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Prophet Muhammed Cartoons

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( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
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I'm sure you've heard about it on the news by now, but if you havent, here's a quick summary:

For the past four months, There has been outrage amongst muslims over cartoons of their prophet mohammed published in a Danish newspaper.

Things came to a head over the past week. In Gaza City, Palestinian gunmen took over an EU office to protest the cartoons:

Masked gunmen today took over an office used by the European Union to protest the publication of cartoons deemed insulting to Islam. About five gunmen stormed the building, closing the office down, while 10 other armed men stood watch outside. One of the militants said they were protesting the drawings, one of which depicted Islam's Prophet Muhammad wearing a turban shaped as a bomb.

Danish flags are being burned. Danish workers have reportedly been beaten. The country now faces an international boycott from Muslim nations.

While the intrepid newspaper has not apologized for printing the cartoons, it has issued a statement acknowledging that the cartoons "offended many Muslims, which we would like to apologize for." Paul Belien at The Brussels Journal singles out the courage of Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who has refused to capitulate to the bullies:

    He is one of the very few European politicians with guts. If anyone deserves a prize for his valiant defence of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, it is certainly Mr Rasmussen. He did not give in to pressure from Muslim fanatics, nor from the appeasers at the UN, the European Commission and the Council of Europe. In the past weeks Denmark has shown that all is not yet lost in Europe. If something is rotten now it is not in Denmark.

If you haven't yet seen the cartoons, here are them all:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

Basically I think.. what? Come on, lighten up. I'm pretty sure there's muslims looking at hindus going "VISHNU LOL WTF". How very hypocrytical.
bringing sexy back

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Look: Freedom of Speech, if you don't like them, then you don't have to look at them! Jesus gets made fun of all the time(Which I don't like) and I turn and don't care. Thats my two cents. Now BlueXx will somehow find out that wrong in a opinion question. Lmao jokes.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Well... here's what I think... about the conflict and the cartoons...

I don't want to sound racist cuz I aint... I just don't like their ways of doing things (in Iraq) its barbaric... they are Humans treating other humans like animals... I say export out all the children under the age of 12 then Nuke the rest... Beheadoings are day time TV over there... Its a sick place that spawns sick people... they think the world is against them... and I wonder why that is....

The middle eastern people have very little value for human life... I saw a video last night of them and they had an American solider tied between two trucks by the wrists, then the trucks drove in seperate directions and pulled his arm off... Why not just shoot him... why be so Evil... Cuz thats what they are over there... they stone their own wives to death if they so much as look at another man....

To find these cartoons offencive is an odd... They are well drawn... And they depict some ones opinions... If I was to draw what I think it would be much worst... Especially as in England we have had Muslim Cleric's in the street preaching and asking other Muslims to rise up and take the country and kill as many English poeple as they can...

And then one Muslim supporter of the celric even came on TV in his defence and said the flag of Islam will one day fly over downing street or westminster (Can't remember which)...

How is it that cartoons can upset people more than threats against the way of life of a nation...???

Oh and when the twin towers fell... they showed people in the middle east celebrating... To be honest I think those cartoons will upset some people not not half as much as those TV images around such a difficult time...

I could have all this wrong... I could be confussed... but I am sure I am not alone... Carttons are drawings and not a threat... and Muslim strapped up with Explosives is... The worlds going to shite...

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I'll half to agree with LOS for his main point.
Most of those crazys over there are as bad as the U.S. when it comes to hypocracy. Man this is why I wish I ruled the world sometimes...

I'd like, so f'n fix this crap. It's annoying, pointless and stupid.
"Hey! They're made fun of our god! So let's kill innocent people until we're happy!"

Let's bomb those niggas!
Ha ha, I'm allowed to say that word to! Mwhahahaha! 'Cause my black friend who thinks he's white said so.

Level 91
God of Dicks
Firstly, I am too damn lazy to read that tiny ass text you guys write sometimes.

Secondly, everyone just needs to lighten the hell up. People take things in life way too seriously.

