Hope you can stop yourself from fallin' because it's time to make a place to live on the edge.
At the top, part way down or at the base of the cliff it's all cliffside! Also feel free to go as big or small as you want, if you want to make a whole cliffside village go for it.
-Post up a map that fits the theme from your preferred maker program (Or map making program of choice, Feel free to use the Far Cry 2 map editor if you want to or something.)
-One map, multiple screen shots are acceptable only if it's the same map.
-Post what you think the map theme should be next week! first map with a suggestion is the next week's suggestion, no suggesting twice in a row. Having a suggestion is not compulsory.
-Leave feedback for others work if you're so inclined!
Critique always welcome!
You probably thought this would be Aerosmith, sorry but no.
As a note, I'll change wording of suggestions slightly from here on out if needed to give mappers more flexibility. Committing to a whole village for a map jam can be daunting, we want as many people to post as possible even if they only made one snowy house or a whole snowy village.