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M00 & yuyu's Mystical Thread

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The Hero of Rhyme
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Irock molested this thread already! :(

Also, I'm familiar with the phrase "broom closet". ;_; It's still rare that I crawl out of mine....


That sounds pretty clear! :D My dreams are typically very colorful, mystical, and quirky. So, if I start to see those more, I'll be getting closer, right? xD

In that case...I think my cards have accepted me a long time ago. :) There's this one deck (out of three total) that I always want to use, because it feels the most comfortable for me. Whenever I do readings, I talk to the cards, also to help focus on the question at hand. It's sort of like they communicate back in a way I understand very clearly. The cards come with this book that is just brilliant and I love it. :D Also, I think they are more happy because they now have a warm and snug card bag, made by our very own Acolyte! xD

You can smell my aura? :D That's awesome! Actually...that sounds a lot like my favorite perfume that I'm always wearing. :> It's something sweet-like, and I'm not sure exactly what. xD

Ever try seeing color auras? :D I've been told that mine is mostly pink, red, and yellow. I tried to "sense" what yours would be (I'm not sure how good I am at sensing stuff ;9 not sure if I'm doing it right or if it's possible from afar) and I saw purple...then brown...then silver. I think purple is wisdom (I forgot for the most part), I know brown can mean you had a barrier up, but than I saw silver, which I think is deep thought. I think I saw turquoise, too, but I'm not sure what that means. My color aura abilities are also somewhat weak. :(

Nope, I'll have nothing to do with negative energy and curses! :) Don't worry!~
I am really excited to someday learn how to heal or help people with them, though! :D I'll have to start out sometime soon!

That's interesting...I think I know what you're saying there, too. xD You seem to explain things rather well, you know! :) I'm learning so much from you already! :D
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Level 88
your all terrible people and u should all be ashamed for trying to convert good people to the DARK SIDE!!!

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
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strange thread

RMRK's dad
Level 86
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For going the distance for a balanced breakfast.Project of the Month winner for June 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2013 Best WriterSilver Writing ReviewerSecret Santa 2013 Participant
The interesting part here to me is that if Ronald and I were having an in depth conversation about Christianity, I'm pretty sure we'd have already been interrupted with comments, questions, and sarcasm.   And yet this thread was left unmolested for quite a while. RMRK is weird lol
I never thought of it that way!

Thats generally correct; as the dreams and meditations become more vivid and clear, it means your astral body is becoming better adapted to being in other worlds. It takes time and practice to develop your new sensorium there; as I was taught, we are essentailly newborns in those realms and time and will grow us into the Witches we wish to be.

That sounds like they like you! As you acquire more tools, the process of bonding to them will become more familiar. Remember, it's not the cost or the appearance of the tool, it's how well it speaks to you that is important. This is why it's equally important to have an atmosphere of love and trust in the circle; sometimes when you reveal that which is magickal to you, others may not see it as so and they must be understanding to your needs.

Aco made you a case? Awesome! Now you can add her energies to your own, and unless I miss my mark, her energies are subtle, and just dark enough to make them... interesting.

Yes, I can, haha! Since I'm so far away, connecting with your energy requires me to project astrally. You are so very brightly colored, Ms. yuyu-like a sunrise in winter-and you were hard to miss. There was a lot of feminine energy around you, made things a tad blurry, but I picked up two others. One like you and the other not quite as strong.

As for my colors? Wow, I guess I never really looked. I definitely have barriers up, that's for sure, but I'm doing my best to reconnect with the gods after this past year's BS. I just learned that the divorce is final as of yesterday so maybe I can put down some barriers, and just maybe the gods have called me out of my proverbial cave to assist another Seeker on her path... perhaps having the opportunity to discuss this subject with you is the Goddess's way of setting both of our feet on the path we need right now. Maybe I have been dormant too long, and now that I have the chance to be the Witch I want to be this is the tool the gods are using to give me that opportunity, as well as to benefit others... ah, off I ramble again.

I also practice shamanism, and often when I do Astral travel I become like my spirit guide. My guide, as a natural animal, has poor vision but a great nose, so I often get smells along with sight. Wanna guess what it is? Here's a clue; not a M00s.

