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Zxmelee's Video Tutorials

Started by zxm, October 17, 2005, 03:17:37 AM

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its saying that the extension isnt valid to microsoft but i can play other wmv video files and that it is a corrupt file...

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese


Are you sure you are trying to open it with DivX? Whenever I click on one of his tutorials, DivX always pops up and it plays fine.


Download it again, becuase I checked it on two other computers and they work fine.


YAY!!! they wrk... AWESOME tutorials man... taught me a couple of things.... MORE!!!

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese



like 3 months ago you sayd you would post more and there are now still no new 1s when are they coming?


Sorry dude, I have been busy.


This is too bad. I have dial-up. There is NO way i could dl some of those. The 100+mb one would take me like over 12 hours...ouch. I wish I could view them...*sob*.
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."


Leave it on over night!  :^^:


hmmm Idk I might try that, we will see =P. Parents might get mad though -_-
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."


Quote from: Time_Froghmmm Idk I might try that, we will see =P. Parents might get mad though -_-

watch your pc blow up lol..that would suck balls...big one lol...
Silence is Golden.
Duct Tape is Silver.....

..............SHAZZAM!!!!>>>>>>>I AM YOUR MASTER OF COMMAND>>>>>HAHAhahAHAHHAAHAHh only jokin'

completion: 8% (i think lol)


Nah it wouldn't blow up, there is no way. It wouldn't even overheat at that matter =P
Besides, no way my custom comp is blowing up!!!

EDIT: btw, the cutscen one is 45MB, not 90 =P

EDITEDIT: wow you have dl a lot of files from there lol =P
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."


Hehe, over 1400 downloads!


Yeah I know! Its stuff worth dling there?
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."


Quote from: ZxmeleeThis will be the place I put my Video Tutorials. Sorry for the large file size.

Don't like to read feakin long tutorials? Never fear! Zxmelee is here!  I point out every thing, step by step, you see what to do. You hear what to do. Thats better learning!

Lesson One: Basic Map and Basic Events. Time, 16:36, Size 72.91 MB.
Its Here:;4260702;;/fileinfo.html[/b]

Lesson Two: Basic Database. Time 32:30, Size 137.60 MB
Its Here:;4264986;;/fileinfo.html

Lesson Three: Cutscenes. Time 13:47, Size 94 MB
Its Here:;4313526;;/fileinfo.html

Lesson Four: Making a Good Game Part 1. Time 13:47, Size 15.66 MB
Its Here:;4338180;;/fileinfo.html
The tutorials are all blurry.Well at least the one I saw which was lesson 4


4 is, becuase its smaller. What the hell is wrong with you "They're all blurry, number 4 anyway." You are a dumbass. You talk bad about me, go make your own videos then.


only the last movie will download for me


Quote from: Zxmelee4 is, becuase its smaller. What the hell is wrong with you "They're all blurry, number 4 anyway." You are a dumba$$. You talk bad about me, go make your own videos then.
What are you talking about? I only said number 4 was blurry.I wasn't flaming you or anything.


I just wish I had broadband to dl it faster...I bet they are very helpful =(
Even if they are blurry ;)

Edit: Damn it I am dl the cutscene one now. Oh yeah I am going for it! >=)
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."



I've never had a problem with Zx's tutorials, they've always been good quality and not blurry. However the frame rate is sort of low, but as he said before this prevents giagantic filesizes...but people get the idea. Even though the picture isn't moving like it should you can still hear the explainations.

Two thumbs up  :D


i have an idea for making the file smaller
zip the video right then winrar it that should cut around i dont know 10 megs then see if u can zip the .rar file then .rar the ziped file i heard it works well if u do it till it wont go down anymore i know a guy who lowered a file size by 40 megs lol
Yay i got a zoo sort of


yay! that was very helpful. And the one I saw was not blurry at all ;). One part I thought was funny..."You know you can add stuff like, heres a 100 dollars go buy a pie or something" XD Idk why but I thought that part was funny. It was very helpful, thanks a lot!
"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Good. We can attack in any direction."


I really want to watch these but I can't download them...  :? every time I try it keeps getting me to sign up for a paid account >_>.  There's the free option too but that just takes you in circles and never actually lets you download the file... what do I dooo?


Pick any "Hosted Files Free Public Servers!". Its does not take you in circles, I have been using this server for downloads since November with 1,700 file downloads. Try again.