Hi SoraMMK. Sorry for the delay. You can change the contents of an objective with the code:
quest(x).objectives[y] = ""
Where x is the quest ID and y is the objective ID (starts at 0). However, if all you are looking to do is reveal information sequentially, you could just set it all up in the script itself and use the reveal_objective and conceal_objective codes.
I also received a request from Ziemanin1 to make it so that some quests did not show up in the all, active, complete, or failed categories, and instead only showed up in whatever custom categories they were assigned.
I wrote the following patch for anyone with a similar desire:
# Remove Quest from Default Categories [Patch for Quest Journal v. 1.0.3]
# Version: 1.0.0
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: October 24, 2015
# Description:
# This patch allows you to specify that some quests should ONLY show up in
# the custom categories to which they belong, and not in the default :all,
# :active, :complete, and :failed categories.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into the Script Editor below the Quest Journal but above
# Main.
# To specify that a quest should only show up in custom categories, include
# :only in its custom categories array. For example, if you have a custom
# :towns category and you only want the quest to show up in that and not in
# the :active and :all categories, then you would put the following when
# setting the quest up:
# q[:custom_categories] = [:only, :towns]
# You can set more than one custom category as well. Please note that if you
# do not set at least one custom category though, then putting :only in a
# quest's custom categories array will make it invisible and inaccessible.
# ** Game_Quests
# Summary of Changes:
# overwritten method - include?
class Game_Quests
# * Include?
# determines whether to include a particular quest depending on list type
def include?(quest_id, list_type = :all)
return false if !revealed?(quest_id)
return @data[quest_id].custom_categories.include?(list_type) if @data[quest_id].custom_categories.include?(:only)
case list_type
when :all then true
when :complete, :failed, :active then @data[quest_id].status?(list_type)