Yup. Same day (or almost the same day?) as lil' bluntsword, we bring you...BABY NOLAN (my nephew, not my baby)!!!
Not many photos yet, I'm afraid, since they're all on a camera with my other older sister at the hospital. But I did manage to smuggle one with my (sister's) phone!
Born May 21, 2014 at 3:27 pm!
Born almost 9 lbs, he's a pretty big boy. He's also got quite a set of lungs and a cute lip quiver when he cries. His big brother Nikolas (age 4) met him today and was giggling, poking him in the feet, and saying Nolan was "funny" as he flailed around his little arms. ;_; Probably the cutest thing I'll ever see in my whole entire life. Also, unlike his big bro, it looks like he's going to have brown (or dark blond) hair! B)
So, yeah! Today is now officially baby day! O.O
(Another birthday to the crowded May/June Mesh! Nolan on May 21, my dad on May 25, and me on June 4! This is going to turn into an expensive time frame!)