I've known a lot of you guys for a long time. I know we've all hit some rough patches these last couple of years, whether it be from financial troubles, family troubles, relationship troubles, or any other myriad of problems. But one thing I've learned over the years is that each and every one of you is incredibly talented. Yes, all of you. Whether you're a musician, an artist, a writer, a programmer, or whatever, I know that you are talented. I've seen great things out of all of you time and time again. What I'm getting at here is that we've got the power to make something really great. If we were to all come together and give it our all, I think we could make one of the best freaking games ever.
Look at this. Look at these.They're mediocre at best, and downright awful at worst, and yet they still make money.
I've seen Game in a Week entries better than some of these, and yet these people are getting thousands of dollars for their work. Think of what we could accomplish if we worked together. We have plenty of talented musicians, artists, writers, and programmers. What's stopping us from making a great project?
I know what some of you are thinking. "This will be just like all the other big ambitious projects and guilds. The project will lose steam within a week." To this I say, maybe. But we're older. Wiser. More disciplined. The guilds failed because we were divided. Together, we can push past this. We can do this. We can get shit done.
So I ask you RMRK,