I am honored to hear that, yuyu! It is my greatest joy to show others the wonder of this faith! Okay, Lemme consult by Book of Shadows and see what I can get for you on the runestones...


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I also practice shamanism, and often when I do Astral travel I become like my spirit guide. My guide, as a natural animal, has poor vision but a great nose, so I often get smells along with sight. Wanna guess what it is? Here's a clue; not a M00s.

If it's not a naked mole rat I don't even wanna know.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

The Hero of Rhyme
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The interesting part here to me is that if Ronald and I were having an in depth conversation about Christianity, I'm pretty sure we'd have already been interrupted with comments, questions, and sarcasm.   And yet this thread was left unmolested for quite a while. RMRK is weird lol

I wouldn't judge you guys! :( In fact, my religion right now is split between Christianity and Wicca. I've had to fight between two beliefs, but I'm trying to mesh them together for the most part. Just because no one does that doesn't mean it's not possible. D:

I think we're scaring everyone. ;_; Would it be better if we started using the messenger for this? xD That's up to you, haha.

That's true! :) All things require patience and time! I've actually found out that staring at a candle light helps me relax. :D

I may have already had some form of awakening, through a very powerful dream I had awhile back. I don't know what exactly it did, but I know that it did something. I think ever since I had that dream, weird things started happening. o.o

That couldn't be more true! My favorite deck is actually the least-appealing looking deck of mine, in a sense. It's very realistic, yet certainly more powerful than the others. :)

My circle consists of me and my three sisters. :) I've already mentioned that we're all different elements, right? We're all very different and argue a lot, but we'd protect each other in a heartbeat. Speaking of...do you believe in witch names, too? :)

I agree! I've always found her to be kind of dark and subtle (maybe even gentle). But dark in a good way. xD I don't know how to explain "dark in a good way" any better though. :B Maybe the energies from the bag will add some more balance or something? xD

Speaking of energies... Awhile back, I used to carry around this agate that was given to me by someone very close to me. I felt like it helped make my thought process more clear and organized. However, when she and I got in an awful fight, the agate started to cause my bad luck, so I stopped carrying it. ;9 Eventually, she and I became really close again, so I think it should be back to normal. :) I forgot where I moved it when I was cleaning up, though. ;_;

Well, I'm in a family of all girls, pretty much. :) The two other energies you picked up sounds like my two other sisters (that live with us). The (oldest) more powerful Witch sibling doesn't live with us, though. My second oldest sister is a lot like me, only flip-flopped - she's Fire/Air. She's very extroverted, like me. The youngest, however, is more timid and shy. Yet, I think she's has the best potential out of all of us. By "less strong" energy, did you mean that hers exerted itself less? Also, I think she has a moonstone bracelet that is supposed to repel other energies from her.

She picks up on other energies really well, which makes her vulnerable at some points. She also has an easy time sensing other people's feelings. She will literally start to feel the same way that they do. o.o

Rambling is okay! :) I think what you really need right now is renewal! If talking about your faith makes you feel like your old self again, then ramble away! :D

If that's the case, I'd love to find my path, too: both spiritually, and career-related. :)

Is that a trick question? xD Let's see...my first guess was a sloth, for some reason. I asked two of my sisters, and one said a wolf (but I don't think they have bad vision). My dad invaded the conversation randomly, without even knowing what we were talking about, and said "elephants have somewhat bad vision and a good sense of smell". xD lol So, the third guess was elephant. :P Were any of those close?

I'm not sure what my spirit guardian is, but I think my familiar animal is a Griffin. That's what my sister told me, at least. xD

Book of Shadows? ;o; I need to get me one of those! I think my sister has a few Witch books on her. B)
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RMRK's dad
Level 86
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Meh, Wicca is harmless. I don't really think anyone has any problems; if they did they'd say "Hey there M00s, I really truly have a problem with all this witchy stuff you and yuyu are tossing around. "

You are definitely awake. How sharp your senses are is what will improve as time goes by. I am a  tad confused about mixing CHristian belief with Wiccan, just because iin the Christian Bible it says that witchcraft is bad. Can you elaborate on that?