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
I half-agree. They are overreacting to a stupid cartoon, but then again,
to them it's THE BIGGEST offence to their religion.
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
The biggest offence to chrsitians is probably insulting Jesus or god; something Family Guy does often.

Also Family Guy is likely made by Christians too as most americans are by default christian :|
bringing sexy back

Resource Maker
Level 91
I bet even if we removed religion the Iraq people would still stone their wives and cut people balls off and put em in their mouths then cut their heads off...

But it may stop global war...

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Level 91
I own you.
Dude the reason famlly guy can make fun of cristions is becouse they are...
BTW Sadaam housain was not muslim and neither are his fallowers.
It is sin to show a picture/drawing of the prophet.
For a country of supposed "racialy tolernt" people you do hate some races a awful lot. Have a single one of every really talk to muslim? You just get your stereo types for some BS that the tele feeds you.
Now what about amercans and there cover ups?
Beeting of innocents.
Tearing down entire citys just becouse 1 supposed "terrorist" is living there.
Bombing a countrys ecomey just becouse of there leader.
To avoid all of this why can't you just leave the middle east alone?
Your reason for keeping isreal is "they were there for a very long time".
SO according to you I can give the indians 90% of your land? and give them goverment control? Stave all those who arnt jewish.
Next country afghanistan you showed up 20 years to late on this one and when the country was just about to be united you declare war on something that isnt there(osama bin laden) . You didnt even send a proper army force to matain peace...you control 3 or 4 major citys and consider yourself winning that war...
Next terratory Iraq I hate sadaam I am persain shia the thing he hates the most BUT the way you declaired war and how you did what was completely wrong and the HUGE fact of the matter is there were no weopons of mass distruction.Btw who gave saadam those weopons?who brought him into power? Infact who gave the taliban support? and sent them 4.5 millions dallors in march of 2001? THE USA.
So why do blame us for the fight you picked its your fault for all there "terrable dictators" you supported them.
Next terratory Iran(coming soon) before the revolution it was a monarchy you supported that monoarchy so if your so anti-monache why did you support the shaw? As for iran being evil why is it that the only reason you hate them is they wont sell the USA anything? As for nucluer power why did you not denie india and pakistan? there bound to use it soon and chine?
you did SO much to stop them.
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

To avoid all of this why can't you just leave the middle east alone?

Yah! Another war bitcher.

So why do blame us for the fight you picked its your fault for all there "terrable dictators" you supported them.

Oh, now all the sudden "ALL" of the Americans started this war. Wow, I suppose all the protestings here was in complete vain. I wish the protestors knew how little other countries care for their efforts to stop the war.

For a country of supposed "racialy tolernt" people you do hate some races a awful lot.

Wtf? I have Black, Asian, White, & Mexican friends. Don't include me.

What I'm saying Sephiroth is that your being stupid and grouping every single American together. A person is defined by who they are not how their country acts, which in truth is just some dumbasses who shouldn't even be running this country. And btw, what in the hell does the Prophets cartoons half to do with the war?  Don't go off topic.

Level 91
I own you.
Have you ever seen a drawing of jesus from his time? or moses or any other prohet. No jesus pictures you see now were made after his death jesus did not what himself being in every single church becouse that leads to worship of some thing other than god(see how jesus become the son of god...). Most muslim just find it offencive that you insult the prohet how would a cristion feel if put something online of jesus blowing up stuff?
edit-Btw about the grouping what about you your basicly saying muslims are terrorist...
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Basically, this whole scenario has gone out of control. They shouldn't go crazy and start killing innocents because their prophet was insulted. Have the guys that even wrote the cartoon apologized yet? They should atleast do that. Publically and respectfully.

Oh yeah and,
edit-Btw about the grouping what about you your basicly saying muslims are terrorist...

No I'm not, my mouth didn't even spew the words "Muslim" or "Terrorist".
Don't try putting such a filtiy and racist sentence in my mouth ever again. And that's all I half to say about that. So shush about it.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Basically I think.. what? Come on, lighten up. I'm pretty sure there's muslims looking at hindus going "VISHNU LOL WTF". How very hypocrytical.

