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[Visual] ~~ Artwork ~~

Started by yuyu!, December 12, 2011, 03:12:02 AM

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Quote from: Jules on April 10, 2015, 10:15:44 AM
This made me think of Kingdom Hearts, maybe just because of the heart shape and colors?  Either way, I like all of your art. Pretty :ladyj:

Now that you mention it, I think it could be a KH monster. ;]
Thank you, Jules! ^_^ Starting from the last watercolor picture, I'm trying to put a lot more time into my artwork. I was notoriously lazy with most of my stuff on here. ;9

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Welp, here's what I spent my evening doing. This took way too much time, but gosh I love it so much! ;o;

Art Nouveau (ish) Diora
Medium: Watercolors, Sharpie
I felt like trying to make art that was somewhat old-school shoujo anime (inspired by the Miracle Tarot deck) and something Art Nouveau at the same time. I also felt like drawing *Diora (y'know, from my cheesy game, The Lhuvia Tales), so voila! :boe: This picture took me ALL night to make. ;~; And some of last night. I consider it my best watercolor piece so far. Squehh :gracie:
*If you're wondering why her hair is blue, that's because Diora is normally supposed to have blue hair. I changed her hair for that game only, and missed the blue hair already. ;9

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I love it. :D
The one thing I would criticize is that the eyes seem a little, off.
You really good at the arts.


Quote from: boe on April 12, 2015, 07:50:31 PM
I love it. :D
The one thing I would criticize is that the eyes seem a little, off.
You really good at the arts.

Thanks! ;~;
The eyes? How so? o.o That's actually the last thing I expected to be off. :B I'll definitely be exploring more with this "shoujo-ish" style, so I'd love to perfect the eyes especially! ;~;

I also might try to use that lovely speckled pattern (background and dress pattern) throughout the entirety of my next painting. It's a lot more signature "watercolor" and damn fun to do! :gracie:

I just got some masking fluid, which really helped me to protect the finer details. Soooo much better than using masking tape and having to carve the shapes out of it! ;o;

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the eye feel too high, idk, maybe it's my lack of understanding anatomy

here where i feel like the should be (It doesn't look as good, but it kinda shows you what I was thinking. Sorry for butchering your awesome art, I just thought it would be easier to show.)



That makes sense, actually. :-) The eyes are supposed to be in the center of the face.

When I drew it out, I did place them roughly in the middle, but I think the hairline made it confusing. I may have placed that a bit too low. ;_; Also I made the eyes bigger than I usually do, so that probably doesn't help.

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Karo Rushe

Yuyu, when you do eyes, draw three circles in the head, each the same size as the eyes, one for right, one in the middle, and the left, the middle one helps to make the 'space' between the nose be accurate, and help position your eyes. Also, make a square or diagonal lines to help where the eyes will be to evade having one eye up and the other down in a weird way. I'm sorry if I don't make myself umm, clear or hard to understand, Karo will show Yuyu something regarding faces (sorry for the crappy quality). These were old notes from class regarding human Anatomy: (Pardon the writing is in Spanish)

[spoiler=face stuff][/spoiler]
While I'm at it, here's something for Watercolor effects o share I found looking in my old books (I think you'll benefit more from these better than me):
[spoiler=watercolor effects][/spoiler]
I also have some pages stuff regarding human anatomy if your interested thou I think I'd post that in it's own thread.


Thanks for the feedback! :) I've actually taken quite a few art classes that covered those techniques. :B I don't always remember to use it them, so I'll be a little more wary of it in the future.

In this particular picture, I actually made the eyes like that. I was experimenting away from realistic art to make things look a little more girly anime-ish. The length and size of the eyes was made to be really long and big on purpose, in my attempt to make them appear more fluttery and girly. Basically, it was for a style effect. Looking back, I really like them, but I'd also like to space them out just a bit more and maybe make them a little less lengthy. ;(

I just got some fancy, expensive watercolors (*cough* thanks to a great coupon). They're 4x the price of my cheap ones (but 8x the cost without the coupon), so I hope to get some good color and use out of these. I've officially passed the "testing" phase and decided that I indeed love watercolor painting. ;~;

I feel super artsy! And not quite broke yet. Yay coupons!

