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[VX] Easy Self-Event for Fishing, Cutting Trees, Mining...

Started by fenicearcana, September 18, 2011, 07:25:57 PM

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Hello Guys... i'm working hard to improve my Skills so i've tried out many kind of event to hit finally in this one i've crafted. I share to save time to people who just need the same things. Credit if you like, it really doesnt matter ^^

So...this is the base event you can use, and customize for each of the 3 working...
Cut trees...mining...and fishing.
Ba warned that:

1) i like the chance Character fail and broke their items, if you dont want, simply remove page 2 of the event. And if you want they alwais find something, remove page 3. Dont forget to Adjust the variable-range after that ^_*
So we go...
2) I like the character to improve their Skill in Woodcutting, Fishing and Mining as long as they practice, with a level Cap defined by my Math in Level 10.

I start with Woodcutting.

Create An Event with the image of a Tree. Name it as you like.
Then we go to set each of the 6 page event. When we have done, we can simply copy-past to make a full forest of tree that can be cutted XD

QuotePage 1: Action Button- Same as Character

Conditional Branch: [Woodcutting Axe] in inventory (you can choose also "include equipment" i do XD)
   Control Variables: [0051: Woodcutter Practice] += 1
   Conditional Branch: [0051: Woodcutter Practice ] >= 25
    Control Variables: [0050: Woodcutter Skill] += 1
    Text: Normal, Bottom
    Good! I'm Improving! My Woodcutter Skill is now Level \v[0050]!
    Branch End
   Control Variables: [0051: Woodcutter Practice ] = 0
   Branch End
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = Random No 0...20
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] += Variable:[0050: Woodcutter Skill]
Set Move Route: Player (Wait)
     :$> Turn 90° Right
     :$> Wait: 30 frame(s)
     :$> Turn 90° Right
     :$> Wait: 10 frame(s)
     Play SE: 'Slash 10',80,100
     :$> Turn 90° Right
     :$> Wait: 30 frame(s)
     :$> Turn 90° Right
     :$> Wait: 10 frame(s)
     Play SE: 'Slash 10',80,100
     Control Self Switch: A= On
    Text: Normal, Bottom
    "Lol! I need a Woodcutter Axe to cut some Wood, i cant do it with Bare Hands,
     and i dont want use my shining perfect sword and ruin it!"
   Branch End

QuotePage 2: Parallel Process- Same as Character- Switch: A must be On
Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0 or Above
The same image as 1st page

Wait: 60 frame(s)
Play SE: 'Damage2',80,150
Text: Normal, Bottom
Oh no! Crap! I broke my Axe and didnt get any wood!
Change Weapon: [Woodcutter Axe] -1, Include Equipment
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off

QuotePage 3: Parallel Process- Same as Character- Switch: A must be On
Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 9 or Above
Image: None!

Text: Normal, Bottom
The inside of the Tree was rotted. This wood is crap, i dont get nothing usefoul.
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off
Erase Event

QuotePage 4: Parallel Process- Same as Character- Switch: A must be On
Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 13 or Above
Image: None!

Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = Random No 1...7
Text: Normal, Bottom
Good, i got \v[0377] units of Wood!
Change Item: [Wood], + Variable: [0377: Wood Obtained]
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off
Erase Event

QuotePage 4: Parallel Process- Same as Character- Switch: A must be On
Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 16 or Above
Image: None!

Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = Random No 8...15
Text: Normal, Bottom
Good, i got \v[0377] units of Wood!
Change Item: [Wood], + Variable: [0377: Wood Obtained]
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off
Erase Event

QuotePage 4: Parallel Process- Same as Character- Switch: A must be On
Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 19 or Above
Image: None!

Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = Random No 16...20
Text: Normal, Bottom
Good, i got \v[0377] units of Wood!
Change Item: [Wood], + Variable: [0377: Wood Obtained]
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off
Erase Event

Thats all for Woodcutting! I've realized that event to be silmplier than i can, and to be set so that if you leave the map, and come back, all the Trees are ready to be cutted again. If you prefer you can set a Tree to be cutted and then regrow only after some amount of time has passed, but thats entirely another tipe, more complex, Event. If you wish, i can write down also that kind of event. I've already used it.

