Thank you, Yuyubabe.
I know it was kinda pointless since the drawing's lineart is done in ink, but, I tried your & Acolyte's suggestion, added more tones to the skin color palette, picked up the darkest color. There are three I chose;
PC901 Indigo Blue
PC908 Dark Green
PC1078 Black Cherry
Black Cherry was the one I used mostly to darken the skin/shadows.
Now used it combined with either PC 945 Sienna Brown or PC937 Tuscan Red for the Darkest Color & use for the Outlines/Lineart as you suggested it.
Also, umm, I had to take my old textbooks & Book references regarding 'Human Figure' and 'Color Theory' I used in university when I studied art. I was insecured yesterday, since I applied my knowledge of Acrylic Painting into Color pencil.
Needless to say, I'm satisfied with the results (Thou the paper of this Sketchbook is horribly bad);
Went over the ink with the darkest flesh color tone (In this case Black Cherry). I was going to color her hair grey, but decided to use Blue & Purple. (With new colors). I was, really proud when I finish it. Noticed her staff's circles look really bad, so, I painted over them with grey. Instead of using the White color pencil only, I combined with a newly acquired colourless blender pencil on some parts (Mostly her gloves & staff). Like the result so far. Still need work on making hands, those fingers, I notice look odd.
I got two others inked that I'll be working on soon.