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Top 5 Games Ever

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Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Ye top 5 games evar. Give reasons  :mrgreen:

1. Ghost Recon : Advanced Warfighter

-Fookin amazing game. Never been a fan of tom clancy games but this game is not only best looking, most addictive and amazing online play. Even the music is awesome! Best game on xbox 360 by far! Best game i have ever played <3

2. Halo

-Was favourite until i got GRAW ^^
Amazing game that focused on suspence and gameplay over graphics. First xbox game, still the best =P

3. Final Fantasy 9

-Best Final Fantasy game. Best RPG Evar, awesome music, great story and everything. One of those all time classics  :mrgreen:

4. Final Fantasy 7

-My first Final Fantasy game. I still love this game for how hooked it got me, awesome story, a little short but we cant win em all  :mrgreen:

5. Halo 2

-Although a dissapointment to Halo, Halo 2 still rocked anus. First xbox live game i played and i really enjoyed it. Not bad single player campaign either (Well it was amazing but compared to number 1)

And theres mine  :mrgreen:

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
1. Final Fantasy 8.

-As emo as it may sound, I relate to Squall and the kind of person he is, both in the beginning of the game and in the end. I've had a girl change me in a very, very similar way. Of course I love the game by itself, but it has an emotional attachment that throws it into the #1 spot.

2. Legend of Mana.

-It's just so much fun to play, and the soundtrack is incredible! I could never get tired of starting that game over and playing it until I complete every quest.

3. Morrowind.

-It truely is a never-ending game. Even if you complete the main quests and all the side-quests, there are tons of user-created quests to be found out there. The mods and add-ons really make the game incredible. My Morrowind looks nothing at all like the Xbox version, thanks to the new character body, face, and hair models, and the updated textures. I love it the construction set. I could probably forget about RPGMaker and use the TES Construction set to make my game, since it's so powerful and lets you do almost whatever you want.

4. Final Fantasy 7.

-This hardly needs an explanation.

5. Chrono Trigger.

-One of the first RPG's I played. Incredible game, though I don't care much for the silent protagonist type character, but that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying the game.

Honorable mentions: Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario 1/2.


Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
1. Final Fantasy 6

Yeah, I'm one of the old-school types. Great story, great music, and for it's time, best graphics eva.

2. Final Fantasy 9

I've spent a lot of time playing this game, so many good memories. ^_^

3. Chrono Trigger

At first I didn't like this game too much, but in grew on me in time.

4. Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night

OK, I know a lot of people don't like this game, but I love Castlevania games, and as far as those go, this was one of the best.

5. Final Fantasy 4:

I still remember owning this on SNES when it was FF2, along with FF3/6. It was the first Final Fantasy I played and I loved it right away. So it has to go on my list.

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
1. Burnout: Revenge

The game was something new compaired to the old racing games and the over-used illegal racing titles such as Underground. Its just the best becuase, you can destory everything, and its just plain fun.

2. Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War: WA

It changed the RTS, with no resoure grabbers like SUVs, you had to gain points on the map. So there was never worry on running out of cash. Not only that, I don't have buy all the models  :lol:.

3. Def Jam: Fight for NY

Other then like every rapper is in it, you can put yourself in the game and kick the shit out of them. I just love the fighting system in it.

4. World of Warcraft

Meh, it was great. I love how everything was so...big.

5. Simcity 4

The power to create a city you want... with all the custom things you can put into it or make yourself, makes it a must play.

Level 91
God of Dicks
1. Final Fantasy Tactics

I have spent so many hours of my life playing this game... The story is incredible, the battles are fun, and the customability gives it great replay value. My only complaint would be that the last boss is too easy.

2. Shadow Hearts: Covenant

This RPG is amazing. I didn't play the first one, though from what I have seen/heard it is very similar. I love the weird humor, the eerie ambiance, and the intense battles. This game is an excelent change from the typical boring old RPGs.

3. Phantom Brave

Though I feel the plot is a little thin, I did find it quite enjoyable. Either way, thats not the big draw for this game. This game is all about the stratagy (tactics style) battles. I love how you can only summon your characters for a certain number of the turns, and the item you summon them from affects their stats. This game is really unique and fun.