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I promise I went back and looked at all I have missed!
Guuurl, you're improving so much! And I'm loving the watercolors added with your character pictures! ^^

Diora is my favorite so far, most definitely. I only noticed the eyes off a bit once someone said something (lol), but that's because I was totally drawn into her beautiful shirt and the amazing mix of her skin tone you created through watercolor! Absolutely mesmerizing! I also love just the general DETAIL in the clothes, her jewelry, etc.  :gracie:

LOVE it! Now keep at it!  ;D
(And I'm sorry I've disappeared here and there - I, too, have been at my art.  :V)


Thanks, Bree!! :ladyJ: Yeah, I think I'm certainly going to step away from the enormous eyes and size things down a bit. ;o Even though it is very Diora-like to have really long eyes, I may have overdone things. The next picture may be completely painted in the same style as Diora's clothing, because I loved doing that so much! :gracie: I still haven't tried out my new watercolors, so I'm pretty stoked to get the drawing part out of the way! :boe: The Art Nouveau stuff is so darn fun, too! I love meshing the hair like that - it starts to remind me of branches on a tree!

It's been forever, gurl! ;~; I'd love to see how your art is coming along sometime, too! :D

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Major Arcana [Cancelled]


Dr. Mc

Quote from: yuyu! on April 12, 2015, 08:04:33 AM

she looks like this style~


Heeeeeey, I was thinking along those lines, too, Dr. Mc!
Diora definitely could be a Fire Emblem character, absolutely. ^^
(Love those games, btw!)

And yeah, I'll probably get on here and share what I've been up to. :3
Made some nice art since last you've seen! ^^


Quote from: FlameMaster5 on April 16, 2015, 02:07:30 PM
Diora definitely could be a Fire Emblem character, absolutely. ^^

She was actually originally made for a Fire Emblem mod/hack I made. :3

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Spot on, then! ^^ *cheers*

I want to see more! MOAR! :3


I actually was working on one for my mom, but ended up ruining it on accident and have to start all over. ;9 I tried to use saran wrap for a cool background effect again and it dragged the background color all over the character, past my masking fluid protective borders. ;~; I wasn't careful enough with the new paints, and they are so thickly pigmented that it's impossible to remove the mistakes.

The paper also started ripping too much when I tried to apply more water to soak up some of the stray paint. I've taken my professor's advice and switched to heavy, real watercolor paper. The cheap stuff is awful. ;9

It sucks, but at least I've learned a lot from it. :B

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Awww, that sucks! D:

I think that's why I steer away from paints... I've tried doing it in the past and I think I'm too fearful of that exact thing happening. But then again, the paints can be extremely beautiful when you know how to use them. :3
PC is all just draw it, fix anything that doesn't look proportionate, decide the color scheme, make a color scheme layer as you'd like to 'paint' it, and then brush everything in as a solidified idea - all the while having that trusty eraser I love so much.
I am not nearly as adventurous in my art styles...  ;9

I hate that you have to start over, but I reeeeeally want to see it now if you're trying again to make it. You never know, it might turn out even better now! I think it'll look great! ^^

I should encourage Shelley to draw/paint. Her best stuff is in charcoal.  :o
How you can make something purely in black and white look good eludes me, but she's great at it! ^^


Paints are definitely brutal - watercolors being perhaps the most unforgiving, despite their gentle appearance. ;9 I think that's actually why I like paints so much, especially watercolors. I love digital stuff, but tangible artwork is just so rewarding to make! :gracie: I guess I like the challenge, too?

I'm also going to give decoupage a try sometime soon. We got some wooden boxes from the art store, so I just need to pick up some mod podge.

Quote from: FlameMaster5 on April 17, 2015, 10:03:21 PM
I should encourage Shelley to draw/paint. Her best stuff is in charcoal.  :o
How you can make something purely in black and white look good eludes me, but she's great at it! ^^

Ooh, you should! Charcoal is lovely! :gracie: I'm more of a pastels person, but I envy charcoal artists. ;~;

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Ikr?  :o

Shelley said she might like to make a 'Attack on Titan' poster purely out of charcoal!
That...would be...really incredible. It's such a gritty anime as it is, so charcoal works! XD

I wonder what would happen if I tried charcoal...
We might see some unusual things.  :o


Made a Fire Emblem splice :-)

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i asked you on irc what a splice of lemon was and you never told me ;-;


Photoshop class assignment... I made this nerd COOL ;o

Before (nerd):

After (cool):

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because you have to wear beats to be cool, remember

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Wanted to get back into using ye ol tablet

Made some quick sketches of (my waifu) Jason Todd (from the batman series - Batman: Arkham Knight version)

Jason Todd Face Sketch

"Gotham's Gravity"
Inspired by the Arkham Knight: Genesis comic series.


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they have a gun they are a gansta yo


Jason actually did grow up on da streets

thug lyfe yo 8)

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Ambassador [Complete]

The Postman [Complete]

The Wyvern [Complete]

Phoenix Wright: Haunted Turnabout [Complete]

Major Arcana [Cancelled]
