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Prophet Muhammed Cartoons

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Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Women get it easier in boot camp? I didn't know that. Also that's totally not fair to men.

I personally think the real Minority in America is white males. They do the damndest they can, but they get nothing in return. I'm damn lucky I'm half  Hispanic, I could pull the race card if I wanted to, but it's not fair to other people, so 99.9 of the time I don't.

Level 89
I've posted this before on some other forums let me go and see if I can find it.
Honestly, I do not know too much about the Muslim religion. However for those who can deem it to be the "most violent" religion, are completely mistaken. Take the the religious war that had been raging in Ireland for as long as I remember. That was based on disagreeances on two party's religious preferences.

Or back in the medieval ages between the Roman Catholics and the Celts. All was well until shortly afterwards it became a war between the two because the Catholics had considered the Celts to be blasphemous. So in response the Catholic church attempted to convert the Celts (Druids) and if they didn't comply they were either slaughtered, hung or burned. Thousands of Celts were murdered in the name of religion.

What would you do in the same instances if someone defaces your "god" or "prophet" that you hold in the highest respect? Of course people are going to be angry and retaliate. Maybe not in the same respect but everyone has their own ways of expressing distress or anger.

I posted this on the subject of Danish websites being hacked into.

Quote from: blueXx
and girls get a shorter period of time in the army, they have easy boot camp, they usually get selected to jobs just so it won't look like the manager hates girls or whatever and so on.

Blue....another thing. Women do not get a shorter time in army. U.S. Army enlistment is 4 years regardless of gender. You go to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) when you first are interested and select a job based on your ASVAB score (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). This goes for all genders...except women are restricted to non-infantry type MOS's (Military Occupational Specialty). So they cannot be over in Iraq with foot soldiers.

As far as boot camp, no they do not get it easier in boot camp. Everyone goes through the same training...once again...regardless of gender. Speaking from personal experience when I was a soldier we all got gassed, got to throw hand grenades and shoot live rounds from an assault rifle.

Level 91
i didn't speak world wide
i know that in this horrible place, girls get it alot easier in boot camp by fact
serve shorter periods of time and will never be forced to get in any combat unless they really want to

as for the muslims

well if you want a proof about christians being crazy and violent

let's take a look at ww1 and ww2

that should ring bells

there is always a war... atm the muslims are the violent group...

now let's go to the rest

a. god , at least the one who talked to morons in the bible and so on, DOES NOT EXIST.
b. go ahead, and insult mine, they were the original ones, and they were old just a bunch of old and dumb people that either heard voices in their heads and needs to be sealed in a mad house or were made up by the twat who wrote it

insulting the god... i thought it's the same god which seems to be moving around every time some wannabe decides he is a prophet... ~.~

but hi let me try it on you

jesus is a freaking wannabe, he is no god nor son of any god, his mom is a whore, seeing as it was written she was a virgin, so in other words she was busy with some guy and she decided it's cooler to say it's from god

here... now let's see who will be insulted cause some moron that was killed almost 2k years ago is being called a wannabe just cause he heard voices in his head while he took his daily drugs ~.~
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 89
Lol that's exactly how I feel about Christianity and Catholicism. I've always told people that more likely than not those people who wrote the bible were high (because you know it was very popular back in the day) and of course you are going to hallucinate.

I'm celtic myself (i.e. the old religion) and has been said that it was before the advent of christ...so whatever.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: landofshadows
I bet even if we removed religion the Iraq people would still stone their wives and cut people balls off and put em in their mouths then cut their heads off...

But it may stop global war...

Dude, Iraqis are secular people. A poll there said only 60% went to church in the past month. Its the people from fanatical organizations.
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March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I used to be a christian... I keep forgetting but that ok.

Anyway, I wouldnt care if someone said someting about God or Jesus.
Nor would anyone I know, maybe someone sahould ask if they could shut the fuk up but that all..

The annopying thing of muslims is that all their churches/moskee (however you call that in english :p)  are temples of doom and provocation.

The leaders keep being very aggresive and call the people to take action.
Thats not a religion its a KULT.

I m not saying I mean the entire Islam... but atleast the aggresive part.
It's insane, what moron decide to start a Jihad? thats so stupid. :S

Supervisor... For the real small things... and the finest stuff...
Woodcutting Xtreme: 94% Stuck on Error

Just cause you think its stupid doesn't mean the actual people in the religion think its stupid.

Level 89
Did you know that it's against the religion to draw muhammad? even if it's in a good way!
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I really dont like religion im against EVERYTHING about it.
Ha im really fucked if they attack.