That could be true. There are many shows that make fun of religons such as family guy, there was one episode where god had a hi=powered assult rifle.what would he be doing with one of those? Sure it's a little...er....new but it's still funny.

I don't want to sound racist cuz I aint... I just don't like their ways of doing things (in Iraq) its barbaric... they are Humans treating other humans like animals... I say export out all the children under the age of 12 then Nuke the rest... Beheadoings are day time TV over there... Its a sick place that spawns sick people... they think the world is against them... and I wonder why that is....

Which is partly true.


I bet even if we removed religion the Iraq people would still stone their wives and cut people balls off and put em in their mouths then cut their heads off...

But it may stop global war...

Most muslim just find it offencive that you insult the prohet how would a cristion feel if put something online of jesus blowing up stuff?

In turn you guys really know how to have some funny yet serious coversation!

The whole time I was reading I could hardly sit in my chair!
I fell off way to many times.

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Meh, I just think the attack on the drawing is an excuse.'
A way to unleash their anger on the West.

It's not like this was the first time for drawings of Muhammed.
There have been drawings of both Muhammed and Allah that I think is worse.

It's just the first time someone has exploited them in some kind of political power game.

Level 91
here is what i think of it.
christians laugh at themselves and at others.
when others laugh at christians (it happens from time to time in israel) they don't run crying (maybe cause they never noticed)

now jews laugh at themselves too (which rulz) and laugh at others, in family guy there were some jew jokes, and it was hella funny

and muslims are the 3rd part here.
they complain when jews laugh at them, they complain when christians laugh at them and they have no sense of humor

btw those pictures were lousy, badly drawen, not funny or insulting in any way.
none of them said something like "all the muslims are terrorists"
there was the funny no more virgins one, but the muslims asked for it with those dumb suicide bombers, by no means should it be more insulting than the fact that they have suicide bombers and such dumb believes

are all muslims terrorists cause they are acting like it? no they just don't have any sense of humor
at least those who were insulted by it

i don't think muslims can't change, actually i think it's best for the world to kill religions, they are based on fairytales and were originaly simply made to set them ground rules for the human community.
(that and to make them stop worshiping gods they made on their own which is even dumber)
at the point the world is in now it's only reasonable to erase any memory of religions of all sorts
that might just solve a thing or 2 in the long run.

lastly, sepi, i am against muslim hating , i really am, but i have to be in favour of what works for me.
if the world hates muslims then there is a better chance that certain suiciding freaks will cause less chaos
which will result in hopefully taking some of the money that was put for security and put it into the rest of the budget section which should result in having just a little bit more money in my pocket (good enough i think)
and beside for as long as they hate muslims they don't remember they hate jews
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
All people are all the same on the inside...  the only thing that makes us different are our thoughts, emotiiions, actions... our religions and or faiths...

I have no religion or faith... I have done Ouija Boards and investigated the paranormal from the day I drowned... My life line ended on my plam around the same time... May be I shouldn't have lived... I saw Nothing !!! apart from what seemed to be a skipping rope spinning fast (Bright blue) with a sweet wrapper (Bright pink in the middle)... Like a neon sign... This scared me... To think there is nothing... I have footage of Paranormal events I have contact things via Ouija and EVP I have asked if there is a God... (the answer was SCUM)... don't know if I am Scum for asking or if God is SCUM for putting people throgh life... (If God exsists)... I am still searching for answers... What I think doesn't really matter...

But (for those that wanna read my thoughts on life)
My theory so far... Energy never ends it just transforms... so when we die I think our energy is released and pulled light years away to the apex of the universe, in a figure of eight like stream of energy, and in the centre cross over point the energy Bursts every few 100 years spawning a new planet... Life creates life and energy creates energy... I think thats why there are some creature that only live long enough to breed and give birth to at least two or more off spring...

