RTP-Only Challenge!
No imported resources, scripts, or anything! Not even if you're using the RTP graphics to make the new graphics.
*The only exception to this is Title Screens. You can make your own Title Screen, but that's all.
*Event script calls are allowed. Just do NOT import your own scripts or edit any of the game's default scripts. You can only event script call to the default scripts in the maker, pretty much.
*If using VXAce, the character generator
*No parallax mapping.
*RPG Maker only, btw. :p
*The goal is to complete making a
quick game!
*There's no set dates or anything like that yet. You can start whenever!
*Post your progress on this thread. B)
If anyone wants to join in and challenge themselves, then you're more than welcome!
*Dr. Mc
*Lord Stark
Exhydra*Jesus Christ (Anski)
EvilM00s - Astralis: The Breaking of the Ancient Seal*CzarDragon
Challengers: 23
Complete: 1
Withdraws: 2