Stealing the template from my sis ;o
Name: yuyubabe Deanna
Aliases: yuyubabe, yuyu, Deannomite, babayabu, (and all those stupid names people call me because they either can't get my name right or are lazy) Dee, Diana, Diane, Deena, etc.
Sex: Female
Race: Beorc hurrdurr
Birthdate: June 4 1992 (22nd anniversary of me is next week ;o)
Birthplace: Trenton, NJ (
Location: North Texas (
Height: 5'10" yea
How much do you weigh? I'm big boned, ok.
(No, seriously)
Shoe Size: 9-10ish
Eye Color: Some weird shade of blue
Hair Color: Brown
What is your favorite color? Almost every shade of pink B)
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: I have a couple birthmarks that are fading away. Never had my ears (or anything) pierced because I didn't see the point.
Dating/Marital Status: Dating some weird guy named Chris Malson that writes music
Sexual Orientation: ahm straeght
What is your religion? Undecided. I follow whatever beliefs feel right to me.
Family: Dad, Mom, Older sister, other older sister, younger sister (Dr.Mc)
Pets: ...
Occupation: At Best Buy I am currently a hybrid of a sales transaction assistant and a customer service specialist. Basically, I switch off between cashiering and customer service. Hurr hurr lookie at them titles.
What do you do on your free time besides spending time on RMRK? Spending time with Malson, work, school, making video games, playing video games, drawing, cleaning or cooking (
), probably sleeping at some point, or finding something else random to do. Oh, and I also sing in my spare time, but I only really do that when I'm driving alone in the car where no one can hear me.
...Which is a lot of the time.
Favorite Movie: Frozen! Also Tangled, The Princess Bride, Men in Tights, and various other movies that I'm too lazy to think about right now.
What kind of music do you like? Favorite band is probably EmpireOfTheSun. Only band I seem to consistently listen to lately, rather than just selecting one or two songs.
Favorite Video Game: Fire Emblem (Path of Radiance) and Phoenix Wright (Trials and Tribulations) are my top pick. Basically any from those series', but I listed my favorites from each. ;_;
Favorite Beverage: Errm...hmmm...tossup between cream soda and sweet tea. ;_; Nothealthy
Favourite Cartoon: Avatar: the Last Airbender (just copying my sister now)
Favorite Other Members: Uhhh...I'd try this, but then I might forget someone and they'll be like "WHHHYYY YUYU".
I like all of you. Err...most of you. I'm losing my "love everybody" touch. But I certainly don't hate any of you. *_*
Preferred RPG Maker: Most certainly, definitely, positively, and assuredly VXAce.
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome!
Preferred Email Service: gmail. ...but I mostly use yahoo. It's going to take some time to switch over. ;_;
Website?: nah
Vegetarian?: uhlol
Where you've traveled: Syracuse, NY. Lynchburge, VA. (from my sister's list) San Antonio, TX. Trenton, NJ. Houston, TX. Clearwater (or whatever), FL.
What do you hate? Hmmmm...dishonesty, I guess. People who are generally awful and can't be trusted. But I guess I also hate people that are judgmental, so I'm a bit of a hypocrite. :B
What do you love? Geez. Too many things to list. Here goes: My family, friends, boyfriend, my best friend, tarot, astrology, rmrk, children and animals (I'm a cat person), disney movies lol, playing/making games, music, writing, feeling accomplished and appreciated, being in a clean environment (not easy with my family
), cooking fun stuff!, being creative, and uhhh...yeah. Lots more that I can't think of.
Useless Facts: -I'm extremely awkward and not very social when I first meet new people. Given time, I end up the same as I appear on rmrk (for the most part!).
-I'm really into stuff like Tarot and Astrology and all that fun psychic stuff. B)
-My dreams are often way over-the-top, dramatic, and take place in a castle or manor of some form.
-I've been friends with my best friend (guin) for about...13-14 years? o.o
-I have two nephews, one was born last week! :-)
-My birthday is next week! B) For the first time in eleven years, my age will be the same number in both digits! Kinda psyched!
Pictures: How many hours a day do you spend in on RMRK? Not much lately, but usually a LOT of time, ok.
How many languages do you speak? Which ones? English. I hope to learn Spanish because it would make life easier in Texas. ;o
Do you drink? Nah. Don't like the taste of alcohol. Don't want to get tipsy or drunk.
Do you smoke? Nah. Don't like the taste of those either. Or the smell.
Did you ever skip class? I did once to cry in a bathroom because my boyfriend at the time broke up with me and I was an emotional teenager.
But I admit that I have skipped less important college class days for varying reasons. They don't really care in college.
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? Hahaha...sometimes.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Too much last year.
have you ever broken a bone? Nope! I got stitches in my big toe once, though!
Do you wear jewelry? If so what jewelry do you wear? I wear a necklace that my sister, the witch, enchanted. :-)
How do you dress? My preferred dress has become more feminine, sometimes squeezing myself in tight jeans that look a lot better than they feel and complementing them with girly shirts and possibly a small jacket when the weather isn't dancing in the third digits.
How many keys are on your keyring? Nothing. The new (used) car has a lonely looking keyring.
What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up? On my lazy days, I'll stay up past 2am and wake up at 11am. I've been a little worse than that lately. If I don't have work or school, that is.
How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? Too much sometimes. Especially lately, since I've been working on another game hack. ;o
What are your goals/dreams in life? I'm thinking I want to be a teacher. That's what I'm going to school for now. But my ultimate goal is to have a happy marriage and have a couple little ones.
What got you involved in RMRK? RPG Maker. I stumbled here, nabbed a couple Modern Alg scripts, and then felt bad for not saying "thank you". That was my first post, a necro post. :]
Who do you admire? Anyone that I see as a responsible, respectable figure. But I'll include a couple shout-outs. ;_;
Spoiler for ;_; :
My dad - for everything he does for us and all the burdens he puts up with
My mom - she has her moments when she's immature, but she's endured so much and I feel like a lot of people don't appreciate her. Oftentimes, she's the one I can go crying to when life isn't fair. ;_;
Malson - damn, I can't say enough how many times he's picked me off my feet and inspired me with his crazy awesome ways. ;_;
Guin - my best friend of more than a decade. I've never met anyone as fair and just as him, honestly. Nor as easy to talk to. With guin, I can trust that what he says is what he means. :,)
LadyJ - you're always there for me. ;_; Not only that, but you're incredibly mature and capable. You're an awesome mom, and I hope that one day I can be like you. :,) And I don't just mean your awesome cooking skills! I mean your incredible levels of understanding and respect for others!
EvilM00s - I was unfounded on my occult interests before I met you, and you've really helped me to understand everything! I can't say how much I look up to you for both anything related to the occult, and writing!
bluntsword - Your dedication to your family is something I really admire! ;_; You're a very respectful, composed, friendly guy! And you handled the criticism from all those crazy reviewers like an expert!
So many more people, but I think I've spent a lot of time here. o.o
Are you into sports? If so which ones? If any, I'd pick Tennis.
What is your dream job? Teaching
What was your first screenname? ...yuyubabe! o.o
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Righty!
What is your favorite website? rmrk~!
Do you play computer games? If so which ones? None can be played on this bootleg machine ;o
Do you play video game consoles? Which ones? Xbox360, Wii, GameCube, Xbox, Ps2 (I still do play some of the older ones ;o)
Are you married or planing to get married? Definitely want to get married someday. It's a must-have for this dramatic soul!