4. Front Mission 3

Another stratagy tacticsy game... But with giant mechs (wanzers). I see how this game could turn some people off, but I love it. I love how you can completely customize your wanzers. Theres also this cool sort of mock internet thing going on, which I wasted alot of time on. The combat is challenging and fun.

5. Legend of Dragoon.

Its hard to say anything about this game is particularly fantastic, but I love it. The graphics are pretty good for a psx title, but I'd say FFVIII and IX are better in that department. The story is unique and engaging, and is presented in a way I feel leaves you wanting more. The battle system is fun with its "addition" system, and being able to go into dragoon mode. Its just an enjoyable game.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 10:35:05 PM by GilgameshRO »

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Ogre Battle 64

Incredibly deep storyline, and the best turn-based battle system I've ever, ever experienced.  All the graphics are hand-drawn, and the musical score sounds like a symphony orchestra.

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Unique storyline (how many games have you played where the moon is going to crush the planet, and you have only three days to stop it?), and pretty freakin' awesome real-time battles.  Excellent boss battles, beautiful music.


A little-known RPG on the Game Boy Color, probably because it is American-made.  Pokemon-esque in nature, wherein you capture monsters to fight with, but Magi-Nation's monsters are way awesomer than any Pokemon.  Partially due to the fact that Matt Holmberg ( http://www.ghostcircles.com/matt ), one of the greatest artists of our time, illustrated most of them.  Pretty cool story and nice music, too, though the battles are a tad lacking.

Mega Man, Mega Man X (all of them)

It is physically impossible to place any one Mega Man game above the rest.  Unbelievable musical score, insanely addicting levels and boss battles, hand-drawn graphics in the later games.  Often criticized for having godawful dialogue, but the cheesiness and hilarious dubbing are part of what I love (to laugh) about it.

Man, I got to think of one more....  I don't know, let's go along with:

Tales of Symphonia

Amazing artwork!!  Kosuke Fujishima has been my favorite artist since way before I even played ToS, and seeing his name among the credits was a major factor in what made me buy it.  Incredible real-time RPG battles, and beautiful music.  Surprisingly deep and haunting story, though the villain's motives are really stupid.  And... ZELOS!!  *points to avatar*   :-D

Level 91
God of Dicks
Ogre Battle 64 isn't really turn based.... I mean, I guess when two groups encounter and fight it out it could be considered turn based, since they attack in a certain order... but nots not like you have control? Anyways... Its hard to call it an RTS either, cause its certainly not like any RTS....

[Edit]: Hehe, I was tempted to leave FFT off just to avoid the whole FF bandwagon thing off... But it really is, in my opinion, one of the best games ever. As much as I think final fantasy is overhyped, that doesn't lessen the quality.
(Edited to try to avoid driving this topic off topic...)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 11:19:56 PM by GilgameshRO »

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
I would consider it turn-based, because the characters attack in turn by their AGI stat.  Personally, I really, really get annoyed with turn-based battle systems.  They don't even make any sense!  "oh, hey, Mr. Monster, please just stand there for a few minutes whilst I issue my commands."  What?!  RTS is the way of the future!!  Anyway, the point I'm trying to get at is that Ogre Battle has the best turn-based battle engine because I just get to watch all the pretty characters attack and I don't have to do anything.  But, I don't like to word it like that, because it makes it sound like there's no strategy involved.

So.  Anyway.  Ogre Battle 64 = my all-time favorite game of all time ever

Am I the only person who didn't list a Final Fantasy game?  Eh, for the record, I'd just like to say the FF6 is my favorite out of my minimal experience with the FF series.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
1. Final Fantasy 6...
Kefka is the greatest villian ever. The Relic system customized characters and should be brought back. The Magicite system rewarded you for using magic, unilke FF7's reeetahdid materia system that punished you for using magic. The characters were so damn memorable. Desperation attacks were the precursor for limit breaks. Squares best work, no bones about it.

2. Mega Man X1/4/8 (Tie)
Megaman X 1 was so well done that I dust it off every once in a while and play it, and I've had the game for about 12 years. X4 was when you could first use Zero, and from then on I prefered Zero over X. X8, Zero was refined and played better than ever. And on top of it, Axl, X, and Zero all felt so different gameplay wise it was a MMX fan's wet dream.

