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Zxmelee's Video Tutorials

Started by zxm, October 17, 2005, 03:17:37 AM

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Dude i love your accent!
If you are a noob you learn much in these tutorials (I love wen you say: this is Zxmelee, and this is zxmelles video tutorials :P )

I hope you make a new one.

Pusssar p


For some reason I can't download any of those. Do you mind posting the tutorial with text and screenshots? I know it's probably a pain but I'm really interested in 'Building a good game' and 'Cutscenes' because I know the rest. Thanks! ;-)


Wait bro nevermind. It's because I was using AOL. *I'm not a noob so mods can delet both posts and lower my post count by two...I don't care) [] Check out my post count! Only 5-11% is spam so I'd say I have 1800+ good posts.


AOL?  :shock:  Glad you changed back into good browers.


dude thsi videos PWN any other tutorial !! I bet my games will be as good as a SDquare Enix Game !!*in my dreams*


"Mom, I'm doin somethin!" :lol:

Nice videos indeed.


Hey superb tutorial ^^
Really helped me get to grips with this program, although i still mess up on alot of things, like the switches and making your main player do stuff.
And the movement messed up for me -.- (it just went down and up when it was ment to go down 3 times then left then down again)


Yeah, it takes practice! You'll get the hang of things pretty soon.


brill mate keep it up

Majestic Wolf

"Yes mom"
"No, tell them to wait"


Good tutorials, learnt a few thigns I didn't know :^^:

Also Known As:
Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike


Were the people at the door or on the phone? XD if you said it in the video, I dont remember. I watched that one sooo long ago =\
QuoteZxmelee says: I FUCKED A CHICK GEEZ
Neko says: I doubt it was a girl
Neko says: Was "she" working the corners?
Zxmelee says: Well, I was lying...
Zxmelee says: but, oh man. They were all over me
Neko says: With a few bucks
Neko says: That hapens

Majestic Wolf

He said alot of funny things, I feel like watching them again to pick them all out  :lol:

Also Known As:
Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike


That one was when my girlfriend was on the phone and I told her to wait!  :lol:

Majestic Wolf

If I did that I'd get killed, still pretty funny lol

Also Known As:
Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike


Proud to say that Zxmelee's Video Tutorials Watched by over 1200 People Worldwide!


when are you posting a new tutorial?

A really NoOby Guy

I thought, o great, once again, I won't learn anything... but, dang! You accent is the pwnage too...  :lol:

dl'ing # 2


Hey my computer is saying that the file extensions aren't right... is there nething special i need to watch this?

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese


Yes, you need Windows Media Updated and DivX


its still not working... i got told that these vids are REALLY awesome and i REALLY want to watch them... but i dnt understand wats goin on... how can i not watch it and every1 else can... PLZ HELP ME!!!

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese


Quote from: need Windows Media Updated and DivX

Dude, what he said. ^^^


yes i know i downloaded all updates for windows media player 10 and i downloaded Divx player and some divx codecs... its still not working... can anyone link me to the stuff i need? im running on xp so it should be working... i jst dont understand...

"It wasn't me, a racoon jumped through the window, onto the chair, over my shoulder, through the living room and into the kitchen. The racoon stole the cookies from the cookie jar!" - Jerry and Cheese


What error are you getting?

Red Eye Dragoon

Zxmelee,i just now watched the cutscene  video,and near the end i started cracking up about 100 dollars for pie and such.buuuut.....great tutorials for newbs.

Also,your accent kick ass!
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