Testing you.
One of our pastors is preaching a series on the Trinity (funny enough it's a four part series) and someone came up to another guy on staff upset because (duh duh DUUUUH) it's a Wiccan symbol.
And sure nough:
So we should totally stop being Wiccan at my church EXCEPT it's ALSO a symbol of the Trinity in Christianity going back to the early Celtic church ala
Symbol Dictionary:
The triquetra (sometimes, triqueta) is a tripartate symbol composed of three interlocked vesica pisces, marking the intersection of three circles. It is most commonly a symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, son, Holy spirit) used by the Celtic Christian Church, sometimes stylized as three interlaced fish
I just thought it was interesting that someone saw the symbol and was mild offended or at least concern about our use of it.
Then again if Christians gave up everything that we changed from a pagan thing and made it into a Christian thing we'd have to give up Christmas, Easter, etc.
I was curious if you guys would see it as a Wiccan thing or a Christian thing. You guys have exceeded expectations.