@NAMKCOR: Maybe your in some messed up world, but yes this is real life.
And it's not exactly as simple as not getting angry, he takes meds because of it, if you ask me his parents are going easy on him. I know them pretty well. so just be easy about it. His dad has a few similar problems, he inherited them is my guess.
@YuYu: No i haven't Broken any controllers, i reached this place long before my anger would settle for that. My brother on the other hand breaks everything and has 0% chance of visiting. But doctors saying a kid is mental and needs meds is probably what messed with him to begin with.
All i'm saying is take it easy on him, He's my family, you may not like me but don't begrudge on him over some controllers, that was around October if i recall correctly, I remember my brother in law not being able to do a clan war because his dad was offline. So its long past.
He still plays pc games though, currently he's hooked to a Habbo retro called Zap, Surely some of you know the pixel palace of post 3d graphics. He also plays Red Crucible 2. He really likes FPS games, so if any of you know some good ones he wont have to download i'm sure he'd appreciate it.