A nice trick to avoid the players to cut the trees and then go out and come again to cut other trees, is to let every time they need to chop, take the full road to one starting point to the end, the forest, fighting monsters, or paying some cash to one NPG that teleport them or admit them in the forest.

Now...with this event, changing names of variables, and images, you can set the same thing for Fishing and Mining. The only difference is:

In Mining you need one Type of event for each Mineral you go to Mine.
For Fishing, just the first page, has another little part. Like this:

QuoteFISHING!!! Page 1: Action Button- Same as Character

Conditional Branch: [Fishing Rod] in inventory
  Conditional Branch: [Fish Food] in inventory (sorry i dont know how is called in
                    english the thing you use to fish heheeh so i called here fish food)
    Change Item [Fish Food] -1             
   Control Variables: [0037: Fishing Practice] += 1
   Conditional Branch: [0037: Fishing Practice ] >= 15
    Control Variables: [0040: Fishing Skill] += 1
    Text: Normal, Bottom
    Good! I'm Improving! My Fishing Skill is now Level \v[0040]!
    Branch End
   Control Variables: [0037: Fishing Practice ] = 0
   Branch End
Contol Variables: [0039: Fish Size] = Random No 0...20
Contol Variables: [0039: Fish Size] += Variable:[0037: Fishing Skill]
     Play BGS: 'River' 100, 135
     Wait: 180 frame(s)
     Fadeout BGS: 1 sec.
     Control Self Switch: A= On
    Text: Normal, Bottom
    "I need some Fish Food if i want to catch something, a Fishing Rod isnt enought!"
     Branch End
    Text: Normal, Bottom
    "Lol! I need a Fishing Ros if i want to fish!"
   Branch End

Then as you can immagine, also the rest of pages are a bit different, but follow the same rules as cutting trees, just a bit different.

you must replace:

QuoteContol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = Random No 8...15
Text: Normal, Bottom
Good, i got \v[0377] units of Wood!
Change Item: [Wood], + Variable: [0377: Wood Obtained]
Contol Variables: [0052: Cutting Tree] = 0
Contol Variables: [0377: Wood Obtained] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off
Erase Event

with this:

QuoteText: You got a Small Fish!
Change Item: [Small Fish] +1
Contol Variable: [0039: Fish Size] = 0
Control Self Switch: A= Off

So you will put a "Small Fish" item in page 4, a "a medium fish" in page 5, a "big fish" in page 6.

Personally i like very much the game "Metin 2" so in the Fishing, i've set a 7nth page...

QuoteThe Variables: [0039: Fish Size] to me is:

0 or above in the 2nd page, (you broke the Fishing Rod and catch nothing)
11 or above in the 3rd page, (you catch nothing)
16 or above in the 4rt page, (you catch a small fish)
18 or above in the 5th page, (you catch a medium fish)
20 or above in the 6th page, (you catch a big fish)
25 or above in the 7th page, (you catch a Ostric XD)

In my game, when you use the Ostric item, it disapper and you can radomly find nothing, a small fish caught inside, a White Pearl...or the rarest Black Pearl XD
They are item non sold anywhere, and are quite valuable in Gold and also in "use" since the white pearl cures all allyes HP and the Black all partyes HP and MP XD

As you can see, just after more Skill in fishing, at least Level 5 you can grab a Ostic and is very rare also...

Also a last thing to say: About mining.
Since each mineral is different in valuables, and usefulness, i give them different drop and different difficulty settings. I post them here if you wish to use them.

