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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Hmm. One thing you might wanna do is center the text there in the beginning. If you're using Ccoa's UMS (Which I think you are) it says in the directions at the top how to do it.

All in all, it was nice to finally see things in action, like monkeydlu said. I actually don't mind being kinda thrown into things. Haha. Lots of teasers do that sort of thing. XD Still anticipating the demo in July.  :)


Karo Rushe

Thanks for the comments at least. =)

The teaser can let one down easily if one can't seem to have read at least what the story is about. I might work on another one, smoother & with more time.

& also, New updated Screenshots, & Two new userbars back from the grave (Shinary & popular favorite . . . Lloid)
*It was a pain to wipe out 20 screenshots from Twilight Hoax*
I notice when I uploaded the 2nd screenshot, the error, priority set of a wall accidentally ate the swords & the top of the Item storage case. <will be fix later> & also:

[spoiler=Save menu weeeeeeeeeeh!!!][/spoiler]


I really like the new screenshots! Maps are looking very good. :) Something looks a little odd to me on that one where you have the movie bars during the conversation though. Just the way their heads are kinda cut off at the top.

Code Geass

Karo Rushe

Quote from: sithlord999 on May 13, 2008, 01:40:23 AM
I really like the new screenshots! Maps are looking very good. :) Something looks a little odd to me on that one where you have the movie bars during the conversation though. Just the way their heads are kinda cut off at the top.
Mostly a lag problem, since those scenes came after a scene. Specifically one like which little Releena speaks with the Obidian Lord =X
Quote from: monkeydlu on May 13, 2008, 02:06:22 AM
greatness :D
=X Wait ti'll I reach further & make more scenes to screenshot, then it'll be awesome >3

Thou, btw Monkeydlu, will like to ask, if I can request a few more sprites thou, when your open & not too busy working on CF. =X I'd repay you in any way, besides finishing Akane ;p

Karo Rushe

Ok, New feature: Two new Characters make a "Cameo" Appearence in the game =P from two RPG Maker Games.

Karo Rushe

New screeshots, beware of Shady Messages, like the one Uriku found. lol

Karo Rushe

Here' an Experiment I'm doing
[spoiler=Klyron vs. 3x Spirit BERSERKER][/spoiler]

The Return of side-view battle non-animated o Soul-Rave =X

Thou, It glitches & lags, having problem with some skills & such.
Plus the lack of Characters sprites pictures to find on the web, Makes me think I'd might have to put the Game's release even further until either I find the sprites or the Game finishes to download or put the ever-known-default-battle-system. =)

Code Geass

wow, that looks NIIICe

I'd say definetly go for it, I would've but have you see the first aselia's battlers? >_> Agh, the style is so weird, I like these way much more.

You should find yourself someone who knows how to seriously rip things, commission or something as it might be a huge job, but I think it'd be very worth it XD

Karo Rushe

It's Not Animated thou, I would love that 100% but I know of no one who can rip the game, I'll simply just screenshot & Edit the Battlers =X Kinda wish to add them animated, but I see it not happening with the scripts been incompatibable with Blizzard's ToAo & CRL Systems.

[spoiler=Twilight Hoax Title Screen?][/spoiler]

[spoiler]With the Fan disc of Seinarukana After, Twiliht Hoax might have very little CGs & Knowing Xuse lost some of the people from the Aselia department, I might think I may have trouble releasing the Sequels & having to re-use the same materials from this one[/spoiler]

Quote from: monkeydlu on May 25, 2008, 02:37:56 PM
I'd say definetly go for it, I would've but have you see the first aselia's battlers? >_> Agh, the style is so weird, I like these way much more.
Fault 2d =P Seinarukana sorta beats Aselia in Graphics & Gameplay, but in plotwise Story & Characters, Aselia Wins =X

Code Geass

change script to Minkoff's, and you can probably find someone from spriter's resource and if not, you can start looking up some tutorials and learn how to rip yourself XD Riping's a pretty useful skill after all.

the programs for it seems too technical for someone lazy like me though :P using screenshots, takes waaay to long >_>

Karo Rushe

 :=: Maybe so, but I'll do that, after I release The Beta =< don't want to put the game's release further because of rippig & Waiting for he game to download!

=) Also, you realize I edit that last post? (lol)

Code Geass

ah, the title screen looks pretty sweet, but I think that would do much better as like a topic starter or something, as it's not exactly big enough for a title screen XD

Karo Rushe

Karo Rushe

[spoiler=Releena Speaks to Ansem][/spoiler]
[spoiler=The Lighters death by . . .]No Pictures, it'll spoil the fun =3[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Asaiji's 'Tragic' Speech Quote][/spoiler]

:V I call them as far as one of my favorites scenes, since it jumps from scene to scene Back & forth, but that . . . finish it, but my idea of the map I wanted didn't come nicely, still, adding Asaiji's Quote on the first page as update.


Nice screens.  :) Is that a Star Wars reference in the last one? lol

Karo Rushe

Quote from: sithlord999 on May 28, 2008, 08:53:23 PM
Nice screens.  :) Is that a Star Wars reference in the last one? lol

[spoiler]Yes =p.
I surely love that moment of Palpatine, simple put, Asaiji is like based on Emperor Palpatines/dark sidious in the ways she manipulates peoples emotions & fights with *****
=X [/spoiler]

& Why?




This is the best scene besides their battle sequence =X which will be a d*** b**ch to event, but truly one of Five of the best <3 ]=3 Ti'll July 21st . . .

Karo Rushe


I may need a script after all . . . but the problem lies, I don't have the graphics sprites nor the time to start to make them from scratch =O

I found a CB for three characters, might implement it . . . missing the Animated-Side-View & of course, the Game Seinarukana to grab & rip it's Battler Sprites. Ti'll then . . . Youtube's crappy videos of picture taken shall do for the moment.

<shivers> Any Comments on that? Battlers will be unil I get the game again that is =< & Rip it apart.

Code Geass

it's looking good, this'll be a huge draw once you have all the ripped material XD

Karo Rushe

 :P Or I can get sued for it. <cough>

Thou, I saw someone at .org using the same characters & made his own sprites. (I felt angry for no reason)

I have the cruddy flashes, now . . . . it just feels odd that their graphics won't look awesome, but nonetheless

=X Time to "Rip"

Code Geass

lol, ripping is a art in itself, who cares about getting sued XD just give them your fake address :P

Karo Rushe

A Character quiz I made some time ago:

The quiz is not 100% accurate, as many got Klyron & the result cannot be seen well, so I post them here >___>;;;

My result: (Except for the Emo Part & the spoilers)

[spoiler=Contains spoilers of the game in some of these descriptions]


Code Geass


XD thats frikking awesome! XD

Ming id I steal the idea? X3


I got monica XD

Karo Rushe