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Zxmelee's Video Tutorials

Started by zxm, October 17, 2005, 03:17:37 AM

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This will be the place I put my Video Tutorials. Sorry for the large file size.

Don't like to read feakin long tutorials? Never fear! Zxmelee is here!  I point out every thing, step by step, you see what to do. You hear what to do. Thats better learning!

Lesson One: Basic Map and Basic Events. Time, 16:36, Size 72.91 MB.
Its Here:;4260702;;/fileinfo.html[/b]

Lesson Two: Basic Database. Time 32:30, Size 137.60 MB
Its Here:;4264986;;/fileinfo.html

Lesson Three: Cutscenes. Time 13:47, Size 94 MB
Its Here:;4313526;;/fileinfo.html

Lesson Four: Making a Good Game Part 1. Time 13:47, Size 15.66 MB
Its Here:;4338180;;/fileinfo.html


Awesome tutorial.  Defineitely perfect for RPG Maker newbies.
Currently working on/with:

Fatal Sin's, Fatal Sin
Job: Artist, Writer, whatever needs to be done.

My own game...when I motivate myself...


Its actually quite cool man, of course it didnt teach me anything, but then im not a newbie lopl...

Nice! Your accent is truly amazing  :P
Great tutorial man, Crank put it on the main site  :D


Loved the tutorial man! Where are the others? lol


I'm a newbie, so I GREATLY appreciate this tutorial.

Thanks a bunch, man... this should help me get a good idea of some of the basic skills I'll need.  8)
Isotope Studios - Homepage coming soon.


I was actually planning on releasing a flash based tutorial, which I have recently decided against due to the fact that I only have the trial version of flash and the time it would take and the fact that I only know the basics of flash would make it a project in itself.

The tutorial is nice however I would like to point out that you don't need to put a local switch to be 'on' or 'off' at the beginning of each page. (Local switch = self switch)  The only time where you would need it is when you have previously set it to on and want to turn it off.  That was the one thing that I felt you should know.

Other than that minor detail, I think a congratulation is in order for being the only one, that I know of, to have made a video-based tutorial for this site.  I think for your first attempt it is a good job.  Keep up the good work.

If anything I said is incorrect, please correct me.  I'm not known to be always accurate  :wink: .
Eclipse: Darkness Arising
-Currently in development


True, I just tested tested that, the switch thing. And a thank you.


Well, we could always do a Flash based tutorial, seeing as how I have Flash MX 2004 Pro.

Your video was awesome, I watched it all the way through and I thought it was very good.


New Video up, its huge! I lowered it from 700 MB! Its long thats why. A half-hour, of me talking. Basic Database, and BTW, put down some of questions so I can do a viewer mail episode!  8)


"Viewer mail" coming from me!   :lol:

How do you use variables and what different ways can they can be used? (Because I still have trouble understanding these things, even with text tutorials... it'd be nice to see a video tutorial explaining it.)

How do you make a switch that is turned on when... lets say... a rock is pushed onto a certain tile? (This would probably involve variables tracking the X and Y coordinates, but again I'm not sure on how to do this yet.)

How do you make a decent intro event?  (This question has been asked ALOT from what I've seen.)
Isotope Studios - Homepage coming soon.


Haha! I will try my best, I'm going to have to test that rock thing though...


Make one about CUTSCENES XD lol I dont understand how to make them..........


Quote from: BPKS0Make one about CUTSCENES XD lol I dont understand how to make them..........

lol, yeah that too!   :P
Isotope Studios - Homepage coming soon.


I just messed around a bit and made my opening scene. But, a tutorial on switches and variables would be nice. :D
Currently working on/with:

Fatal Sin's, Fatal Sin
Job: Artist, Writer, whatever needs to be done.

My own game...when I motivate myself...


how do u make opening scenes? lol my game is kinda dull rite now cuz as soon as you start you just gotta know wuts goin on lol an opening scene would be nice


Currently working on/with:

Fatal Sin's, Fatal Sin
Job: Artist, Writer, whatever needs to be done.

My own game...when I motivate myself...


Okay... I will be making a CUTSCENE TUTORIAL! (So that you know) Then, a variable one.


zxmeele, u must be an awesome computer guy thats wicked awesome
Stages of using the pottie #2:
1. you push :x
2. you get constipated :oops:
3. you feel good after you get it out :D

Quote from: rpg_maximusI hate this world, i hate myself and I don't live in this world!  I come from the andromeda galaxy!  I kill myself everyday and come back to life and my favorite food is crap!
what did he say! o, i forgot to put the jk!

Captain Callahan

Yout toturials are good ZX<MELEE i liked them i look forward to watch the others for the heck of it they good I GOT CANDY!!!!!!!! :twisted:
"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV


Yes really, nice post zshadow
Stages of using the pottie #2:
1. you push :x
2. you get constipated :oops:
3. you feel good after you get it out :D

Quote from: rpg_maximusI hate this world, i hate myself and I don't live in this world!  I come from the andromeda galaxy!  I kill myself everyday and come back to life and my favorite food is crap!
what did he say! o, i forgot to put the jk!


ya i watched your videos i didnt need any help but they were cool for some of the stuff i could have gotten from you instead of trial and error.  all in all it was great it should be in the tutorials section of if they let you put it on there that was alot of megabytes.  I do have one request though can you speak a little loader when you talk could barly hear you.


Hey, but at least there decently good for a kid (better than I can do)
Stages of using the pottie #2:
1. you push :x
2. you get constipated :oops:
3. you feel good after you get it out :D

Quote from: rpg_maximusI hate this world, i hate myself and I don't live in this world!  I come from the andromeda galaxy!  I kill myself everyday and come back to life and my favorite food is crap!
what did he say! o, i forgot to put the jk!

Captain Callahan

"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV


Stages of using the pottie #2:
1. you push :x
2. you get constipated :oops:
3. you feel good after you get it out :D

Quote from: rpg_maximusI hate this world, i hate myself and I don't live in this world!  I come from the andromeda galaxy!  I kill myself everyday and come back to life and my favorite food is crap!
what did he say! o, i forgot to put the jk!


I feel so happy *Hugs a Teddy bear* And I'll talk louder.(Or you know maybe turn up your speakers lol :lol:) (*cough* sticky *cough*)