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[XP] 'Nocturne Gospel' (Abandoned)

Started by Karo Rushe, December 18, 2006, 02:04:11 AM

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Just took it. XD I got Lloid. He's the same person on my Soul-Raves support bar too. lol

Code Geass

I think that fits me pretty well actaully XD

but O_O Seth is a evil Maniac with a god complex O_O

lol, sounds plausible, for better or for worse XD

Karo Rushe

:< In a way, it fits Sith since his nick, well, you get the idea x3

XD Lloid is not that evil, is just that, the route of actions he's taking, makes him evil Throu Klyron & the party's perspective =X



modern algebra


Your conscience.


Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Karo Rushe

=X Well, seem everyone is enjoying the quiz . . . yet, here's a little screeny from the game while I was testing it:

[spoiler][/spoiler] of course, the title is just a wimp . . . not the greatest screeny but, still =X luv Fianna's WoL


where did you get the battelers and sprites? and if you can't give me aling could you post a download or something plz

Karo Rushe

The Sprites are Custom & the Battler for the Characters were taken from Ingame pictures *ti'll I get Seinarukana again*.

So, the sprites are not available to the public yet.

Code Geass

you really shouldn't just ask for other people's resources like that, it's very rude, but either way, she already answered your question, they will be released when she is ready to release them or whenever she feels like it, and the battlers like she said were made from screenshots of the game she used them from.

screenshots, meaning she had to physically cut out the battler image, you can't search up those. If you want to know what game their from, look at the CREDITS.

Karo Rushe

Quote from: monkeydlu on June 08, 2008, 02:27:53 AM
you really shouldn't just ask for other people's resources like that, it's very rude, but either way, she already answered your question, they will be released when she is ready to release them or whenever she feels like it, and the battlers like she said were made from screenshots of the game she used them from.

screenshots, meaning she had to physically cut out the battler image, you can't search up those. If you want to know what game their from, look at the CREDITS.

That sounds a bit angry, but it is true =o Please check the credits, as it tells from who they are.

=p Also, I should get back to work, I have been playing around with Touhou Scarlette Weather Rhapsody for long enough >__>;;


Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


sry i did't mean  to sound rude i realy new sry sry srysry sry :( :( :(


i was just worndering ( i'm not trying to be mean or rude) but, i searched on google all the creaded things but yet no screans or any thing why is that? ???

wintersoltice far ...the game looks great...:) :D
can't wait to play the demo  :D

i just hope that you won't upload it to yousendit, megaupload and rapidshare ......
as they have limited (slots/bandwidth/don't know what's the correct word) for free-user...... :'(
megaupload forces people to download its toolbar ,which is not useful...

Karo Rushe

Thanks ^^

Thou it may depend, the file is not something small . . . so, it might depend actually, can't promise anything there.


Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

The full game is 1GB . . .  =/ The full one, not the demo that coming on July 21st (Without the OP & EN that is).



I'm gonna need to save room on this tank that I call a computer -.-
Your conscience.

Karo Rushe

Lol, I wasn't joking when I said the game was long  :P I am just remaking part of those maps for everyone's entertainment! <3

Code Geass


one gig?


you know, I had a lecture once about how size dosn't make a good game in any way.

Hell, professional game developers make great games, best selling even, and pack them into small cartridges filled with 10mb at max.


seriously, how the hell do you even manage 1 gig? The MMOs I play are one gig!


Rethink your plans very very carefully caro >_> I mean it, one gig is not smart or healthy and does not look good at all, for that matter, it looks terrible, very unprofessional, and I'm still wondering how the hell your going to fill it with one gig.

even if you are using mp3s, you have to be hoarding resources for unparticular reasons to reach that much, and if your using bit map, shame on you D:


ok, throwing out all professionalism perspective here as well as any sense of successful game making.

you won't be able to host a one GIG file on any free server, you'll be having to fork over cash to host something like that.

other wise, you'll have to split you game up into 4 or 5 parts in order for people to download it, if you want it encrypted, the game without the audio files better be under 300mb or you'll have to upload it in separate uncrypted parts.

but really, looking at this whole thing WITH a more realistic as well as professional point of view, 1gb was as ridiculous as those 100+ hours of game play crap.

start cleaning up -_-

(Btw, the op + ed won't go over even go over 15mb)

this lecture was for your own good...... listen to it >_> Rethink your future perspective of anyone ever downloading a rmxp game thats a gig, for that matter realize you won't be able to even host such a thing without forking over money.

Karo Rushe

It's the story that makes it long >___>;;

Which mostly is a main reason to remake & divide in two games . . .

:mad: Even so, I am working on that, there's too much at stake here.