3. Saga Frontier
This game is so under rated it's mind blowing. It was basically seven RPGs in one. Plus Sword Techs, Gun Techs Matrial Arts Techs, Magic Techs, Monster Techs and Mystic Techs made it fun to level up for six hours. Seriously, leveling up never got boring.

4. War Craft 3
OMG! OMG! OMG! This was a f*cking masterpice. Plus Hereos were awesome. I had way too much fun making my own custom maps. I love this game. Map Making in WC3 is what led me to RPG Maker.

5. Soul Calibur 3
Chronicles of the sword. A huge roster. Create - a - Soul.  And good gameplay to boot. Plus it has SWORDS, swords are the greatist thing ever invented. SWORDS! Plus I wish I could date Tira. I know she's 17... But in MA she's legal.

Level 90
srry no top five guys i just got 2.

FF8-the ultimate finalfantasy game ever made nothing can beat it it had the greatest story, great battle engine,cool charecters,and best music from nobuo ugmatsu.

Kingdom hearts=what else can i say but u get to fight by disney charecters story wasent all that great but the disney charecters filled in for it.

P.S. i have bought ff8 4 times becuase everytime i got to the third disk it would freeze soimewere. :mrgreen:<<<i guess i should add a afro guy to
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
2. Mega Man X1/4/8 (Tie)
Megaman X 1 was so well done that I dust it off every once in a while and play it, and I've had the game for about 12 years. X4 was when you could first use Zero, and from then on I prefered Zero over X. X8, Zero was refined and played better than ever. And on top of it, Axl, X, and Zero all felt so different gameplay wise it was a MMX fan's wet dream.

Nuh-uh, Zero was playable in MMX3.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
2. Mega Man X1/4/8 (Tie)
Megaman X 1 was so well done that I dust it off every once in a while and play it, and I've had the game for about 12 years. X4 was when you could first use Zero, and from then on I prefered Zero over X. X8, Zero was refined and played better than ever. And on top of it, Axl, X, and Zero all felt so different gameplay wise it was a MMX fan's wet dream.

Nuh-uh, Zero was playable in MMX3.

X4 was the first time you could choose to just use Zero. X3 although Zero could be used, felt more like X going Solo. X4 came in and gave you the choice of who you wanted, and they played nothing like each other. Zero came into his own in X4.

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
« Last Edit: April 06, 2006, 02:47:51 AM by Zxmelee »

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
Oh my God, I left out EarthBound. How the hell could I have forgotten about EarthBound? :(


I love Firerain
Level 97
1.Spiderman the Movie:- Its kinda good, for now, i never played it b'fore cuz of my 3d card but now i can so its good.
2.Fantastic 4:-Just like above.
3.hulk?-Same again.
4-Pt's King kong:- kinda good.
5.LOTR-Its good sometimes....

I didnt think i got dozens of games, but these are the ones i never played properly without the 3d card so...urm i told them
Arlen is hot.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
I brake for nobody
TOP 2-D games

1: EARTHBOUND 2 (the one with NESS) - SNES

That was one of the best SNES games ive ever played!

2: KH: COM (kingdom hearts chain of memories) - GBA

Finaly a 2D version of kingdom hearts!

3: Teenage mutant ninga turtles - SNES

I cant think of any more... but this still was good.

Top 3d games

1: Civilization 4

The best turn-based ive ever played!

2: The Movies game

Make your own movies! Come on! Who doesnt like that! (Expansion coming soon)

3: Half-life 2

A great firstperson shooter... but Really short...
4: Mario tennis - N64

Very good...

5: KOTOR... - for got system...

The second one sucked


I love Firerain
Level 97
I also like bloody games :-D
 :mrgreen: Bloody Hell

Like the house of the dead, I like the bloody fatalities in MK,its just interesting to watch a guy without a head coming towards youLOL!
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
1: EARTHBOUND 2 (the one with NESS) - SNES
Have you ever played the one on NES? It's very similar to the SNES one, and I even think the main guy's name is Ness in that game as well.
But yeah, the SNES EarthBound is godly.


( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
1. Vagrant Story
It's a shame nobody much seems to know about this game. Even though I've never completed it, this is my favourite game of all time. The music is awesome (it's OST was the first OST I ever got, and remains my favourite even though now my OST collection is in the hundreds), the gameplay and the way the weapons and stats work is unlike anything else I've ever played and the story keeps bringing me back for replays. Maybe one day I'll actually beat it.

2. Quake III Arena
Heh, I dunno :| When I think about it I play this alot and usually laugh about something or other.

3. Final Fantasy V
This was an awesome play through, and I remember when I first got to the Big Bridge and heard Gilgamesh's music <3. This has comparable graphics to RPGMaker 2000/2003, but it puts every RM2k/2k3 game combined to shame ~

4. Final Fantasy IX
The last one before Square went all Enix. I pretty much agree what what's already been said about it, so just read those.

5. Blaster Master
I had this for NES. I NEVER managed to complete it, but I used to try at least twice a week. I like the music from it still now, which is why I'm making an orchestral remix suite of it =D
bringing sexy back

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I tried playing Vagrant Story...
....but it was hard. :(


Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
1. Vagrant Story
It's a shame nobody much seems to know about this game. Even though I've never completed it, this is my favourite game of all time. The music is awesome (it's OST was the first OST I ever got, and remains my favourite even though now my OST collection is in the hundreds), the gameplay and the way the weapons and stats work is unlike anything else I've ever played and the story keeps bringing me back for replays. Maybe one day I'll actually beat it.

2. Quake III Arena
Heh, I dunno :| When I think about it I play this alot and usually laugh about something or other.

3. Final Fantasy V
This was an awesome play through, and I remember when I first got to the Big Bridge and heard Gilgamesh's music <3. This has comparable graphics to RPGMaker 2000/2003, but it puts every RM2k/2k3 game combined to shame ~

4. Final Fantasy IX
The last one before Square went all Enix. I pretty much agree what what's already been said about it, so just read those.

5. Blaster Master
I had this for NES. I NEVER managed to complete it, but I used to try at least twice a week. I like the music from it still now, which is why I'm making an orchestral remix suite of it =D

I need to listen to the Vagrant Story OST, I always hear good things about it. Unfortunately I've never played the game, so...

FFV is awesome too. I was kind of disappointed with the music up until I got to the Big Bridge too, then I was like  :-o

Oh, and who couldn't like Blaster Master?  :-P

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.

3: Teenage mutant ninga turtles - SNES

Yeah, there was definitely more than one TMNT on the SNES...  the most popular seems to be TMNT4: Turtles in Time.  I've played that one, and if it's the one you're talking about, then yes, it is way awesome.


Thank you for enlightening us with your opinion.

X4 was the first time you could choose to just use Zero. X3 although Zero could be used, felt more like X going Solo. X4 came in and gave you the choice of who you wanted, and they played nothing like each other. Zero came into his own in X4.
Yeah, I understood that's what you probably meant.  Zero was definitely the best in X5 and X6, where he learned all those freakin' awesome sword skillz.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
I've played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, or whatever it was called. In fact, I used to own it. That game was great. I'm from the age when Ninja Turtles was the cool thing to be into.

Old School.  :mrgreen:

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Lol, I remember that game. It was really good back there. I think I have it on emulator somewhere on my HDD.
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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Righteous Crusaders
1.  Ragnarok Online
An MMORPG based on the multiplayer factor.  A lot of stuff to do, and you can always go back to it.

2.  Final Fantasy Tactics
Still haven't beaten t. It's hard @_@.  Nice storyline and I love the tactical battle system.  Ramza needs to stop looking like a girl though...

3.   Halo
Best shooter game ever.  Halo 2 wasn't so good compared to the original.

4.  Gunbound
a Team vs Team MMO style game.  Thing.  I... uhhh.. get to kill people.  And I've played it for too long.

5.  Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction
The expansion to the sequel of the original Diablo, the game that got me interested in computer games.  Real time with an archer = cool.  However it's old and outdated.

Hmmm... wow Halo is the only 3D game there XD

Can't wait for RO2 though.