two switches that would give two different values and possibly +, -, x, or /, and from there depending on the result will teleport the player to that specific "floor". The way to open the main door would be to find the activation seal through here, but I may have it so that the other hidden treasures are hidden either in here, or the player has to find more seals to unlock locked doors in the rooms to the left and right of the main mansion part.

Yay or nay? It's more complex and involved, but totally fits with the whole "pocket dimension" thing that Reimaden is usually involved in and whatnot. Plus it totally seems like a thing that Mima would try to do too.