Yes, I think that a witch's "real" name is an essential tool to develop one's astral presence. It helps you to think of yourself as someone else, almost as though you're a character of sorts. It's this visualization of your energy that you project into the Astral. See, I'm just Frank. Frank cannot fly or cast spells or change his form, but Archon Arth Vwar Salixalba can. Salixalba is loved by the Moon Goddess and is her companion and protector. Salixalba is not a name that was given to me by anyone other than the divinity within me, and so reflects who I am in my most important aspects. If you do not yet have a magickal name, I'd suggest you find one!

Yeah, hehe, perhaps this should be explained a little better lest someone gets offended. By "dark" I meant the positive aspects of darkness. I'm a night person so to me, darkness is sacred. It is when the Moon Goddess shows herself to us and blesses all the good things that happen in the dark, from snuggling up in a comfy bed on a cold night to... um... other things that happen in said comfy bed. Darkness is mystery and quiet, time for renewal and reflection. It is that which is feared for its unknowable-ness, but it is beautiful because that is when most people cross the veil whether witch or not. Dark is good.

Since youre so sunshiny, perhaps the energy from the bag will serve as a counter-point for your readings. As for the stone, evidently it's very attuned to this friend of yours. I'm positive that now things are good between you, the agate will stop arguing with you. Good luck finding it!

Hmmm, .. that little spirit is very interesting to me. Puzzling. I can't get a good take on it. That in and of itself is novel! Dang, you guys are lucky. Next time you do a ritual, try putting yourself to the East, your second-oldest to the South and the other in the North. I'll bet you ten to one that the oldest one of you is Water-oriented; that gives you a complete circle!

I'll also bet the youngest can get into people's heads. Does she show talent in reading people? Always seem to know what people really think?

I really hope you do find the path that is correct for you, both spiritually (even if its NOT with Wicca) and career-wise too... although there I can't say much, I always knew I wanted to be a paramedic. What kind of dillemma are you currently facing?

Nope, its a big ol' fuzzy bear. The big kind with the hunch on the shoulders. I unexpectdly found him on a soul-retreival one night, and he's been with me ever since. Other creatures have been guides, and still are; wolves ravens, snakes and M33s (or is it M00ses?) but the bear is what I really identify with, and he seems to identify himself to me.

Your griffin just might be it. Has it taught you anything yet, or guided you through the Astral? IF it did, chances are good it's your guide, or at least one of many.

DO you not have a Book of Shadows of your own? This is another essential tool, IMO. Anything will do- you can even keep a word processing file- but it's nice to keep a record of all the nifty rituals, chants and other techniques you comae across that work for you. Mine is hand written in Uncial calligraphy, with some pages illuminated a little. IOt has indtructions for making talismans, the holidays, handfastings and lyrics from some pagan songs. It also contains my blueprint for casting the circle and the names of the gods I appeal to. I hope you get one soon!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 03:41:10 PM by EvilM00s »

my name is Timothy what's yours
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I said I didn't want to know. I'm disowning you now.
it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

RMRK's dad
Level 86
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And a blind naked MOLE RAT!

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You pie feeders!
Level 68
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Final Statement: I chowder5lock am a dipshit and MA is a pretty cool dude.

my name is Timothy what's yours
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it's like a metaphor or something i don't know

You pie feeders!
Level 68
Everyone... Actually Everyone hates me :)
2012 Biggest Drama Whore
Well i could have Gone into a big Bible story, but then i'm just typing paragraphs of Biblical lecturing for the reason of nobody would read past the second paragraph. so in any case:
Final Statement: I chowder5lock am a dipshit and MA is a pretty cool dude.

The Hero of Rhyme
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I've started to see things since then, what looks like people, for the most part. O.o I wasn't sure or not, though. It could always be the corner of my glasses. Though, I could have sworn that I saw a man wearing dirtied jeans from the corner of my eye, watching me do the dishes (lol). When I turned, there was nothing. The really strange part is that it didn't scare me at all. o_o

As it stands, I believe in God as the leader of many gods (similar to Zeus) and Jesus as his son. However, I don't believe in the Bible. I think the only connection with God is through one's self, not a book written by another person. There are other religions that influence my beliefs, as well: Like the Hindu belief in reincarnation, for example.

