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Zxmelee's Video Tutorials

Started by zxm, October 17, 2005, 03:17:37 AM

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wen u think ull have it done ^^


Captain Callahan

*cough* Stick...y *cough* Yeah i liked them and i would like to see further ones.

Good luck with them and i heard Zxmelee fine.
"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV


Lessen Three: Cutscenes is up and running!


where can i find your tuttorials? on the first posts? i'll look there
Go suck a lemon! lol



Wow, I learned a lot with that last one. I am definetly looking forward to that variables one.

These are the best tutorials I've seen for RPG Maker, so keep it up. :D
Currently working on/with:

Fatal Sin's, Fatal Sin
Job: Artist, Writer, whatever needs to be done.

My own game...when I motivate myself...


Just as a pointer, to erase a graphic you could have instead of doing that way, change the graphic in the move-event command window, it is on last row, 5th command from the bottom "Change Graphic..." and set it to nothing, or a blank setting which would render the king invisible.  Giving the same illusion of him leaving that you did without having to switch the events.

Just another way of achieving the same effect if anyone was wondering otherwise.  Eventually I will work on my own text and picture tutorial for cutscenes, it is already started.  I'm going to go into other aspects of cutscenes, some of which were shown here but others may not have been.

Overall a good tutorial on the basics of cutscenes, keep up the good work.
Eclipse: Darkness Arising
-Currently in development


yes top notch! but i would work on speech skills (please dont take me wrong i understood every thing but with better speech skills is just better to have....) its only a suggestion
Go suck a lemon! lol



Actually, It's better for me that you don't talk all technical and stuff because
it's easier for me to understand you. Great job, Dude!
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*


no not all technical! just have a clear voice and pronounce words correctly and try not to stutter....i'm not talking about you Zxmelee but those are good speech skills(in my book)kind of.....i seem to just be rambling on and back on topic...when is your next tutorial going to come out?
Go suck a lemon! lol



When I feel so! Lol! I don't know maybe this weekend. I'm popular now!


Mr. Popular!

but okay ths weekend COOL
Go suck a lemon! lol


Captain Callahan

"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV


Well I didn't make this weekend...


On Wednesday : Tutorial on Planning a Good Game: Part 1 : To Write a Original Story (This will be a mini series)

After That : Tutorial of Basics of Variables (Sometime, I have school crap to do)

So thats what I got planned so far. Comments :^^: ?


DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*



lol, i'de never download it even if i was a noob. 70+ mb for a small tutorial which only i don't know what  can't learn by reading. lol
because if they couldn't do it by reading (because there english isn't good enough or something) then listening to english probably won't help a lot either.
but hey, nice idea. although wierd and a bit.. yeah, wierd  :O_o:


Lessen Four: Making a Good Game Part 1 IS UP!!! With a new, smaller file size! Enjoy! Comments?


its gd but didnt like the comment bout crystals XD lol


Oh crap! I'm sorry, I was just trying to say to be creative, rrr..., hehe :lol:  sorry about that.



i have a hard time making citys bigger than 92x75 you should make a tutorial of making a big city.   no a massive city lol


i'm going to download your newest tutorial sounds great!
Go suck a lemon! lol



Quote from: graywolfi have a hard time making citys bigger than 92x75 you should make a tutorial of making a big city.   no a massive city lol

You should make borders for staters, then you have a boundry to work in. First put in a few normal buildings like inns and shops etc, then make a road system. Followed by trees, lakes and other stuff. Finally bang in the rest of the space with houses, and you should be done  8)


basics basics basics.. yawn...
now make a "how to make an actually useful script" tutorial :P
holy shit my sig was big!