I had a big huge lecture witht he catholic church why im going to the so called hell.I WAS THERE FOR 3 HOURS. And thats when I got chased out by them there so fucking crazy about whats wrong whats right whats real whats not.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
You do know not all religions are as bass ackwards as islam or christanity correct? *Cough* Asatru *cough* *Cough* Druidism *cough* *Cough* Wicca *cough*

Rep: +0/-0Level 89

So true... you try to become a wicca...

I know someone who can open doors with her "energy" :p
But she is really really weird, so I don't risk that for it :p.

But it's not what it should be... When u become witch or druid or whatever don't think you will ever be able to cast a fireball or even manipulate a small flame :p

Supervisor... For the real small things... and the finest stuff...
Woodcutting Xtreme: 94% Stuck on Error

Level 90
umm guys hate to break it to u but wicca is a type of majic not religion.
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Echo time.

I'll try make myself make a decision...
  • An mockery of famous Islamic figures or Muslims..
  • Beatings
  • Free Speech
  • Omniscients
  • [/list:u]

    I say that: sure, the cartoons may have been offensive and perhaps a little low, but never justifies the violence? Then again, it is difficult to merely accept what one perceives as abuse and do nothing about it when violence is your only outlet.

    I remember drawing mockery cartoons of friends. They are not designated to be offensive but funny. They would be crude and highlight the funny characteristics of them. Of course, this would be returned with a punch. This isn't on the same scale of seriousity. Did I have the right to draw/free speech to be amused by traits of people? I can accept funny drawings of myself.

    I remember on gamefaqs after being attacked by flamers after questioning their ego. I drew a flash animation summarising their opinions. Same thing.

    I hope I don't sound like I'm on my moral fence or whatever it is called, this type of argument I classify as "stalemate", who really is in the wrong or right? Different people believing different things and ideologies, who shall give in?

Level 89
Quote from: landofshadows

Assylum Seekers
They get given citerzen ship and get given a free house, Free money, Vouchers for food, clothing and cars from month to month... they also get pointed into employeement and education...

(Us guys that have been born and bred here don't get ANY help... I wish I got a couple of grand for my 1st car... or a free house)

I agree with you on this they come into the country ILLIGALY then DEMAND we help them... I mean come on FUCK OFF not that im trying to be racist but it just seems that the Assylum Seekers no scrap that everything to do with islam and hindu get there own way and i get so pissed off cus they dont like something so what do they do 'OH LET'S RIOT AND GET OUR OWN WAY... WE DON'T LIKE PORK SO ALL PIG BALOONS MUST BE TAKEN AWAY' This happened while i was in blackpool and i swear to god i felt like kicking the shit out of every last one off the protesters it's like if you dont like something GO SOMEWHERE ELSE like you said before they get a free car/house/money and what do i get NOTHING and another thing do muslims and hindu hate satanists cus i am one (NO I DONT WORSHIP THE DEVIL SO DONT BOTHER ASKIN IF I DO) and they all take the piss outta me cus of it i mean i have had more fights against muslim or hindu people than i have anyone else (minly cus they act like prics thinking they are tough hanging around in big groups pickin on people) well im one of the strongest in my school and i'm the one that gets told to sort it out.
but anyway back to the point. If you get offended by somethin then ignore it cus christians do and so do i (the only satanist at my school) cus if i went and hit everyone that took the piss outta me (mainly muslim and hindu) there would only be white and black people left in my school and i would be in jail.

(i may sound racist in this thread but i just don't care anymore)

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I'm starting to think Cthulu should rise from R'yleh and PWN the middle east.

Also the scary part is, H.P. Lovecraft didn't invent Cthulu, he was origianlly an Arabic Pagan God. Hence why Cthulu should PWN the middle east.

Level 88
hmm.. I guess I should clear somethings. Its not your guys fault for being ignorent, its the Media's...

I am Muslim. I am also from Turkey.

Did I take offend to this cartoon, no. Why? because its is not Muhammed. We don't know how he looks, there for we can't make drawings of him. Labeling him as a Prophet Mohammed doesn't make him it. Same with Jesus. Do you think Jesus is white with blue eyes? No.

We respect Jesus, we believe he is a prophet, so we won't make fun of him. I don't know what makes you think that we don't care when people make fun of Jesus.

The media always shows the wors of everything. Do you ever see in TV what the muslims and the Ottomens(turks) tought to Europeans?
We basicly saved their lives, after beating them in the Crusades.
- SmallPox
- Sanitation
- Bathrooms
- shaving
- Toothbrush

The list goes on as such.

The media shows the Middle east as a desert place where all people kill and hurt each other. This is not true. One terrorist group does not give the right to label the whole Middle East as such. Not saying anyone did.