However, from what you say about discovering your true leaders, I have yet to experience something like that. ;9 So, for all I know, I could discover something very different (in a good way, hopefully)!

Oh, I see! :) Mine would be Rosaline Ashwood. I have another one, but my sister mentioned something about only using that one with the group. o.O I'm not sure what that's about, though.

I've always thought dark-personalities were interesting. :D Opposites are good, because there's a lot to learn from them! And I never did think of that as a bad thing, either. I mean, everything is good and bad at the same time anyways, right? B)

Well, it could always be the other way around, though...I'm not sure?

Would it be that the "less strong" aura was that of the little sister, that is more timid, yet secretly powerful? Or would it be the aura of the older sister, who is more skeptical about all this in general, yet is way more extroverted by personality? Note: I have 3 sisters: the eldest (most magical), the older (the skeptic), (me), then the youngest (the timid one).

The youngest is actually really fond of this sort of stuff. She once said the idea of it made her feel strangely happy. xD Her talents aren't specifically "reading" people, so much as sensing their feelings. It might be about the same thing. :) We also think she might have a good connection to animals. I think she's already found her guide - which may be a phoenix.

The eldest one is a Water moon sign, actually.  Both she and the youngest have Cancer moons, and Cancer is ruled by the moon, so it's a very powerful influence. :)

Going by Sun/Moon sign: the eldest is a Virgo/Cancer (Earth/Water), the second oldest is a Leo/Libra (Fire/Air - the only non-emotional moon sign), then there's the Gemini/Leo (Air/Fire - that's me!), and finally, the Pisces/Cancer (Water/Water). That's why we think she's especially good at sensing emotions, and it's proven correct so far. :) But she's also vulnerable to other people's emotions. :(

I keep leaning towards becoming a teacher, but I'm really not sure. I'm so indecisive. Right now, I'm working part-time and going to school part-time, keeping my eyes open. :)

A bear!! Why didn't I guess that? I love bears. D:

Not yet...we did a card reading or sorts to figure mine out (on a deck with animals on it) and I ended up getting a Griffin. My sister did the reading in a face-up and more intuitive style, and said it suits my elements very well. =o

I've never really known exactly what it was...it sounds like a good idea! :) I'll have to start making one! I do have a vast collection of card reading results written down, so I can look back on them, lol. xD
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I used to have a lot of dreams about the future, so I tried dabbling in scrying. I never got anywhere with it though. ._.
Someone told me my aura was blue once.

Meet me in the middle
Level 89
or left of the dial.
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Level 57
Miiiiaf =^+^=
GIAW 14: ParticipantParticipant - GIAW 11
@Firerain:  That's what I meant with snappy... But yeah...

Also, M00 & yuu: What does it mean when I see my own, exact future in dreams?? Here is what I mean:
Long time ago I dreamt I was sitting in a car and granny was driving through a place I had never been before... Some time later I had a deja vu feeling when granny said "The hell am I" and I could tell her exactly where to go...

As blonde as can be!!!
Doesn't mean I'm the dumb one...

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You must cut yourself with thine unholy knife and offer thine blood to The Dark Lord.

RMRK's dad
Level 86
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@ Aco

One of the photos I saw you in has a purple blur around you, almost violet. It was the one where you had your poor face all bustid and stuff... that could mean calm (read: drugs for pain). A lot of the introverts I've read auras for have some purple. Blue is a color of thought, may mean you were planning something at the time, or it could be celerity of the mind. I wouldn't be surprised in any of those cases, but there's more to a person than one color- hard to tell from a photo, but I can tell you that you have very rich energies.

@Amychan: A lot of people have prophetic dreams all the time, but either dismiss them or simply don't remember them. IF you did, it means that you're sensitive to the energy around you, and that the Universe had someting to tell you- maybe it wanted you to go down that exact path for some reason.

@ the 'babe of yuyu: I certainly hope you do find your guides; they can do a lot of good in astral travels, and finding them is a hallmark of an experienced witch.