1rst i advice you! I know Copper is not finded in Mine, but in "my world" it is XD becouse was pointless to make a synthetize shop just to produce Copper wich is the least usefoul metal XD

[i must admit also that for a lazy part of myself, in my game you can find orange and cherries in bush and not on trees, and the grape grow on some monster that drop the grape if you kill them without hurting to much the monster, avoiding to ruin the grape XD]

Emm coff..coff...then...mining, fishing, woodcutting...thats my list.
Keep in mind i use the Item Limit Breaker so i can allow character to have more then 99 same item and use, to say 30 iron and 10 wood to syntethize a weapon...
If you dont use the limit breaker, simply reduce the amount of item gained from them! ^^

QuoteWood: Value 60 [Sell 30] (Just as example, i know is not find in mine XD)
Variables: 0-8 broke the Wood Axe, 9-12 find no good wood,  13-15 find 1/7 wood,
Variables: 16-18 find 8/15 wood, 19+ find 16/20 wood

Coal: Value 100 [sell 50] (never seen the dwarf pistols?they need it! XD)
Variables: 0-5 broke the Pickaxe, 6-10 find no mineral,  11-14 find 1/6 units,
Variables: 15-17 find 7/13 units, 18+ find 14-20 units

Copper: Value 140 [sell 70]
Variables: 0-6 broke the Pickaxe, 7-9 find no mineral,  10-14 find 1/6 units,
Variables: 15-17 find 7/12 units, 18+ find 13/20 units

Iron: Value 180 [sell 90]
Variables: 0-7 broke the Pickaxe, 8-10 find no mineral,  11-15 find 1/5 units,
Variables: 16-18 find 6/11 units, 19+ find 12/16 units

Steel: Value 220 [sell 110] (same as Copper, cant be find on mine, but is my
                  world and i'm lazy to synthetize it eheheh)
Variables: 0-8 broke the Pickaxe, 9-12 find no mineral,  13-15 find 1/5 units,
Variables: 16-18 find 6/11 units, 19+ find 12/15 units

Silver: Value 320 [sell 160]
Variables: 0-9 broke the Pickaxe, 10-13 find no mineral,  14-17 find 1/5 units,
Variables: 18-19 find 6/10 units, 20+ find 11/14 units

Gold: Value 440 [sell 220]
Variables: 0-10 broke the Pickaxe, 11-14 find no mineral,  15-18 find 1/4 units,
Variables: 19-20 find 5/9 units, 21+ find 10/13 units

Mithril: Value 800 [sell 400] (as you can guess, very rare)
Variables: 0-12 broke the Pickaxe, 13-15 find no mineral,  16-20 find 1/3 units,
Variables: 21-23 find 4/7 units, 24+ find 8/11 units

Almost done...a few Precious Stone...

amethyst: Value 280 [sell 140]
Variables: 0-8 broke the Pickaxe, 9-11 find no mineral,  12-16 find 1/5 units,
Variables: 17-19 find 6/10 units, 20+ find 11/14 units

emeralds: Value 400 [sell 200]
Variables: 0-9 broke the Pickaxe, 10-12 find no mineral,  13-17 find 1/4 units,
Variables: 18-20 find 5/9 units, 21+ find 10/13 units

rubies: Value 520 [sell 260]
Variables: 0-10 broke the Pickaxe, 11-13 find no mineral,  14-18 find 1/4 units,
Variables: 19-21 find 5/8 units, 22+ find 9/12 units

diamonds: Value 680 [sell 340]
Variables: 0-11 broke the Pickaxe, 12-14 find no mineral,  15-19 find 1/3 units,
Variables: 20-22 find 5/7 units, 23+ find 8/11 units

Also for minerals, more valuable need a higher Mining Skill to be usefoul eheheh

Well thats all folks!...for now!

A big Hug to Modern Algebra, since his works are alwais inspiring me and motivating me to do better all i can XD

Cya Guys, hope this post of mine can be helpfoul to you all.

Thanks for your time ^^


Already this much time has "Master" Algebra moved this topic, so i come back to see whats new around here *_*  Is still this event usefoul at all? someone have even used it? XD


I did, or at least a version of it. I used this system as a template; what I made was a very simplified system, but it was used for fishing, mining and woodcutting.

It's featured in my RTP only Challenge submission, Astralis: The Breaking of the Ancient Seal.


Quote from: EvilM00s on March 06, 2014, 11:29:03 AM
It's featured in my RTP only Challenge submission, Astralis: The Breaking of the Ancient Seal.

And it worked quite well in his game, too! :)

Thanks for sharing, fenicearcana!

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