So I think we are here to reproduce... and killing each other has a negitive effect on things... but in the grand scheeme of things our one planet is not siginificant...
Sorry for going off on a tangent...

just trying to show I am not racist in the slightest... The middle East is not the only Barbaric country... I just don't get how people that inflict pain on others can do it... when I have watched these sick video's I can invisage myself being the victim... The people that inflict this tourture seem unfazed no emotion... cold... empty... like there not quite human or they don't see the person they are murdering as another human... and a nation that can harbour such evil I have no compassion for... If I found some one in my home town doing such acts I would turn them in or kill them my self (Humanly... quick and swift, no slow tourture)

To tourture some one you have to be sick in the head, or just have no value for human life... (the Video's I reffer to can be found on orgish I don't think any of you should attempt looking there... you can make your own decission to look I mean if your an adult over 21 and are sound of mind)... But don't blame me, I didn't film em and you made your choice to watch em...

In short... Some humans are sick and hide behind religion to justify their actions... and that is WRONG !!!!...

My Opinion...

And 3rd world countries have more of this than any others... and we can't force them to change by air strikes or land mines... they have to do it them-selves I think we should cut free from them completely... if they starve then they starve if they blow each other to bits then they do... We all learnt the hard way... there's no ponit in showing them what they could be then taking it away... they will resent and envy us... resent and envy turns into hostility... then they attack... Hold us for ransom through terroist actions... Cancel all flights there and wait until they make plans of their own and get to the same stage as us inderpdently... Then welcome and imbrace them unless they still wanna attack us (Blow em to hell !!)

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Rep: +0/-0Level 91
You know what I think? They're just proving the cartoons right by acting as they are. I mean It's a flippin' cartoon, not a nuclear missle sent to destroy thier race. I mean, come ooooooon. There are political cartoons about americans all the time, right? You don't see us flying off the handle about ink on a piece of paper. I just think the fighting is pointless
In the words of the imortal Mushmouth:

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Level 91
...It is strictly against there relegion to have pictures showing these 2 figures
What would the christens do if some made a Editorial cartoon about jesus raping a virgin while juggin down beer.. Just because it is not the main relegion you people think you can shove it away...

Resource Maker
Level 91
you people

You being Racialist sir aint gunna help...LOL

But yeah your right... Christianity is the main religion and thats Shite so if thats a load of crud then I am no way gunna stick for any other religion...

If I had it my way (When I rule the world... so never) I would ban Religion... it causes too many wars and predajiceness.... (I think I just made a new word up then !!!LOL!!!)

But... if as you say
It is strictly against there relegion to have pictures showing these 2 figures

How does any one know what he looks like... LOL ?

So if they don't know what he looks like those pictures could just be a likeness not an actual scale drawing or any thing...LOL

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Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I don't get why they got offended. Those cartoons weren't really mean. The only one that was funny was the 'we're out of virgins' one. Seriously they're over reacting. Just suck it up, some people will always criticize religions of others (A good example is my over catholic family nagging me about being pagan).

Compared to some things on newgrounds, those cartoons are tastefull. One I can think of is a flash of jesus and mohammed boxing, and jesus knocks out mohammed. Now that I could understand to be considered offensive... But those twelve cartoonns. No, they aren't  bad.

Also I understand that it's blastphemy to muslims to draw mohhamed. But why care? The people who drew those pictures obviously don't share their religious beleifs.

And no those cartoonist should not apologize, censorship is always wrong. Freedom of speech no matter how stupid what one says should always be upheld. I don't remeber who said this but I agree with it, "Though sir, I do not believe what you say. I Will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."

I don't know if I got that quote right.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I think it's kind of dumb to make offensive cartoons like that, even though I missed most of what was offensive...

But at the same time, it's stupid to flip out like they did. Relax. So what?
"Sure we were created equal... but I've been levelling up." - Me

Level 89
Yeah, that's what I think.
RPG Heights : A brand new high... http://www.forumsvibe.com/monsterdoog/

Level 91
Quote from: Daelin
I think it's kind of dumb to make offensive cartoons like that, even though I missed most of what was offensive...

But at the same time, it's stupid to flip out like they did. Relax. So what?

this is a form of the freedom of speech, if you don't want to be offended don't make room for it.
aka, if they think the one with that muslim with the bomb on his head or those dead suicide bombers and the no more virgins thing are offensive, then they can go to hell cause it's their fault they have suicide bombers in the first place
holy shit my sig was big!

Resource Maker
Level 91
Things along these lines are annoying me SO much...

Here in england it seems when a race or a minority fight for rights of some kind they end up with extra special stuff... for example

Women fight for equal rights... (They get every thing men do... and much more) here's a list:-

Better public toilets, Cheaper Car INS, Baby Changing Facilities, Mother and child Sessions at Maccy D's etc...

(what happens if your a bloke bringing up a child... you av to go into the womens loo's to use the child changing thing and you don't get a free coffee at Maccy D's cuz your a bloke)

Assylum Seekers
They get given citerzen ship and get given a free house, Free money, Vouchers for food, clothing and cars from month to month... they also get pointed into employeement and education...

(Us guys that have been born and bred here don't get ANY help... I wish I got a couple of grand for my 1st car... or a free house)

Have houses and other building (like an old Car lot) converetd into Sinagog things for places of worship... do they preach in there... Nope they would rather do it in the frickin street and stop the traffic once every week...

I went there and said... "Hi I would like to be a musslim" There answer was "your the wrong colour"... but one did say "Whats that got to do with it..." I caused an argueement... I then said... "The only reason I want to join is to work out why you want to Blow your-selves to bits"... I got chased for around an hour... so glad It was summer and they had multiple layers of towels on...

But if they wanted to go to Church nothing would be said they would be welcomed with open arms...

I think its one rule for some people and another for others... its not on !!!

SO Conclution:- if your a Female, Asslyum seeking Musslim your almost on par with the Queen of England in the way that your treated !!!!

I hate it that some thing so small can trigger some thing so big... like when here in England a ruling was made to stop Certain religions wearing head scaffs to school as it is not School uniform and then an English man got held captive (Abroad), pinned down and beheaded (To stop it we had to reveruse the law)... SICK MONKEYS !!!... if you want to wear head scaffs to school then go to your own country and do it... after all Jewllery is also banned and christian's can't wear crosses to school... ITS NOT UNIFORM... Its not being racist... infact wearing religious items to school can offend none members...

SO ANGREY on this subject....

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Level 91
they look for more rights cause they get what they want

take the fucking god believers here...
for starters they get to tell everyone what not to do
thanks to them there cannot be any buses or texis on sat and most of friday

it's so they won't be offended for not understanding they are nothing but the reason some people hate jews
ya know what? i hate them too, they aren't jews they are leeches

they get not to serve in the army (which is a must for everyone here who isn't an arabic citizen... no one wants a freaking arabic with a gun in here)
as they claim that by praying they help us win
i cliam that we should throw them all to gazza
if they are right, no more freaking terrorists.
if they are wrong no more freaking leeches.
either way i win ~.~

now, if an area was decided to be given to the terrorists thanks to usa's lovely support, they refuse to leave.
for their smelly houses (about 6 in each spot, away from any sort of a city) they get to live in hotels until they will get hella better buildings and of course more money from the goverment
and who pays the taxes that allow it? oh yes, us stupid people who were born into the "strong side"

they don't have to work ever.
they get paid for praying to their non-existing god ,failing to understand alot of important lines in the bible like "everyone is equal" "don't be greedy" "love another like you love yourself" so on

hell they don't even allow working on sat to anyone at all (even those who got days off some other times of the week, of course working every day shouldn't be allowed bu who died and made sat the only resting day? )

and girls get a shorter period of time in the army, they have easy boot camp, they usually get selected to jobs just so it won't look like the manager hates girls or whatever and so on.
holy shit my sig was big!