Concerning magickal names: Some covens prefer to teach that a witch should have many names: one for mundane use, one for use among the like-minded but not of the coven, and yet another for use only in the covenstead. Some ggo further to include a name used only between you and the gods. This hearkens back to the days when any form of pagan worship was outlawed and it's adherents hanged, burned at the stake or otherwise destroyed in an excessively spectacular fashion. Nowadays I don't see the use; I am who I am, law protects me and if others of my faith are to knnow me, they ought to know how I identify myself as a witch- especially if i need to be invoked or channeled in an emergency.

About dark-tinged energies:I have found those with darker auras to be- hmmm, whats the word... well, it feels luxurious, like a big velvet couch. I find those energies strangely attractive, although I have only once met a woman that had them that I got along with. Shame, that.

Concerning the enrgies in your house: I'll bet your youngest is the less detectable. She's subtle, almost unnoticed because it's like she's supposed to be there. Perhaps it's just me who cannot focus! I get logic and quiet and a desire for privacy... she seems pretty stable, from an energy standpoint. How very interesting... yes, watch her.

Cool enough, that may be your starting point. What I would do, and how I found mine, was to simply meditate. I wandered around the astral, just exploring, and along the way I met several entities- I was there for a soul-retreival, so i had no real destination in mind- and the bear was one of them. He led me to my goal. Before that, I thought Wolves were my guide because I saw so many of them, and before that, ravens. TO this day I still see omens in ravens. But I suppose when we look at the creatures, maybe they were steps to each other: Raven is a messenger, Wolf is a teacher, and Bear is a survivor and warrior, and the best parent among the guides.

On the Book of Shadows: It's not uncommon for a group to have one, but that doesn't mean the individuals within the group shouln't have their own, either. It's a great way to keep track of what is, essentially, YOUR version of YOUR faith. You get to write your OWN holy canon!

Oh, and keep trying with the career thing. You have time. Heck, some of the most interesting people I know are ready to retire and still don't really know what they want to do for a living.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 06:21:25 PM by EvilM00s »

Level 57
Miiiiaf =^+^=
GIAW 14: ParticipantParticipant - GIAW 11
Well, I kind of did remember it the first week since I thought it was a weird dream. I always remember weird dreams.
But after that week, it was gone from my mind since it seemed to have no use. But when the event occurred I immediately remembered the exact date I had the dream and I told my best friend at the time that I had this weird thing that happened to me.

Also, I once wanted to take up wicca as my own religion but I did tend to be afraid. But since it still interests me and my boyfriend told me he was once interested in it makes me think that maybe I could practice it for real without having to reveal it to my parents or anyone else... Just me and my love? What do you think?

As blonde as can be!!!
Doesn't mean I'm the dumb one...

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The Hero of Rhyme
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I know someone who dreams prophetically, as well. =o It's a very neat gift! I'm envious! xD As for pursuing the Wicca...the best I can recommend is to follow what you feel is the best path for you. :) Don't go by what you think - there's a grand difference between feelings and thoughts. Separate them and find out what your heart is telling you. ;o Also, spirituality has a lot to do with emotions (in my opinion), so it's good to rely on those when searching for it.

(I think I will copy your idea and organize my paragraphs, too xD)

Witch names: I think she told me that we'd have a common name, a circle and personal name, and then a name which is only between us and the gods. =o I have yet to receive my most personal name, though. ;9 I'll keep an eye out for it. :)

Dark energies: I've always been attracted to them, too. o.o I think they are often misunderstood, and those that are harder to get along with could have perhaps fallen too dark to the negative side of the darkness, though. ;9 Which is always a shame...of course, people can be "sunburned" by too much light, too. D:

Meditation and the Astral: I've never quite known how to wander in it. :( Does it happen during meditation? The Astral sounds especially interesting, though I'm ashamed to say that I've never heard much about it. :(

I don't know why I didn't see yours being a bear sooner. xD I guess I never really though they had poorer vision, though. o.o

I actually really like writing! :) I think that's certainly a useful tool! I'll try to start one up when I get the chance. :D Thanks for the advice! ...Maybe it can double up as a dream journal, too. B)

Well, thanks! :) It's true - it's never too late to decide on those things. I know they don't have to be permanent, either. :p
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You know, I think its all gonna be okay.
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@Amycha: You are an adult, so it is your decision ot do what you think is best for you. All I can tell you is that making the change is difficult for many because of the negative stigma still attached to Wicca, especially in predominantly Christian or Muslim countries. I can also say that once you become comfortable with Wicca, coming out of the broom closet is easier; I have, however lost some friends over it, but my relatives seemed to accept, if not condone my choice. In the end, it's all about what is right for you.