Irag has been screwed by many people,  Christians, Arabs, and even Turks, but they are nice people, its just all the oprression starts to make them cazy. Look at this way;

You got Americans basicly taking the land.
You got Arabs that want the oil, same as Americans(maybe not the main priority)
You got Turks putting bases in.
You got Christian missinories.
You live in a desert opressed by Saddam Hussein.
You barely have any education.

What would you do. Nothing. Exactly. That is why the smart upon them rise as leaders and most of them are people like Bin Ladin, that give the Muslims a bad name. I don't support the way Bin Ladin does things, including terrorism, but he does it to free his people.

Other parts of the Middle East is beutiful. Ever went to Arabia? Turkey? Lebonan? I don't think so.

USA has everyright to attack against terrorism, I support their fight against terrorism but thats all. Some of the things going on in Iraq, not the goverments fault, are not cool. They don't show this in US media ofcourse but its war, these things happen during war.

I hope that clears somethings.

Level 88
Damn man! Vishnu rocks (I am Hindu). I think that Muslims are over reacting. Jews, Christians, Buddist, and Hindus have been made fun of too but we all turn the other cheek. So i think they should suck it in and grow up. Also remember that Muslims consider religion has the single most important thing in thier life.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i support mr. mo, sephiroth, and anybody else who didn't ask islamics to go fuck themselves, suck it up, or anything else thats shit.

Look, do you want muslims to make fun of jesus? NO! and I bet you 500$ that if i put a picture of us arabs burning dummy dolls of Jesus, some freaking idiots will go "hey thats offends me!"

Like you guys said, suck it up, who gives a damn, same applies to you guys. Dont go complaining if japan or china starts making cartoons of mary being a whore and jesus's father being undefined. We want the same respect as you guys do, and im sure you guys want the same respect as well. Its easy for someone to say that when they're christian.

My only message, fuck jews, they're leeches, they suck off society until it runs out, and they begin to work like slaves as soon as someone asks them to do something.

Oneray, you're the only hindu i don't appreciate. I've seen most hindus and muslims consider each other brothers. (Except the ones fighting over Kashmir) I'm pretty sure my hindu friends will kick your ass if they saw you saying that.

christians can make fun of christians because they are. Muslims can make fun of muslims, wrong. They cap your ass if you're muslim and you make fun of them. I've seen people start murmuring random shit when i drop a picture of jesus and step on it purposely. As i've said, if muslims have t suck it up, then you guys have to as well.

Oneray, almost everybody in the world considers religion as an important thing, i'm sure you do as well.

so basically, we want the same religion as you guys do, and we will do what ever that will force you to.

heres a message to all JEWS out there

if you're jewish, and complaining, shut the fuck up, and suck it in.

If we have to suck it in, everybody else will have to as well.

Sure i've been in trouble with school administrators for boosting this crap, but i feel they should suck it in as well, if we have to suck it in. I bet, that if someone decides to show those cartoons at school, they'll do nothing of the like to those people. So yeah, I want equal respect everywhere, you dont give me respect, you dont get respect from me. End of Discussion.

Level 88
Kick my ass for what? ??? Your the only Chirstian/Muslim/Hindu/Buddist (choose one) who i don't appericate. I have seen Chirstian/Muslim/Hindu/Buddist treat Jews are there brothers. My Jewish/Chirstian/Muslim/Hindu/Buddist will kick your ass for your rasical comments. I don't understand why you tell everyone not to make fun of Mulsims but you go ahead and make fun of the Jews? I do agree that the cartoons were bad and I do agree that Muslims overacted. A simple "no" or "please" would be more than enough to take down those cartoons. But harming people, creating huge violence, come on, don't you think that is overreacting?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
you see, this dude was offended, come one, you know what they say, suck it in, and most muslims consider jews leeches of the islam nation, look at the turbans, they're both similar, they're just too lazy to make their own religion, rather than make a simple version for themselves.

lookie here

jewish text

islamic text

Now our turbans

jewish turban/hat

islamic hat/turban

they should go make their own fucking religion, rather than make a simpler version of ours.

Level 88
Didn't Judism come before Islam? And isn't Islam the better version of the Bible?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
we're an independant religion, end of story. I'm sure you'd over react if the indian president went to pakistan only to have been killed by pakistani militia groups, that spat on his face after he'd died.

Level 88
Yes i would. But a cartoon is meant to be funny and can be stopped my a simple "no". Killing a P.M. is not the same as a cartoon.

Level 102
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They're angry for no reason. People make pictures of Jesus, but you don't see the Christians riot.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
It's in our religion not to "draw" the face of the Prophet.....and this was mentioned 100x already. It's alright for you guys to draw jesus...heck someone drew the first picture of him and I'm sure the person had never seen jesus himself so I doubth he actaully looks the same as all the pictures.
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