Level 82
Well, I kind of did remember it the first week since I thought it was a weird dream. I always remember weird dreams.
But after that week, it was gone from my mind since it seemed to have no use. But when the event occurred I immediately remembered the exact date I had the dream and I told my best friend at the time that I had this weird thing that happened to me.

I had one of those once when I was younger. Maybe it was just a routine that was so ingrained that it was only inevitable to dream about it. But I managed to have a dream about an entire day. Too much déjà vu. Freaked me out to no end at the time. I seem to get that feeling quite often, but I understand psychology enough to make sense of it. Still doesn't help when it crops up though.

Also, I once wanted to take up wicca as my own religion but I did tend to be afraid. But since it still interests me and my boyfriend told me he was once interested in it makes me think that maybe I could practice it for real without having to reveal it to my parents or anyone else... Just me and my love? What do you think?

That's always an issue when it comes to these kind of things. People often stigmatize the practice because they don't really understand it. My girlfriend is a pretty strong believer, she even has a pentacle she wears occasionally. But seeing as most religious folk, in particular, have a whole issue with what they see as anti-Christian that she doesn't wear it whilst she's working or in public places. My own views on it are half and half. Whilst it's more closer to my own opinions than most normal religions, it doesn't hold up to my more scientifically grounded views.

Really, I think all parents especially should encourage their children to find whatever path they feel comfortable on, but I know that's not always the case. If you know your family isn't going to be happy with that choice, then I'd probably suggest keeping it on the low if you do look into it more. Maybe if it becomes a more serious endeavour, you can sit them down and let them know. You just have to know that, ultimately, it's your path and it's where you are happiest. They should come to respect that decision, even if they don't fully agree, just like you should respect their views.

On topic again, I remember once giving the whole astral projection thing a go. I think I lacked the real patience to ever get anywhere with it. It's not something I've tried since but, like with the whole déjà vu thing, I understand a lot more about the brain and why some of these things happen and it would be hard to shake of any kind of scepticism. That and if it didn't match to that knowledge I'd probably be shit scared.

It's still interesting to try and understand the many things of the world, though. Would be fun to find groups of such people and see what's about, even if just for anthropology reasons (I hate people in general, but I am fascinated by them at the same time).
(Why do I always feel like it's the end of the world and I'm the last man standing?)

Level 57
Miiiiaf =^+^=
GIAW 14: ParticipantParticipant - GIAW 11
Really, I think all parents especially should encourage their children to find whatever path they feel comfortable on, but I know that's not always the case. If you know your family isn't going to be happy with that choice, then I'd probably suggest keeping it on the low if you do look into it more. Maybe if it becomes a more serious endeavour, you can sit them down and let them know. You just have to know that, ultimately, it's your path and it's where you are happiest. They should come to respect that decision, even if they don't fully agree, just like you should respect their views.
Well, to say one thing. My mum was raised in a completely obsessed Christian family and my dad was raised with hatred against pretty much all religions. My mum decided to disconnect with the church and became atheist as well.
Now, my mum's parents are now, less Christian than they ever were because their faith has weakened. But it still repels them to even hear that someone else believes in "another" god, they'd rather have people around them that don't believe in a god than Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Buddhists or whatever.
The other side, dad's parents, pull every religion into doubt and they would even hate religions for what they think they do/did...
My own parents are kind of the same and they don't want anything to do with religion, so it really is hard for me to find a path as long as I'm still living with my parents.

Though, my boyfriend is into pretty much everything according to nature, space and sience... He is absolutely fascinated by stars, dreams, the way things work and he respects every bit of the world as much as he can. So it might be a good thing for me to find my path when I'm with him :yuyu:

As blonde as can be!!!
Doesn't mean I'm the dumb one...

Spoiler for supporting!: